What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 244 Transformation Into Shura

As time passed, Li Ba began to feel uneasy.

Their consumption is not equal.

There was only one old ghost in blood clothes, but he forced most of them to attack. After a long time, the former still seemed to have plenty of mana.

And they are constantly consuming, and in the end they cannot bear it first.

"Hell, it's the first time you can kill one person and tire out so many people."

Li Ba cursed loudly. The more he attacked, the more he realized something was wrong. He looked uneasy: "Stop first, don't rush to attack him."

The arrow disappeared and the battlefield quickly became quiet. Outside the tower made of shields, Song Shi wondered: "No more shooting?"

Li Ba stared at another place and took out his bow and arrow.


An arrow flew out and exploded several miles away, forcing the traces of a group of people out.

"Qian Wuji, I knew you would come back."

Li Ba was so angry that he was afraid that Gan Wuji would attack them and give the old ghost in blood a chance.

Being discovered, Gan Wuji looked unhappy, and simply stood up and said clearly: "You Li Ba can make a sneak attack, but I can't treat him in the same way as he does?"

He waved his hand, and everyone quickly formed the incomplete Tiangang Earth Evil Formation, aiming at Li Ba and others,

"Good guys, they are exhausted."

Xuan Buzheng couldn't help laughing, "You hit me, and then I hit you. How long will it take to retaliate?"

"You can stand and talk without pain in your back, but I am not willing to suffer a loss."

Lu Youyou snorted coldly: "The royal family of Li Kingdom has to pay a price if they get involved."

"Now that the three parties are completely fighting, I don't know if anyone wants to take advantage of it."

Luo Chi scanned around and found that many monks were indeed ready to make a move.

"I'm not interested anyway. Just stay in the top ten."

Xuan Buzheng shook his head: "Look, more people died today than in this month. Whoever gets involved will be unlucky."

He glanced at He Changqing and said, "Do you want to join the melee? When they fight again, they will not be as strong as you and I. It's time to take action."

"I've got what I want most, so let's forget it."

He Changqing glanced at Song Shi, not wanting to get too entangled with this guy.


With a loud noise, the power released by the Tiangang Formation collided with the shield tower, kicking off the second round of competition between the two royal families.

Theatergoers were waiting for Song Shi's reaction.

This person will determine the direction of the war.

"Old ghost in blood, they are your enemies. Why don't you take revenge now?"

Li Ba specifically emphasized that he really didn't want to get entangled with this old ghost at this time, otherwise it would probably be the same as before.

"I said, to ensure fairness, I will kill twenty or thirty of you no matter what."

Song Shi crossed his arms: "In addition, you are also my enemies, prepare to die."

As soon as he finished speaking, he shot out with a bang, and Song Shi launched a strong attack on the shield tower.

This time he held the gun with both hands, and all his mana poured into the Entering Spirit gun. In the vibration like a dragon's roar, the gun body shone brightly, and the golden flames spread like a tide, turning into a golden fire dragon that was a hundred meters long.

The fire dragon's claws were sharp, all condensed with sword energy. With terrifying explosive power and destructive power, it hit the shield tower hard.

The shield tower composed of dozens of shield soldiers shook violently, and the energy barrier on the surface was twisted and opened.

Li Ba's eyelids jumped. How could this guy have such terrifying explosive power? Just now, he thought he was being attacked by someone with a Nascent Soul level.

He was a little panicked when he saw Song Shi successfully entering it and arriving in front of the shield tower itself.

"Block him!"

Everyone else was guarding against Gan Wuji's Tiangang Formation, and they had no time to free their hands, so Li Ba had to use his sword again.


The brilliant sword light was released from between the shields and collided with the golden dragon gun. His body trembled violently, paused for a moment, and retreated crazily.


After spitting out a mouthful of old blood, Li Ba's face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fortunately, some of the archers spared their strength and immediately shot out sharp arrows.

Ding ding ding!

The first few arrows shattered quickly as if they were shot at Law Treasure. The subsequent arrows continued to attack a certain point, finally breaking through the defense and penetrating Song Shi's body.

Song Shi looked inside the shield tower and grinned: "The killing has begun!"

He was carried away by arrows and collected all the Law Treasure before his death.

His body turned into a burst of light and dispersed before it hit the ground.

Song Shi's playful smile echoed in front of Li Ba's eyes, and he felt uneasy: "Be careful, this old ghost will never end."

While he was guarding the outside, a figure appeared inside the shield tower, it was Song Shi.

He can decide the location of the resurrection point at any time, and wherever his thoughts reach, that's where the resurrection point is.

Just now, I used all my strength to break through the mana shield, just to set the resurrection point inside.

This stunned the nearest shield soldiers and archers, who were all facing outside now, with their butts facing Song Shi.

When they turned around with difficulty, Song Shi had already pinched the neck of an archer and easily killed him with a loud click.

"He's in!"

The shield soldier screamed in fear and almost dropped his shield and ran away.


A sharp blade fell, and Li Ba was forced to collide with Song Shi again, causing him to continue to vomit blood.

His pupils were condensed and he couldn't believe it: "How did you get in?"

"You haven't completely isolated the inside and outside, why can't I come in?"

Song Shi smiled teasingly: "Hand over the points and I can kill a few less."


Song Shi's figure was blurred, and the killing officially began.


Someone's neck was broken.


Some heads and bodies are separated.

Song Shi found that these archers were too easy to kill. Even at the Gold Core level, they didn't waste much time.

For a time, he killed the monks from Li Kingdom faster than he killed the monks from Qian Kingdom.

Li Ba had no choice but to deal with it, because no matter how he tried to stop him, he would vomit blood and Song Shi would not be affected.

The most important thing is that there is Gan Wuji leading an attack outside. If too much energy is used to deal with Song Shi, the entire shield will collapse.

"Old ghost in blood, stop, it's our fault, I don't want your points, okay?"

Li Ba could only surrender first, and then ask this person to return double the amount later.

"You are weird. You are only allowed to kill me, but I am not allowed to kill you?"

Song Shi didn't stop at all: "Twenty people will die first before we talk."

He specifically chose archers because only archers had killed him.

As the archers die, the shield tower's counterattack ability weakens, and it becomes a mere target for beatings.

"Li Ba, weren't you very proud when you attacked us before? How about now?"

Gan Wuji felt much better when he saw that Li Ba and others had internal problems.

"I won't give you a chance."

Li Ba waved his hand: "Stop him and then retreat directly."

Shields fell from the sky one after another, trapping Song Shi like a cage, while others moved in panic, preparing to get rid of this pervert.

Song Shi struck out with a fierce palm, with a bang, some cracks appeared on the shield, and then it shattered with a click.


He transformed into Shura, killing with incomparable proficiency, becoming more and more efficient, and unknowingly became a senior killing god.

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