What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 24 Black Blood Gu? Sorry, I Only Drink Hot Water

There are more corpses outside!

Men, women, young, and old, most of them are maids and servants, but there are also members of the Song family, relatives, and guards. Without exception, their deaths are tragic.

"They were killed by disgusting creatures."

Song Shi's gaze fell on a child, and he immediately recognized the cause of death.

Inside the child's body, he could faintly feel something wriggling madly.

"They didn't spare even the children. How heartless!"

Suddenly, he caught sight of a corpse with a pale face, devoid of any color, eyes wide open, and bloodshot.

Bending down to touch it, he felt as if the person's vitality had been swallowed by something.

"Gu, demons... The person who did this has quite a few tricks up their sleeve!"

Song Shi gritted his teeth and continued to observe, hoping to find some clues.

Near the martial arts arena, a group of constables wearing special gloves were pale as they gathered the bodies. They couldn't help but feel a sense of unease around the corpses.

Song Shi's gaze narrowed as it fell on one of the bodies that had just been moved.

Song Jiang!

This guy is actually dead!

His heart stirred. Song Jiang was the eldest son and had already taken control of the Song family's business. Yet, he died in this disaster.

Soon, he saw Song He, the second son from the second wife's side. He died even more tragically, with his head and body clearly separated, all his blood drained, and not a drop of blood at the wound.

Song Feng, the tenth son, the second wife, the third wife, the concubines from the fourth wife... There were at least twenty members of the Song family lying on the ground, either bleeding from their seven orifices or turning blue and dying.

Even more maids and servants filled the square.

Occasionally, there were members of the Demon-Slaying Bureau dressed in black robes nearby.

"Song... Seventh Young Master, what are you doing here?"

The constable noticed Song Shi and asked somewhat uneasily.

With this strange and brutal murder in the Song family, more than three hundred people died overnight, and there were no clues about the culprit. He was afraid that Song Shi might not be a normal person.

"Just got back, Officer Lu. Can you tell me what you've found?"

Most of the bodies had already been moved by the constables, and most of the evidence at the scene had been destroyed. He could only ask others for information.

"Oh, Seventh Young Master just came back from the Inviting Moon Tower, right? Luckily, you weren't there, otherwise you might have become one of them!"

Lu Xianjie suddenly realized and secretly thought that this playboy had finally played his cards right and saved his life.

Song Shi would rather die at home once, at least then he would know the situation of the culprit.

He said, "Is there any trace of the culprit?"

Lu Xianjie shook his head and sighed, "This murder case was not committed by an ordinary person. It is filled with strangeness and ominousness. It is beyond the jurisdiction of our yamen. You should ask those people instead."


Song Shi wanted to say, if I ask them, why would I need to find you?

He took out a stack of silver bills and stuffed them into Lu Xianjie's hand. "Tell me what you know!"

"Cough, Seventh Young Master is too kind."

Lu Xianjie skillfully put away the silver bills and whispered, "I suggest that you don't investigate further, all the people who died in the Song family were killed by some kind of demons. Even the top-notch guards died. The culprit is definitely not someone an ordinary person can deal with. It's better to leave it to them to handle."

"I understand. Where do you think they came in from and where did they leave?"

Song Shi wanted to at least know a rough direction.

Lu Xianjie pointed upwards.

Song Shi immediately understood and exclaimed, "They came flying?"

"Well, we searched all the areas and found nothing except for the traces left by your Song family when they escaped."

Lu Xianjie smiled bitterly, "Young Master Song, you really shouldn't investigate further. Don't throw your life away. The killer's abilities are beyond our imagination."


Sikong Ya appeared out of thin air.

Lu Xianjie hurriedly bowed, "Greetings, sir!"

The latter completely ignored him and looked at Song Shi. A bowl of water appeared in his hand, with a surface as smooth as a mirror, without a ripple.

He coldly looked at Song Shi, "The well water in your house has been poisoned. How come you're fine?"

Song Shi frowned, "So all these poisons entered the body through drinking water. Are there others who have been affected?"

He roughly understood how the killer managed to kill so many people overnight without leaving much evidence.

So, the dogs and the old gatekeeper who died yesterday were already signs of being poisoned, but unfortunately, no one noticed.

"I'm asking why you're fine!"

Sikong Ya's gaze turned cold.

He was suspecting Song Shi.

"Sorry, I only drink hot water, boiled water. Even in the summer, it's just plain hot water," Song Shi said lightly. It was a good habit he had left over from his past life, which could prevent many diseases in this world with average hygiene practices.

He asked back, "These poisons shouldn't survive after being boiled, right?"

Sikong Ya was stunned. He thought Song Shi had some connection with the demons.

"This is a Low Level Black Blood Gu. Boiling it can indeed kill it."

Sikong Ya said to Lu Xianjie, "Drop a drop of blood into the bowl!"

Lu Xianjie felt annoyed. Why did it have to be his blood? Couldn't it be this young master Song's?

Despite his annoyance, he didn't dare to defy this man. He took out a dagger and pricked his finger, letting a drop of blood fall into the bowl.

The seemingly clear water immediately started to boil slightly after the blood dropped, turning the red blood black in an instant, and then quickly disappearing.

This frightened Lu Xianjie, his face turning pale. He quickly withdrew his finger, afraid that the thing in the water would enter his body and make him bleed from all seven orifices.

Song Shi pondered. So, this was a special kind of parasite, but a more powerful one. It was called a Gu in this world.

"This is the Black Blood Gu. It feeds on blood and reproduces rapidly. Unless it is applied to a blade and used to cut someone, it can generally only be transmitted through water. Boiling it can kill it."

As he finished speaking, True Qi surged in his palm, forming a vortex. As it rapidly rubbed against each other, the temperature rose quickly. In the distorted air, flames flickered.

"Friction generates heat?"

Song Shi was amazed. So, cultivation also involved science?

Plop, plop, plop!

The water quickly boiled, emitting a strand of black, foul-smelling smoke. The Gu inside gradually died, and the water became clear again.

"Most of the people from your Song family died because of this Gu, while the rest were devoured by evil spirits for their blood."

Sikong Ya said coldly, "You're lucky, drinking boiled water saved you from being poisoned."

Lu Xianjie's scalp tingled as he quickly turned his head and said, "Did you hear that? From now on, only drink boiled water. Don't drink cold water anymore!"

He felt a bit uneasy and asked, "Sir, won't this Gu spread through water? Won't the entire Jinxiu City be in danger?"

"It was found in the well water, and if this Gu doesn't feed on blood, it can only survive for three days at most. Hopefully, it hasn't spread," Sikong Ya said, throwing the bowl aside and smashing it with a snap. The flames in his hand dissipated, revealing a hand as smooth as jade. He continued, "Just in case, immediately monitor the people nearby and make them all drink boiled water. If someone is poisoned, remove it as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir. I will inform the prefect and arrange for manpower," Lu Xianjie hurriedly left. He didn't expect that a vendetta could potentially affect ordinary people.

Sikong Ya looked at Song Shi, "If you really want revenge, you can go to the Dead Bamboo Forest in the west of the city. Of course, if you're not afraid of death."

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