What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 193 The War Puppet Presents The Xiaoqin

Without rushing to refresh the lottery, Song Shi added all the recently accumulated attributes to his comprehension, and the system panel changed again.

Race: Human race

Spirit: 4 stars

Physique: 6 stars

Comprehension: 5 stars

Energy: Nine Yang Mana (6 stars)

Free attribute points: 0

Lucky Draw Chances: 0

Talents: Supreme Grade Fire Spirit Root, Supreme Grade Golden Spirit Root, Spirit Communication Dao Body, High Grade Diamond Spirit Body

Abilities: Nine-Yang Divine Art (Level 3), Pure Yang Scripture (Level 3), Immortal Golden Body (Primordial Origin), Heaven-reaching Talisman (Introductory), Taiyin Contemplation (Advanced), Blood Demon Transformation Technique (Third Grade), Formation (Sixth Grade), Alchemy (Third Grade), Artifact refining (Fourth Grade), Talisman (Third Grade), Turtle Breath Technique (Introduction), Thousand Transformations Technique (Perfection), Innate Pure Yang Technique (Perfect), Qingfeng Swordsmanship (Perfect), Yin Yang Secret Technique (Dacheng), One Qi Doppelganger Technique (Perfect)

Overall rating: 5 stars

"The spirit seems a bit lagging."

Seeing the evaluation of his combat effectiveness, Song Shi knew that his spirit was holding him back, otherwise there would be no problem reaching a six-star evaluation.

"Sir, Miss Youyou is looking for you."

When Song Shi was about to study the art of combining yin and yang, Bai Xiaoqin's voice came from outside.

"What does this woman want from me?"

Song Shi calmed down, got up and walked out.

The Cave Mansion where he is located is a quiet manor. Bai Xiaoqin is waiting outside with a smile, looking at the scenery and charming, looking like an ordinary person at the moment.

During this time, Song Shi took Bai Xiaoqin to practice together. With his Gold Core cultivation, he has brought it to the Foundation Building level. At the same time, he helped him deal with low-end and mid-range resources. He has been nicknamed Shopkeeper Bai!

Because she often interacts with people, Bai Xiaoqin, who was originally unmarried and introverted and shy, has become more relaxed and generous, and no longer has the sullen expression she had when she was a lonely ghost.

Seeing Song Shi, Song Shi floated over and arranged Song Shi's clothes affectionately, making her a virtuous daughter-in-law.

Song Shi enjoyed it quite a lot. The wife his father found for him was really good and considerate.

During this time together, Bai Xiaoqin worked quietly and quietly, which suited him very well.

Taking Bai Xiaoqin outside, Lu Youyou, wearing a purple short skirt, was waiting boredly.

Her delicate and delicate jade feet were suspended in mid-air. Three thousand black hairs were bound by a red ribbon, swaying in the wind. Her graceful body, neither tall nor short, leaned lazily against the stone monument at the door. Her eyes were bright and smart, and her eyebrows were slender. Black, with a hint of coquettishness.

Her cultivation has reached Foundation Building perfection, and she is only one step away from Gold Core.

Seeing Song Shi, her pretty red lips pursed: "Dad asked me to go to the conference with you and keep an eye on you."

"If you follow me, won't you get an extra oil bottle?"

Song Shi pouted.

"You are the loser, I can kill the Gold Core Martial King now!"

Lu Youyou raised his eyebrows, "It's not your decision whether to go or not. I'm just here to inform you!"

"Okay, okay, if you're not afraid of death, just follow."

Song Shi didn't argue. This conference was special. It was an official conference held by Daqian. He didn't understand why a rebel like Tiangui Sect would attend.

"Hmph, it's not just our Tiangui Sect and the devil's sect that will participate. All the cultivation sects will send people there, so what are you afraid of?"

Lu Youyou said disdainfully: "I'll just leave if I don't have anything to do. It will take a lot of time on the way there."

"Yes, have you picked my wisdom tea?"

