What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 183 Qianlong Order

outside world.

Song Shi stayed where he was, the light in his eyes flashing continuously, which was the battle between two consciousnesses.

Lu Jiu frowned and looked at Song Shi who had his body taken away from him, "The old ghost in blood was too careless and gave him a chance to take his body away."

Monks can seize other people's bodies, but they can also use means to prevent them from being taken away. There are related Law Treasures and Talismans.

"He has to be able to afford it, so that others can regain their cultivation. His wealth is probably almost exhausted. It is not easy to buy a Law Treasure talisman that can stop Nascent Soul from snatching his body."

Gui Tu shook his head, not thinking that Song Shi could afford the corresponding means.

"He can't stop Ye Wenzhong from seizing the body. Let's kill him. We can't give that old dog a chance to live!"

Baidu True Monarch appeared next to him, holding the poisonous blade in his hand and pointing a cold light at Song Shi's brow.

Lu Jiu and Gui Tu hesitated for a moment, but did not stop them.

They had the same idea as Baidu True Monarch and did not believe that Song Shi could win the championship.

In this case, it would be easiest to kill them directly.

Lu Youyou said at this time: "What are you going to do to kill him? Capture him and then the Ye family will use the rat weapon."

"The little kid takes it for granted. In the Ye family, which only cares about blood, if he loses his body, he will no longer be considered a member of the Ye family."

Baidu True Monarch taunted, and the poisonous blade in his hand flashed into Song Shi's eyebrows.

In the spiritual world, Song Shi can detect the poisonous True Monarch attacking herself, but cannot effectively control her body to avoid it.


Something knocked the poison blade away and a string of sparks flew up.

"Don't go too far!"

Among the reinforcements coming from the Ye family, a silver-haired old man walked out. He had profound cultivation and was also at the Nascent Soul level.

"Ye Wending, I didn't expect you to come to support me, so I want to kill Ye Wenzhong."

Lu Jiu's face suddenly twisted, and the chains wrapped around Song Shi, pulling him away from the Ye family.

The latter sighed: "Lu Jiu, why bother? You are also my Ye family's son-in-law. We don't necessarily have to be enemies."

"Hahaha, you want to propose a son-in-law to me at this time? How ridiculous!"

Not only him, but Lu Youyou also had a look of obvious resentment in his eyes.

Lu Jiu dragged Song Shi's body back and threw it next to Bai Du True Monarch: "Kill quickly!"

Baidu True Monarch takes action without any hesitation.

"you dare!"

Ye Wending hurriedly walked over, but was blocked by Guitu.


The poison blade entered Song Shi's head with some difficulty, and Baidu True Monarch was surprised: "This guy's bones are really hard, just like Law Treasure. Fortunately, he can't use much mana at the moment, otherwise it would be difficult to kill."

He grabbed the poison blade and twisted it while releasing the poison to destroy Song Shi's brain, leaving Ye Wenzhong with no living body.

Lu Jiu fiddled with his fingers, and the clattering chains intertwined into a large net, shrouding Song Shi in it.

In this way, even if Ye Wenzhong's Nascent Soul wants to escape, it will be blocked by this soul-locking chain.

Just as Song Shi's body lost its vitality, Ye Wenzhong's Nascent Soul had to leave and be completely wiped out.

"Is this guy... just going to die like this?"

Lu Youyou stared blankly as Song Shi's forehead turned black, his expression a little complicated.

"If you don't act in a low-key manner, who will die if he doesn't?"

Shi Tianya was disdainful, but felt relieved in his heart.

After this blood-clothed old ghost came to Tiangui Sect, he felt tremendous pressure. It would be best if he died.

"It's a pity, he's actually pretty good."

Fang Gang felt a little regretful: "Even if you are too arrogant, you dare to provoke this enemy."

Realizing that his body had suffered a heavy blow, Song Shi in the mental space was speechless: "Oh my God, my soul was not destroyed by Ye Laogou first, but I was actually killed by one of my own people!"

These guys are worthy of being a demon sect. They kill their own people without any mercy.

As his body was killed and the foundation of his soul was destroyed, his soul power weakened rapidly.

Ye Wenzhong also noticed that Song Shi's body had been fatally attacked, and he yelled angrily: "Damn it, you don't even give me a chance to seize the body. If I go out, I will die."

He was very unwilling. The monk's Nascent Soul did tell his second destiny, but if it was not carried by the body, it would be very fragile.

Song Shi, whose soul was rapidly weakening, glanced at him: "What's the rush? I'll give you a surprise later."

As he spoke, the physical body quickly died, reaching the standard of physical death.

"Your body is poisoned, poison resistance +1000!"

"You draw strength from death and gain 500 free attribute points!"

"You will be resurrected in three seconds!"

"The resurrection location is not set, and the default is to resurrect in place!"

"You can choose an alternative resurrection point to resurrect. Do you want to?"

