What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 275 Transformation Into Ghost Spirit

Deep in the ghost pit is endless darkness, with only wisps of will-o'-the-wisps popping out occasionally, it is far less lively than before.

The nine-round sun suddenly broke through the darkness, followed by a dozen figures.

Song Shi asked: "Why didn't they break into the ghost land?"

"It was probably a fight, but it didn't work."

Gui Sha guessed and explained: "Brother Xueyi doesn't know. The Ghost Land has a certain relationship with the Nine Netherworld. It is a space fragment left over from ancient times. The power of the Nine Netherworld still remains. The deeper you go, the less suitable it is for living people. No matter how strong their overall strength is, individually they are just a group of Foundation Building and Gold Core, and if they rashly go deep into the army, they may be wiped out."

"Sir, he is right, the ghost land is not suitable for staying for a long time, otherwise you will become a dead person."

Bai Yu'er joked: "The people from the Tiangui Sect spent a lot of time in there and couldn't get out. I guess if they really take the name of the sect, they will all be ghosts."

Gui Sha frowned, and then said nonchalantly: "It will indeed be like this, but our sect's martial arts are inherently suitable for this path. Even the upper realm of Ascension is the Nine Nether Realm, so there is nothing wrong with it."

Song Shi heard this strangely: "Wait a minute, I suddenly discovered that the upper world you are talking about is not a world."

"Young Master, do you think this is a world?"

Bai Yu'er looked sideways, thinking Song Shi knew.

"There is too little information about Ascension. I don't read ancient books every day, so I don't know much about it."

Song Shi took it for granted: "But now we can understand."

Bai Yu'er suddenly understood and introduced: "Actually, the upper realm we usually talk about is the upper realm where we want Ascension. It is the upper realm where living people go. However, it is not the upper realm for some special cultivators. For example, those who practice ghost ways can go to the Nine Realms. In the Nether Realm, those who practice demons can go to the Ascension Heavenly Demon Realm, but the easiest upper realm to go to is the Xuan Spirit World, and it is also an upper realm that anyone can go to.”

Song Shi understood immediately that there was more than one upper realm of feelings outside the Wuji Continent, and it was normal. He was not too surprised.

"Elder Xueyi, our foundation outside has been destroyed, and there is no good place to go. This time we are going to take the ghost path in the Spirit World. Your path is different from ours, so you don't need to go in with us."

Gui Sha said: "If you go out now, you still have a chance to leave. If you are late, you may be blocked."

"Go and have a look, they can't stop me."

Song Shi was in no hurry to leave, he wanted to see if Bai Xiaoqin was inside.

"Okay, it's all thanks to you, otherwise we wouldn't be able to get in at all."

Gui Sha is sincerely grateful.

"I said it was a promise. I got a lot of good things from the Tiangui Sect. I should return some of them."

With a flick of Song Shi's finger, the fire lit up, the underground river shattered, and the originally green ghost river disappeared, as if it had been evaporated by some force.

"Sure enough, they attacked here and they probably failed."

Gui Sha's face darkened: "The situation at that time must have been worse than imagined."

He scanned around, "The entrance is missing."

"The entrance to the space is somewhat displaced."

Song Shi looked at the end of the dark river. Since he died many times in the space storm and initially browsed the Void Sutra, he is now very sensitive to the fluctuations of the void.

He flew forward: "The entrance is deep."

After advancing for several miles, an area emitting rich green will-o'-the-wisps appeared, a huge crack opened in the space, and ravines opened in the underground rock formations.

Deep in the ravine, densely packed ghosts were suspended, including beasts, humans, and soldiers wearing armor.


Amid the sounds of ghosts crying and wolf howling, a gust of ghostly wind blew out, and strange green vortexes appeared in all directions, making people's hair stand on end.

Densely packed ghosts flew towards me like moths flying into the flames, turning into ashes and green smoke as soon as they touched the halo of flames.

"The power of the ghost space has become much more violent."

Gui Sha looked at the entrance: "It should be caused by the battle."

"Let's talk after we go in."

Song Shi ignored the ghostly wind and ghost fire at the crack in the space and walked in holding Chen Yiling's sword.

The cold and biting power blew in, causing the flames on his body to sway. The power of ghosts and the power of pure Yang were violently consuming each other. The former seemed endless, but Song Shi's power was more domineering.

"Damn it, grandma, I haven't been exposed to the sun for a few days, and I have to go to a ghost place like this again."

Song Shi curled her lips, instinctively not liking this place.

He also felt that this space was repelling him, more severely than last time, and he probably became stronger.

A green light appeared in front of his eyes, and the exposed things were gray. Song Shi looked at the dilapidated and messy space, and was surprised: "Is everything in here so messy? Qianlong Army still has some skills."

"The bull-headed horse-faced guard guarding the gate was there last time I came to Heishan."

The black old monster was dissatisfied from the back: "This time there is not even a person to greet the guests. I think these ghost kings have no appearance at all."

"Something's wrong. Look, there are a lot of spatial cracks in this space. Can the Qianlong Army complete such destruction?"

Bai Yu'er pinched out a mana white snake and flew out. It didn't fly very far before it made a clicking sound.

A black line appeared, cutting the mana white snake in half, looking extremely sharp.

Luo Chi and other low-cultivation people who followed in looked stern and did not dare to walk around at all, fearing that they would be like this.

Song Shi didn't say anything and continued to move forward, avoiding the black lines that appeared from time to time. These were space cracks that could directly cut off Law Treasure, which was more powerful than most knives in the world.

They walked for several miles without seeing a single living person, only some unconscious Low Level ghosts.

"There are too many cracks in space, making it difficult to detect."

Song Shi muttered, the space here is a bit chaotic, and the idea of ​​release can easily be destroyed by the cracks in the space.

While saying this, he reached out and touched a crack in space. With a hiss, the light flickered and the black line was cut off by his fingers.

The old black monster following behind twitched his face. This physical body could not even be destroyed by spatial cracks. It was simply a humanoid Spirit Weapon.

At this time, there was a strong ghost wind in the distance, and a rather large monster rushed over.

Da da da!

This was actually a horse-faced monster with green fire all over its body, charging towards him with a broken sword in hand.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

It roared like a wild beast, without any sense.

When Song Shi saw the horse noodles, he felt a little familiar, but it was not like the horse noodles he saw last time.

Gui Sha saw it, but recognized it, and said hurriedly: "Elder Xueyi, this is Elder Wang. He probably lost his mind when he turned into a ghost. Please show mercy."

"Elder Wang?"

Song Shi was stunned to be reminded like this,

When Song Shi saw the horse noodles, he felt a little familiar, but it was not like the horse noodles he saw last time.

Gui Sha saw it, but recognized it, and said hurriedly: "Elder Xueyi, this is Elder Wang. He probably lost his mind when he turned into a ghost. Please show mercy."

"Elder Wang?"

Song Shi was stunned to be reminded like this,

When Song Shi saw the horse noodles, he felt a little familiar, but it was not like the horse noodles he saw last time.

Gui Sha saw it, but recognized it, and said hurriedly: "Elder Xueyi, this is Elder Wang. He probably lost his mind when he turned into a ghost. Please show mercy."

"Elder Wang?"

Song Shi was stunned to be reminded like this,


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