Song means playing with the flavor.

"What a beautiful idea. Do you think I would pick tea leaves for you for free like last time?"

Lu Youyou crossed her arms with a look of disdain.

"Then I'll bring the tree and spiritual soil back and pick them myself."

Song Shi said calmly: "Lead the way, this thing should have been taken back long ago."

"Stingy, not willing to part with a tree."

Lu Youyou mocked, but couldn't refuse, so he could only bring Song Shi to his Cave Mansion.

In the quiet Cave Mansion, a tall tea tree shines brightly, exuding an aura that makes people's ears clear, eyes clear and their minds active.

"Just dig it yourself, it's annoying to me and it's taking up my space."

Lu Youyou looked disgusted, but he was actually pretending.

Song Shi waved his hand, and three flying swords shot out, piercing the ground.

With a bang, a large piece of surrounding soil was cut off by him.

"Hey, you can just dig trees. Why are you digging so much land?"

Lu Youyou was so angry that she grabbed Song Shi's arm.

"Why are you being stingy? I'll give you some soil and I'll give you tea leaves later."

Song Shi patted the Universe Bag and packed the tea trees and several acres of land.

Lu Youyou was so angry that she slapped Song Shi hard: "Why are you so bad? The manor has been destroyed by you."

Seeing that the blow hit Song Shi, the latter didn't feel anything at all, so she just bit it down.


Song Shi's face twitched and he said speechlessly: "Are you a dog?"

Lu Youyou himself was a Nine Nether Divine Body, and his physical body was quite strong, but his teeth were even more powerful. When he was unprepared, he bit his flesh painfully.

"Give me back my land!"

Lu Youyou bit Song Shi's arm and spoke through the gap in her mouth.

"Let go first, or your teeth will break, believe it or not?"

Song Shi felt like her flesh was about to be bitten off.

"Give me back the dirt!"

Lu Youyou is not loose.

Song Shi touched Lu Youyou directly.


Lu Youyou hurriedly avoided, "Bah!"

She spat, blushed and cursed: "You are shameless!"

"You're not wearing any underwear on top." Song Shi looked sideways.

"Pervert, get out!"

Lu Youyou bared her teeth and said: "I pursue freedom, so what if I don't wear underwear."

"Okay, I understand."

Song Shi glanced at the tooth marks on her arm and said, "But you are a real dog."

"Old ghost, don't think you can bully me just because I can't beat you!"

Lu Youyou was so angry that she said, "Even if I am a dog, I will bite you to death, you bastard!"

When Song Shi saw Lu Youyou rushing toward him with his mouth open, he dodged away.

"Good men do not fight with women!"

He got rid of Lu Youyou, returned to the manor, and planted the wisdom tea tree at the door.

Bai Xiaoqin happily spread the soil around the tea tree, picked a piece of tea and smelled it: "It smells so good."

Song Shi stroked Bai Xiaoqin's hair and looked at the lush tea trees: "I will be out for a while, and you can practice well at home."

"Well, husband, you must be careful when you go out. I am waiting for you to come back at home."

Bai Xiaoqin said gently.


Song Shi had a smile on his face. He thought of something, opened his hand and took out a little doll-like figure.

"Take this, it will protect you."

Song Shi puts the war puppet in Bai Xiaoqin's hand, just in case.

Compared to Liu Ruxue, for some reason, he liked this female ghost more and didn't want her to be harmed.

He usually provokes a lot of people, so if he leaves the war puppet behind, there will basically be no danger unless Shenlong takes action at the Soul Formation level.

"Thank you, husband."

Bai Xiaoqin happily accepted it. She didn't know how powerful this doll was, and its value was probably comparable to an ordinary Spirit Weapon.

"Oh, take this too."

Song Shi handed Bai Xiaoqin the teleportation talisman that was rarely used. With double insurance, he could rest assured.

ps: Thanks to 20201022184610505 and Heavy Gunner Under the Stars for the reward!

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