What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 184 I Can’T Even Figure It Out.

"You forced me to do this!"

Ye Wenzhong closed his eyes, and when he opened them they were cold: "Kill you, and then I will think about survival."

The next moment, he launched a fatal attack.

With Nascent Soul providing recovery, Ye Wenzhong's continuous combat effectiveness was much stronger than that of the old ghost in blood. For a while, there was no sign of weakness.

On the contrary, when Ye Wenzhong realized that Song Shi's soul was not only indestructible, but was getting stronger and stronger, he simply did not take action and chose to defend.

The situation returned to Song Shi taking the initiative. He had to take action, otherwise this guy would stay in his body.

Outside, Lu Jiu and others came to a bitter cold land. What was here was a huge cave, a sinkhole to be precise.

Inside the tiankeng, a cold mist fills the air. There are many buildings and shady plants in the depths. From time to time, there are ghosts floating around, and there are faint sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

This is the sect of the Tiangui Sect. It is based on an extremely dark place on the mainland and can lead to the Nine Netherworlds.

"Sect Master and the others are back!"

Someone shouted, and then shadows floated out between the buildings, respectfully welcoming the boat landing in the mist.

Lu Jiu stood on the bow of the boat, holding a tightly tied man with a chain in his hand, like a boatman ferrying back among the Nine Netherworlds, returning with his prey.

"Open the Hundred Ghosts Locking Mountain Formation and suppress this person!"

Lu Jiu spoke coldly.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Ten people flew out from among the figures and formed seals at the same time. Suddenly, a green whirlwind strangely appeared in the sinkhole, and the subsequent howling of ghosts and wolves became more obvious.

Amidst the clattering sound of chains, thick chains stretched out from the unfathomable darkness in the center of the sinkhole.

"Ho ho ho!"

There are evil ghosts at the top of these chains, with blood-red eyes, double horns, wide mouths, and dragging the chains into the sky.

Lu Jiu flicked the chain in his hand, and Song Shi was thrown over and swallowed by an evil ghost.

In fact, Song Shi was swallowed into the formation, and other ghost heads quickly intertwined in the mist, turning into a dragnet and sealing Song Shi in it.

Then four ghost heads bit Song Shi's limbs respectively, fixing him in mid-air, and then pulled him towards the endless abyss.

Shi Tianya saw Song Shi's storage ring and a pile of storage bags and said, "He is destined to be taken away from him anyway, why not raid him cleanly?"

"It makes sense. This guy has a piece of spiritual soil and a wisdom tea tree. They are both good things."

Gui Sha came to his senses.

Lu Jiu nodded: "Then take it."

When he raised his hand, Song Shi saw that except for a piece of clothing that belonged to Law Weapon and had value, the other storage bags and storage rings were all taken away.

"Youyou, don't you want a tea tree? The spiritual soil will be given to you. Go back and plant the tea tree on the spiritual soil. With the rich spiritual energy in the sect, the growth rate is estimated to be increased by ten times and a hundred times."

Lu Jiu took out the two most valuable things and gave them to his daughter.

"Thank you dad."

Lu Youyou accepted it with complicated emotions, watching Song Shi's figure being swallowed up by the darkness, and sighed.

This annoying guy is going to be gone forever.

At this moment, Song Shi's face moved slightly, but in the end he couldn't move and couldn't curse.

He could only curse in his heart: "Damn it, I'm not dead yet, why are you plundering my wealth!"

Song Shi felt like there were ten thousand horses running in her heart. She originally used Lu Jiu's method to prevent Ye Wenzhong's Nascent Soul from escaping, but ended up losing her fortune.

He was really on the verge of crying, so he could only vent his frustration on Ye Wenzhong.

Shi Tianya chuckled: "This old ghost worked hard, but in the end he got an advantage over us."

"It can only be said that his life was not good. He was beaten to death back then. Now he is even more unlucky. His wealth is not saved and his soul is about to be swallowed."

Fang Gang showed a look of pity.


The old man appeared out of thin air and unexpectedly looked at the suppressed Song Shi: "What's going on? Isn't this guy the one who took the lead and ran to Qianye's house? Why did he go out standing upright and come back lying down?"

Others who didn't know the situation looked curious and waited for the sect leader's explanation.

"He was taken over by Ye Laogou and basically cannot be saved. We will suppress him first and then we will consider how to deal with him."

Lu Jiu told the reason.

"Seize the body!"

The old Taoist who moved mountains was astonished: "No wonder I feel that his aura is weird... Since I forced Ye Laogou to seize the house, it seems that I have won a great victory this time."

