What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 229 Fantasy Code

The moment the last step fell, the colorful brilliance of the sky at the end bloomed, falling on Song Shi's body, and wisps of pure spiritual rain fell.

In just a thousand steps, Song Shi's energy and energy have been greatly depleted, and now it's like the rain comes after a long drought, his eyes are slightly bright, and he opens his mouth to take a breath.

He swallowed up all the colorful spiritual rain in the air. After these spiritual rains entered the body, they quickly spread and nourished the flesh and blood meridians, making it extremely easy to refine.

There was even a light spirit in it, which shocked his spirit, and he quickly recovered.

Song Shi quickly sat cross-legged and tried her best to digest this spiritual rain. Soon her energy and energy were restored to fullness. Even her cultivation level had further improved, and she was not far away from breaking through to the Late Stage.

Song Shi opened her eyes and felt relaxed.

Now he is sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, overlooking all directions.

While he was enjoying the benefits, the major Apex Level geniuses were still not recovering as fast as him, and they were still accumulating strength at this moment.

His eyes fell on the whirlpool and the nine treasures, and he stood up to observe.

What first attracted him was a rusty bronze sword that looked tattered and had an ancient Sword Intent.

This Sword Intent was more advanced than any Sword Intent he had ever seen. It was transcendent and otherworldly, unlike what humans could possess. It was very much like the rules of heaven and earth.

"This is probably what King He Bi wants."

Song Shi guessed and casually gave He Changqing the nickname "The King".

Anyway, the Gold Core level can be the king, and forcing the king is more suitable for the opponent than the sword king.

Looking away, a jade pendant was suspended in the sky. It was blue in color and engraved with simple silver runes, giving it an air of elegance.

"What kind of jade pendant is this? Is it worth putting here?"

Song Shi was stunned. He took a closer look and saw the word "Lang Ya" written on it. He couldn't help but think of the tokens taken out by the nine kings when they opened the secret realm. He wondered if they were of the same type.

If true, the status this thing brings should be more important than the actual benefits.

Not seeing any additional benefits, Song Shi looked at the third light group.

This is a golden ancient book. At first glance, Song Shi felt that it was similar to the material of the immortal golden body.

"Kung Fu from ancient times?"

His eyes were bright, and he saw through the light the large jade-colored characters engraved on the golden book: "Unmoving Bright King's body."

"The Body Refining technique doesn't necessarily sound more powerful than the Immortal Golden Body, so I won't consider it for now."

Song Shi continued to ignore it, and as a result, the fourth light group was filled with mist, dreamlike, and constantly changing.

He reached out to touch it curiously, and the latter turned into a stream of air and penetrated into his mind.

"I'll go, I haven't agreed yet."

Song Shi wanted to refuse, but the level of this mist was higher than his, and it forced its way into the sea of ​​consciousness.

He immediately stayed where he was. In the spiritual world, a fog rolled and turned into a shadow.

"After many years, someone is finally willing to practice the inheritance that this saint left here. I hope you can pass on my life's hard work and carry it forward."

The shadow didn't seem to have much strength, and looked like it collapsed after speaking.

Song Shi appeared in the spiritual world and said speechlessly: "I didn't want to, you forced yourself into my head."

"Ahem, there are too few top geniuses who practice illusion. I can't wait any longer. I think you are very talented, kid. I will leave the fantasy code to you. Don't let me down."

The shadow smiled awkwardly and disappeared completely with a pop. It could be seen that it was really about to collapse.

In the fog, psychedelic words appear one after another, just like the fog is unpredictable and full of changes. The word "phantom code" is written in the first line.

"This Illusion Saint is the first person in ancient times to become a saint through illusion. There is no way ahead, so I have opened a way out. Those who forget about the future can move forward along this road, and they will be better than their predecessors."

After reading the introduction, the following is about the practice of illusion.

Song Shi was helpless: "Who the hell wants to practice illusion, but you have left it imprinted in my mind and memory. It would be a waste not to practice."

He took it all in gloomily, and after absorbing the information, he changed some of his views.

The person who left this thing behind turned out to be a strong man who surpassed the Soul Formation level in ancient times, and he was also an illusionist.

Judging from some pretentious information left by the other party, it can be seen that the other party can make a whole country's creatures fall into an illusion with a single thought, and can also easily perform Divine Ability such as a dream, allowing people to spend their whole life in a dream. .

The key point is that this person is still a master of illusion, and he can be regarded as the pinnacle of illusion in this world.

Therefore, the illusion training left by the opponent is quite powerful in nature. It can create various illusions and make the enemy die without knowing it.

It can be said that this is a path that focuses on spiritual power cultivation. It is also because too much emphasis is placed on mental power and neglect of other aspects, which can easily lead to the illusionist having difficulty in breaking through to a too high level.

Even the Nightmare Old Man is this kind of existence, which can make people kill each other in nightmares, and they don't even know how they died.

However, Old Man Nightmare is also a typical person who is stuck in the Gold Core and has difficulty breaking through. The opponent and Jiang Sha are of the same generation.

"You can just practice it for a while. It will make it difficult to tell the truth from the false. You can't tell whether it is an illusion or whether I am sending myself to death."

Song Shi thought of the first few times he deliberately sent himself to death, torturing his enemies into thinking they were hallucinating, and felt that it was still very helpful.

He opened his eyes again, and his originally bright and fiery eyes had a layer of mist, looking mysterious and unfathomable, making it difficult to see through his thoughts.

Looking at the other eight treasures, Song Shi cursed: "Damn it, there are five more things that I haven't looked at yet, so I can't choose."

Song Shi was a little unhappy.

Of the four things he had already read, he was actually more interested in things involving sword practice.

Okay, now you don’t have to worry about it.

Song Shi couldn't help but look at five other things.

It was a piece of pitch-black wood. He didn't recognize what it was and was not interested in it for the time being.

The silver bottle has thunder dancing nearby. It should be a thunder-attribute treasure, but he doesn't really need it.

The purple fruit was the only medicinal material among the several things, and he didn't recognize it, but judging from the spiritual power it radiated, it was definitely not simple.

The remaining two are both Law Treasure and Spirit Weapon level. One is a wooden bowl covered with runes, and the other is a medicinal cauldron engraved with vegetation.

He estimated that this medicine cauldron should contain the inheritance of ancient monks, and it was probably related to refining medicine.

"Are these intentionally left behind by the major forces throughout the ages?"

Song Shi looked at the entrance of the secret realm: "It seems that the treasures left behind by the Langya Secret Realm itself should be inside. Can they be more valuable than these treasures?"

While he was thinking about it, the top leaders of the major forces outside looked at each other in shock when they saw Song Shi taking the fantasy code.

"He actually chose the most useless Illusion Saint inheritance. Aren't you afraid that he won't be able to break through in this era?"

"That's right. If you don't have talent for illusion, you won't be able to go far at all. Even if you have talent, you won't be able to go very far."

"Looking at him, he doesn't even know that it is the inheritance of the Fantasy Saint."

The people from King Kong Sect and Ye Family looked better. This person took the least valuable of the nine treasures, which was quite acceptable.

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