What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 252 Saint Lord Langya

The figure muttered, full of curiosity.

In his opinion, this person was resurrected after being destroyed by the space storm, and his body became obviously stronger. Isn't it Body Tempering, or what?

"This person has a strong understanding and knows many skills. Could it be that he is the reincarnation of a powerful person? If this is the case, we can meet him and make some arrangements."

The figure murmured, looked for a moment, then transformed into runes again and dispersed.

As time passed, the secret realm without Song Shi seemed much quieter.

The geniuses of the Chiwu tribe who were chased by Song Shi reunited, and later learned that the prince had been forced out by Song Shi. They were angry and angry, but they did not dare to take the initiative to trouble Song Shi, but chose to hide.

Song Shi has given up on collecting any points. In his opinion, even if he gets first place, the reward will not be as good as what he gained by dying.

With this mentality, Song Shi died again and again.

As the body becomes stronger, the time required for death begins to increase, starting from a few seconds to half a minute.

After half a day, his golden Divine Body reached the Supreme Grade without any surprise. At this point, Song Shi's death speed slowed down again.

Even if he didn't take the initiative to defend himself, it would take more than three minutes for the space storm to destroy him.

This is because his physical body is already comparable to the Spirit Weapon. Without the Spiritual Treasure, the Spirit Weapon is already the most Apex Level Law Treasure in the lower world, and even the Nascent Soul True Monarch may not be able to possess one.

Although the space storm here is terrifying, it still takes a while to easily destroy a Spirit Weapon.

Song Shi controlled his power crazily, fearing that the space storm would affect him and kill him.

More than one day passed, and Song Shi's physical strength was about to break through.

"I don't know what the lower Rank One physique is. There seems to be no description in this world."

Song Shi looked forward to it. In the Wuji Continent, Dharma Body, Spirit Body, and Divine Body are the three stages of physique that human beings can cultivate. They are divided into Innate and acquired, and there are differences between small and big.

Some people are born with a Spirit Body and need to achieve it after adulthood, while some people practice it the day after tomorrow and can achieve it in one step.

The defense power of the three major levels of adult physique corresponds to Law Weapon, Law Treasure and Spirit Weapon, and the realm corresponds to Foundation Building, Gold Core, Nascent Soul and even Soul Formation level.

Going one step further, there is an existence beyond Soul Formation, which has long been absent in this world.

"Little guy, how long do you have to stay? The trial is almost over."

When Song Shi wanted to stay for a while and improve his physique to the next level, a voice suddenly appeared in his ear.


Song Shi, who was dying, hurriedly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with fire, his sharp edge was revealed, mana surged out of his body, his aura jumped, and his sword energy protected his body.

Song Shi glanced around, no matter whether it was sight or sensing, there was no second person.

This shows that the other party is stronger than him.


Song Shi questioned.

"Don't be nervous, I am the formation spirit of this Langya Secret Realm. It can also be called the spirit of the secret realm."

In the turbulent flow of space, runes flew out one after another, and with mysterious power, they quickly transformed into a figure.

Song Shi was surprised and stared at the figure. He was an old man in white clothes and a white beard. He was energetic and elegant. He could tell that he was a handsome man in his youth.

"You can call me Langya. I know you. You can call me Xueyi Old Ghost, or Song Shi."

The old man smiled kindly: "Judging from the few words they said, you are related to the old ghost in blood, the head of the Ye family, and Song Shi, but you should be the weakest, the youngest, and the least likely to survive the seizure. Song Shi.”

Song Shi was shocked by what the old man said. This was the first person to recognize who he was at a glance. She couldn't help but wonder: "How did you guess that?"

"It's simple, Soul."

The old man smiled: "When there is a big gap in strength, you can directly peek into the soul. Your soul is young and energetic. It is definitely not an old ghost in blood-clothed clothes that is hundreds of years old. You are only twenty years old."

Song Shi was stunned: "It can still be like this."

"Of course, the soul is the foundation of all living beings. Just like trees have annual rings, and people will have wrinkles and gray hair when they get old. As time goes by, everything will leave traces of time, and the same is true for the soul."

The old man talked freely and answered Song Shi's doubts.

Song Shi suddenly understood: "It makes sense. The appearance can be disguised, the body can be replaced, but the soul cannot."

He asked again: "What is your strength? Why can you see through me?"

"The entire secret realm is my power. Within the secret realm, it doesn't matter if I call you a god. What does it mean if I see through you?"

The old man looked a little arrogant.

"You are so powerful, what do you want me to do now?"

Song Shi was puzzled.

The old man chuckled: "If you are not allowed to return to the secret realm, when the secret realm is closed, you will be lost in the void, and you may not be able to find your way back for the rest of your life."

"Ah, there's this more!"

Song Shi was startled. She was so preoccupied with death that she didn't even consider this issue.

"You can think of the depths of space as the sea, and the secret realm as a small boat. If the secret realm wasn't here, it stabilized the nearby space and made the storm less fierce. Otherwise, you would have been swept into an unknown space. Not to mention The question of whether you will die or not, you may be trapped for hundreds or thousands of years without being able to find a world where you can dock."

The old man meant a lot.

Song Shi's back felt cold. He was not afraid of death, but if he was trapped in space turbulence for a long time, loneliness could make people go crazy.

He looked at the old man: "Old man, are you so kind?"

"Haha, I remind you that besides not wanting people like you to get lost in the depths of the void for no apparent reason, I also want to ask you for something."

The old man said sincerely.

"You are so powerful, what do you want from me?"

Song Shi was puzzled.

"I am the spirit of the secret realm. I can only exist in and around the secret realm. There is nothing I can do if I leave the secret realm. Naturally, the matters I need your help with must be dealt with elsewhere."

The old man smiled helplessly.

"What's up?"

Song Shi estimates that this matter will not be simple.

"Go to the upper world to save my master Langya Shengjun."

The old man said seriously.

"Me? Going to the upper world?"

Song Shi was surprised: "Are you so sure that I can do it?"

"Compared to other people, even the Immortal Fate Society over the years, you are the most likely to do it."

The old man nodded: "Your background is unfathomable, and I estimate that you are the reincarnation of a powerful person. You are so powerful at a young age, and you also possess a secret treasure that makes you immortal. If you can't go to the upper world and become a strong man, I won't Know who else can do it.”

Song Shi suddenly understood and asked again: "Aren't you afraid that he will die before I get up there?"

"No, it has been tens of thousands of years. If it had fallen, it would have fallen long ago."

The old man shook his head: "But you still have to help me rescue him as soon as possible. As a reward, I will give you part of it first, and the rest will be given to you by Saint Lord Langya."

"Wait a minute, judging from your tone, this Lord Langya can still communicate with you?"

Song Shi was puzzled.

"It's okay before he's in danger, but not later."

The old man was helpless.

"Then how do you determine that he needs to be saved? Maybe he has already died.?"

"It's very simple. I formed the formation from the fusion of part of his thoughts. Although I don't know the specific situation, I can still sense his life and death situation."

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