What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 237 Tiangang Earth Evil Formation

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Figures shot out one after another, evenly distributed around Song Shi, with a number of one hundred and eight people.

Each person holds a formation flag in their hand, and when activated, it shoots out powerful magic power.

The power of thirty-six formation flags gathered in the air to form a large net, forming a huge sky character.

The power of the remaining seventy-two formation flags merged into the earth, and the air nearby suddenly sank, forming a terrifying force of suppression.


The power of the formation caused obvious vibrations. As the magic power condensed, the surrounding environment and the Celestial Phenomenon were affected, forming a unique cage space.

"Hiss, this is the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation!"

"In order to kill this old ghost, Qian Wuji even used this Rank Five formation."

"Even if it's just a simplified version of the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation, with so many people in the main formation, it's no problem to kill Nascent Soul."

"Why didn't the old ghost run away? He was still eating. Could it be that he was cheating?"

The monks who followed him were all speechless, marveling at the ingenuity of the work, but also feeling that it was a bit of a fuss.

Killing a Gold Core, as for such a big battle?

"The formation is quite big, I'm very satisfied."

Song Shi nodded,

Qian Wuji's movement was like a swimming dragon, nimbly landing in the center of the formation, standing above Song Shi's head, his eyes filled with pleasure: "Old ghost in blood, it's been almost a month, do you know how I've been doing?"

Song Shi's face twitched, and the guy looked so resentful that he immediately lost his appetite.

He spat out a bone: "How the hell do you have anything to do with me?"

Gan Wuji was choked for a moment, but he still kept his mouth shut: "I think about how to kill you every day to wash away your shame. Are you ready to die?"

As a genius, he has never been so embarrassed since he was a child. If he does not kill this person, he will not be able to live in peace for a day. Over time, he may even give birth to inner demons, which is not conducive to his cultivation.

"It must be done, it just depends on how many times you can kill me."

Song Shi smiled playfully, and the more prepared Qian Wuji was, the smoother his death would be.

"Brother, this guy isn't scared yet. Is there anything weird about him?"

Gan Wuyin said hesitantly, he had never seen someone besieged in the killing array and still be so calm and calm, and now he was still in the mood to eat.

"Prince, this man was fine when he was besieged by the Chiwu tribe before. Will we do the same this time?"

A young Confucian scholar who followed him was worried. If this was really the case, he would have to defeat the other party's methods in advance.

He was Qin Zhengchong, the most talented man in Da Qian. He was a student of Qian Zheng Academy and was very talented in literature and strategy.

"Take action first. Even if he really has some idea, it will be revealed when the time comes."

Gan Wuji waved his hand, "In the face of absolute strength, no matter what tricks he has, they are all useless."

The person controlling the Tiangang Formation formed a seal, the sky brightened, and the mana condensed into blazing power, turning into a scorching beam of light and falling from the sky.

The power of this beam was condensed, like a sharp arrow, falling on Song Shi's head. The high temperature and impact contained easily broke through the defense and scorched the head.

"It didn't even try to hide!"

Qin Zhengchong's eyes showed surprise and suspicion: "This is definitely not a normal person's reaction."

"Maybe this is not his true identity."

Qian Wuyin looked solemn, then his pupils shrank and he saw Song Shi appearing intact.

No matter who was setting up the formation or Gan Wuji who gave the order, their hearts sank.

They are surrounding something, it's just suspicious, why haven't they killed it with one strike?

Song Shi put away the tea and turned to face Qian Wuji: "Continue."

Gan Wuji looked at Song Shi over and over again but couldn't tell whether this person was real or fake, nor how he could remain intact after being fatally injured.

"Don't stop. As long as he lives, I will keep killing him!"

Gan Wuji drank low, he wanted to see how long this person could maintain this state.

The sky turned into daylight, and destructive energy poured down.

The light condensed by this Tiangang formation is like a laser, and its power is even more terrifying. It can easily cut through gold and iron, and penetrate Law Treasure. Song Shi's body is so powerful that it cannot last long without deliberate defense.

The ground was pierced by the beams, creating deep pits, the soil was melted, and Song Shi was killed every time he was resurrected.

He was filled with joy. Sure enough, this kind of siege was very efficient, killing him so much that he had no time to say anything.

Observing Song Shi's death and resurrection, the faces of the three Gan Wuji became more and more solemn. They had never encountered such a thing.

It is obvious that this person was killed, but after one or two breaths, the person can reappear intact, making it impossible to tell whether it is true or false.

"Is it possible that this old ghost is really unkillable?"

Qin Zhengchong was a little frightened. Anyone who encounters an unkillable thing for the first time will be uneasy.

"I don't believe he's immortal!"

Qian Wuji snorted, "It's probably some kind of cover-up that caused us to misunderstand."

"Yes, he will be resurrected roughly once every two breaths. It is so rhythmic that it is very similar to the effect of a secret technique. Most of what we kill are the substitutes he created using the secret technique."

Gan Wuyin guesses.

"Prince, do you want to continue?"

Qin Zhengchong felt that if he continued like this, it would look stupid, and the key was wasting manpower.

"Don't worry, let's take another look. I don't believe there is a secret technique called Divine Ability in this world that we don't have any trace of."

Gan Wuji was still arrogant and unwilling to admit defeat.

The attacks of the Tiangang Formation continue, and the number of Song Shi's deaths increases very quickly. As long as the formation does not stop, he can die once every four seconds.

About fifteen times in one minute, one hundred and fifty times in ten minutes, nine hundred times in half an hour, which can last for more than half a year.

The eyes of Qian Wuji and the three of them glowed, and all their mental power was released. They went all out to observe Song Shi's situation, trying to find flaws or find the key.

Unfortunately, they could only see Song Shi resurrected and could not discover the system at all.

A few minutes later, Qian Wuji frowned: "This is impossible. He has died hundreds of times. Even the effects of secret techniques must consume a lot of mana. He still seems to be fine now."

"How on earth did you do it? I don't believe there are immortal people in this world!"

Qin Zhengchong muttered to himself and successfully eliminated the correct answer.

"He took the magic code from the Immortal Fate Platform. Is it possible that he really has a clever illusion method that has tricked so many of us?"

Qian Wuyin thought of another thing to each other, and began to see the reality before his eyes, and fell into the pit unknowingly.


Qian Wuji narrowed his eyes: "If it is really an illusion, some things can indeed be explained, such as why he chose the illusion code that is not taken seriously by everyone, and why he can keep resurrecting before our eyes."

"Prince, the problem is that I think what I see is real. Is it possible that everyone is deceived by the illusion?"

Qin Zhengchong was a little hard to accept.

"It is rumored that skilled illusionists can blend illusions into reality. It seems real and fake, and it is difficult to distinguish."

Qian Wuji made another guess. He instinctively didn't believe that anyone could survive.

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