What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 234 Nine Gold Cores

"no problem."

Xuan Buzheng patted his chest: "I promise to take them with me as my own."

He Changqing looked at Chen Yiling: "She is suitable to join our Sword Kingdom."

"Ling'er, are you going alone?" Song Shi asked.


Chen Yiling's attitude towards Song Shi has changed greatly at this moment. It is really rare that this person still wants to help them.

After people from all the major forces more or less gathered together, the sky suddenly darkened, and many talented elders also approached.

Lord Daqian was the fastest and appeared outside the whirlpool in an instant. He looked at Qian Wuji with a dissatisfied look: "You should make up for your own mistakes. I don't want to see him walk out of the secret realm alive."

He didn't even look at Song Shi, and didn't take it into consideration at all.

Song Shi sneered: "That may not allow you to get what you want."

Lord Daqian still didn't look at Song Shi, but raised his hand, the power of heaven and earth fluctuated, and a spiritual rain fell.

"Recover your cultivation first, so that you can have a chance to deal with some people."

"What's the weird thing about the special code?"

It was the first time that Song Shi was ignored and cursed like this.

The Lord of Qian Kingdom finally glanced at him: "If this emperor hadn't been allowed to take action here, you would have died countless times."

"That's a shame."

Song Shi was not afraid, and even hoped that this guy would kill him, as the reward would be very rich.

"Old ghost in blood clothes, can you keep a low profile? This will make me tremble."

Jiang Sha couldn't help but send a message to stop them. He felt that if this continued, none of them would be able to get out of here, and they would be attacked by Da Gan as soon as they left.


Song Shi is a little unfinished. If it weren't for Jiang Sha and others, he would definitely be full of firepower.

"Brother Song, you are so fierce that even Emperor Qian would dare to fight him."

Xuan Bizhu raised his thumb. He didn't dare to do such a thing. Not only was he the master of a country, but he also had Soul Formation.

He didn't waste much time and took his own people to recover and prepare for the next big fight.

Song Shi looked at the audience, and among the major forces, the Nine Kingdoms officials had the largest number of people, followed by Monster Race and ordinary sect forces.

Many sects have united. For example, most of the demon sects have become one, and the same is true for the righteous ones. The difference in numbers is not too big.

More than a quarter of an hour passed quickly. Song Shi looked at the whirlpool and said to Chen Yiling and others: "I'll go in first."

In front of a group of people, Song fell into the whirlpool step by step, and disappeared as the space fluctuated.

“Does this guy really want to walk alone?”

Lu Youyou pursed her lips.

"It's best if he doesn't go with you, otherwise he will cause enough trouble to put your lives in danger."

Xuan Buzheng shook his head: "You guys are holding this induction talisman, and after they are randomly teleported in, they will meet us as soon as possible."

On the other side, Song Shi felt like the world was spinning, and the nearby space was so distorted that he couldn't see clearly.

When he returned to normal again, he appeared in a primeval forest. When he looked up, it felt similar to the outside.

Here, his Law Treasure and other things shine and can finally be used.

He was keenly aware that the concentration of spiritual energy here was much higher, and the nearby vegetation was also different, as if he had arrived in ancient times.

As the thoughts spread, Song Shi felt a suppressing force, which was not as good as the Immortal Fate Platform, but still prevented him from releasing his spiritual thoughts too far.

"About twice the pressure, which is equivalent to the level of a thousand levels outside. No wonder only those who can reach three thousand levels can come in. Those who have no background will suffer even if they come."

Song Shi was thoughtful, and upon inspection, he found that he was in a rather wide virgin forest, but could not find the edge yet.

It stands to reason that with his current mental strength, even if he is suppressed, there is no problem in exploring for thirty to fifty miles. It seems that this space is larger than he imagined.

Walking on the soft ground paved with fallen leaves, a foot-long centipede crawled out and tried to get into his shoes.

A circle of ripples was released, and the centipede was shocked to death.

Cut off the head and tail, roast it over fire, and eat it crunchy and crispy.

"Eat something and find a quiet place to practice."

Song Shi muttered and found that centipedes tasted pretty good. When he stepped on it, several more centipedes were knocked out.

He remembered that he also had a colorful centipede, took out the black alms bowl, looked at the sleeping guy inside, and curled his lips: "It's useless to keep it."

Slapping it to death, Song Shi roasted it and ate it as a snack.

The centipede was just an appetizer. He walked somewhere purposefully, and soon a beast screamed.

A few minutes later, in a cave covered with vines, Song Shi threw out a row of array flags, activated the secret formula, and released the power of the array. The nearby air squirmed, and he himself disappeared out of thin air.

After covering up his traces, Song Shi turned around and treated a huge three-color elk. After he sprinkled it with salt, cumin and roasted it, it tasted great.

While eating barbecue, Song Shi looked at the sky outside: "It's amazing. This kind of space is so big. I don't know how it was created."

Feeling a little curious, Song Shi raised his hand and turned it over, and the True Fire of the Sun was taken out.

As the Nine Sun Magic Technique was operating, a fireball rose from Song Shi's Dantian, forming a devouring force that slowly absorbed and refined the true fire of the sun.

Song Shi's body was hot. The power of the real sun fire was indeed much more powerful. Even a wisp of it was not suitable for him, a person who practices Yang attribute skills.

He soon transformed into a man of fire, and all the true fire of the sun was swallowed up.

This wisp of High Level True Fire is more like an introduction. After being absorbed, the Pure Yang True Fire in the body finds the direction of evolution, and its quality is smoothly improved, driving the True Fire contained in other Gold Cores to follow suit.

Not only the Gold Core, but the true fire contained in Song Shi's flesh and blood also transformed. When Song Shi's six Gold Cores and the true fire contained in his flesh and blood were all transformed, Song Shi's aura became stronger.

His magic power has become more pure, and if he uses his power, the power will be more terrifying.

"Crossing the Nine Yang True Fire, directly condensing stronger Sun True Fire, saving a lot of time."

Song Shi was very satisfied. Originally, he had to condense nine Gold Cores to successfully cultivate the complete version of Nine Yang True Fire. The next step was Sun True Fire.

Now that he has achieved it in one step, he can then absorb the Sun's Essence Fire and directly cultivate the Sun's True Fire, doubling his mana and Divine Ability.

"I condensed the true fire of the sun in advance, but my realm has not improved, so I still have to condense the nine suns."

Song Shi took out a treasure again, which was Po Yuan Dan.

This elixir is used when Gold Core breaks through to Nascent Soul. It can provide conceptual spiritual power to avoid failure of Infant Formation due to lack of strength.

Song Shi was not interested in waiting until the breakthrough was imminent, so he directly took it at the mid-term level of Gold Core.


As the power of the medicine was released, there was a roar in his ears, Song Shi's face changed slightly, and all six Gold Cores moved, absorbing crazily, and the Gold Core expanded at an extremely fast speed.

Not only the six Gold Cores, but also the mana in the Seventh Yang formed a vortex and began to condense new Gold Cores.

One, two, three!

In a few days, Song Shi had three more Gold Cores, reaching nine. The nine suns merged into one, shining brightly, and the energy released caused the earth and rocks in the cave to begin to melt.

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