What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 250 Flying Insights

Whoosh whoosh!

The red flame flickered, and the Chiwu genius quickly separated and flew away in all directions.

Song Shi has no choice but to chase one of them. Even if he catches up, as long as he doesn't kill with one hit, these guys can escape.

"Haha, you would rather have your clan members killed or injured than cause me some trouble."

Without a smile, Song Shi stared at Prince Chiwu and pursued him.

There are still three days left to chase these birds, practice Shrink the Earth to an Inch, and gain points along the way. He has no dissatisfaction.

The two chased each other and fled, and in the blink of an eye there was no trace.

Prince Chiwu was the fastest, and Song Shi used Shrink the Earth to an Inch with all his strength, but was pulled further and further away.

"Haha, I thought your Shrink the Earth to an Inch was so powerful, but now it seems like it's nothing more than that."

Upon noticing Song Shi's situation, Prince Chiwu breathed a sigh of relief and said with an arrogant expression: "The sky is my home court. You two-legged beast, don't even think you can catch up with me."

In the eyes of their Monster Race, humans are just two-legged beasts, born unable to fly or swim, with ordinary bodies. If they were not cunning and cunning, they would not be able to dominate this world.

Song Shi didn't fight back. What he said was the truth. Instead of fighting back, it's better to seriously understand Shrink the Earth to an Inch.

He believes that this incomplete Divine Ability will not be weak, and further control will not be weaker than the natural flying ability of this demon bird.

His strong understanding allowed him to enter the Spirit Communication state of the Taoist Heart as he moved forward. The wind blew around him, the space fluctuated, and everything became particularly clear in this state.

"Space, wind..."

Sensing the changes in various energies around him as he moved forward, Song Shi thought thoughtfully: "When you cast Shrink the Earth to an Inch, you can borrow the power of space, but when flying in this world, you not only have the power of space, but also the power of wind. strength."

He looked at Prince Chiwu, who relied on the power of wind and fire to fly.

The power of fire and the power of wind are perfectly combined, and the fire further promotes the twisting of the wind, so the crow is very fast, like a savior.

"In addition to the wind, the drag from my own size also affects speed."

Song Shi thought about some knowledge from his previous life, that the power of wind is related to resistance. He couldn't help but think of the Qingfeng swordsmanship, and also thought of the sword techniques left by the ancient sword master.

Unknowingly, all kinds of knowledge came together and collided constantly. Under the guidance of his understanding, new knowledge was combined.

"Advance sideways to reduce resistance."

He took one step forward, and his body quickly began to become parallel to the ground, no longer walking perpendicular to the ground like before.

As a result, the resistance area is reduced rapidly. Song Shi also mobilizes the sword energy to turn himself into a sharp sword, with the tip breaking the air and reducing resistance.

During the sound of the sword, Song Shi's body shape conformed to fluid mechanics, and at the same time, his feet were still moving, but he placed the power of space in another direction, making the power more concentrated.

After adjusting the posture, reducing the resistance, and changing the direction of the force, brush the ground and the Song Shi speed will increase greatly.

He used sword control, fluid mechanics knowledge, Shrink the Earth to an Inch, etc., and his speed began to increase.

The originally widened distance began to shorten. Prince Chiwu narrowed his eyes: "Damn it, this guy still has a way to speed up during the pursuit. How can he do it?"

The fire on its body was bright, and with a bang, the air exploded, like a jet plane, accelerating forward.

The deafening sonic boom spread and shattered the vegetation on the ground. Its speed was far faster than the sound, and the naked eye could only see a string of fire.

Behind the plane-like Chiwu Prince, a long sword filled with flames chased after him.

Seeing Prince Chiwu's speed-up method, Song Shi couldn't help but think of the airplane in his previous life, and he also released the sun's magic power, condensed and exploded.


The tail of the sword light exploded, and Song Shi's speed increased.

He kept pushing his legs slightly, still performing Shrink the Earth to an Inch, which was like swimming in the air.

"It's over a kilometer per second, faster than the supersonic aircraft of the previous life. At this speed, only a Gold Core-level body can withstand it."

Sensing the pressure brought by the air, Song Shi couldn't help but sigh.

In this world, through practice, the physical body can be comparable to aircraft and cannons, truly humanoid weapons.

His golden Divine Body releases radiance to withstand the friction and pressure caused by rapid flight. Without him doing anything, the frictional air around him forms a special layer of high-temperature flames.

"My posture is a bit like Superman."

Song Shi flew wantonly, unaware that Prince Chiwu in front had reached his limit.

"Oh my god, can the old ghost in blood still fly so fast?"

"How much more ability does this old ghost have? Why does he feel so omnipotent?"

"This speed is completely comparable to Nascent Soul. The normal teleportation of Nascent Soul is just like this."

The people who were being chased by Song Shi and Prince Chiwu were astonished.

At this time, apart from external forces such as the Law Treasure Talisman, the monk does not care about focusing on the inner aspects of cultivation.

One is a Body Refining warrior who focuses on defense and has a strong physical body.

One is a magician who has renovated mana and spells. He has various spells at his fingertips and is flexible and versatile.

The last category is spiritual beings who are good at illusions and spiritual mysteries.

The three directions correspond to the essence, energy, and spirit. Anyone who can cultivate a person is a master. There is no one as perfect as this old ghost in blood. He seems to be good at everything.

It is Song Shi who is strong in spirit, energy and spirit, and has a deeper foundation. In this kind of pursuit, the gap is not only quickly made up by him, but also with the help of strong understanding, Song Shi's speed is getting faster and faster.

This obvious growth frightened Prince Chiwu.

He could clearly see the changes in Song Shi. It was difficult to catch up with him at first, then he quickly closed the gap, and now he is actually starting to overtake him.

"What kind of pervert? He doesn't look like a normal genius at all. I've never heard of him before. It's really unlucky for me to meet him."

Prince Chiwu felt frustrated for the first time.

The growth rate of this human race is too terrifying. It is this strong growth that makes him lose his fighting spirit.

"If everyone in the human race is like this, where will my Monster Race's territory be?"

The Red Crow Prince smiled bitterly in his heart. Ever since he became sensible, he felt that he had the blood of the Golden Crow and was much nobler than the two-legged beast.

The Two-legged beasts only rely on the number of people and external objects to dominate. It is really impossible to compare with their individual abilities.

The human race he met later was basically as he thought, and they were nothing. Even if he didn't reach the top of Xianyuan Terrace, it was definitely the Monster Race of Xianyuan Terrace targeting them.

"Old ghost in blood clothes, let me show you the secret technique of Red Crow. If you can still catch up, you win."

Prince Chiwu was not convinced, a sun rune lit up between his eyebrows, his eyes flashed with golden light, and his power began to burn, suddenly turning into a ray of light, and he opened the distance again.

Song Shi thought for a moment, waved his fingers, and directly used the Heavenly Talisman Technique to draw several special runes on himself. After the blessing, his speed increased.

As he draws more runes, the speed increases further.

On the contrary, the power of Prince Chiwu's secret technique consumes a lot of power. It begins to deplete within a short time of bursting out, and he is overtaken as expected.

"Old ghost in blood, you win."

When Song Shi was less than three feet away from Prince Chiwu, Prince Chiwu said, "What you showed really surprised me. I hope you can live for a few more days. I'll go out and see how you die."

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