What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 212 Why Do You Also Have The Spirit Communication Sword Body?

"But that doesn't cover up the fact that you are a shameless person!"

Chen Yiling replied coldly.

"The resentment is quite heavy, but if you don't provoke me, why do you do this?"

Song Shi did not admit it, "If you didn't do anything, I would have turned around and left."

Chen Yiling pursed her red lips and refused to accept it: "Whoever asked you to come here at this time must have bad intentions."

"Haha, I said I came to destroy the Holy Fire Sect. Originally, you destroyed it first, so I should have said thank you. It's a pity that you actually want to destroy me."

When Song Shi said this, he felt that there was no need to reason with the woman, so he stopped decisively and changed the topic: "Except for extinguishing the Holy Fire Sect, you probably have many similar actions, right?"

"What does it have to do with you? Could it be that you are from the Demon Cult?"

Chen Yiling opened his eyes and stared at Song Shi coldly.

"Oh, does this mean that you are going to attack many demon sects?"

Song Shi thought thoughtfully, "What a great deal. While the people of the Demon Sect are attracted by the Langya Immortal Society, you are stealing from behind? Tsk, tsk, it looks quite despicable."

"Huh, what are you talking about here, demons like you?"

"This is wrong. You can call the Demon Cult despicable, but I can't call you despicable? What a double standard."

Chen Yiling was stunned for a moment, thinking to herself that this seemed to be the case, and for a moment she didn't know how to refute.

Although she felt that this person was right, she would not admit it. She raised her head and said firmly: "Anyway, there is no need to pay attention to the moral principles of the world when dealing with evil heretics."

"Then I don't have to talk about morality when I deal with you."

"I'm not a heretic!"


Song Shi was speechless. This Chen Yiling looked clean and elegant, but how could he actually have a tough mouth?

He looked at Chen Yiling's face. Her skin was rosy, more beautiful than mutton-fat white jade, full of elasticity, willow eyebrows, starry eyes, beautiful nose and white teeth. She was so beautiful.

This woman not only looks good alone, but also looks perfect together.

The light body fragrance filled the tip of his nose, the crystal black hair rubbed his cheeks from time to time, and the body temperature and vitality of the heartbeat made him more and more fascinated.

Boom boom.

Chen Yiling's heart beat significantly faster, her cheeks were rosy, and she did not dare to look directly at Song Shi. She turned her head away and exhaled softly: "You are now free, so why don't you let me go."

"No, you have to continue to be my hostage for a while. I'm afraid you will take revenge on my family."

Song Shi shook his head. With Tianluowei's intelligence capabilities, even if he had just used his identity, he would definitely be able to find clues between him and the Song family. If he became angry out of shame, Song Hai would be in trouble.

"I can guarantee that no harm will come to my family."

Chen Yiling said seriously.

"I don't believe you, let alone Tianluowei."

Song Shi shook his head, "Follow me honestly. I will provide you with food, shelter, and sleep. I guarantee that I will keep you fat and healthy."

Chen Yiling's head was full of black lines, and she couldn't help but think of something this guy said.

You gain weight during pregnancy…

For a moment, she became even more messy.

"How could I mess up my Sword Heart because of him."

Chen Yiling reminded herself in her mind, forcing herself to recite the Calming Mantra silently, and gradually calmed down.

The rosiness on her face gradually dissipated, and she became majestic. The pure white light was released, and the crisp sound of swords faintly echoed, just like an immortal descended into the world... Of course, without looking at her intimate posture holding Song Shi, She really looks like a female swordswoman.

Song Shi felt that his flying sword was responding to him. If he hadn't controlled it with his thoughts, it would have probably flown out, and he couldn't help but look surprised.

Is this the vision of the Spirit Communication sword body?

At this moment, he felt that he was not holding a soft girl in his arms, but a sharp sword, which actually gave him a tingling sensation, not only physically, but also mentally.

"Sword Intent?"

Song Shi thought thoughtfully, Sword Intent is spiritual will. It is a method of spiritual cultivation that can enhance the lethality of true energy. I heard that Sword Intent is so powerful that it can turn thoughts into swords and directly kill the enemy's soul.

He became interested and landed in a quiet grove. He threw out the formation disk to isolate the surroundings and began to observe carefully, hoping to see if he could spy on what the Sword Intent was about.

At this sight, Song Shi quickly entered a transparent state.

His Dao Heart Transparency is a similar talent to Chen Yiling's Brilliant Sword Heart. In theory, his Dao Heart Transparency is more powerful and can comprehend more than just swordsmanship.

In the transparent state, Song Shi, a person who had never practiced kendo before, quickly figured out the secret of kendo, and his mental will began to change.

Song Shi's mental power is already strong, and even condensed into a mental Gold Core, but it is only powerful and of relatively high quality, and its lethality has not been fully developed.

Now under the guidance of the sword, his mental power began to become sharper, like a piece of iron stone being forged into a weapon.

In the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, the white spiritual Gold Core slowly appeared sharp, as if it had turned into a sharp sword.

The aura around Song Shi became sharper, and in the fluctuation of mana, there was a faint sound of gold and iron echoing, and the metallic life source in his body resonated.

He has spiritual roots with two major attributes: gold and fire. Among them, the origin of the metallic spiritual roots is integrated into the physical body and becomes the foundation of the Vajra Spirit Body.

Now this part of the power is mobilized by Sword Intent, which not only plays a defensive role, but can also burst into sharp attacks if he needs to.

As Song Shi's understanding deepened, the sharp energy in his body became stronger, and the crisp sword cry echoed, unknowingly resonating with Chen Yiling's sword body.

For a moment, it was like two peerless spiritual swords appeared, echoing each other and promoting each other.

When Song Shi's spiritual Gold Core turned into a sword pill, the Sword Intent on Song Shi's body reached its peak. The surrounding vegetation turned into powder under the influence of his will, and even the stones showed sword marks and then shattered.

There are many runes containing sharp aura on Song Shi's body, like a sword. The original protective aura changes into a sharp sword aura, and the whole person becomes sharp and sharp, like a humanoid spirit. sword.

"Ding, congratulations on understanding the Sword Intent and awakening the Spirit Communication sword body!"

A system prompt appeared in his ear, and Song Shi felt stunned.

"Is this okay?"

He thought about it and found that the combination of Dao Heart Transparency, Sword Intent and Vajra Spirit Body gave him an extra physique.

I quickly checked the introduction.

Low Grade Spirit Communication Sword Body: An excellent physique for practicing swordsmanship, which can double the attack power. This physique can only be improved through Body Refining and understanding the swordsmanship.

Song Shi saw an advantage.

Attack power doubled.

As for the rest, this Spirit Communication sword body focuses more on the cultivation of Sword Intent, and his physique has not changed much for the time being.

But from then on, his physical body gained terrifying destructive power, unlike the previous King Kong Spirit Body which was only strong and durable.

With the appearance of the Spirit Communication sword body, Song Shi felt that every move she made could explode with sharp attacks. Combined with the Vajra Spirit Body, her body was indeed transformed into a terrifying weapon.

When Song Shi was experiencing her new physique, Chen Yiling was startled, opened her bright eyes, and said in disbelief: "You...how do you also have a Spirit Communication sword body?"

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