What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 194 Worried That The Enemy Doesn’T Know

"Sir, both of these things are extraordinary. You need them more."

Bai Xiaoqin didn't know Zhan Puppet, but this time the flashing talisman was extraordinary at first glance.

"No, I don't need to."

Song Shi shook his head. The war puppet and the moving talisman would only affect his death and should not be left behind.

He pinched Bai Xiaoqin's cheek: "Be good, hide it quickly."

Bai Xiaoqin blushed and looked happy.

Song Shi tidied up, then flew with his sword and came to Lu Youyou's location.

Looking at Song Shi who was covered in flames, Lu Youyou curled her lips and said, "I know how to pretend."

This old ghost in blood-clothed clothes had not been seen for a few days, and he had turned into a sword cultivator for no apparent reason. She naturally felt weird looking at him.

"only you?"

Song Shi spoke.

Lu Jiu asked him to go to the Nine Kingdoms Immortal Dao Conference held in Daqian. Even if participation was important, he wouldn't go alone, right?

"It's a beautiful thought. No matter how powerful you are, you are only a Gold Core. There must be a Supreme Elder leading the team. This time, Senior Brother Luo and Senior Uncle Jiang will go, and there will be a hundred disciples and deacons to act as facades, and you, Senior Brother Luo and I will represent the sect. Participate in the trial in the Immortal Dao."

Lu Youyou was killed and flew over with both hands: "Uncle Jiang and the others should be meeting up too, let's get there quickly."

The most magnificent Tiangui Palace of the Tiangui Sect is engraved with various evil ghost patterns and exudes a spooky and spooky atmosphere.

Shi Tianya, Lu Jiu and others were gathering at the entrance of the hall, and a huge black ship was floating next to it.

"Sect Master, Youyou has the life and death Gu in your body. Is it really suitable for you to participate in this conference?"

Among the crowd, an old man with snow-white hair and beard and a face like a baby hesitated.

"There are things she needs in that space, but she still has to go there, otherwise she won't know if they will be available next time."

Lu Jiu explained: "However, although she has life-saving measures on her, Elder Jiang, you should be more cautious on the road. There should be no danger."

"I understand, even in this bloody suit, isn't he also infected by the poison? He might be easily spotted if he goes out."

Jiang Sha talked about the doubts in his heart.

"Him? Haha, this person likes to cause trouble, but it is difficult to kill. I let him go because I wanted to attract some danger. As long as he is in danger, you will be safe."

Lu Jiu chuckled.

"That makes sense."

Jiang Sha's eyes lit up.

"I asked Youyou to call him. It will probably be over soon...he's already here."

Lu Jiu turned to look at Song Shi, who stepped on the flaming flying sword and came to the front of the hall with a whoosh, and nodded: "Elder in blood, I'll trouble you next. Just get a high ranking in the trial."

The focus of this conference was to show one's face, and there was no preparation to compete for anything. After all, he, the sect leader, did not even go.

"try your best."

Song Shi was noncommittal and recalled the situation at the Immortal Dao meeting.

This is a quite ancient event, held once every hundred years, before the founding of Daqian, and the participating sects basically cover the entire continent.

The purpose, apart from competing for resources in a space, is to show their respective strengths and resolve some disputes.

And because the battle for the conference is fierce enough, each major force will allocate part of its resources as a reward for the final winner.

This is actually equivalent to a ticket, similar to the sports meeting Song Shi knows, but this is a group of Foundation Building and Gold Core level monks participating.

"Elder Jiang is leading the team in this operation. I hope Xue Yi will cooperate."

Lu Jiu added that he was afraid of internal fighting between Song Shi and Jiang Sha.

"Elder Xueyi, with you taking the lead in participating in the trial, our Tiangui Sect will not perform poorly in the secret territory of Langya."

Jiang Sha smiled kindly at Song Shi.

"Elder Jiang, thank you very much."

Song Shi nodded. The old man looked quite bad, but there was a terrifying evil spirit underneath this kindness. Only those who have mastered the ghost technique to perfection can he behave like this.

In fact, this old man's nickname is True Monarch. He is as powerful as Gui Tu, and is even stronger. Now that the other two Supreme Elders are unfit to go out because they were bewitched, he is leading the team. .

He didn't have much contact with this man, but according to these rumors, this old man was a smiling tiger. Now he was amiable, but he might turn into a devil at some point.

"This guy is really pretending."

Luo Chi cursed, obviously the opponent was also a Gold Core, but he was similar to the elders like Elder Jiang, making them look like they were a generation shorter.

Hundreds of people landed on Taikun's ship carrying the Tiangui Sect's flag. After a slight shock, they turned into a black cloud and flew away.

While they were taking action, several figures outside the ghost pit opened their eyes, glanced at the Taikun ship, and then disappeared.

Beyond the black clouds was the blue sky and white clouds. Song Shi stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the somewhat desolate Youzhou below, and found that the ship was flying south.

"The place where several countries meet is the secret realm of Langya, which makes people yearn for it."

Song Shi muttered, Langya Secret Realm is one of the most famous secret realms today. It is rumored that it was left by the Langya Kingdom, the ancient Great Emperor's country. It calls itself space inside and has countless treasures.

It's just that this secret realm is so high-end that it can only be opened once every hundred years. No one country can monopolize it. After all parties compromise, an Immortal Dao will be created and the resources inside will be divided up every hundred years.

"There's a tail following us."

Jiang Sha walked over and said in a consultative tone: "Are you interested in killing the blood-clothed elder? I remember you need blood."

"Too weak, not qualified to feed my Blood River Law Treasure."

Song Shi said disdainfully, "Let's wait until we accumulate more fish."

Another half day passed, and there were obviously more shadows following him in the dark.

Most of these people are spies, and they follow to understand the movements of Tiangui Sect.

There are also those with malicious intentions.

"I'm going to kill them!"

Seeing that Song Shi was not moving, Luo Chi snorted and was about to kill him.

"I'll leave for a moment and help you sort out the tail."

Song Shi suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong with the old ghost in blood clothes?"

"I have something to do. I will arrive at Langya Secret Realm on time before the Immortal Dao meeting."

Song Shi's figure disappeared.

There was a bang behind the Taikun ship.

A blood flower bloomed, and someone was blown away before they could even scream.

A river of red blood rolled by, broken bones fell from the blood, and Song Shi appeared in a bloody robe.

His clothes are Law Weapon, which can change colors. At this moment, combined with the river of blood in the sky, it looks like the reincarnation of the old ghost in blood.

"Anyone who dares to follow me again will be killed without mercy!"

The cold words came out of his mouth, causing the other people to stop and look at him with fear.

"Old ghost in blood clothes, do you dare to kill the people in Huajianlou?"

Someone asked.

"It doesn't matter whether it's Huajianlou or Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, take a step forward and try?"

Song Shi was filled with murderous aura and was muttering in his heart.

This Huajianlou relies on intelligence to survive, and its influence spreads all over the country like a cobweb. Most monks are quite afraid, because they don't know when their whereabouts have been deliberately sold out, attracting enemies.

However, it was great that he had offended a force, but he was worried that his enemies would not know that he was out.

Seeing how tough Song Shi was, everyone who followed secretly finally left in a wise manner.

Song Shi did not chase the Taikun ship, but left in the other direction.

"Hey, how dare this old ghost leave alone!"

The eyes of those who were hiding in the distance to see the situation lit up. Selling this whereabouts would be worth a lot of money.

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