The Black Snake Demon Lord's face was already dark, but now it is even darker.

He waved his hand to put away the rotten bones and put away the poison, with an expressionless expression on his face: "Do you think I will be stupid enough to help you with Body Tempering?"

"Oh, you probably don't have any new poison."

Song Shi crossed his arms: "How to kill me next?"

The Black Snake Demon Lord had a cold face: "I don't want to talk to you. Fairy White, I'd better freeze him. It's annoying to look at him."

A ray of white light flew in, and Song Shi's whole body became cold and he was frozen again.

"You can't do anything to him with your bone-forming rotting poison, but you still let him benefit. What kind of freak is this person?"

The White Snake Demon Lord opened his eyes and felt a little headache.

"I don't know, it doesn't look like a human being."

The Black Snake Demon Lord sighed: "Now I understand how those guys suffered. If we hadn't been highly cultivated, we would have suffered too."

"I have already suffered a loss."

The White Snake Demon Lord gritted his teeth: "I got nothing, the Spirit Partitioning was destroyed, and it will take hundreds of years to condense."

"Fortunately, my Monster Race relies on my physical body and my talent Divine Ability. It's not like humans who need to practice external incarnation. I can control multiple Law Treasures, so the impact of destroying it won't be too big."

The Black Snake Demon Lord comforted him.

"That's because you're not ruined."

The White Snake Demon Lord snorted and stared at the speechless Song Shi: "Go back to Ten Thousand Snake Cave and think about how to deal with you."

Song Shi felt like she had a very important weapon sealed... her mouth.

Otherwise, he can also verbally attack.

"Monster Race doesn't pay much attention to the Primordial Spirit. I guess the White Snake Demon Lord only has Spirit Partitioning. You can use that thing, otherwise it will just be left in the dust."

Song Shi thought secretly that after this mental crisis, some of his ideas had changed. In the future, he should be as conservative as possible in his death.

His various abilities are not bad now, and his understanding is strong. If he can cultivate on his own, he can do it on his own.

While he was thinking, the two great snake clan masters accelerated their speed, crossed tens of thousands of miles, and came to a cold and cold valley where no one could poop.

A strong miasma filled the ground. It was not that the birds were unwilling to poop, but that they would be poisoned to death if they came.

This is the Sacred Land of the Snake Clan, home to the most powerful existence of the Snake Clan. No matter which branch, they are proud to occupy a place in the Ten Thousand Snake Cave.

Upon noticing the return of the two Venerables, a large number of snakes crawled out of the miasma, bowing to them with respectful expressions.

The White Snake Demon Lord ignored it at all and flew straight into the depths of the snake cave.

"Go to my white jade cave and restrict him with ten thousand years of black ice."

The White Snake Demon Lord said: "Your Sea of ​​Bones no longer poses much of a threat to him."

"Okay, this freak already has a body that is invulnerable to all poisons. Evolving into the bone sea is like taking a bath."

Black Snake Demon Lord has no objection.

The two continued to go north, the temperature dropped rapidly, and soon they entered a land of jade. The appearance of this place was completely different from other places. The beautiful jade in the open air shone brightly, and any piece of it could be sold for a good price in the world, but no one could get here.

The key point is that the aura here is high, more like a fairy Cave Mansion. It is hard to imagine that the Ten Thousand Snake Cave, which looks like a sinister place on the outside, has such a blessed place.

In the center of the white jade mine, a large hole opened in the ground, guarded by many soldiers of the White Snake Tribe.

"Meet the ancestor, Black Venerable."

The soldiers guarding the cave saluted respectfully.

The White Snake Demon Lord nodded slightly and carried Song Shi into the cave. There was a different world inside, the space was spacious, and the spiritual energy became more intense.

After passing through the winding passage, the two demons came to a huge cave. There was an underground palace in the center of the cave.

Song Shi looked at the exquisite and beautiful palace in surprise. For a moment, it was difficult to connect Monster Race with this elegant underground palace that looked like a fairy palace.

"The Fairy Bai's place is still full of fairy spirit. I don't think my place is dark and has nothing to do with being a fairy."

The Black Snake Demon Lord praised.

"You and I have different paths of cultivation, so I don't think we would be envious."

The White Snake Demon Lord smiled: "Besides, this is what the ancestors left behind. I just inherited their favor."

"Hey, back then you were in the White Jade Cave, and I was in the Sea of ​​Bones. Every generation has its predecessors Ascension. Nowadays, the space passage is becoming more and more dangerous. I don't know if we can still do it."

The Black Snake Demon Lord felt emotional.

"If you get his secret, you might be able to go to the upper world easily."

The White Snake Demon Lord's eyes fell on Song Shi. He did not enter the palace, but stopped at the White Jade Square outside the palace.

This is the forbidden area of ​​the White Snake Clan, and the palace is the most forbidden area among forbidden areas. She will not bring Song Shi in there.

She spit out a beam of white light and hit somewhere on the ground. The nearby white jade suddenly lit up, and runes emerged from it, quickly forming a barrier. Isolate inside and outside.

Song Shi's frozen power dissipated, and he regained his ability to speak, exclaiming: "Who did your ancestors learn to build houses from? They are very good at it."

"You'd better care about your own situation."

The White Snake Demon Lord had a cold face: "Here, you can suffer less. I don't want you to experience the torture methods of different snake clans."

"Hey, my snake clan has thousands of branches, so you can experience one kind every day."

The Black Snake Demon Lord smiled ferociously and wanted to intimidate Song Shi.

"Forget about the torture. You can't kill me. It's boring. You'd better go into the palace and sleep with me. Once you're happy, I'll give you my baby."

Song Shi looked at the White Snake Demon Lord: "I told you that I can't resist a beauty like you."

The Black Snake Demon Lord thought that his bone-transforming rotten poison could not be used against this guy, and other snake tribe's methods might not be effective. He looked at the White Snake Demon Lord and said, "How about you work harder?"

The White Snake Demon Lord wanted to hit someone after hearing this, but this old guy didn't do it himself, and asked her to serve others with her own body, and then share the benefits for free?

She smiled: "Okay, if you lie to me again, don't blame me for letting you have no future."

Dragging Song Shi, she walked towards the palace.

"Wait, let's stay outside. It's too dangerous for you to be alone."

The Black Snake Demon Lord stopped him, not wanting the two to get out of sight.

"Old Monster Hei, I, Bai Yu'er, have inherited the lineage of spiritual snakes and learned human ways like my ancestors. Do you still want me to mate in front of you like those uncivilized beasts?"

The White Snake Demon Lord sneered, her human name was actually Bai Yu'er.

"Well, I didn't say that just now."

The Black Snake Demon Lord smiled awkwardly, "But you two are finished and have to come out immediately. I am still worried that Fairy White will take the treasure."

"Hmph, if there really is a treasure, you won't be able to sense it?"

The White Snake Demon Lord dragged Song Shi towards the palace.

Song Shi was a little regretful. She thought she could make two monsters fight, but she underestimated their level.

He teased: "You actually call a little girl like Bai Yu'er a name, but she has actually become a young woman."

Bai Yu'er sneered: "You humans like to judge people by their appearance and their names. You are all a bunch of vulgar people."

"Damn it, I was actually taught a lesson by a monster."

Song Shi was speechless, it seemed like he was stupid.

Through a protective shield, the two came to the palace, and of course Song Shi was dragged in.

The space fluctuated, and the inside suddenly became much more spacious, far larger than the outside, with a height of nearly a thousand meters.

"Tsk, tsk, amazing."

Song Shi got up and found a talisman in his hand.

Soul-controlling talisman!

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