What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 275 Nine Nether Ghost Spider

"It seems that he was probably killed, and his soul actively merged with the horse demon's demon spirit?"

Song Shi looked at it with great interest. There is no underworld in this world, but with such things, it is possible to build an underworld.

"Probably, after all, it's not the end of his life yet."

The ghost sighed, made a hand and recited a mantra, and a faint light shot out, falling on the horse's face and between his eyebrows.

He shouted: "Elder Wang, wake up quickly, otherwise you will become a beast."

The latter's eyes trembled, and there was a bit of human struggle in the madness, and his sanity gradually returned.

"Let him go."

Song Shi gestured to Bai Yu'er.

The latter regained his freedom and looked at Song Shi and Gui Sha tremblingly: "Why did you come in? You shouldn't have come. You shouldn't have come."

Song Shi said thoughtfully, "What accident happened here?"

"Dead, all dead!"

Wang Shilian slumped on the ground helplessly, tears streaming from his eyes, and his mind was wandering.

"Elder Wang, please tell me specifically what happened."

Luo Chi was a little anxious. He thought the situation here would be better, but it turned out not to be the case. He was already a little irritable.

Wang Shi stopped his horse and trembled: "More than half a year ago, we were suddenly attacked by the Qianlong Army and the Demon Slayer Division. The army pressed on the border, and the sect-protecting formation was destroyed after not lasting long. The sect was under siege, and there were countless casualties. We had to Retreat to the ghost land and continue fighting..."

"Isn't this similar to normal development? What happened next? Where is Youyou?"

Luo Chi was puzzled.

"Dead, all dead."

Wang Shizhen's spirit became unstable again, "I'm dead too, I want revenge, kill!"

Wang Shilian, who was paralyzed on the ground, opened his mouth and bit Luo Chi, forcing the latter to dodge.


Wang Shilian got up and was about to chop someone, but Bai Yu'er moved his fingers to freeze him.

Song Shi frowned when she saw Wang Shilian going crazy again: "This guy is insane and can't ask anything. Go ahead and ask a normal question."

He speeded up and came to the place where the Black Mountain Ghost King originally slept. He found many large pits formed by the battle, a large number of cold white bones scattered nearby, and some Law Weapon fragments.

Song Shi sensed a dangerous aura and looked at Bai Yu'er and the old monster Hei who also changed color: "Is there a Soul Formation-level existence here?"

"No, generally the Soul Formation masters of Tiangui Sect will directly Ascend the Nine Netherworld through this ghost land. They will not be like us, because it is too dangerous to go to the Xuan Spirit World, so we dare not act rashly."

The black old monster shook his head.

"Then who does this breath come from? Goodness breeds evil."

Song Shi murmured, and then thought of something: "Unless..."

"This is the sect master's soul-locking chain, and it's broken!"

Gui Sha exclaimed and found a piece of chain from the crack, with an ugly expression on his face: "Is the Qianlong Army so powerful? It even broke the sect leader's Law Treasure."

At this time, a circle of fog appeared out of thin air in the ghost space, appearing gray and black, spreading from somewhere.

The firelight on Song Shi's body became flickering, and he instinctively felt uncomfortable. When he looked carefully, he saw that the black mist was quickly melting his pure Yang flame.


A Foundation Building disciple was shrouded in fog for a moment, and the shield was destroyed. The flesh and blood that came into contact with the fog actually began to melt, and his bones were exposed.

"This is the Nine Nether Ghost Mist. Everyone, hurry up and defend yourself, otherwise you will be destroyed into bones."

Gui Sha reminded, with a solemn expression: "Everyone help each other, and those who can't bear it should retreat first."


There was a scream from the depths of the ghost mist, which was particularly sad, and then a half-length woman ran over, covered in blood, with disheveled hair: "Help me!"


The next second, she was pulled back by something. The piercing scream lasted for a moment, and was interrupted by a chewing sound.

