What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 236 If I Want To Eat Tiger Meat, I’Ll Come To You

Not only Song Shi's enemies, but also people who have a good relationship with Song Shi also think that Song Shi is hiding on purpose.

This is the wisest and least labor-intensive way.

There are still three days left before the end, and they have every chance to lay siege.

Next to him, a young man with Buddha's light all over his body walked out: "We can go over and have a look, but it's not allowed to interfere."

He is Xuan BuZheng, and now he has achieved great success in practicing Unmoving Bright King. He continued: "Unless we are prepared to fight against the royal family of Qian Kingdom and eat up their points."

In the Sword Kingdom team, He Changqing's body is shining brightly, and the Sword Intent is as vast as the stars in the sky.

He frowned slightly and opened his eyes: "He actually came forward. Was it intentional or forced?"

Not only Song Shi's enemies, many teams secretly approached Song Shi's haunt after getting the news.

The latter didn't care at all and curiously cut a piece of tiger meat and started roasting it.

"I haven't eaten tiger meat yet, so I don't know how it tastes."

Song Shi muttered.

This tiger meat contains majestic essence and shines brilliantly in the flames, looking like gold. Especially when a layer of oil comes out, a rich fragrance hits your face.

"Supreme Grade!"

Song makes eyes shine.

"Human, how dare you kill my brother!"

From a low roar of suppressed anger, a striking White Tiger emerged. Its cultivation level reached the Gold Core level, and its aura was so powerful that it made the nearby vegetation tremble.

"What, is there a problem? If you feel unhappy, you can kill me to avenge him."

Song Shi didn't look back. The tiger he killed was a Demonic Beast, not an ordinary beast, otherwise it wouldn't have such a strong spirit.

Eye-catching White Tiger did not step forward. It was stronger than its brothers and was now at the Beast King Level. Although this person had restrained his aura, it could still detect that this person's strength was definitely not simple, and it felt faintly dangerous.

It squinted at Hu Moo, wondering what it was thinking, "This person seems to be the guy that the human race has been chasing recently. He is the one who stole the show outside and was the first to reach the top?"

Due to the special nature of Monster Race itself, most of them cultivate their monster bodies and their improvement speed is slow, so the overall performance is not very good. It has only climbed 6,000 steps. I have only seen the back of this person from a distance, and I only remember it now.

"Brother, are we still afraid of it alone?"

Another wild boar demon walked out of the forest. He spoke human language. He was a Foundation Building Transcendent who had made cross bones. This guy had a big pig nose and his tusks were like steel knives.

"You are such a pig. Didn't you recognize that this guy was the first to reach the top of Xianyuan Terrace?"

A leopard demon popped up from behind the leaves with a sarcastic expression.

Not only it, there are no less than ten monsters dormant in the dark, all of them are Foundation Building Transcendent.

"Stop making noise. If you don't want to kill me, get out. I have a demon tiger and I don't want to eat you for the time being."

Song Shi doesn't like anyone disturbing him.

"Brother, he is so crazy. I want to beat him."

A bull demon came out with hot air in its nostrils and a look of displeasure in its big copper bell eyes.

Its strength has reached the peak of Foundation Building Transcendent. It can block Law Treasure with its cowhide. It is very powerful. Even if this human race is a Gold Core Martial King, it is not too afraid.

According to common knowledge, if the human race did not have the Law Treasure Talisman, many human geniuses would not be able to defeat their Monster Race geniuses.

The eye-catching White Tiger shook his head: "Don't waste your energy just yet, someone will come to kill him."

It was much more rational and smarter than the guy who was beaten to death by Song Shi's fist. Even though Song Shi was alone at the moment, it did not attack rashly.

On the contrary, it said shamelessly: "Call me the old ghost in blood. I won't kill you, but after you finish the meat, remember to give me my brother's Beast Core and his body so that you can have an explanation when you go back."

Song Shi was stunned: "Beast Core is still useful, what do you want to do with the body, and Monster Race is still collecting corpses?"

Eye-catching White Tiger spoke righteously: "Yes, I, Monster Race, am also learning from your human race. You won't refuse to agree to this request, right?"

"Whatever is left is yours."

Song Shi was too lazy to say anything, so he took off the tiger skin in front of a group of Monster Races, made it into a blanket, and then roasted the meat and ate it.

"Brother, it smells so good."

A wild dog jumped out and drooled over the barbecue, and the pig demon next to it kept licking its tongue.

"Trash, you are considered the top genius of all races in Monster Race, but you still can't control your nature?"

Eye-catching White Tiger cursed.

In Monster Race, those who can reach the Foundation Building Transcendent level within two hundred years are considered geniuses, and those who can cultivate the Beast Core form are considered geniuses of the human race.

Since he is a genius, he shouldn't be able to control his nature and act like an animal.

"It's about food and sex. If you want to eat, I'll give it to you."

Song Shi took part of the meat, removed a few tiger bones with the richest essence, and threw the rest to these Monster Races.

It wants to see if these guys will eat their companions.

Seeing the large pieces of body flying over, many Demonic Beasts' eyes shone and they lowered themselves to snatch it.

"Hmph, where will my brother's broken body get your turn?"

Eye-catching White Tiger snorted coldly, opened his mouth, and the bloody mouth expanded, enough to accommodate a room, and swallowed all the remains in one mouthful.

Its mouth returned to normal, chewing with enjoyment.

Song Shi was stunned and looked back at the eye-catching White Tiger: "You're careless, you talk so much nonsense, you just want to eat your feelings!"

"I am collecting the corpses and sending my brothers on their way, just like you humans like to bury your dead."

The eye-catching White Tiger speaks righteously, but the changes in its body betray it.

It seems that there is something contained in the remains of the body. The eye-catching White Tiger is glowing all over, its body is slightly expanded, and its ferocious aura is even stronger.

In particular, the word "王" between its eyebrows shone brightly, becoming deeper and deeper, and its aura became stronger.

"Congratulations, big brother. The White Tiger bloodline has become stronger again. Becoming emperor is just around the corner."

The wild dog demon was the first to flatter him.

"Who told you to talk so much nonsense?"

The eye-catching White Tiger slapped the wild dog away with one tail, because this guy revealed its true purpose, which was not to send his brother on his way, but to absorb the essence and blood of his body.

Song Shi was stunned and didn't care: "It's considered waste. You work hard to evolve and take good care of your body. I will come to you if I want to eat tiger meat."

White Tiger, who had just looked a little proud, his eyes darkened: "Human race, I just don't want to get entangled with you, it doesn't mean I'm afraid of you."

"I know."

Song Shi looked at the eye-catching White Tiger's body: "You are much stronger than your brother. Your flesh and blood contains a lot of spirituality, and you think it tastes better."

The eye-catching White Tiger was furious, but he sensed something and hummed: "Someone will take care of you. If you die, I will take care of your body. Let's go!"

It retreated with its men, and at the same time someone was approaching.

Whoosh whoosh!

A group of people with malicious intent fell from the sky and landed ten feet away.

"Haha, you are still interested in barbecue, but it seems that you really don't take us seriously."

Gan Wuyin's eyes were cold and stern, "Eat, this is your last meal. Eat before you go on the road, so as not to starve to death."

Qian Wuji fell to the first place and ordered: "Set up a formation so that he can't escape with wings."

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