In the radiance, Song Shi's physical body further improved.

There is a lot of overlap between this technique and the body parts tempered by the Immortal Golden Body, but each has its own focus, and each can promote the other.

Song Shi unknowingly started the three cultivations of Buddhism, Taoism and Demons. Buddhism cultivates the Unmoving Bright King Body, Taoism cultivates the Immortal Golden Body, and demons cultivate the Blood Transformation Kung Fu.

Now that the blood-transforming skill is not available, it is difficult to associate it with the demonic monks.

Feng Wu stared blankly at the majestic, sacred and bright Song Shi, and her pupils dilated, which was a sign of heartbeat.

Song Shi suddenly opened her eyes and asked with a smile: "Miss Feng, am I handsome?"

"Young Master is quite handsome."

Feng Wu laughed so hard that her branches trembled, and her chest trembled.

"No matter how beautiful I am, I'm not as beautiful as you."

Song means praise.

Feng Wu's face was slightly red, which was quite helpful.

Song Shi thought that he had spent a lot of time practicing, and quickly stopped talking about picking up girls: "Why don't you choose the ultimate treasure? It's almost over."

"Ready to get it."

Feng Wu stood up gracefully, walked straight to the wooden bowl, and took it down.

"What do you mean by Spirit Weapon? A monk's eating bowl?"

Song Shi asked.

"This is a wooden bowl made from ten thousand year old sycamore spirit wood. It contains the phoenix spirit flame and is good for my cultivation."

With a touch of Feng Wu's slender hands, a wisp of crimson flame jumped out, and there was a faint sound of phoenix singing.

"Brother Song, I've finished reading. Thank you very much."

Xuan Buzheng came over and handed out the golden book: "We in the Water Kingdom don't have many techniques that can match this Unmoving Bright King's body, and they can't be passed on to others, so I'll leave you alone for the time being."

"You don't have to use the exercises to repay. I'll come back to you when I need it."

When Song Shi took the book, there was a flash of light in his eyes and a palm with his backhand.

There was a muffled sound, and a certain hand that reached out was knocked out. It was Gan Wuji.

"You've seen it, it's time to pay it back to me!"

Qian Wuji growled.

"Why are you panicking? Brother Jian hasn't seen it yet."

Song Shi swung the golden book and threw it towards He Changqing.

The latter took it down and shot out the bronze sword in his hand: "Brother Song is indeed a member of the Demon Cult, and he does not stick to one standard."

It is impossible for normal people to share this thing. Although this guy is suspected of pulling them into trouble, it is still quite rare to be willing to exchange with them.

"It's too much!"

Qian Wuji looked up to the sky and roared, his hair flying like an angry lion.

"Brother, I'm late."

A weak voice appeared from behind, and in an instant, He Changqing, Xuan Buzheng and Feng Wu all shrank their pupils.

Qian Guo actually reached the top with two people!

"Third brother, you're welcome!"

Gan Wuji's expression finally became normal, and he gave Song Shi a cold look: "Get the dragon ball quickly, and deal with this person after entering the secret realm."


Gan Wuyin looked very similar to Gan Wuji, and his figure was equally strong. He strode towards the light group that was like black wood.

"There are dragon balls in there?"

Song Shi was surprised. Among the nine treasures, this dark one was the most inconspicuous. Unexpectedly, it was a pearl covered in dust.

"This is a black dragon bone with a dragon ball sealed in it."

Feng Wu's voice was soft and charming, making people feel hot inside.

Song Shi knew that he was wrong. He was not wood at all.

"It seems that they are planning to enhance the power of their imitation Spiritual Treasure and make it truly a Spiritual Treasure."

Xuan Buzheng squinted his eyes, and his already small eyes couldn't see for a while.

Gan Wuyin removed the black bone and injected a trace of mana. Suddenly a dragon roar sounded, and dark and evil power surged, forming a black hole.

However, the power of the surrounding secret realm exists, and the power in the dragon ball cannot explode, otherwise the sky will be dark and the earth will be dark.

"Is this a dark attribute?"

Song Shi is thoughtful.

Gan Wuji blocked his sight, as if to prevent him from snatching it again.

The appearance of guarding against thieves made Song Shi dumbfounded and encouraged: "The Dragon Ball looks good, go back and work hard to get the Spiritual Treasure out, and then come to me for revenge."

"Why do I need Dragon Ball to kill you?"

Gan Wuji was disdainful and said to Gan Wuyin: "Ignore this person. Recover quickly and you will enter the secret space soon."


The two stayed away from Song Shi. The former looked at Song Shi with evil intentions and had already begun to plan how to kill him.

When Qian Wuyin recovered, the last two people came up one after another, a descendant of the Lei Kingdom and a barbarian from the Li Kingdom.

So far, eight people have reached the summit. If Song Shi is not counted, there are two more people than usual this time.

The woman from the Feng Kingdom stood three steps away from the finish line with a sad expression. If she was given another half hour, she would definitely be able to reach the top.

"Among the nine countries, no one has reached the summit except the Wind, Sand and Medicine countries."

"It's much better than before. It's basically a time when there are a lot of people."

"It's a pity for the descendant of Feng Kingdom. Is this the third time in a row that he has not reached the summit?"

"The descendants of Heavenly Demon Temple are not easy either. They just barely reached the top."

Suddenly, the chatter from outside came in, and Song Shi found that the space near the vortex began to squirm and expand rapidly.

A long voice came out, "Congratulations to the one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two young geniuses who have stepped onto the third thousand steps. Next, you are qualified to enter Langya Secret Realm to practice. The entrance will only be open for a quarter of an hour. Those who are willing to enter for trial can get Use your Langya order to enter."

Rays of light fell from the sky. If you look closely, you will see that they are all tokens.

Song Shi subconsciously grabbed the one that fell in front of him. A force in the token swept over him, and then a series of numbers appeared on the token.


"This is your initial score. For those who enter the secret realm, you can defeat or kill other people to get new points. During the one-month trial, if you rank in the top ten in accumulated points, you will have a chance to get an item in Langya Secret Realm. .”

The voice in the void said the rules: "Everyone's token can also have a chance to give up. Just shout give up and it will be teleported out of the secret realm."

"I was comparing my background just now, this time I'm comparing actual combat. No, it involves a big fight, it's not just as simple as actual combat."

Song Shi was thoughtful and puzzled: "How much better can the things inside be than the things outside?"

"It's not much better, but there is a difference. In the secret realm, whoever is stronger has the hope of getting rewards."

Xuan Bu Zheng said hehey: "This place tests your background. In most cases, the stronger you are, the more you suffer. But inside, it's the other way around."

At this time, the pressure on the steps dissipates.

Whoosh whoosh!

Figures rushed up from the stage one by one and divided into groups to join together. Soon there were nearly a hundred people around Gan Wuji, all of whom were staring at Song Shi with ill intentions.

When Lu Youyou, Luo Chi and others who followed over saw this formation, they didn't dare to come over for a while.

Song Shi reacted and suddenly said: "The relationship is about to start a group fight, a big fight."

"That's right, if Brother Song joins us, I guarantee you won't have to worry about being besieged by them."

Xuan BuZheng invited him. He saw Song Shi's strength and heritage with his own eyes, and he wanted to recruit him.

"Our Sword Country also welcomes masters like you, Brother Song, and we can exchange the inheritance of the Sword Master."

He Changqing also extended an olive branch.

Song Shi shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness. I won't join anyone, but you can help me bring in a few classmates."

He pointed at Lu Youyou: "Just a few of them."

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