A golden light flashed in Song Shi's eyes, and he vaguely saw a monster with many tentacles, and a strong sense of oppression came over him.

“That’s where the breath here comes from!”

Bai Yu'er stared at the monster in the distance: "Soul Formation Dzogchen, there are ghosts from Soul Formation Dzogchen here!"

The old black monster frowned: "If I guess correctly, it may have swallowed up most of the ghosts here. Isn't it too crazy?"

"I just don't know who transformed this monster."

Song Shi squinted his eyes. The Nine Nether Ghost Fog was too strong and he couldn't see clearly.

The monster also noticed them, slowly raised its head, and brought up a gust of cold wind, causing the black mist to roll violently.

Four rows of eight blood-red lanterns emerged from the mist, and a strange and evil aura shot out from the blood eyes. There was no trace of human emotion, only violence, killing, coldness, and a trace of greed.

Song Shi felt like she was being targeted like prey, and instinctively felt uneasy. The Black and White Demon Lord was fully equipped with his demonic power and was ready to fight against him.

Others fell to their knees, unable to withstand the ghost-like pressure that filled the void, and some even fainted.

Bang bang!

The ghost space shook, and the monster quickly walked over, revealing more of its body shape. The mountain-like body was not that tall, and it looked more flexible on its toes.

Song Shi glanced at it and said in surprise: "It turns out to be a spider."

The monster that looks like tentacles from a distance is actually an eight-legged spider with blood-red lanterns as its eyes, and it carries an aura of incomparable cruelty.

"This guy is dangerous!"

The old black monster was uneasy and did not activate the bone rotting poison.

"Except for the bull-headed and horse-faced face, wouldn't this thing also change after death?"

Song Shi asked casually.

Gui Sha was surprised and doubtful: "It's the Nine Nether Ghost Spider. It's a strange species from heaven and earth. It's said that it can swallow gods and demons. It's very scary."

"The name sounds pretty powerful."

Song Shi didn't show any fear, but was a little eager to try. This huge ghost spider was very powerful at first sight, and it was a good opponent that could be tested in life and death.

"This thing is rumored to be a alien species from the Nine Nether Realm. How could it appear here?"

Bai Yu'er looked at Gui Sha, believing that the latter would have an explanation.

Gui Sha bitterly said: "In the entire Tiangui Sect, only the sect leader can come into contact with such a vicious thing. Could it be that it was transformed by the sect leader?"

"Lu Jiu?"

Song Shi looked up and down, but couldn't see any trace of Lu Jiu.


The next moment, the Nine Nether Ghost Spider opened its mouth and spit out a spider web, and the webs turned out to be dark chains. Only then did Song Shi have to believe that this monster was really Lu Jiu's transformation.


The ground was pierced by chains, and the few Song Shi who were hiding scattered and looked up at the Nine Nether Ghost Spider, which was still over a hundred feet tall and extremely dangerous.

"Gui Sha, looking at it like this, it seems that there is no way to save it, right?"

Song Shi asked.

Wang Shilian, who was being led away by his disciple elders in the distance, saw the Nine Nether Ghost Spider, and his eyes almost popped out, full of horror.

"There is no trace of humanity at all, and he has completely turned into a monster."

Gui Sha had a sad look on his face: "I understand what Elder Wang said. All of them are dead. Some were killed by the Qianlong Army, and some... were killed by the sect leader. The Tiangui Sect has ceased to exist in name only." It’s a pity that Lu Jiu is a good person, but he was forced to become a monster.”

Song Shi sighed, he believed that a scheming person like Lu Jiu would never take the risk to fuse ghosts, lose his mind and even become like this.

"Sect Master, do you still know me? You didn't kill Elder Wang. You must still have some sense. Don't give up."

The ghost screams sadly.

A piercing cry suddenly erupted. This sound was extremely sharp and contained strange and terrifying power. The ghost spit out blood, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose. He was injured on the spot.

