What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 227 Blood Of The Holy Beast

He looked at the hot beauty: "But this thing is also a treasure. I don't mind taking it. If you want it, you have to pay the price."

"you say."

The hot woman breathed a sigh of relief. She almost didn't have the strength to do anything here. If the other party really took it, she had nothing to do for the time being.

"It's okay to give it to you. All I have to ask is that you burn me if you have the chance."

The poetry of the song is astonishing.

He thought about it and wanted to improve the Chunyang Spirit Body first. Just waiting to be killed was too random, so he might as well ask someone for help.

You can die this way, but the worst thing you can do is not get a chance to win the lottery.

Feng Wu was stunned. This was the first time she met someone making such a request. Her face looked strange: "Just like how the Chiwu tribe burned you?"

"Yes, just like that, the more intense the fire, the better."

Song Shi nodded, "Is this not difficult for you?"

Feng Wu dumbly agreed: "No problem, how about I help you after the Immortal Dao meeting is over."

"It's yours. Where is the Po Yuan Dan you mentioned?"

Song Shi took back her hand.


It wasn't until Song Shi left that Feng Wu was sure that the man was not joking.

"What a freak. Some people deliberately set it on fire."

She smiled helplessly, raised her magic power, stepped up her strength, and walked towards Nirvana Pill.

Song Shi turned around near the nine thousand steps and took a cyan Spirit Pill.

This elixir contains majestic energy and has a unique charm. The key is that this elixir is also a fire attribute and is mainly used to improve cultivation.

"Enter the secret realm to find opportunities to absorb and refine."

Song Shi looked at the rewards in the final area.

There are two more times.

There are about thirty treasures in the area between the nine thousand steps and the end.

Only nine pieces remained at the end.

I don't recognize most of them, but I can tell from the fluctuation energy that they are the most precious treasures in the world.

He had almost used up all his magic power and had to stop temporarily, waiting to see if he would die.

"Over the past ten thousand years, fewer people have obtained the treasure than the treasures placed here. So many have been accumulated. If you take any one out, it will be a priceless thing."

A short and stocky young man sat on the steps, holding a drop of blood in his hand. The blood was blue, like a gem, blooming with brilliant light, forming a vivid Black Tortoise.

"Even this Black Tortoise essence and blood is on the periphery here."

Song Shi thought thoughtfully: "There was a hot woman just now who wanted something related to the phoenix. This is Black Tortoise essence and blood. It seems that many of the treasures here are made of Demonic Beast material."

"What kind of monster? You want to call it a holy beast. These existed in ancient times and disappeared and left this world. I think it is unwise for you to ask for a pill to improve your cultivation."

The young man retorted: "There is some ancient holy beast essence and blood here, which you can absorb. Po Yuan Dan is only useful in the short term to improve your cultivation, but the blood of the holy beast can continue to help you in your future practice."

"Forget it, I'm not interested in adding some animal bloodline power to my bloodline."

Song Shi was not interested at all when he heard it. His physique is not bad either. Pure Yang Spirit Body, Spirit Communication Sword Body, and Golden Divine Body have nothing to do with beasts, but they are still very strong.

The young man was speechless: "Holy beasts are born from heaven and earth. If you integrate some power of the blood of holy beasts, your growth rate will be higher than that of the so-called Divine Body. You really don't need to be biased."

He looked persuasive: "The upper limit of the potential of the so-called Divine Body in this world is actually Soul Formation, which is just a divine word, but it cannot be Transcendent and become a saint, Body Integration Mahayana."

"Let's talk about it. Maybe I will eat the holy beast as food in the future."

Song Shi didn't take it seriously. The so-called holy beasts are the existences above the Soul Formation. This world once existed at its peak, but later they all left and went to the Three Realms.

When he goes to the upper world in the future, he will definitely be able to eat the meat of holy beasts.

"You are really a high-minded person but a low-handed person. You are still in Gold Core and you dare to say these things."

The young man gave up: "But you are not a bad person. It should be because those crows provoked you."

"You're not bad. What you said was for my own good." Song Shi nodded. This man should be the prince of the Water Kingdom. Perhaps because of his water attribute, his personality is quite gentle.

It's much better than fighting that guy who likes to show off invisibly.

"I'm just a bit of a nag."

The young man smiled and said, "I'm going to go down to the water to get the Xuan Bu Zheng."

"No fight? Water benefits all things without any fight. What a good name."

Song Shi praised, "My name is just ordinary. My last name is Song and my last name is Shi, which is the stone of stone."

"The stone can be preserved for hundreds of millions of years, so it's pretty good."

Xuan smiled politely.

Having said that, Song Shi really felt that his name meant a bit of immortality, but it was still very ordinary.

"You can continue to rest, I'll go to another location."

Song Shi planned to find a place with few people to cut off his meridians and die, otherwise he would not be able to reach the summit.

"There is an immortality pill that can extend your life for thousands of years. Brother Song can consider it."

Xuan Buzheng pointed to a green elixir, located on the 9800th level, which was to some extent more precious than the Black Tortoise essence and blood.

"Not interested in."

Song Shi didn't even look at it. He didn't need such a thing at all.

Xuan Buzheng showed admiration. He was indeed right about this man. He was unique and definitely not simple.

After meeting two top geniuses in a row, both of whom treated him well, Song Shi was even more embarrassed to cause trouble, so he took advantage of the fact that he still had some strength to read the situation about the treasure.

Nowadays, those who reach the vicinity of the nine thousand steps basically stop to rest and use various methods to restore their strength.

Some people grow a big mouth and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth like a whale.

Someone takes out the elixir and knocks it, or takes a High Grade spiritual stone to absorb it.

Song Shi was the only one wandering around, and everyone looked speechless.

But this time no one was mocking.

There is probably only one person in history who can walk sideways on nine thousand steps under ten times the pressure.

Others may have the strength, but no one would be foolish enough to do such a thing.


A human genius screamed. When Song Shi looked over, only one of his feet was left exposed, and the other part had already entered the snake's mouth.

This is a huge black snake, in the form of a human body and a snake head, eating people to replenish its strength.

Song Shi was stunned, this Monster Race's recovery method was a bit harsh.

The faction where the unlucky genius belonged was furious and cursed loudly.

"Shut up, you monster, how dare you eat my Biyun Sect's true heritage!"

"Monster Race, don't go too far. Eat people on the Immortal Platform. Aren't you afraid of causing public outrage?"

"Demon snake, if you continue, you will definitely die when you come out."

Facing the threat, the black snake's cold eyes held a ferocious smile, but it did not stop. Instead, it rolled its throat and swallowed the whole person.

He licked his tongue: "Genius tastes really good. When I come out of the secret realm, you won't have the right to kill me."

"Haha, it's just for a few people. Is it possible that I won't be allowed to eat when I'm hungry?"

A strong man on the Monster Race side sneered. Song Shi took a look and saw that he was an old man with a black face. He was probably the elder of the man-eating black snake.

Next to him, he caught a glimpse of a young woman in white, with vertical pupils, an extremely strange look on her face, and a look that looked a little familiar.

A white snake suddenly jumped out of Song Shi's memory, and she was pleasantly surprised and said in her heart: "White Snake Demon Lord, she's here too, that's great."

The latter noticed his gaze and looked over. His eyes were like lightning, with cold murderous intent, and he had obviously been staring at him.

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