What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 243 Coordinated Performance

Within the thick shield formed by the energy, there is a gap between each shield, through which the archer can launch an attack.

In this state, Song Shi can't attack and becomes a living target.

"Old ghost in blood, you should feel honored. Apart from dealing with Nascent Soul level monks, this shield tower has never dealt with Gold Core level monks like this."

Li Ba thought he was invincible and looked arrogant again.

He stood at the top of the shield tower and waved his hands heavily: "Don't hold back, just shoot for me."

From a distance, the shield tower looks like it has grown some fine hairs, and arrows fly out one after another, converging towards Song Shi.

They only need a portion of the archer attack to successfully kill Song Shi.

After all, bows and arrows are the most powerful in breaking armor, and any archer would have the chance to injure a monk of the same level. Even if the old ghost in blood was a Body Refining monk, he would not be able to withstand more than a dozen arrows.

Song Shi died tragically on the spot.

Lu Youyou's heart beat violently and she exclaimed: "He... was shot to death?"

"It's so straightforward. This guy didn't even try to hide."

Xuan Buzheng was suspicious. Although the arrows attacked very quickly, a top genius like him definitely had the strength to dodge a little and avoid the vital points.

Even if you can't avoid it, you shouldn't have any intention to avoid it.

With a flash of light, Song Shi came to life next to him.

Before, it was covered up by the Tiangang Earthly Evil Formation, and people outside didn't know much about it. Now, in full view of the public, Song Shi has done nothing wrong.

Everyone's jaw dropped. No one could see how Song Shi deceived the arrow attack and remained unscathed.

"What kind of Divine Ability is this? It should be this method that makes Gan Wuji and the others particularly embarrassed."

He Changqing was thoughtful, his eyes full of curiosity.

"A blinding technique? A substitute technique? An illusion technique?"

Li Ba stared at Song Shi, thinking about what happened to Qian Wuji, and was still frightened.

Fortunately, he made a defensive position in time, and now there is no other team attack. As long as he does not give the opponent a chance to defeat him, he is not afraid of this person.

He ordered: "Keep shooting. As long as he doesn't run away, shoot him to death!"

Song Shi didn't leave. He had to die to give every archer a chance to hit the last hit.

He deliberately circled the shield tower, looking as if he was going to attack it single-handedly.

In the distance, Qian Wuji and others, who had already left several miles away, were resting.

Realizing that Li Ba was leading a fight with the old ghost in blood, Gan Wuji sneered: "Sure enough, how can you, Li Ba, believe that the old ghost in blood can be such a threat?"

"Brother, should we fight an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and attack them at this time?"

Gan Wuyin was a little unwilling. If Li Ba hadn't led a sneak attack, how could their previous Tiangang Earth Evil Formation collapse.

"If we launch a sneak attack at this time, will the old ghost in blood come and attack us, or will he attack Li Ba and the others?"

Qin Zhengchong hesitated. He preferred to be conservative. Since he had suffered a loss, he should leave here decisively and find ways to take revenge later.

Qian Wuji frowned and thought.

He was actually very unwilling. A hundred or so people were actually made to flee by an old ghost in blood.

This time the humiliation was not like humiliating him alone on the Xianyuan stage, but directly humiliating Da Gan.

"You can go back, but wait a little longer. When they are almost beaten, see if you can annihilate them in one fell swoop."

In the end, Gan Wuji couldn't let go of his persistence and chose to fight back.

Qin Zhengchong was a little uneasy: "We've been beaten so far, and the old ghost in blood doesn't look tired at all. Is he still a human?"

Brother Gan Wuji's expression changed.

When they thought about it carefully, it was really the case.

"No matter how mysterious and powerful his Divine Ability is, he shouldn't violate the basic rules. After fighting for so long, he must consume some mana and energy, right?"

Qian Wuji's eyes showed suspicion: "His behavior is not normal."

"Could it be the effect of some kind of Law Treasure? It looks like he is actually a clone of Law Treasure."

Gan Wuyin couldn't understand things beyond cognition, so he tried to understand things he could understand.

"It is very possible that even if it is not a Law Treasure, it is some kind of secret treasure. The purpose of this treasure may be to create a fake body to fight with us. It probably consumes spiritual stones to make us mistakenly think that he is immortal."

Qin Zhengchong agreed with this guess.

"How can a secret treasure be so powerful? There is no trace at all."

Qian Wuji's eyes gradually glowed: "Could it be Spiritual Treasure?"

"Maybe it's not just an ordinary Spiritual Treasure."

Gan Wuyin became excited: "Brother, misfortune depends on blessing. Maybe we can get a Spiritual Treasure from this person."

"No matter what it is, this man must have a peerless treasure that is worth trying."

Be very determined.

Not only them, most of the people who have seen Song Shi's methods with their own eyes are speculating in this direction. Unfortunately, Song Shi's treasure is too special, and no one here can take it away, and it is destined to end in nothing.

Of course, before failure, everyone thinks they can get something.

As the battle continued, the mentality of some people changed again and again, from shock...to fear, to greed.

Song Shi has a keen sense. He noticed that some people looked at him strangely, as if they were looking at prey.

If this is the enemy, that's it. The key is that there are many monks who have never been in contact with him.

Song Shi, who was still dying, began to think about why this happened.

After dying more than a dozen times and thinking on and off for a while, Song Shi roughly guessed the reason.

When he fought with Li Ba and others, these people were not like this yet. The problem was that he revealed the phenomenon of his resurrection in front of everyone.

These are geniuses, not fools. They definitely don’t think this is a simple Divine Ability. They probably think of it as a treasure.

He shook his head, not caring.

In this world, his cultivation level is already at the middle to high level. Even if he is targeted, it is not a big deal. As long as he is not trapped, he is still free.

"Come on, the more people who are greedy for my unnecessary treasure, the better."

Song Shi smiled secretly in his heart, and suddenly noticed a fluctuation in the distance.

Taiyin Observation!

Using a subtle method of exploration, he was shocked to find that Gan Wuji and his men were returning secretly.

For a moment, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Similar scene, do you want to happen again? I'm really speechless."

Song Shi lamented that this place was really her paradise, and she was very reluctant to get lucky draw opportunities.

"Let me cooperate with you."

He pretended not to know, cooperated with the performance, and circled around the shield tower. After letting each archer kill him once, he slowed down and the main brush died.

The boring death continued, Song Shi brushed and brushed, the golden light on his body became more dazzling, the flesh and blood in his body burst out with a powerful vitality, and the golden Divine Body was promoted to First Grade, reaching the High Grade level.

After strengthening his physique, Song Shi found that even if he deliberately removed all his defenses, the destructive power of his magic arrows would be much less.

It took more than ten arrows to kill him before, but now it takes more than thirty arrows, and his physical strength is comparable to that of Spirit Weapon.

After Li Ba noticed it, he secretly cursed it as unreasonable and could only increase the intensity of his attack.

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