What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 264 Humanoid Training Resources

This thing has been taken out for a long time and has never been used. It was only considered in the ghost space of Tiangui Sect, but was not used in the end.

"I can control Soul Formation and below. I destroyed this witch Spirit Partitioning, so there shouldn't be much of a problem."

While Song Shi was thinking, Bai Yu'er patted him on the huge white jade bed and said with a charming smile: "I haven't touched a man for many years. You are not bad. The magic power is Yang attribute, which may be good for my practice. "

She tore Song Shi's clothes to pieces, looking very wild.

Song Shi was surprised. He didn't expect the demon girl to be so direct. Just as he was about to activate the spirit talisman, the White Snake Demon Lord breathed out a breath of cold air and froze him directly.

"Is it possible that we discovered it?"

Song Shi hurriedly took the talisman hidden in the palm of her hand back into the system space, but judging from Bai Yuer's reaction, she didn't notice his little move.

"No matter what your secret is, today I will first devour your mana Yang Origin and get back some of my origin."

Bai Yu'er snorted, opened her mouth and sucked, and began to swallow and squeeze Song Shi.

"Oops, Ragnarok hasn't completely cooled down yet, so I can't move."

Song Shi secretly said that it was not good, and then accepted the reality.

After all, he is very experienced in this kind of thing.

Outside, Old Monster Hei looked at the golden-white light flashing in the palace, which was flashing regularly, matching a certain rhythm.

"This bitch pretends to be unhappy, but actually she just wants to steal his magic power to practice. She's really good at pretending!"

The black old ghost sneered, Bai Yu'er's cultivation had already reached the realm of yin and yang, and the magic power of the blood-clothed old ghost was good for her.

"I hope I can control the old ghost in blood this time so that I don't have to use other methods."

He muttered that the blood-clothed old ghost's magic power was not as good as that of the White Snake Demon Lord, and he was easily lost in his happiness, so he should be easily confused.

Carefully sensing the fluctuations in mana, once there are signs of the birth of a peerless baby, he will not sit still and wait for death.

In the palace, the rosy-faced Bai Yu'er was surprised: "Your mana Yang Origin is so terrifying, it is ten times higher than the same level!"

"Then shouldn't you be happy?"

Song Shihaha, the witch seemed unhappy on the surface just now, but in fact she was not coveting his pure Yang magic power and essence.

"I am happy that you are qualified to help me practice."

The White Snake Demon Lord laughed, with a strange look in his eyes, confusing Song Shi. His spirit was forced back to the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and he lost control of the mana and essence in his body, allowing her to devour him.

Song Shi has nine Gold Cores, pure mana, and the total amount is more abundant than the ordinary Nascent Soul. It also has multiple Divine Bodies, and its flesh, flesh, and bones contain powerful sources.

If it were an ordinary snake demon, it would be difficult to withstand the power of the Nine Suns and even the Sun contained in Song Shi's mana and essence. However, Bai Yu'er's cultivation is advanced and is at the Soul Formation level, so these powers are just right.

Therefore, Song Shi's fine energy cultivation is a superior cultivation resource for Bai Yu'er. She smiled proudly and said: "Not to mention other things, even this person's fine energy cultivation can help me make rapid progress and save me hundreds of years of hard training. ."

She was not polite and devoured Song Shi crazily. Her own mana and essence increased rapidly, while Song Shi began to wither.

One day later, when she saw the shriveled Song Shi, she thought to herself: "Since this person can't be killed, then just suck him dry. It would be better if he died. If he doesn't die, I will make money."

Feeling her improved cultivation, she mercilessly swallowed up Song Shi's last strength. Song Shi lost his last breath and hiccupped.

After half a breath, Song Shi's body disappeared, as if he had completely left this world.

Bai Yu'er sank down a bit, sitting on the jade stone, her eyes narrowed.

"Disappeared again, must have been taken away by his treasure..."

His thoughts spread and he scanned the area, but found no trace.

"Are you looking for me?"

Song Shi appeared behind her, hugged her, and asked, "Are you full? Do you still want it?"

Bai Yuer's body trembled, and she turned to stare at Song Shi. The latter was full of flesh and bones, with a shining luster, and was full of energy. He looked completely different from the destitute appearance just now.

This shocked her: "How did you do it? The mana essence I swallowed was not fake."

She deeply understood the weird mystery of this person. If she had only killed him before, which did not involve too much loss of power, this time she had absorbed all of him and was able to return to his prime.

"Why are there so many problems? Were you unhappy just now?"

Song Shi asked back, hooking Bai Yuer's chin and kissing her directly: "Do you want me to take the initiative this time?"

Bai Yu'er came back to her senses, and a cold light erupted from her body, directly freezing Song Shi.

"I still don't believe it, I can't suck you to death."

She swallowed Song Shi's power again, and the other party's essence cultivation was extremely pure, which benefited her a lot.

While enjoying it, Bai Yuer's aura continued to grow.

After most of the day, Song Shi was sucked dry, but soon came back to life again.

Bai Yuer's scalp felt a little numb. What kind of thing was she smoking? And it had its own recharge?

"This person is definitely not his real body. I might just be devouring an energy body, a special clone."

Bai Yu'er guessed, "What kind of treasure can this special clone be condensed into?"

She felt that all the previous doubts could be solved. Why couldn't she kill this person? It was probably the clone that she had been killing.

"Don't believe your power is infinite!"

Bai Yu'er snorted coldly. After Song Shi comes back to life, he will suck it if he catches it.

Three times... five times... ten times!

Half a month later, Bai Yu'er's cultivation level skyrocketed, and she was directly promoted to a small level, reaching the middle level of Soul Formation, which is equivalent to hundreds of years of hard training.

The old black monster who had been waiting impatiently outside noticed the change in Bai Yu'er's aura, raised his head suddenly, and said coldly: "You can still break through, Fairy Bai, it's not over yet, don't be too greedy, the baby has a part of me."

"You're overthinking it. I'm just practicing dual cultivation with her. After getting the benefits, I can make a smooth breakthrough."

Bai Yu'er responded lightly, and then the mana fluctuations subsided. An extra layer of clothes was added to her body, and a layer of white clothes was gathered for Song Shi. She froze her body and took it out later: "Look, he is still alive."

"Old weirdo, why are you so anxious? I haven't enjoyed it enough."

Song Shi said calmly, he was now waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity caused by Bai Yuer's negligence, and then hit the opponent's forehead with the soul-controlling talisman.

The old monster Hei understood what was going on at a glance. He must have been swallowed to death by Bai Yu'er, then resurrected, and then swallowed again. Weirdly, he became a special cultivation resource.

Humanoid training resources!

He said: "I really didn't expect that you could still use it like this, and then I would also come and swallow it."

"Go away, I don't want to practice with a male snake."

Song Shi had a look of disgust on his face. Being swallowed up by Bai Yu'er's power was considered a kind of enjoyment, but being swallowed by this old snake's skin would only leave him disgusting.

"Old Monster Hei, you kept asking me to sleep with him and let me work hard. I won't bother you to work hard. Just keep waiting."

Bai Yu'er now regards Song Shi as a personal property, and her strong possessiveness makes her not want to share this man.

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