"We got a lot of benefits, but Ye Laogou called for support in advance. Even with the Sky Poison Sect, they still couldn't be completely wiped out. They were only severely damaged, and roughly one Nascent Soul and three Gold Cores were wiped out."

When Lu Jiu said this, he glanced at the abyss and said, "It's all related to him."

Many people gasped.

Is this guy who was suppressed by the Hundred Ghosts Locking Mountain Formation so fierce when he first arrived? It seems that he only has a Gold Core cultivation level. How did he achieve such a record?

The old Taoist who moved mountains was also surprised, and then shook his head: "What a pity, this old ghost's fighting power is comparable to that of many monsters, but now he is useless."

"This man is too murderous. It would be better if he were killed, otherwise he would be a very troublesome guy."

Lu Jiu shook his head: "Let's not talk about him anymore. From now on, all the people who have been poisoned will temporarily stay in the ghost pit to practice, and a new group of people will go out to do things."

Everyone obeyed the order and then dispersed.

Lu Jiu led the senior officials to a ghost palace in the sect, took out Ye Wenzhong's body, and kneaded it a little. On the head, a long black and white snake flew out, and he caught it in his hand.

"This life and death Gu contains part of Ye Wenzhong's energy and energy. This sect leader will not be polite. Refining it will be worth hundreds of years of hard work."

He politely accepted the Life and Death Gu and took off Ye Wenzhong's storage ring: "I will divide the contents here later and use them as rewards for this operation. As for the corpse..."

Having said this, he took out a black token. After activating it, the void twisted and a gray-black vortex emerged out of thin air.

"Lu Jiu, I smell blood."

A buzzing sound came from it, causing people to feel fear.

"Hungry Ghost King, this person burned mana and blood essence, but after all, he has a Nascent Soul-level body, so he should still be of some use to you."

Lu Jiu politely threw the head and headless corpse in.

"Hey, golden blood, but unfortunately the essence blood is gone. Let's give it to the kids as snacks."

A black claw stretched out from the darkness. It was extremely large, with sharp and blood-red nails.

Ye Wenzhong's body was like ant meat, which was picked up by the latter and thrown into the darkness.

"Thank you Ghost King for the reward!"

There were voices thanking him in unison, and then Ye Wenzhong's body fell into pieces and was decomposed by unknown things.

"Nothing's wrong, Lu will close the passage first."

Lu Jiu held the token and said.

"Wait a minute, Sect Leader Lu!"

Another voice came out, hard and low: Miss Youyou, are you interested in coming over? I have prepared some fun things. "

"I want to practice and don't have time to go to the ghost space."

Lu Youyou refused.

"Haha, when did Miss Youyou change? This is the first time I heard you say that you don't have time to play just to practice." A cold voice chuckled.

"Don't you know Daoist can change?"

Lu Youyou curled her lips: "You can play by yourself, I want to Core Formation as soon as possible."

"Okay, then I will come to you in a few days and give you some treasures that will help Core Formation."

Lu Jiu closed the passage and took out another golden dragon gun: "This Law Treasure has a masculine attribute. This place is suitable for you. Do you want it?"

"No, I am not short of Law Treasure, and this thing is the inherited Law Treasure of the Ye family. It is easy to be targeted by the Ye family if you hold it in your hand, so you should sell it."

He moved his head and shook his head. No matter which sect you were in, you had to pay a certain price to get something. The price would be more or less depending on your status.

This golden dragon gun is a Spirit Weapon, an inheritance belonging to the Ye family. He will not give it to him for nothing, and he does not want to spend too much money to get a troubled Law Treasure.

"Okay, let's put it here for now. We'll hold a Nascent Soul-level black market next time to see if we can deal with it."

Lu Jiu waved his hand, and the golden dragon gun flew out and stuck on the huge pillar next to it with a click.

The latter made a low cry, seemingly unwilling to do so, but it was not a wise Law Treasure. It had lost its master and could not make waves? .

"Now, let's divide the loot in the storage ring."

He took out the last thing and began to count it, including Song Shi's of course.

time flies.

Song Shi, who has nothing, and Ye Wenzhong, who also has nothing, continue to fight at the soul level.

Compared with the fight with the old ghost in blood that only took a few days to produce results, this time it took a full month for Song Shi to consume Ye Wenzhong to death and then swallow him directly.

It took another half a month to digest Ye Wenzhong's memory and residual power. Only then did Song Shi end the process of seizing the body and slowly opened his eyes.

It was pitch dark outside, but Song Shi could still detect an ugly ghost head facing him, seemingly drooling.


Song Shi wanted to scold her on the spot.

Even if he didn't get any of the spoils this time, he was actually suppressed in this dark place.

