What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 25 It Turns Out That My Family Is The Villain

Song Shi asked a constable to take him to the yamen, but he was pondering about this Gu in his heart.

"It's disgusting to be killed by this Black Blood Gu. Thinking that these things grow in my flesh and blood, I would rather not die."

Feeling nauseous, Song Shi rejected the idea of eating the Gu and sacrificing himself, and then wondered how the people who were still alive were doing.

Just as he arrived at the yamen, he heard a scream.


The yamen was forcefully pushed open from the inside, and Song Jiang's guard, Tu Fan, rushed out with disheveled hair and red eyes, saying, "I won't die, I won't!"

His muscles were wriggling crazily, and he looked like he had grown bigger. Blood was flowing from his seven orifices, and there seemed to be something madly squirming inside him.

"It's over, Tu Fan has also been affected by the Gu!"

Perhaps because Tu Fan often accompanied Song Jiang on his outings, the constable by Song Shi's side also recognized him and looked pale as he watched Tu Fan rush away like a madman.


An arrow shot through, piercing Tu Fan's forehead and pinning him to the gate of the yamen.

A figure in black clothes appeared, holding a longbow, and said coldly, "The Xuan Iron Guards of the Demon-Slaying Division will take over this place. Anyone affected by the Gu is not allowed to leave the yamen, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!"

Swoosh swoosh swoosh!

Three more people appeared, flying and leaping, turning into shadows and blocking the remaining exits of the yamen.

Seeing that these Xuan Iron Guards had sealed off the exits and made no further moves, Song Shi didn't ask any more questions and continued walking towards the gate.

Through the gate, he could see several bodies lying on the ground, bleeding from their seven orifices. It was likely that they had recently fallen ill and were killed by the Black Blood Gu.

In the inner hall, just two zhang away from the bodies, dozens of disheveled figures were gathered together, looking anxious, exhausted, and frightened.

Including the once radiant new heroine, Song Jia, who was now as if she had been beaten by frost, her soul absent.

The beautiful aspirations that once roamed the rivers and lakes were shattered with just one trip back home.

"Even Tu Fan has been poisoned."

"No, I don't want to die with blood flowing from my seven orifices!"

"Who can save us!"

The women cried and the men were restless. Who could have imagined that these usually glamorous and wealthy people would end up like this?

Only a small number of guards and high-ranking members of the Song family remained calm, but their faces were not good either.

"Old Qin... Could it be that we have all been affected by the Gu?"

A rich old man in his sixties anxiously asked the old man with white hair inside.

The former was Song Wan, a member of the Song family, and the latter was Qin Zhonglin, an Innate expert worshipped by the Song family.

Qin Zhonglin's face was full of wrinkles, his aura somewhat unstable, and there was a pool of blood on his chest, not knowing whether it was his own or someone else's.

He sighed, "This old man is definitely not affected by the Gu. As for all of you, if you have drunk untreated water recently, you should all be affected by the Gu!"

The others' moods sank again, and those with fragile hearts collapsed on the spot.

"I don't want to die with bugs burrowing into my heart!"

"I would rather die than become a monster covered in bugs."

"Who can give me a quick death!"

Those who had drunk untreated water despaired on the spot.

"I haven't drunk any!"

Song Jia was surprised. She had just returned yesterday and all the food and soup she had consumed had been boiled, so she didn't have a chance to drink untreated water.

"Neither have I!"

"Fortunately, it's cold now, so I haven't drunk cold water."

Several family members and young masters were delighted, forming a sharp contrast with the despairing ones.

At this moment, it could be seen that most of those who had drunk untreated water were maidservants, servants, and guards, but there were also a few concubines and young masters.

Because water is something that few people would think of boiling before drinking.

"Fortunately, I have been following Young Master Seven. Except for summer, I have developed the habit of drinking hot water!"

The clever one felt fortunate.

The remaining few guards stood aside, their faces grim, obviously having drunk.

Song Wannian, being old and having not drunk fresh water recently, saw that most of his surviving sons and daughters had suffered, with a desolate expression. He sorrowfully said, "More than half of the people are still under the influence of the curse. What sins has my Song family committed to face such a calamity that almost wipes out our entire clan?"

"The demon last night said that your Song family had caused the destruction of his family. Isn't that a sin?"

Qin Zhonglin sneered, "It can only be said that you are unlucky, to have offended such a demon. If we hadn't run fast, I would have died last night!"

Some of the guards exchanged glances and took a step forward.

"Master Song, if I don't die this time, I will leave the Song family!"

"Me too!"

Apart from the guards who were trained by the Song family or were particularly loyal to the Song family, the rest of the people all expressed their stance.

In the end, the unity of the people crumbled, and the mood of the Song family sank even lower.

In the corner, Da Congming, who was holding a long knife, hesitated and caught sight of someone walking in from outside the door. He quickly stood up and said, "Seventh Young Master!"


Song Shi nodded slightly.

"Brother Seven!"

A sweet and childish voice was the only one in the room that actively called out to Song Shi. The rest of the people were not in the mood to pay attention.

Song Shi looked over and saw an eleven or twelve-year-old girl, delicate and pitiful with teary eyes.

This was Song Xiaobei, the daughter of a concubine from the eighth room, ranked fifteenth in the family.

Perhaps because they lived closer, he occasionally brought some food and toys for this girl, and their relationship was quite good.

However, as a grown man, he usually had no interest in playing with a little girl.

"Beibei, it's okay, don't cry."

Song Shi patted Song Bei's head and his gaze flickered, but he didn't see Aunt Ba, probably she was gone.

"Hmph, it's not okay. You say it so lightly!"

An old lady with tear streaks on her face sneered, "Your eldest brother, second brother, fourth sister, and sixth brother are all dead, and you tell me it's okay!"

Upon hearing these sarcastic words, Song Shi walked over and slapped her.


With a crisp sound, the old lady was slapped to the ground.

"You old hag, I'm comforting a little girl, what are you making a fuss about?"

Song Shi had long been displeased with the eldest room. She always nagged and cursed in his ear, and now she came again. Did she really think he hadn't activated the system yet?

"You... How dare you hit me?"

The lady couldn't believe it as she stared at Song Shi, immediately wanting to scratch him.


Another slap, and the latter covered her face, finally quieting down.


Song Wan stood up in anger, "Rebellious child, you spend your days in brothels, and now you dare to act superior?"

"Isn't going to brothels better than attracting demons like some people?"

Song Shi sneered, "With over three hundred people in the family, all turned into corpses. Old man, shouldn't you explain what happened?"

Song Wan's face twitched, his eyes changing, clearly aware of the situation.

"I also want to know some details."

Sikong Ya appeared at the door, "Mr. Song, if you don't speak up, your entire family might really be wiped out."

"Chief of the Silver Executioners, Sikong Ya!"

Qin Zhonglin quickly stood up and saluted, "I've seen the Chief."

"Brother Qin, no need to be polite. I am Sikong Ya, the head of the branch of the Jiangnan Jinzhou Prefecture Silver Executioners. I have been ordered to capture the demon Heiduzi and bring him to justice!"

Sikong Ya slightly clasped his fists and then coldly looked at Song Wan, "Speak!"

Song Wan's eyelids twitched, and he could only helplessly say, "This matter is related to my third son, Song Hu, who achieved fame in the imperial examinations. No one could have expected that he would learn demonic arts and seek revenge on my Song family."

Song Shi cursed inwardly upon hearing this. So it turned out that his own family was the antagonist, and others were seeking revenge.

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