What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 232 The Power Of Light

"The righteous path of heaven and earth is invincible, except for speed. Your stack of turtle shells is of no use. Aren't you destined to be broken open by my sword?"

He Changqing, who was full of pretentiousness, stepped forward. He was panting violently from exhaustion and sweating profusely. He also deliberately smoothed his hair and straightened his back.

Xuan Buzheng turned around and said expressionlessly: "But I was a step too late, so your sharp edge is destined to be a little short of breaking through my defense."

Song Shi wanted to laugh when she heard this. The two of them were on offense and defense, and they happened to be natural enemies.

He Changqing's brows twitched and he dismissed it: "I just don't want to climb up like someone crawling with a dog."

Song Shi said that he saw the sparks shooting out of the two people's eyes, violently colliding in the void.

The two of them didn't fight in the end because they were too tired. How could they still have the strength to fight?

He Changqing glanced at Song Shi, sat on the ground, smiled and clasped his fists: "He was mistaken before, Brother Song is really awesome."

"I also feel that I am very powerful."

Song Shi nodded. You can't be polite when talking to this guy. When you need to show off, you have to show off, otherwise he will be pretended away by the other party.

He Changqing felt like he was choked. This was the first time he encountered someone so rude.

He glanced at Qian Wuji and said, "I'm too tired. Let's recover for a while."

Instead of rushing to get something, he sat cross-legged on the ground and recovered immediately.

Knowing what he had done before, he didn't give Song Shi a chance.

"This guy, is it necessary to guard against me? It makes me seem like I want to steal your things."

Song Shi curled his lips, and it was indeed wise for the other party to do this, because he was restricted by the rules and could no longer take the treasure unless someone else took it, and he took advantage of it.

It can also be seen here that Gan Wuji is too arrogant, thinking that his identity is strong enough and Song Shi does not dare to rob him. As a result, he does not play according to Song Shi's routine.

The top of Xianyuan Terrace became quiet again, and Song Shi watched the unparalleled magic skills more and more leisurely.

Half an hour later, Feng Wu, the princess of Li Kingdom who had met Song Shi, walked up, her dress wet with sweat and clinging tightly to her body, highlighting her beautiful figure.

Song Shi, who was reading a book, was distracted and looked at her with admiration. She smiled and said, "You have a really good figure. I don't know your name yet."

"Feng Wu."

Seeing Song Shi's calm and gentle appearance, the woman envied him and said, "It's better if the young master comes first, and there will be a spiritual rain reward to help him recover."

Song Shi was so excited by this young master's words. How long has it been since he joined the Demon Cult? A lot of people have been calling him "Old Ghost". Where can the young master be nice?

"Feng Mei's mouth is so sweet, much better than some mouths full of excrement. Come and sit down, let's meditate on this Unmoving Bright King body together."

Song Shi smiled and patted the ground next to him.

"Young Master is so generous. He is willing to let me see such magical skills."

Feng Wu pursed her lips and smiled softly, walked over gracefully and sat next to Song Shi, bringing a gust of fragrant breeze.

Song Shi looked at Feng Wu's hot figure from a close distance, her skin was so rosy that it seemed like it could drip water, and now her pretty face looked tired, which made me pity her.

Her long eyelashes blinked, and her beautiful eyes shimmered: "Thank you for your kindness, sir. I am a woman and I am not suitable for practicing such domineering kung fu. I'll let you watch it."

"I'm quite suitable. Brother Song, can you show me?"

Xuan Buzheng licked his face and interrupted.

"You're ugly, so I won't show you."

Song Shi replied angrily, lowered his head and ignored it.

Xuan Bu Zheng curled his lips and said, "Isn't it just because of lust? I'll let my little sister try it later."

By this moment, there were already five people on the stage, reaching the average level of previous years.

Song Shi also roughly saw that among the young people of this generation, the Qian Kingdom, Li Kingdom, Shui Kingdom and Jian Kingdom should be the strongest.

When he finished reading the Unmoving Bright King, no one came up again, and he had to wait for the next wave of recovery and the final sprint.

"Let's take a look."

Song Shi threw the golden book to Xuan BuZheng.

The latter was surprised: "You really gave it to me?"

"It's not like this thing can only be practiced by one person. It doesn't matter if I give it to you. It just depends on whether you dare to ask for it."

Song Shi glanced at Gan Wuji, whose face was twitching and showing anger, with a playful look on his face.

This is also the case for Laxuan, so he can't afford an extra helper.

Xuan Bu Zheng is a bit sultry. He is a nice person and he is also a prince. He is enough to fight against Qian Wuji.

"Why don't you dare? I was originally interested in Unmoving Bright King."

Xuan Bu Zheng held it generously, "After practicing it, my defense should be improved and become more perfect."

He Changqing's heart moved, and he opened his eyes and glanced at Xuan Bizhuan.

If this guy practices Unmoving Bright King, it will be really hard to hurt him in the future.

He was a little tempted and asked if he could borrow it for a look. It didn't belong to this guy anyway.

"Remember you owe me a favor. If you have something of the same level in the future, remember to show it to me."

Song Shi said casually, closed his eyes and tried to practice the Unmoving Bright King body.

"Um, can I also owe you a favor?"

He Changqing still spoke shamelessly.

"Are you done yet?"

Gan Wuji roared, don't these guys care about his feelings? They even circulated their own skills in front of him.

"It's not over."

Song Shi replied and said to He Changqing: "You think it's okay, but I also want the inheritance of the Sword Master."

He Changqing was silent, thought for a moment, and nodded: "No problem."

Deciding to exchange inheritance with Song Shi, He Changqing no longer worried that Song Shi would snatch it, stood up, took the ancient sword, and began to absorb the information in it.

Feng Wu still didn't move, and didn't seem to be in a hurry.

After this time, no one came back for a short time.

The new round of impact is still over, and other top talents are sitting on the steps to recover again.

It's less than a day away from the end, and they can still make one final impact.

Song Shi's mind has been immersed in Unmoving Bright King. This technique is not only Body Refining, but also has powerful Divine Ability. It is a comprehensive technique.

The Unmoving Bright King is the Bodhisattva of the Buddhist Gate. He has a distinguished status and his Mingming skills are naturally good. Following the cultivation, there is no problem in becoming an immortal Buddha.

This exercise has similar characteristics to the Buddhist Gate exercise, which is very difficult and slow to practice.

However, he carefully compared it with the Immortal Golden Body and found that the Immortal Golden Body was still more difficult. The latter's requirements were too high, and every state pursued perfection.

Unmoving Bright King focuses more on the cultivation of Buddhism. Although he attaches importance to the physical body, he also pays more attention to cultivating the mind. There are some concepts that he does not agree with.

He planned to absorb some of the essence and cultivate the Divine Ability that came with it, and did not plan to spend too much time.

As he practiced, a circle of white light slowly appeared on his body. It was released from his heart and suspended behind his forehead, forming a halo. For a moment, he really looked a bit like Buddha.

"Is this guy getting started so quickly?"

Xuan BuZheng, who was still thinking about it, was stunned. This technique gave him a headache. The other party found the trick after just one look, which made him look a bit stupid.

The power in Song Shi's body transformed into a pure light power, and his whole person changed drastically with his temperament. If he didn't look young, there would be no problem pretending to be a Taoist monk.

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