What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 228: Overpowering The Genius To Reach The Top

Song Shi was even happier. It seemed that the demon king was going to kill him, which made people look forward to it.

Seeing the black-faced old man speaking, Biyun Sect gritted his teeth.

This old guy is one of the two Great Monsters of the Snake Tribe. His true form is the Black Water Snake. With the other's support, they really are no match.

"Snake tribe, this is my human tribe's territory, don't go too far."

The Lord of Feng Kingdom spoke leisurely. His strength was not as good as the Black Snake Demon Lord, but he was one of the Human Emperors and his weight was considerable.

The Black Snake Demon Lord snorted and said no more.

Some monsters that wanted to eat people were frightened and feared, so they stopped messing around.

The entire Xianyuan Terrace fell silent, and everyone reached their limit. After recovery, there would be the final wave of impact.

Song Shi glanced at Chen Yiling and the others' situation.

Lu Youyou reached the 8600th level, Luo Chi reached the 8800th level, and Chen Yiling was actually a hundred short of reaching the 9000th level.

On the Daqian side, apart from the royal prince who came to the 9000th level, there were also two people in black, one man and one woman, who seemed to be from the Heavenly Demon Temple.

There is no one from the Heavenly Corpse Sect, because those who become zombies basically have a life span of more than two hundred years.

He walked a dozen steps in front of him. After his magic power was exhausted, he sat cross-legged on the ground, performed the Blood Demon Transformation Kung Fu, released a circle of blood light, and then severed his own meridians.

A few seconds later, Song Shi, who was out of breath, had bright eyes and her condition was restored.

"Go to the finish line and wait for these guys."

Song is the seal to start mobilizing all the power.

While he was refreshing his status, Octagon Monks and Monster Race also had time to look back and discuss who was most likely to cap the game first.

"It seems that the prince and daughter of the Eight Kingdoms have a deeper background. After all, they have the support of the royal family."

"So what about the prince and the daughter? In the past, the number of people who have been capped has never exceeded the number of five fingers. It is estimated that there will not be many this time."

"Look, Prince Qian's dragon energy is so majestic that he should be the most promising person to reach the top."

"It's hard to say. The princess of the Li Kingdom and the young patriarch of the Southern Barbarians are not easy either."

"Monster Race is not going to be easy this time. Be careful they steal the title."

"I found that the list of geniuses produced by Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion is quite reliable. The top ten are basically at level 9,000."

"Have you forgotten the old ghost in blood from the Tiangui Sect? He is always in the lead."

"Him? I guess I acted on purpose, and I'm sure I can't get away with it now."

For hundreds of years, most of the mainland's top geniuses have been exposed to the public. Now that they have to be ranked in a special way, many people are more excited than the geniuses themselves.


Suddenly powerful mana stirred up the void, making the crowd chatting leisurely startled and look somewhere in surprise.

I saw that Song Shi's muscles and bones were golden, with golden flames all over his body. There was sword energy crisscrossing the flames, and red lines appeared between his eyebrows.

He also activated Han Bao's contract power.

This contract is a bit underwhelming now. It used to help double the strength, but now the increase is less than 70%, but it is completely enough.

Bang bang!

Song Shi stood up, stepped firmly on the steps, and withstood more than ten times the pressure, stepping up each step.

The recovering people and monsters looked sideways.

"Recovering so quickly?"

"I'm just starting now. It will take me a long time to say the least. How did he do it?"

"I remember he was walking around just now."

The geniuses present were a little shocked, wondering how this person had the strength to explode again in such a short period of time.

The crowd watching the theater was like boiling water, roaring for a while.

"Oh my God, is it possible that he can defeat so many geniuses and be the first to reach the top?"

"Dark horse, this person has really become a dark horse!"

"If he does it, the royal families of all countries will lose face."

The crowd was noisy, and many jumped up on the spot, shocked.

"This guy!"

Jiang Sha opened his mouth subconsciously. The old ghost in blood had surprised him several times today, and he still couldn't calm down at this moment.

Ever since I came to participate in the conference, I had never thought about what achievements this person could achieve. I was more interested in his strength and hoped to take care of Lu Youyou and the others.

I asked this guy to come over to assist, but I didn't expect this old ghost to be able to do this. In the entire history of Tiangui Sect, it seems that the founder of the sect has done this.

Which of these people is not the best in the world, outperforming the rest?

Chen Yiling's beautiful eyes shone: "He can still walk. It turns out that the confidence he showed before is true."

"Damn, let this guy pretend."

Luo Chi complained, but still admired him: "I can't go against this guy anymore. I can't win now, and I won't win in the future."

Lu Youyou had complicated emotions. When she was bullied by this man for the first time, she vowed to take revenge. She felt that with her talent, she would be able to get the factory back sooner or later.

But performance after performance proves that the gap between them has not narrowed, but continues to widen.

The other party's behavior of reaching the top at this moment has shown that this man's background has surpassed her.

Judging from this guy's other abilities, she might not be able to catch up with him in this life. What should she do?

The major geniuses showed solemn expressions. Before they came, they thought their opponents would be others of the same kind, but in the end, such aliens would jump out and surpass them in terms of background.

Immortal Fate Platform tests the foundation, not the level of cultivation.

Whoever has a profound foundation will be the first to reach the summit. Among those who reached the summit in previous years were Foundation Building monks.

Song Shi's enemies are a little panicked now.

The more knowledgeable he is, the greater the threat he will pose to his enemies in the future.

"He must be killed as soon as possible!"

The ancestor of the Ye family is extremely solemn.

I don’t know that the genius and the major forces are afraid of him.

The powerful kings, demon lords and other powerful people also began to look squarely at Song Shi for the first time.

According to convention, those who can reach the top of the Immortal Platform can basically grow to their level or even surpass them as long as they don't die.

In other words, this person has a great chance of Soul Formation and Ascension in the upper world in the future.

The leader of the country looked at the leader of the Qian Kingdom who looked unhappy and said: "This person is from the Qian Kingdom. Whether he is in the Tiangui Sect now or the Huaxue Sect he was in before, he was destroyed by you, right?"

The Lord of Qian Kingdom looked coldly: "It's normal for a person who has been reborn to have a deeper foundation. After all, he spent so much time."

"Also, just because he has a profound foundation now, does not mean that it will still be the same in the next realm. Without top-notch inheritance and resources, he will lose everyone step by step."

The other country leader was deeply convinced and withdrew his gaze and stopped paying any more attention.

At the 9900 steps of Xianyuan Terrace, Song Shi was sweating profusely, and his back was obviously arched due to the pressure.

His eyes fell on a nearby light group. He walked another thirty steps and grabbed a light group.


The void shook, and an ancient scroll fell from the sky. When it was opened, it was a painting. In the painting was a landscape. There was an immortal walking in the air, and one step was a mountain.

This painting contains a mysterious meaning, and when Song Shi saw it, he thought it was a powerful Divine Ability.

With no time to look further, Song Shi put the scroll away and gritted his teeth to climb the last part.

One step was slower than the other. Song Shi wanted to walk on his stomach, but in the end he held back. It took him nearly a quarter of an hour to finish the last step.

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