What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 226 Nirvana Pill

"Everyone understands this, but few people can do it."

He Changqing sighed: "Seeing that I am already in my forties, I can't help but feel melancholy."

Song Shi is speechless, is this guy pretending to be cool?

Gold Core, who is forty years old, is a genius no matter where he is. Less than one-tenth of his life has passed. Are you still lamenting that you are getting old?

He chuckled: "I'm indeed a little older. I'm almost at my weakest age, and I still can't feel your troubles."

The people nearby rolled their eyes. These two people were going too far. Each one was more exaggerated than the other.

He Changqing took a serious look at Song Shi: "I should call you Brother Song. I don't know what the goal of this trip is. Let me see if there is any conflict with me."

"It hasn't been determined yet. What is Brother He's goal? I can consider it."

Song Shi knew that this guy was talking about his trachea, so he was not polite.

"The inheritance of swordsmanship among the top few treasures."

He Changqing didn't hide it. He could know this kind of thing with a little inquiry, but the other party was not from the Sword Kingdom and didn't know much about it.

"Oh, then I'm a little interested."

Song Shi originally had no idea about the top treasure here. He came here just to make up for it, and the Tiangui Sect never thought that he could wait for the Immortal Fate Platform.

"Then we can only rely on our own abilities."

He Changqing smiled softly, straightened his body, and instantly revealed his sharp edge, and his sword energy soared into the sky.

Song Shi felt that the sword energy condensed in her body was being aroused and rushed out uncontrollably.

He frowned and suppressed the sword energy, staring at He Changqing: "It turns out that Brother He also has the Spirit Communication sword body."

"No talent, I do have some talent, but it's not the Spirit Communication sword body, it's the Innate sword body."

He Changqing smiled: "I was born with a sword body. I realized Sword Intent at the age of three, Qi Refining at the age of five, Foundation Building at the age of twelve, and Core Formation at the age of twenty-three. I focused on the sword. It is not as rich as what Brother Song learned."

The corner of Song Shi's mouth twitched. This guy said seriously that he was half-hearted and a talent.

He retorted: "There is no harm in learning more skills."

"I feel that cultivation is more about finesse than too much. I will discuss with Brother Song when I have time to confirm our respective ways."

He Changqing stepped steadily towards the nine thousand steps.

Song Shi frowned, was she arguing with him?

He realized that the pressure on the steps was close to the limit of his body, so he shut up decisively and started climbing with all his strength.

Especially when approaching the Nine Thousand Steps, the pressure on his body was almost ten times higher. Song Shi looked around and saw, except for He Changqing, only a masked woman in a green skirt and a strong man with short hair came nearby.

The masked woman's eyes are lively and her features are picturesque. A green whirlwind is swirling around her slim body. Her body is trembling slightly, and every step is quite difficult.

The short-haired, muscular man was covered in muscles, dressed in animal skins, and dressed as a barbarian. His blood was as strong as a dragon's and a tiger's. He was panting violently, and big beads of sweat dripped on the steps without stopping.

He Changqing's whole body was like a sword, trembling slightly as he walked against the pressure.

All six Gold Cores in Song Shi's body lit up and all his mana was mobilized, but the result was still not enough.

If Song Shi hadn't been burned to death many times by the Chiwu tribe and his physique had improved, Song Shi would have struggled here based on his previous level.

Fortunately, his physical body comes with Spirit Communication Sword Qi, Pure Yang True Fire, and the Golden Divine Body is much more powerful than the Vajra Spirit Body. He can continue to walk normally here, and his speed is faster than the other three geniuses.

The three of them all looked at Song Shi unexpectedly, secretly observed his situation, and found that Song Shi had many talents, which were particularly amazing.

"Twenty years old? Impossible."

The short-haired strong man who overheard the conversation between Song Shi and He Changqing comforted himself.

He Changqing also didn't believe that Song Shi had so many abilities at such a young age, and sighed: "Everyone in the world is hypocritical, but I am the only one telling the truth."

Song Shi quickened her pace and walked toward the ball of light containing the Sword Intent.

He Changqing became anxious and said: "Brother Song, please slow down. The consumption ahead is very high."

"My magic power is deep."

Song Shi doesn't care, doesn't care about consumption, and doesn't control the speed to recover.

If you don't have enough mana, just find a way to die once.


The short-haired man complained that he was so tired that he was out of breath. It was unreasonable that this guy could still speed up.

Everyone is Gold Core, and he is also a top talent. As for the big gap?

Song Shi rushed to the 8999th step in one breath.

We are only a hundred meters away from the end here, and we are 90% gone.

It was noon, the sun was scorching, and the dazzling sunlight was shining down from the sky. When I looked back, I saw that not a single person had entered the second-level reward area.

There were only dozens of light groups near the steps. He exhaled and bowed his body slightly, feeling like he was being pressed down by a mountain.

The mountain was not on his back, but in all directions. The sun was shining brightly, but he felt like he was being suppressed in the deep sea, and it was difficult to breathe.

In fact, there are ten ordinary mid-Gold Core monks at any time trying to suppress him with all their strength, and they can't escape even with their energy or spirit.

"It's almost reaching its limit."

Song Shi sighed, his mana, physical strength and even spirit were being consumed ten times, or even more than ten times.

Even Apex Level geniuses like He Changqing have to stop and recover, otherwise once their mana is exhausted, they will be suppressed to the ground by the pressure, unable to move at all like a dead dog, and their lives may even be in danger.

While panting, he looked at the light groups in the sky. Each one was brighter than the sun, which made him a little dazzled.

Magic power condensed his eyes, and golden light flashed, Song Shi was ready to win this reward.

After a while, his eyes fell on a light group in the south, walked sideways, turned around, and came to the position where the red flame was released.

The flame was shaped like a phoenix, and there were bursts of phoenix cries. When Song Shi's eyes were filled with tears, he could see clearly through the firelight that it was a vermilion pill.

"What a wonderful Spirit Pill, it actually formed the image of a phoenix, as if it were alive."

Song Shi was curious, raised his hand to take it off, and heard another voice behind him.

"Your Excellency, can you give up the Nirvana Pill? I am willing to pay the price."

The sweet voice came with a gasp, maybe because he knew what he was capable of, and this time he was not as rude as Prince Chiwu.

"Sure enough, all the good things have been spotted."

Song Shi turned around and saw her pupils dilated a little.

He saw a beautiful woman. Although this woman was also masked like the tall woman in the green skirt over there, she was dressed hotly, revealing her slim waist, her buttocks were perky, with an attractive curve, and her chest was very sexy. , bulging, sexy collarbone with fragrant sweat, slowly sliding down the ravine.

This woman's muscles and bones are smooth and rosy, her brows are as soft as fire, and her moo is filled with fire, which is both charming and majestic, making her even more attractive.

He looked at it for a moment and then said: "Nirvana Pill?"

"Yes, Nirvana Pill, High Grade Spirit Pill, which is refined from Phoenix essence and blood. Seriously injured people can be reborn after taking it, but I need the fire phoenix essence and blood it contains more."

The hot woman explained, her beautiful eyes sparkling: "Your Excellency seems to have the ability to be immortal. This elixir is not as good for you as the Po Yuan elixir in the north. That elixir can directly help improve the realm."

"Nirvana and rebirth..."

When Song Shi heard this, he showed a look of disgust: "It's really useless. The medicinal power is all used to heal wounds. It's a waste."

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