What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 225 Life Is Precious, You Should Be Everlasting

"Come and kill me. What are you doing standing still?"

Song Shi, who was lying on the ground, urged him to lie down now and let the other party take action to save time.

But Lao Wu jumped away in a hurry and yelled: "Damn it, what the hell is this!"

"Is he immortal or a special false body? If it is a false body, where is the real body?"

"I haven't noticed it yet, and I really don't know how to deal with him."

"How about sealing it?"

"It takes too much mana."

The remaining Chiwu was helpless. He obviously wanted to kill this guy for revenge, but he just didn't know how.

Let's kill this person the old-fashioned way. The other person keeps resurrecting and they don't know what they are killing.

Don't kill him. This man's fighting ability is so terrifying that he could kill one of their brothers with just one hand. Except for the prince, the others are very afraid of him.

"What are you mumbling about? Come on, don't miss it as you pass by."

Song Shi is like a vegetable seller in a vegetable market, still shouting.

There were already many people nearby, and there was no flame to block them. Seeing this scene and hearing Song Shi's arrogant words, they all looked dumbfounded as if they had never seen him for a long time.

"This person has a problem, retreat first!"

Prince Chiwu was not a fool. The more this person acted like this, the more he felt that he could not continue to move forward, so he immediately joined forces and gave no more chance.

Song Shi, who was lying on the ground, could only get up and curled his lips: "It's boring, I'll go shopping on the other side."

His current cultivation level is suppressed by the power of the secret realm and he can only use an additional 30%. With several red crows converging, he really can't kill anymore.

Unable to die, and unable to kill anyone, Song Shi turned around and left, leaving behind the Chiwu geniuses who were gnashing their teeth but helpless to him.

"Damn it, this bastard just slapped his ass and left?"

"If there wasn't too much pressure here, I would really want to capture him and torture him."

"This guy will definitely be able to enter the secret realm. When the time comes to catch Zhou Dun, if you don't want to kill him, just play with him!"

Several Monster Races bared their teeth in anger. Usually it was his Chiwu clan who played tricks on others, but when did he get played by others?

People who are familiar with Song Shi look thoughtful.

They had seen the old ghost in blood before, but this was the first time they had seen someone survive an attack like burning fire.

Thinking of the blood-clothed old ghost turning to practice fire-attribute skills after taking someone else's body, it probably has something to do with this.

In this way, maybe there really is no weakness, and it will be more difficult to kill.

The Vajra Sect, Ye Family and others looked more and more fearful. They temporarily restrained the murderous intention in their hearts and did not dare to take action easily again.

The Immortal Platform is a thousand meters high, just like a mountain. Without the power of the secret realm, it would not be difficult for Gold Core monks to leap over it.

Now you can only walk, you can't fly near Xianyuan Terrace, and you can't get close except for climbing. So the other three sides, especially the back side which is far away from Song Shi, don't know much about Song Shi.

Those who knew the situation were like avoiding the god of plague, unwilling to conflict with Song Shi, and would not even give him a chance.

Daqian was originally on the east steps. When Song Shi turned to the west, no one paid attention to him.

"People here don't know me yet, so there's a chance they could cause trouble."

Song Shi was secretly happy, and deliberately put his hands behind his back, held his head high, and looked like he was in need of a beating, which attracted a lot of attention.

However, everyone who has reached this stage is fully coping with the pressure, and no one takes action just because they don't like him.

Song Shi turned around in a circle. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he could only burst out his cultivation and speed up.

Soon after we passed the seven thousand steps, there were very few people at this level. People who didn't care at first took a few more glances and found that they didn't recognize them.

"Which faction's genius is this?"

As soon as someone asked, someone in the distance said fearfully: "It's best not to mess with him. This is an immortal monster in the blood-clothed old ghost of the Qian Kingdom. The Chiwu Tribe has just suffered a loss at his hands."

When Song Shi heard this, he raised his head angrily and said, "What are you gossiping about? Why can't you deliberately not tell others about it?"

The latter's face darkened: "You think our Sword Country is as chaotic as your Qian Country, and we need to deceive others to eradicate dissidents."

Song Shi was furious: "Come to think of it, don't give me any nicknames. When will I die? Don't spread rumors. I can be killed. If you don't believe me, come and try!"

People who were not familiar with Song Shi heard this and many people rolled their eyes on the spot.

Do you think this is still human language? Do you really think you can't die if you let others try?

"There is no need to exaggerate too much. This person is just practicing some life-saving spells called Divine Ability. A group of monsters from the Chiwu tribe don't know these things. They are just confused by him!"

Some people didn't take it seriously and didn't take Song Shi seriously.

"I just inquired about it and found out that this old ghost in blood clothes was originally from the Blood Sect, a branch of the Blood Spirit Sect. Those guys are really good at saving lives. This guy seems to have found some other weird ways."

Some people don't believe it, and many people agree with it.

Song Shi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, some people didn't want to believe his situation without seeing it with their own eyes.

"Come on and grab my baby."

He deliberately took out the golden gun and banged it on the steps to use it as a crutch.

"This man's spear seems to be the Spirit Weapon of the Ye family. Could it be that he is a genius of the Ye family?"

"The Ye family is in the east, why do you come to the west when you have nothing to do?"

"You are ignorant. The Ye family's golden spear has been snatched away by the Tiangui Sect, and the clan leader has been killed."

A long spear immediately aroused a lot of discussion, and the geniuses nearby showed fear. Do you know that Song Shi is not simple?

How can an ordinary person be able to come here and still hold a Spirit Weapon?

For a time, not only did no one come to grab it, but fewer people came close.

Song Shi was speechless when it backfired, "Hey, this environment is not suitable for pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. You should just concentrate on climbing the stairs."

He really couldn't find any trouble, and he didn't want to deliberately find trouble for others, so he simply withdrew his thoughts and climbed seriously.

"Brother was born with a sword, how can he use the spear Law Treasure?"

A man in a green shirt spoke.

"There are so many Law Treasures, it's not too much to use one as a crutch, right?"

Song Shi squinted his eyes and looked like he needed a beating.

The man in green shirt was stunned, then smiled and said: "Brother, you are so interesting. I don't know how to call him. How can I ever be so young?"

"Song Shi."

Song Shi said calmly: "You can also call me the old ghost in blood. Forget it Chen Ergou. It's too tacky."

"I heard someone calling you an immortal monster. I think you are very good at saving lives. My favorite is the art of saving lives and immortality. I wonder if I can ask you for advice when you have time?"

The man in blue shirt was talking eloquently.

The people following behind were quite surprised.

It was rare that the Evergreen Sword King, the number one Gold Core swordsman in the Sword Kingdom, would be so polite to this person.

"Save your life?"

Song Shi took another look at the man and said, "You seem to be afraid of death?"

"Life is precious and should last forever. I want to live a few more years so that I can have more opportunities to attain enlightenment and become an immortal."

He Changqing nodded.

"It makes sense, but it's a pity that you can't learn my method."

Song Shi shook his head: "It's better to break through faster, so that the life limit can't catch up with your breakthrough speed."

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