What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 251 Space Storm Body Tempering

Prince Chiwu threw out the trial token as if teasing a dog: "Two-legged beast, this prince rewards you."

"You're forcing me to kill you sooner."

Song Shi's face was indifferent, he raised his hand, his sharp edge exploded, and dense sword energy erupted, like a tide gathering from all directions.

He struck very quickly. Prince Chiwu had just given up, and the power of teleportation had not yet fully landed, so he could only bear Song Shi's blow.


Prince Chiwu's body-protecting demon fire shattered, and then disappeared under the power of teleportation, leaving behind bloody feathers.

Song Shi frowned, and his spiritual thoughts came out to get the falling token.

"If it weren't for the secret realm teleportation, you would have been beaten to death and eaten by me for all your nonsense."

Speaking coldly, Song Shi looked around and found that he was in a deserted space. There was no vegetation, no earth, just nothingness.


Song Shi hurriedly looked back and saw a secret space a few miles away, with vegetation and the earth in it. Where the two touched, there was a white light, and there were runes in it, which contained mysterious power.

Now the area he is in is in this border area, and he can clearly see the dense formation of runes that isolates the inside and outside.

"We are almost out of the secret realm. Is that the void space outside the secret realm?"

Song Shi looked forward, and a storm-like area appeared.

Obvious forces of space twisted violently here, forming black cracks. Between the cracks, the howling icy storm seemed to never stop.

The destructive power was right in front of him. Although there was still some distance, it still made him break out in a cold sweat.

"No wonder that guy stopped running. If he runs again, the power of the secret realm will not be able to teleport him. He will die if he is caught in the space storm."

Song Shi thought thoughtfully, this secret realm should be in the depths of space, opened up by the ancient power, and after leaving the secret realm, it is the depths of chaotic space.

"This place is dangerous to others, but to me..."

A mysterious smile appeared on his face, and he continued to move forward, reaching the outermost part of the secret realm. The light formed a film to block the destructive power outside, and runes of various colors continued to flow in it, which made him a little dazzled.

He stretched out his hand to touch it, but the rune seemed to be transparent. Following a circle of ripples, his hand went directly through it.

Seeing that the boundary of the secret realm did not prevent him from going out, Song Shi's eyes were filled with joy and he continued to move forward.

The space fluctuated violently, and Song Shi seemed to be passing through a special layer of water, and then his eyes dimmed and he came to a dark place.

He suddenly felt pain, and the space storm containing destructive power flooded around him. Just a part of it shattered his protective aura and dimmed it, leaving shallow marks on his muscles and bones comparable to Law Treasure.

Song Shi was surprised. His physical strength was definitely comparable to the top Law Treasure level, and even comparable to Spirit Weapon. Ordinary Nascent Souls may not have his powerful physical body.

A physical body of this level is so fragile in the face of space storms. No wonder it is difficult for a Soul Formation level person to travel through space to the upper world.

Apart from his physical body, his thoughts cannot leave too far away. Compared with his physical body, his spiritual thoughts are more fragile.

"The space storm is so powerful, it is tailor-made for me."

After thinking about it, Song Shi was even happier. In this space storm, he would definitely die many times.

"Last time I was squeezed to death by the power of space during teleportation. Now I can die until even this space storm can't hurt me."

Song Shi took off all his belongings, including clothes, packed them all and threw them back into the secret realm.

This space storm was terrifying, even if the Spirit Weapon stayed in it for a long time, it would be damaged, and he couldn't bear to let it go.

After doing this, Song Shi jumped up and rushed into the depths of the space storm.

Tsk tsk tsk!

His body was cut by the force of the storm, making a hissing sound, like a knife rubbing against steel. In the blink of an eye, blood marks appeared all over Song Shi's body.

Song Shi gritted his teeth, activated his magic power, activated all the power of his sword body and Divine Body, shrouded him in golden light, and protected his body with sword energy, which barely blocked the space storm.

"Go deeper, to the most dangerous place, and you will die faster!"

Song Shi took a step, passed through the space storm, and continued to move deeper.

The sword energy and aura surrounding him were obviously being chipped away layer by layer, and the space storm outside was so terrifying that even the Nascent Soul monks couldn't hold on for long.

This is a place that everyone avoids, but Song Shi is going in the opposite direction.

At this time, the power of space changed, and a more terrifying storm swept over.


It was only the initial contact, and the protective aura around him was shattered like a golden bell. The sword energy could not stop the terrifying power of destruction, and was blown away like smoke under the storm.

Song Shi groaned, and soon turned into a blood mist in the storm, leaving only the golden skeleton that was not immediately destroyed.

When the body was destroyed, Song Shi's soul was shattered, and she died completely.

Then, his bones were turned into powder by the space storm.

"You were killed by the space storm, your body was dead and your soul was destroyed. The reward is double the Transcendent Level and your constitution is +12000!"

"You gain strength from death and gain 4000 free attribute points!"

Song Shi was killed by his space storm for the first time. Unsurprisingly, he received a relatively generous reward.

It has been a long time since he received this level of reward, and the last time was when he was killed by the evil god's projection.

"That's great. Even if there are only rewards for the first ten times, you can still get a lot of attribute points!"

Song Shi couldn't help but feel grateful to the prince of the Chiwu tribe. If he hadn't come here accidentally, he would not be exposed to space storms.

After all, his current strength can barely affect space, and he is still far from breaking through space, let alone entering the depths of space and coming into contact with space storms.

In the outside world, after Song Shi's entire person was wiped out by the storm, in the past three seconds, a brand new him appeared.

The surrounding storm was affected and swept over again, trying to wipe away this foreign object that did not belong here.

Song means to close the sense of pain, give up resistance, and die peacefully.

The second time the reward dropped, Song Shi didn't have to worry about it. As long as he could increase the number of deaths here, he would be very satisfied.

The space storm here can easily kill even the Nascent Soul level. The upper limit of destruction is very high. It is estimated that only the Soul Formation level can protect itself here.

No matter how strong Song Shi's background is, it's still not good enough, especially since he doesn't take the initiative to defend and will basically die soon after being resurrected.

After ten times, there are no attribute rewards, and you can only increase the number of deaths to stack the basic rewards.

His golden Divine Body can be improved through basic rewards, and further can reach Supreme Grade. Picking up the Spirit Weapon with bare hands is just like playing.

His physique has improved a lot, and the speed at which the space storm destroys him has also slowed down a lot.

At this time, if he takes the initiative to defend himself, there is absolutely no problem in enduring the space storm for a period of time before his mana is exhausted.

When Song Shi was dying, in the secret realm, densely packed runes shone brightly, suddenly converging somewhere, condensing into a figure, looking into the depths of the void.

"Even the space storm can't kill him. What secret does this kid have? He seems to be using the space storm to temper his body and improve his strength."

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