What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 265 Condensing Its Ten And Eight Nascent Soul

"No, I also have such a good training resource!"

The old black monster firmly objected: "Fairy White, you won't fight me for him, right? Although you have broken through a small level, you have just reached the middle stage, and you are not my opponent yet."

Bai Yu'er frowned. This old monster's cultivation was indeed higher than hers. The key was that the bone-forming rot poison posed too great a threat to the White Jade Cave. She was not absolutely sure, so she didn't want to take action.

After thinking about it for a moment, she said, "Let's wait until I reach the Late Stage."

"No, it won't be long until you reach Late Stage."

The black old monster retorted.

"How about setting a time, just half a year, no matter whether there is a breakthrough by then, I will let you use it."

Bai Yuer said.

"Half a year..."

The black old monster felt Bai Yu'er's aura, so he broke through. The next level requires more power. Even with the help of this humanoid training resource, it shouldn't be that easy to break through, otherwise the Soul Formation Late Stage would be too easy.

He nodded: "Okay, just half a year. If you don't give it by then, don't blame me for being rude."

"Then you go back and come back in half a year. This time is not even a small retreat for you and me."

Leaving these words behind, she took Song Shi directly back to the palace without giving the old monster a chance to speak.

Looking at the humanoid cultivation resources, she smiled and said: "You cooperate with me well. When my cultivation level is high and I can defeat that old monster, you don't have to help him cultivate."

"I have a secret technique that can help you speed up your improvement. It's also good for me."

Song Shi thought for a while. He had been swallowed by mana and essence before. Every time he was resurrected, he was frozen. He had no chance to make a move. It was best to avoid being frozen.

Now, there is an opportunity.

"Double cultivation of secret arts?"

Bai Yu'er frowned. She was worried about why this man was so proactive and whether there might be something fishy about his secret skills.

"You think, if you just swallow it by force, then I am just like a spiritual stone. If you cooperate with me, your cultivation speed can be increased several times."

Song means bewitchment.

"Are you so kind?"

Bai Yu'er was suspicious.

"I can't even run away. I have resigned myself to my fate. It is better to be your man than to be trained by that black snake outside."

Song Shi said sincerely, "And I like your skin very much. I haven't enjoyed it enough."

Bai Yu'er dispelled some doubts and nodded: "Then let's try it."

"This dual cultivation secret technique is called Yin Yang and Tai Shu."

When Song Shi said this, he looked at the seductive Bai Yu'er and said, "This is my first time practicing with a goblin."

"Oh, then should I be honored?"

Bai Yu'er chuckled.

"Indeed, after all, the target of your double cultivation is me who will be invincible in the future."

Song Shi looked arrogant and had to pretend to be in front of women.

"You want to be invincible when you can't even defeat me."

Bai Yuer curled her lips, but was still a little shaken. If this person continued like this, he would probably become invincible in the future.

"Come, I'll pass it on to you."

Song Shi reached out and touched Bai Yuer's eyebrows.

Bai Yu'er opened Song Shi's hand and said, "You don't need to use your mind to teach the exercises, just recite them to me silently."

She was still a little wary of Song Shi's mental power and worried about fraud.

Song Shi said without changing his expression: "Then listen carefully."

After hearing this, Bai Yu'er was surprised: "I didn't expect it to be High Level. You have to practice with women, right?"

"No way, I have practiced dual cultivation with a woman so far."

Song Shi spoke righteously: "If I lie to you, I will be struck by thunder and die badly."

Bai Yuer's eyes changed. Could it be that this person is really dedicated?

"Come on, don't just ask for things this time, the two cultivations are mutually reinforcing."

Song Shi reminded that when he started practicing together with Bai Yu'er, a golden-white halo of light was quickly released and spread to a width of thousands of feet, turning into a vision similar to a yin and yang diagram.

In the Yin-Yang Diagram, the sound of dragon chants rises, a golden fire dragon hovers, and a larger white snake emerges on the other side. The two entwine and fly around each other, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathers crazily.

Behind the fire dragon, the nine-wheeled sun slowly rose, exuding scorching heat, and the white snake also exhaled icy cold air. The two completely opposite forces did not confront or cancel each other out, but moved along the yin and yang diagram and magically merged together.

A more pure and mysterious force appeared, containing strong vitality and vitality, and then this force split into two.

Because Bai Yu'er was powerful, he was allocated more power, directly reaching 90%, while Song Shi only had 10%, but it was still of great benefit to him.

Both of them absorbed the power of fusion, and their spirits were shocked. Their whole bodies seemed to be sublimated, and their mana, spirit, and body were all significantly increased.

Bai Yu'er's beautiful eyes were filled with bright light, and she said happily: "You didn't lie to me. It is indeed better than simply swallowing your essence to cultivate."

She was in a good mood, smiled, and was extremely beautiful.

Song Shi sighed: "It is still comfortable to practice with a beauty like you. Even if you are a prisoner, you will be addicted to it."

"Don't you also get benefits?"

Bai Yuer took a look at Song Shi, and she was in a good mood at the moment. Song Shi said that she was beautiful, and she was even more elated. Looking at Song Shi, she was much more pleasing to the eye, and even felt a little strange.

"not enough."

With a thought, Song Shi took out a pile of extremely bright crystal stones, which contained rich and pure spiritual energy.

"Add some spiritual stones and the effect will be better."

Bai Yu'er was stunned: "You are not mistaken, are you? You are a prisoner, and you still use your own cultivation resources? Even these are high-grade spiritual stones of yours, which are worth a lot of money."

"Yes, just because I am a prisoner, isn't what's mine yours?"

Song Shi is a matter of course.

Bai Yuer's expression was strange: "I have never seen a prisoner who is so cooperative like you. It's really dreamy."

"Don't you see it now?"

Song Shi took Bai Yu'er's hand: "Come, let me, a prisoner, help you break through a small realm. I will also try to condense the Nascent Soul."

Speaking of this, he said with emotion: "I never thought that one day, I would also give birth to a baby."


Bai Yu'er said speechlessly: "You have really strange thoughts. You called my Spirit Partitioning a schizophrenia and Nascent Soul a childbirth."

"This is called teasing, you don't understand."

Song Shi pouted.

"If you don't want to cultivate the Nascent Soul, you can cultivate the Yuan Shen and cultivate the Demon Body like us monsters."

Bai Yu'er beguiled: "If you want to become a monster, I can help you."

"Forget it, I think it's better to be a human being, and I not only want to cultivate the Yuan Body, but also condense ten or eight Nascent Souls out of it."

Bai Yu'er had black lines all over her head, but she didn't laugh at her. Instead, she glanced at Song Shi's body.

She knew that the other party could really condense nine Nascent Souls, but it felt weird.

"So I want you to help me get nine Nascent Souls together."

Song Shi chuckled. Originally, he wanted to control Bai Yu'er out of revenge, but now it is even more necessary. This woman just helped him break through to the Nascent Soul realm.

Bai Yu'er said nothing, but in her heart she was not very willing to let this person break through. The other person's background was too deep. If he broke through to Nascent Soul, he might not be able to suppress him anymore.

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