What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 213 The More You Know, The More Dangerous It Is

"I see you have it, so I also figured it out."

Song Shi chuckled: "How about it, brother, I'm great, right?"


Chen Yiling twitched the corner of his mouth and muttered: "Can this be understood casually? I am the only one in the entire Daqian. This shows how rare this kind of talent is."

"Isn't there just one more person now? You won't be lonely in the future, right?"

Song Shi teased.

"Who is lonely? I think you already have a similar talent, but you just lacked an opportunity. You should have peeked at my practice just now and your talent was activated."

Chen Yiling guessed and looked at Song Shi with complicated eyes: "No wonder I have a strange feeling for you."

"It must have been love at first sight because you were attracted to me, right?" Song Shi grinned, Transcendent Level shamelessly.

"How could I like you, an old guy?"

Chen Yiling hummed, and when she said this, she hesitated for a moment: "The way you look now is not your true appearance, is it, Song Shi?"

Song Shi's face changed and he frowned: "How did you recognize me?"


His bones crackled, his skin squirmed, and he returned to normal in a blink of an eye, turning into a handsome young man.

Chen Yiling stared blankly, with light in his eyes: "It's really you, but now I'm not sure if it's Song Shi. After all, you were taken over by the old ghost in blood and the head of the Ye family. In that case, you're still a The old monster is most likely an old ghost in blood."

"Does age matter to those who cultivate immortality?"

Song Shi did not explain who he was, and said maliciously: "You know that I am an old ghost in blood, so you are not afraid of losing your virginity?"

Chen Yiling deliberately hesitated and could only say with stern expression, "How dare you!"

"Why don't you dare? My blood-clothed old ghost kills people like crazy and commits all kinds of evil. Isn't it normal to get you pregnant?"

When Chen Yiling heard this, he looked at Song Shi blankly: "You are not the old ghost in blood, you are Song Shi! Impossible, how can you be Song Shi, how can you escape being attacked by the old ghost in blood at the Gold Core level, even Ye Is the patriarch waiting for the Nascent Soul to seize the body?"

Song Shi narrowed his eyes, how did this woman find out that he was Song Shi and not the old ghost in blood?

"You are indeed Song Shi!"

Chen Yiling was shocked: "If you can avoid being taken over by Gold Core or even Nascent Soul, you should have some kind of soul-protecting treasure, right?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. Remember, I am talking about the old ghost in blood!"

Song Shi did not admit it.

Chen Yiling chuckled: "I can feel who you really are. There are some things that cannot be concealed."

"What does it feel like?" Song Shi was curious.

"Women's intuition."

Chen Yiling raised her head. In fact, she identified the person based on the Spirit Communication sword body and the person's temperament and demeanor.

She had been in contact with Song Shi before, so she concluded that neither the old ghost in blood nor Ye Wenzhong could be like this.

"I don't know how to refute it. You can think whatever you want."

Song Shi wisely stopped arguing on this matter, otherwise it would feel like there is no money here.

He stood up, put away the formation disk, hugged Chen Yiling and left.

In front of the Song Mansion, Chen Yiling was let down, otherwise it would be a bit strange to be seen lying on Song Shi's body.

Seeing where Song Shi came from, Chen Yiling smiled: "The old ghost in blood and Ye Wenzhong don't care about the life and death of the Song family."

Song Shixun glanced at him: "Chen Yiling, you are so smart."

The latter's smile became much brighter and he became more and more sure of his conclusion.

Song Shi continued: "You have to understand that the more you know, the more dangerous it is, and the less likely I am to let you go."

Chen Yiling's expression changed, and she secretly thought it was too bad. She knew too many secrets about this man now, and it would be even more troublesome to escape.

"Lao Qi, who is this?"

As soon as Song Hai entered the door, he saw Chen Yiling, who had an extraordinary temperament, and winked: "Are they younger siblings?"

"Ahem, I'm a friend. You can get acquainted with her. She is an official person and you can hug her."

Song Shi coughed.

Chen Yiling smiled generously and introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Chen Yiling, the commander of the Tianluo Sword Guard."

"Tianluo Sword Guard..."

Song Hai was shocked for a moment and said hurriedly: "Brothers and sisters, you're welcome. I am his seventh brother Song Hai."

Chen Yiling's face turned red: "Brother Song, we really don't have that kind of relationship."

Song Shi was speechless. He knew that Lao Si did it on purpose, so he didn’t explain much. He took out a jade plate and said, “Brother Four, this formation disk is for you. You can set up a small formation, which is effective against Gold Core. I picked it up on the way. Click on the cultivation resources, and you can take them as well."

He handed the array plate and Xie Shen's storage bag to Song Hai: "Don't be polite to me, I will be away for a while."

"Are you leaving now? I still want to invite you..."

Song Hai thought that with Chen Yiling nearby, Wangyue Tower had turned into a restaurant, and said, "We brothers are having a nice drink."

"Forget about drinking, let's drink tea."

Song Shi waved his hand and took out the wisdom tea. In order to drink tea, he used Tiangui Sect's contribution value to exchange for tea sets and spiritual springs.

Chen Yiling inspected the tea leaves, walked over to check them, and said in surprise: "This is wisdom tea. I remembered that the last time your Tiangui Sect got the wisdom tea tree in the Wandu Mountains."

"Brother, you are rich."

Song Hai's eyes lit up when he heard it, he rubbed his hands and said happily: "I heard that this tea can open up wisdom and improve understanding. I really look forward to the effect if I drink it."

"My head will be clear for a while."

Song Shi expressed his feelings, and clicked the secret formula on the tea seat. The runes on it lit up, absorbing the power of the spirit stone to condense the flame, and began to boil water.

He looked at Chen Yiling: "Can you make tea? If you can, come and do it. I'm not very good at it. I only know how to heat tea with water."


Chen Yiling nodded crisply, and with her slender hands, she methodically played with the tea set.

"Every lady is different."

Song Shi appreciates it quietly, tea ceremony is also an art, and he enjoyed it a lot in Yaoyue Tower before.

"Old Qi, you seem to be really promising. I have only heard of this tea in rumors before."

Song Hai sighed.

"This is an ancient tea tree. There are only a few in the entire Daqian. It is indeed rare."

Chen Yiling nodded.

"Since I'm buying you a drink, don't think too much about it."

Song Shi knew that Lao Si was overthinking and shook his head: "You should know that father and the others are with Lao San in Jinzhou, right?"

Song Shi mentioned other people and did not shy away from Chen Yiling. With the other person's ability, it was easy to investigate his family relationships.

"I know, the third child sent me a letter, but..."

When Song Hai said this, his face darkened: "He is mostly responsible for the trouble at home. Now I am hiding in Jinzhou and eating soft food. I am still very unhappy. I don't want to have any more contact with him in this life!"

"Eating soft food?"

Song Shi became a little interested.

"He fell in love with a girl from a cultivating family. That family was quite powerful. It was also because of this that he started to fall in love with the daughter of the Zhang family and then abandoned her."

Song Hai told something that Song Shi didn't understand.

"Smelly man!"

Chen Yiling snorted.

"He is indeed a scumbag, but we are innocent and have been affected. Do you think he is unjust or not?"

The more Song Shi thought about it, the more unhappy she became. Song Hu was out enjoying life, drinking, and hugging beauties, and his home was almost stolen. How to balance it?

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