What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 238 Slice Research

Maybe the legendary immortal can live forever, but it will definitely not be this person.

"Brother, how should we break it?"

Gan Wuyin believed this statement, but he just didn't know how to deal with it.

"There are so many of us, are we still afraid of his illusions? As long as we don't kill each other, just keep killing me."

Qian Wuji had no other choice, so he used the stupidest method: "No matter how much he casts illusions, it will cost him. Is it possible that there are so many of us and we can't beat him?"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is wise, Great to be simple. Some seemingly complicated things can often be solved with the simplest method."

Qin Zhengchong agreed and flattered him.

"Don't forget to look for flaws, as long as you catch them, they will be killed with thunder!"

Qian Wuji snorted: "Use the Earth Evil Formation to trap and kill me."

The remaining seventy-two people formed seals, and a black energy rose from the ground, condensing into an earth dragon and entangling Song Shi, making him unable to move.

Song Shi didn't resist, he just stood still and suffered death.

Seeing Song Shi's stunned look, Qian Wuji and the other three looked at each other and confirmed that the person in front of them was definitely an illusion, and his real body was unknown.

"I will kill you a thousand times today, and it will feel good to watch!"

Qian Wuji snorted coldly, as if he couldn't kill Song Shi, so he had to retreat to the next best thing to find psychological comfort.

Song Shi closes your feelings as much as possible to reduce pain.

This was his experience of risking death.

However, the attack of this Tiangang Formation is very powerful and can kill him easily. It is actually not too painful.

Outside the formation, more and more characters and Demonic Beasts gathered.

They were shocked when they looked at the Tiangang Disha formation, whose upper half was dazzlingly bright and the lower half was pitch black.

"This killing formation has been activated for a while and it hasn't stopped yet, and it hasn't killed the old ghost in blood?"

"What exactly happened inside, and why are they still attacking?"

"Is the Blood Transformation Sect's technique so terrifying? It seems like it can't kill him at all."

The monks from all the major forces were very curious, and only the Chiwu clan could roughly guess what was going on inside.

"This human race is really evil. We can't kill it when we kill it. The same seems to be true for Da Gan."

Prince Chiwu's eyes were filled with fear: "Don't get entangled with him until you figure him out."

Not only the Chiwu tribe, but other monks were also more or less afraid.

This blood-clothed old ghost could survive such a tyrannical siege all by himself. No matter how high his cultivation level was, not many people were willing to offend him just because of this ability.

Xuan Bu Zheng stared blankly at the Tiangang Disha Formation and smiled bitterly: "It seems that we are worrying too much. He is not in any danger at all. If he is really in danger, we will not be stupid enough to let Gan Wuji and the others besiege him."

Luo Chi on the side frowned: "This person is causing trouble again, it's really a headache."

"Ignore him, we can't control him anyway."

Lu Youyou has adjusted her mentality, and now no matter what Song Shi does, she can get used to it.

On the other side, He Changqing frowned: "Miss Chen, do you think the reason why this person is so difficult to kill is the blood technique or the illusion?"

Chen Yiling's identity has been known to He Changqing. After all, there are only a handful of people in the entire continent who can possess the Spirit Communication sword body, so it is easy to guess.

"I don't know. I don't have much contact with him, so it's hard to know his secrets."

Chen Yiling shook his head and guessed: "Perhaps it is a combination of blood technique and illusion. The former makes him have no fatal weakness, and the latter can deceive other people's perceptions."

He Changqing thought deeply and sighed: "If this is really the case, I won't be able to offend this guy even if I beat him to death, otherwise he will collapse."

He had already seen that Qian Wuji's face, standing on top of the formation, was getting worse and worse, and the feeling of helplessness was beyond words.

Unexpectedly, he was in a good mood and felt a little gloating.

Feng Wu's big eyes blinked, as if she could talk.

She was thinking about Song Shi's request and wanted to be burned.

If this man is not a masochist, there must be some secret.

Especially now that she was surrounded and killed by the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation, she became even more interested.

"If you can learn his method of immortality, it may be more useful than Phoenix Nirvana."

Feng Wu decided that if Song Shi was still fine this time, she would have more contact with him.

Prince Chiwu withdrew his solemn gaze: "It's like this again. How this person did it must be figured out."

"If you have the chance, capture him and study him carefully."

The descendants of the Medicine Kingdom, with greed in their eyes, secretly targeted Song Shi.

This time, not only Feng Wu and Prince Chiwu, but also many monks and Demonic Beasts saw Song Shi's ability, and they all became curious for a while.

The goal of their cultivation is to live forever. This person seems to be immortal, so who wouldn't be interested.

Song Shi, who caused all this, was calm and not afraid of people seeing it.

Today is different from the past. He already has methods like Ragnarok. Even if someone really knows that he is not dead, it will be difficult to trap him.

Time is, Song Shi died and died again, he had nothing to do, and he still had time to comprehend Shrink the Earth to an Inch between deaths.

After the golden Divine Body died many times under attack, it was upgraded to Middle Grade, and its defense increased a little.

The Tiangang Formation can still be broken open, but the one hundred and eight monks who make up the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation are now a little numb.

They deliberately practiced this formation before the Immortal Dao Conference. They had dealt with many enemies in the past month, but they had never faced such an easy yet difficult target.

This man obviously didn't put up any resistance, but they just couldn't kill him. It was like hell.

Gradually, they were shaken and felt more and more that all this was fake and that they might be attacking a mass of air.

Especially with the consumption of mana, many people want to retreat.

"Your Highness, we are probably attacking a mass of air."

"I also think it's air. How can a normal person have his vitals penetrated and then be resurrected in the blink of an eye?"

"The key is that he doesn't seem to have any consumption, but so many of us are getting more and more tired."

The people who urged the formation flag could not sit still and expressed their opinions.

Qian Wuji looked up to the sky and sighed: "How could I meet such a person!"

He is now in a dilemma, killing but unable to kill. The eyes of the people next to him are looking at him, wanting to leave but unable to do so.

Gritting his teeth, he still didn't flinch: "Reply in batches. Today, I have spent time with him!"

The song blossomed and these guys continued, which he couldn't have wished for.

Qian Wuji landed next to Song Shi, "Stop the attack and use the earth evil formation seal. I want to see what the formation is attacking."

A knife appeared in his hand and he walked towards Song Shi: "Whether you are the condensed power of illusion or flesh and blood, I will cut your body open and take a look."


The ground sank, and the suppressive power of the Earthly Evil Formation was released. Song Shi was overwhelmed by waves of black energy, and became even more unable to move.

The shining knife was pointed at Song Shi's chest, and Gan Wuji really wanted to slice it into pieces for study.

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