What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 26 So Cruel And Ruthless

"Please explain clearly!"

Sikong Ya's expression turned cold.

"Master, I can't say it. Hu'er's reputation will be ruined, and it will be difficult for him to succeed."

Madam grabbed Song Wan's hand and pleaded.

"Get lost! Otherwise, I will immediately kill you on the grounds of obstructing my demon-slaying investigation!"

Sikong Ya stared coldly at Madam.

The latter trembled and felt a little scared, but she acted defiantly, saying, "How dare you! My son is a county magistrate, and my Song family has connections in the court and the martial world. What right does your unheard-of Demon-Slaying Bureau have to kill me?"

Song Shi sneered, thinking to himself that some people never change their true nature, even in such a situation.

Sikong Ya waved his hand and said, "Take this idiot away!"


Madam sat on the ground, saying, "I have a stomachache. You can't touch me!"

Song Shi crossed his arms and thought to himself, "Let's see your performance."

Little did he know that the old lady started rolling on the ground, crying in pain, "It hurts! There are bugs eating my liver and heart!"

"Commander, could this old lady be poisoned?"

One of the Xuantie Guards hesitated.

"It's even better if she's poisoned. Just kill her directly."

Sikong Ya sneered.

With these words, Madam was frightened and froze on the ground, saying fearfully, "You... you dare to indiscriminately kill innocent people!"

"Enough! How long are you going to make a scene? Our enemies have already come knocking on our door. Can you still hide what you've done?"

Song Wan scolded, seeing the situation clearly and preparing to reveal everything.

"It seems that this woman has a problem with her brain. Take her away!"

Sikong Ya became impatient.

Every moment they delayed, another person might be killed by the demons.

"Yes, Commander."

The Xuantie Guard reached out, but before he could grab Madam, she screamed in agony, "Ah! It hurts so much! There are bugs eating my blood!"

"Stop pretending!"

The Xuantie Guard coldly snorted and grabbed her arm.


A sharp scream came from Madam's mouth. Her whole body convulsed, her flesh suddenly turned black, her eyes rolled back, and two strands of black blood flowed out.

Not only her eyes, but her nostrils and ears also oozed foul-smelling blood. Blood sprayed from her mouth, and the black blood that fell on the ground clearly showed the wriggling of bugs inside.

Song Shi frowned. This old witch had encountered the story of the wolf coming, and she had indeed been poisoned. This time, her internal organs were really being devoured by the bugs.

The Xuantie Guard frowned and threw the old lady to the ground.

"Save... save me!"

The old lady's voice quickly grew faint. Her hands, like chicken claws, flailed about, and her eyes were about to pop out. Song Wan kept retreating as he watched.


Black blood kept flowing from her mouth. The old lady's belly swelled like she was pregnant, and it kept wriggling as if something was moving inside.


Song Jia cried out in grief, but like everyone else, she couldn't do anything.

Soon, the cries for help abruptly stopped. This woman, who had been sharp-tongued and mean her whole life, died from the bugs devouring her heart. Even in death, she didn't close her eyes.

Song Shi sighed inwardly. The person he disliked so much had died like this, but he didn't feel much joy.

Instead, he felt a sense of sorrow for the death of a fox.

Wait a minute, he couldn't die either, so what was there to fear?

Song Shi's expression changed in an instant, then returned to calm.

"Now that it's quiet, take them out and deal with them together. Be careful not to let the black blood curse leak into the water!"

Sikong Ya's expression was cold and indifferent, not caring at all about the life or death of the lady of the house. At this moment, someone screamed and met the same fate.


Song Wan was in unbearable pain. Once again, it was his son who died.

"Is there no cure for this bug?"

Helpless in his heart, Song Shi could only watch, unable to do anything.

After all, the bugs had spread throughout the body of those infected, and even modern medicine couldn't save them from this acute illness.

Perhaps only divine methods would work.

"This is troublesome. The time of infection varies, and the time of death is also inconsistent!"

Sikong Ya frowned. "Song Yuanwai, you better speak quickly. Otherwise, if you die, I'm afraid not many people will know the truth."

Song Wan looked at the few remaining descendants and sighed, "If I speak, can Commander Sikong guarantee the survival of my Song family's lineage?"

"You're dreaming!"

Sikong Ya sneered, "I have no interest in whether your Song family's lineage continues or not. But if you tell the truth, we can at least have a chance to save a few people."

"I'll speak..."

Song Wan thought to himself that it would be best to honestly reveal the family's ugly secrets.

"Three years ago, there was a fisherman's daughter in the south of the city who was very beautiful. My third son fell in love with her when he took a boat trip and later had an affair with her. She became pregnant while unmarried, and her reputation was ruined. The main branch of our family didn't want our reputation to be tarnished, so we threw the woman into a well and killed her entire family."

Song Wan's face looked grim as he revealed the ugly truth. "Later, we bribed the officials with money to cover up the incident. No one could have imagined that the fisherman's son didn't die out and instead became a demon."

Song Shi was shocked to hear this. The general situation was roughly that the rich and powerful colluded with officials, forcing others to ruin their families and lives.

But it was the eldest son who did it, while the old man enjoyed the benefits, and the entire Song family was deceived.

Including him!

He couldn't believe that the red-clothed female ghost who secretly appeared and drowned in the Song family's well was intentionally killed by the main branch.

All for the reputation of the third son!

The chastity of an unmarried woman didn't count as reputation, but the reputation of your third son counted as reputation?

Song Shi sneered inwardly, further realizing that the darkness of this large family was far more corrupt and decadent than he had seen.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

From an outsider's perspective, the Song family brought this upon themselves.

From his perspective, they were all affected by the disaster.

From the perspective of the Song family, they still had to kill the so-called black poisoner!

You can say that killing the main branch's people has a reason and someone to blame, but if you provoke me, it's a dead end.

"So, the eldest brother and the third brother are such people!"

Song Jia murmured, finding it difficult to accept the true faces of her two older brothers.

"Heh, it's because of people like you corrupt officials and heartless landlords that chaos reigns in Daqian!"

Sikong Ya's expression was cold and stern, not scolding them much. He had seen this kind of thing too many times and had long been accustomed to it.

"Tell me the full name and address of the fisherman's family, as well as the time of their death and the methods you used."

He continued to handle the matter impartially. Only by obtaining specific information about the black poisoner could he truly understand the situation.

"The fisherman's family surname is Zhang, the father's name is Sancai, the son is Wuji, and the daughter is Wuyou. Originally, they were a destitute scholar's family. They had to make a living by fishing in the small fish village in the south of the city. The time when their daughter was drowned should be two and a half years ago. Their whole family was killed by the river in the reed marsh, half a day after their daughter's death. My eldest son was the one who did it."

Hearing the old man's words, Song Shi was astonished.

This eldest brother was truly ruthless.

As for this black poisoner named Zhang Wuji, he didn't think much of it. Zhang was a common surname, and there were many people with that name.

He was just puzzled.

Could it be that the reed marsh was the lair of the black demon, not the dead bamboo forest found by the Demon Slayer Division?

Sikong Ya seemed to be deep in thought. "It seems that this Zhang Wuji obtained some kind of demonic inheritance in the reed marsh, which allowed him to learn all sorts of gu techniques and demonic arts."

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