What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 230 Shrink The Earth To An Inch And Unmoving Bright King

"The usage value of the Fantasy Code among the nine great treasures can only be ranked at the bottom. It is not as wide as the Nine Heavens Thunder Spirit Liquid, which is suitable for thunder attribute monks."

"You can't say that. Each of the nine great treasures has its own focus. For example, the ancient sword master's inheritance is more suitable for sword cultivation, and others will not be of much use."

"I don't think he is an illusion genius anyway. The Yang attribute Divine Ability technique is more suitable for him."

Theatergoers gave pointers, acting as if they knew best.

Jiang Sha shook his head helplessly: "I never thought he could reach the top before I came here. He just happened to leave on the way. I didn't tell him the treasure information. I accidentally made the wrong choice."

He didn't know that Song Shi was selected by the treasure, and he didn't even have time to refuse.

Lu Youyou looked away and muttered: "If Grandpa Nightmare gets this fantasy code, he will definitely be extremely happy, but I don't know whether they are alive or dead now."

When she said this, the look in her eyes dimmed, showing worry.

"Youyou, don't think about other things. Take the time to recover and climb as much as possible."

Luo Chi solemnly reminded: "Here, every step you climb represents breaking through some of your own limits."


Lu Youyou dispersed his worries, gathered his emotions, and recovered with all his strength.

Now that the sect was destroyed, she understood that there were not many people she could rely on and she had to be strong.

Chen Yiling felt a little regretful: "With his talent, it is most suitable to choose the Sword Master inheritance."

Things have happened, Song Shi has nothing to worry about at this moment. After looking at several other treasures, he sees that the whirlpool has no intention of opening, so he can only go down or wait here for the time being.

Thinking about it, this Immortal Platform seems to be open for three days, basically giving everyone a chance to climb to the limit.

He did not leave, but sat cross-legged on the jade platform again, took out the ancient scroll he got on the way, and began to browse the contents inside.

My eyes focused on the figure in the painting, and after staring for a few times, the figure seemed to come alive, walking leisurely forward.

The fluctuations in the void under its feet contain a special charm. Step by step, the land is like a miniature model, and mountains and rivers are quickly crossed.

His thoughts received a message, which was a method of footwork training.

"Shrink the Earth to an Inch!"

Song Shi was pleasantly surprised. She didn't expect that the footwork Divine Ability was recorded in this scroll.

He just lacks the secret skill of Divine Ability. The phantom step he got at the beginning is not enough, so Shrink the Earth to an Inch comes in handy.

With anticipation, he began to absorb the information in the scroll with all his strength.

The most important thing here is the mysterious meaning contained in the painting, which is something that can be understood but cannot be expressed in words. It cannot be fully described by words alone, so it is expressed through the medium of painting.

"It feels like it's higher level than the Fantasy Code. Why isn't it included in the rewards of the last level?"

Song Shi is a bit strange. From the perspective of the carrier method, Shrink the Earth to an Inch is much higher level. In fact, according to rumors, this Divine Ability is also very High Level, and it is the famous Apex Level Divine Ability.

With doubts, he continued to accept the information contained in it, and after a long time, he suddenly realized it.

Originally, Shrink the Earth to an Inch was not complete. It was only recorded when the person who made the scroll saw other powerful people performing it from a distance and gained some insights.

In other words, this Divine Ability is just a drawing that the predecessors stole from other powerful people and combined it with their own ideas.

However, the cultivation level of the person who made the scroll should be at least above Soul Formation, and the level is not low. Therefore, even if the Divine Ability in this painting is incomplete and is not even 10% as powerful as the original Divine Ability, it is still valuable to him.

"Just watching other people perform it, if you want to record it, you have to rely on drawings. How powerful must the real Shrink the Earth to an Inch be?"

Song Shi showed a look of yearning. Rumor has it that Shrink the Earth to an Inch is a truly great Divine Ability, a first-class way for gods to travel.

Imagine that one step is a mountain, spanning hundreds or thousands of miles. How cool and unrestrained?

"Think of it as a preview before learning the real Shrink the Earth to an Inch."

Song Shi comforted herself, took in all the information, and stared at the scroll. The mysterious meaning on it suddenly began to disappear.

Soon, the picture dimmed and lost its color. With a click, the scroll appeared cracked and turned into junk.

He knew that this scroll was now useless, and the essence of the footwork engraved in it had been dispersed. Unless he practiced Shrink the Earth to an Inch to the level of its creator, it would be difficult to restore it.

Song Shi simulated the footwork in his mind, and his strong understanding made him realize that the key to this footwork lies in its unique charm and involves certain rules.

He thought that when he first practiced the swordsmanship and swordsmanship given to him by Mr. Qin, he needed to understand the laws of violent storms, and this step was similar.

However, this rule is more difficult to understand. It is not something he can consider at this level, so he can only scratch the surface.

He kept recalling the scene of the figure crossing the mountains and rivers in his mind, and thought thoughtfully: "It should be the rules of space. The so-called Shrink the Earth to an Inch, it is better to say that it compresses the space in disguise, a bit like the folding of space in the previous life. Warp flight and stuff like that.”

Song Shi looked a little weird thinking about it, how could it have anything to do with science fiction?

Following this line of thinking, he really further understood the true meaning conveyed in the painting.

"It should be possible to use mana to distort space and fold space, and use the body to fly with curvature."

Song Shi gradually understood, and was about to get up and take two steps to try, when he noticed an abnormal fluctuation.

At the steps, a young man stepped up.

This man was tall and tall, with long golden hair, eyes like the sun, dragon lines on his eyebrows, and an aura that was domineering and majestic, unlike a mortal.

As the second person to reach the top, there was no colorful spiritual rain falling.

He was unwilling to accept that Lingyu had the effect of Body Tempering, which was supposed to have the effect of improving body temperature, but was snatched away by a group of dark horses.

He looked at Song Shiyi, with a cold glint in his eyes, and a hint of hostility.

He squinted and saw that Song Shi seemed to be practicing. He thought for a while but did nothing.

Song Shi had already noticed this person and murmured in his heart: "This guy seems to be the prince of Daqian. Without me, he would really be the first one to reach the summit. This guy seems to be hostile to me because I stole his first place." , or is it because I’m from the Tiangui Sect?”

He continued to sit still, giving this guy a chance to make a sneak attack.

However, Gan Wuji took out a Spirit Pill and ate it. While recovering the consumption, he walked towards a light group.

He was careful and knew that Song Shi had already recovered with the help of Lingyu, and his own strength was no worse than him. If he attacked rashly, the success rate would be much lower, and it would lead to a counterattack in his prime state.

Song Shi secretly cursed the old fox and observed that the light group that the other party went to was the Unmoving Bright King.

This should be Buddhist Gate's top Body Refining technique. If he hadn't practiced the Immortal Golden Body, he would definitely consider it.

Gan Wuji had a plan in advance, and without looking at anything else, he directly took the Unmoving Bright King away, sat down and began to receive the information.

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