Song Shi thought about it for a moment and chose to be resurrected on the spot.

Because he noticed that Ye Wenzhong's condition still had the strength to run, and Lu Jiu's Law Treasure outside could lock it. If he was resurrected in another place, he would probably run away.

"You have chosen to resurrect in place!"

Three seconds are up.

Song Shi's turbulent spiritual world stabilized instantly, and the situation was better than when Ye Wenzhong first came in.

Ye Wenzhong, who was already desperate, was stunned. What was going on?

"How about this surprise?"

Song Shi looked at Ye Wenzhong who was still in his spiritual world with a smile, but he was certain of two things in his heart.

The thing that took away his body was not expelled because of his resurrection. It must have entered a special process. At this moment, the two parties defaulted to being one.

The second one is the life and death Gu. This thing actually didn't disappear or get rid of because of his death. It probably became a parasite or something like that.

He became cautious. It seemed that his resurrection would not erase some special status, and even the Gu was not erased.


Song Shi said, since Ye Wenzhong's soul grabbing has not stopped now, he has to let Ye Wenzhong kill him a few more times.

However, some cover-up must be done.

He separated part of his thoughts to stimulate the blood river, and blended his whole body into it, hiding it as much as possible.

"There's something wrong with you!"

Ye Wenzhong stared at Lu Jiu. He could clearly detect that Song Shi's condition suddenly improved. This was unreasonable and abnormal.

"Get out of here if you're afraid. I'll blow up your Nascent Soul outside."

Song Shi was disdainful. If this guy really didn't want to take over his body, he really couldn't keep him. He could only use verbal attacks to stimulate him.

"I will not retreat, and there is no way out. Today is just a good time to see what you are up to."

Ye Wenzhong stared at Song Shi and transformed into a golden-armored god again to kill him.

Compared with the spiritual world turned upside down, the outside seems a bit calm.

Bai Du True Monarch looked at the tumbling blood river and said unexpectedly: "Under this situation, can it still activate the blood path secret technique? Or is this Law Treasure protecting the body on its own?"

"Dad, is he dead or not?"

Lu Youyou was curious.

"He's not dead. He merged into the blood river with special means. This method of evading physical attacks is really powerful."

Lu Jiu shook his head and looked at the rich blood river, "However, this time his trouble is not physical, but from the soul. It is still more dangerous than bad."

"It's interesting. Let's not kill him now and see if he can perform any miracles." Baidu True Monarch's eyes flashed and he looked at the blood river with interest.

Seeing that the old ghost in blood clothes actually had a way to save his life, Ye Wending, who was having a headache in the hands of Lu Jiu and the others, felt a little more hopeful.

"Lu Jiu, Old Poison, you'd better hand them over, don't force the entire Ye family to dispatch!"

Faced with this threat, Lu Jiu chuckled: "Go ahead, it's best to get those half-dead things out of your house."

"Lu Jiu, he is one of yours. It is up to you to decide whether to kill him or not. I have got what I want and I have no interest in wasting time here!"

Hundred Poisons True Monarch pinched the round, golden bug on its belly and expressed its intention to retreat.


Lu Jiu had no objection. Now that the Ye family was completely alarmed, if the fight continued, it would become more and more troublesome.

"According to the agreement, the hard work is ours!"

Baidu True Monarch walked over and grabbed Ye Wenzhong's headless body. He took out a golden heart, and the golden blood inside was a little dry.

"The old dog used the forbidden technique to consume a lot of blood essence, but only one drop was left."

After some investigation, Baidu True Monarch was not very satisfied.

"Then I don't care, everything else is ours."

Lu Jiu wrapped a chain around Ye Wenzhong's Law Treasure golden gun and put away its storage ring.

Ye Wenzhong is the head of the Ye family, and the value of these things is not low.

Having the head of his family divided up in front of him, no matter how good-tempered Ye Wending was, he couldn't help it and ordered: "All the monks of the Ye family, form an array to kill these demons!"


The Ye family, who were already filled with righteous indignation, took action and turned into a huge offensive battle formation based on the bronze chariot.

"You guys can't keep us here."

Lu Jiu took a calm look, dragged Lu Jiu's blood river, seized the opportunity, and retreated with the Sky Poison Sect who had more people.

The people of the Ye family roared one after another, but they were unable to stop the demon cult monks with three Nascent Souls. They could only watch as the bodies of their family members were dragged away.

They were extremely frustrated.

The Ye family is just like the Tu Emperor in Jinzhou. They have been at the top for thousands of years and are considered one of the top cultivating families in Daqian. When have they ever suffered such a big loss?

This kind of wealth broke the hearts of many people. For a while, many people doubted their lives and the strength of their own families.


The ground shook.

Ye Wending was so angry that he smashed a hill with his palm. He was shaking with anger and stared at the demon monks who were leaving: "This group of demon monks are too rampant. Even if my Ye family spends the Qianlong Order, I still want to make you Pay the price.”