At this moment, all his magic power was blocked by the power of the formation, and his physical body was also suppressed, making it difficult to even move.

He felt like there was a huge mountain pressing down on him. Not even Gold Core, not even Nascent Soul could bear it.

"It's better now. I don't even have the strength to move, so I can't die."

Song Shi cursed in his heart for a while and looked around helplessly.

This dark place is surrounded by evil spirits, all of them drooling, making it clear that they want to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

"It seems that I can only use the Ragnarok drawn last time. I didn't expect that the first time I would use it not on the old witch, but in this damn place."

Song Shi opens the system panel and checks the special skill of Ragnarok.

Twilight of the Gods (Low Level): A special regular skill that can be immune to control under the regular environment, and burns the essence and spirit, doubling the combat power. The skill has a duration of 6 seconds and a cooldown of 2 hours.

"Immune control, I didn't specify whether it was formation control or other controls, there should be no problem."

He clicked on this skill with thought.

"Do you want to use this skill?"

Song Shi of course chooses yes.

The next moment, his body, which had all its power sealed by the formation, suddenly emitted a golden light, and a domineering power that destroyed everything and ignored everything suddenly erupted.

The sealed power in Song Shi's body instantly loosened and boiled directly, becoming twice as powerful as its normal state, comparable to the existence of the Nascent Soul Martial Emperor for the first time.

The surrounding blockade was illuminated by golden light and melted on the spot, losing any effect.

The golden light in Song Shi's eyes brightened, and he regained his freedom. He suddenly stood up and smashed the drooling ghost's head against him with a slap.

The ghost leaders around were a little confused. This was the first time they had encountered such a situation after forming the formation for so many years.

The guy who was obviously being suppressed couldn't suppress himself and jumped up to blow up a ghost's head.

"Damn it, did you know that your mouth stinks and you are so close to me!"

Song Shi did not leave immediately, but scolded Guitou for being too close to him before taking a step forward.


The powerful explosive force trampled the surrounding ghost mist into a large golden pit, and then shot out like a cannonball.


Many ghosts around came to their senses and rushed over with roars, trying to leave Song Shi behind again.

Chains were flying all over the sky and falling from Song Shi's head, and a strange scene appeared. When these chains fell on Song Shi, they could not be caught or entangled at all.

A strange and mysterious force prevented them from sealing Song Shi.

"Dema cleans your teeth!"

Song Shi imitated a game character and shouted cheerfully.

The feeling of firing his ultimate move was so good. He felt like his whole body was burning and his body seemed to grow taller.

If you give him an ax, he can chop down anything!

The chain above his head could no longer stop him, and a big hole was opened in the gray-black mist, like a meteor rushing out unstoppably, not even the sound could catch up with him.

Song Shi even felt like she was about to burst the space.

Of course, this is an illusion. He is just much faster than before, exceeding the speed of sound.

In just a few seconds, he crossed a thousand feet from the abyss, forced his way out, and came to the valley.

Just after getting rid of the formation, the time for Ragnarok's ultimate move was also over. Song Shi suddenly felt that half of his power had dissipated and returned to his normal state.

Song Shi was still hanging in the air, looking around.

He was currently in a strange valley, no, it should be said that it was on the outskirts of a huge sinkhole.

The Foundation Building that caught his eye was originally located in the valley. Many monks and ghosts were attracted by his movements and looked at him in confusion.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a handsome guy?"

Lu Jiu was not angry. He was sulky and wanted to vent to the people of Tiangui Sect.

"You...how did you get out of the ghost pit?"

"Wasn't he sealed by the formation?"

"What happened?"

A group of monks and ghosts were a little panicked. They had never encountered such a situation before.

At the tallest point of the building, Lu Jiugang had just absorbed Ye Wenzhong's life and death Gu and was consolidating his realm when the communication token suddenly jumped out on its own.

"Sect Master, it's not good, the man from Baigui Suoshan Formation escaped!"

A somewhat panicked voice came out.

"The old ghost in blood clothes? Impossible, how did he get out? Even if the Soul Formation Realm is sealed in a ghost pit, there is no way he can escape easily."

Lu Jiu subconsciously didn't believe it.

"Sect Master, I don't know either."

The latter smiled bitterly: "I only saw him shoot out of the Nine Nether Ghost Pit with a hiss, and he is still laughing at us now."

Lu Jiu's thoughts immediately swept away and he spotted Song Shi in the air. He immediately had a strange expression on his face: "That shouldn't be the case. No matter who wins or loses, they can't escape from the formation. What went wrong?"

Not only him, but other senior officials were a little confused after getting the news. They couldn't figure out how this person escaped.

Could it be that the formation was broken and this person took advantage of it?

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