Everyone was shocked.

Qianlong Order!

Only a small part of the special tokens left by the founding emperor of Daqian were obtained by the founding heroes. Once used, the Qianlong Army of Daqian can be mobilized to do work!

This army is not an ordinary army, but an army of monks, and it is Apex Level. It is one of the core forces of Daqian. Even if the demon sect is in trouble now, it does not dare to confront the Qianlong army head-on.

If it is really mobilized, it will definitely let out a bad breath, and maybe even kill one and a half.

"Hey~ I'm late."

With a sigh, another group of Ye family monks rushed over. The leading monk's face was covered with old spots, and he looked like a man whose legs were partially buried in the ground.

"Ancestor, the demon sect is too unscrupulous now. If our clan leader is captured, it will be a disaster. We will definitely be ridiculed by all the major forces in the world."

Ye Wending turned around helplessly.

"The plate is so big, and everyone wants to take control of it to obtain more resources. The Demon Sect's ambitions are becoming more and more obvious."

The master sighed: "If you want to, just take the Qianlong Order and use it, so as not to have a chance to use it if Daqian falls down in the future."

Ye Wending was surprised: "Ancestor, you have no confidence in Daqian?"

"Being barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. The Demon Cult is a group of people like this. Daqian has been pampered for too long. My Ye family is all like this. How can his royal family be any better?"

The ancestor sighed.

"I see!"

Ye Wending nodded: "In troubled times, if you want to continue to survive, you must bleed."

This incident made him realize that his family's situation was out of tune with the times. If it didn't change, this kind of thing would be very common in the future, and there would even be a threat of genocide.

"You are more stable than Wen Zhong. We old guys will talk about it, and you should make the arrangements next."

He did not pursue him, not to mention that his life span was short, and his life would be shortened by a few days if he took action. Even half a Soul Formation's strength was not enough to keep the people of the Demon Cult behind.

After the old man finished speaking, he turned around and went back.

Ye Wending sighed.

Their Ye family has a strong bloodline. They are prosperous because of their bloodline, and they are also coveted because of their bloodline. Most of the ancestors in the family are about to die of old age, so it is difficult for them to play their role at this time.

Hundreds of miles away.

Lu Jiu looked back.

"It alarmed an old guy whose body was half buried in the ground. This kind of guy cares about his life and shouldn't chase after him."

Ghost Tu said with a sarcastic look on his face: "If it weren't for the strong vitality of their bloodline, they would have died of old age long ago."

"Don't worry about them, we have to find a way to seal this guy first."

Lu Jiu looked at the blood river in the chain: "Hurry back to Youzhou and activate the Hundred Ghosts Locking Mountain Formation to trap them."

He took out a flying boat and cast a burst of magic power. The flying boat grew long in the wind and brought everyone back quickly.

Song Shi is currently fighting with Ye Wenzhong's soul.

With Nascent Soul providing energy, Ye Wenzhong's continuous fighting power is much stronger than that of the old ghost in blood.

Song Shi tried his best, but was still split into pieces by the golden-armored god transformed by Ye Wenzhong.

"This guy hasn't cultivated Primordial Spirit yet. His soul power can still be so strong. It seems there is some chance."

Ye Wenzhong shattered Song Shi's soul one after another, but the latter was still unscathed. He stopped and said, "How did you do that?"

"Recover quickly?"

Song Shi asked nonchalantly: "Do you think my recovery speed is too fast?"

Ye Wenzhong stared at Song Shi: "This doesn't look like a simple recovery. How did you do it?"

"Didn't I know that he was seizing the body?"

Song Shi smiled and said: "Come on, take a few more shots, it should be"

"You don't really think I can"

Lu Jiu looked at the blood river in the chain: "Hurry back to Youzhou and activate the Hundred Ghosts Locking Mountain Formation to trap them."

He took out a flying boat and cast a burst of magic power. The flying boat grew long in the wind and brought everyone back quickly.

Song Shi is currently fighting with Ye Wenzhong's soul.

With Nascent Soul providing energy, Ye Wenzhong's continuous fighting power is much stronger than that of the old ghost in blood.

Song Shi tried his best, but was still split into pieces by the golden-armored god transformed by Ye Wenzhong.

Lu Jiu looked at the blood river in the chain: "Hurry back to Youzhou and activate the Hundred Ghosts Locking Mountain Formation to trap them."

He took out a flying boat and cast a burst of magic power. The flying boat grew long in the wind and brought everyone back quickly.

Song Shi is currently fighting with Ye Wenzhong's soul.

With Nascent Soul providing energy, Ye Wenzhong's continuous fighting power is much stronger than that of the old ghost in blood.

Song Shi tried his best, but was still split into pieces by the golden-armored god transformed by Ye Wenzhong.

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