Several of the elder disciples who had hid far enough away were stunned by the shouts on the spot, and even the entire space rippled, making the space appear more cracked.

Song Shi, Bai Yu'er and the bloody old ghost, the three soul formation level beings, also had ringing ears and dizziness.

The prey was frightened, and the Nine Nether Ghost Spider moved. The spider legs were like giant guns aimed at Song Shi and Bai Yu'er from the air at the same time, while the black old monster was stared at by chains.

The nine-wheeled sun around Song Shi shines brightly, both in size and brightness. It is rapidly increasing in size and brightness. The power of the sun is strong enough to forcibly evaporate the ghost mist around it, opening up a battle field suitable for him.

But the power of the spider legs was even more terrifying. The void in front of him actually had cracks under the spider legs. It was the strongest attack he had faced so far.

And this kind of attack, the Nine Nether Ghost Spider launched against the three of them at the same time. As for the Ghost Demon, it was simply ignored and was not qualified to be paid attention to.

Both Bai Yu'er and the black monster chose to dodge. Only Song Shi took out the Golden Dragon Spear, and merged all his physical strength, mana and physical talent into one spear, turning into a fire dragon and colliding with it.


Song Shi's mana vision shattered, and the Nine Nether Spider Emperor's spider legs collided with the Golden Dragon Spear, making a crisp sound. Then Song Shi fell at an extremely fast speed, smashing through the ground more than ten feet.

"So strong!"

With a cry of surprise, Song Shi's mouth started to bleed. He felt that he could hardly hold the weapon for the first time, and once again experienced the gap caused by the difference in realm.

At this time, the top of the head went dark again, and another spider leg stabbed over, as fast as lightning, cracks appeared in the void along the way, and the attack power was so powerful that even this space could not withstand it.

Song Shi Shrink the Earth to an Inch, the chain jumped out of the pit, and there was a roar behind him, and the earth shook, as if the ghost land was about to be penetrated.

"Why is he so much stronger than the old black monster?"

Song Shi fell to the side, a little confused.

The black old monster who was instantly entangled was quite speechless: "This is a strange species from the Nine Nether Realm. In the monster race, it is comparable to my ancestor Black Water Black Snake. How can it be inferior in strength?"

"Sir, this thing itself is fierce, and now it's the right time and place. Its combat power is even more terrifying. We must work together to deal with it."

Bai Yuer agreed.

"Take the people out first. Don't wait for the next fight. The aftermath will kill them."

Song Shi waved her hand, "I'll meet with him first."

He doesn't deliberately commit suicide now, but such a powerful guy can still die several times.

"Yes, sir, be careful."

Bai Yu'er knew that Song Shi was difficult to kill, so without any hesitation, with a roll of demon power, he led the people away from the battlefield quickly.

The old monster Hei was already weaker than Bai Yu'er in strength, and now he was even more unwilling to fight the Nine Nether Ghost Spider here, so he turned around and left.

Song Shi mobilized all his power and shook the void with a bang.

The golden light on his body formed a tough barrier, and a large number of flames shot into the sky. New sun phenomena continued to condense near the nine suns. In the blink of an eye, there were ninety-nine and eighty-one blazing suns, forming a circle of flame field.

There are dense sword energy all over his body. The power of the blood path skills in his body merges with the water attribute source to activate the blood dragon Spirit Weapon. Various forces form a yin and yang diagram and form a system of its own.

Song Shi is like a golden arhat bathed in fire, with an extraordinary appearance. Even though his strength is much lower, his momentum is not inferior. He can block the vicious Nine Nether Ghost Spider by himself.

He held the golden dragon spear in his right hand and a long sword in his left hand, stepping on the blood dragon. The fire dragon roared in the Yin and Yang diagram, and said without fear: "Lu Jiu, I am very curious, did you eat your daughter?"

If Lu Youyou was eaten by his father, Song Shi would still feel quite pitiful. That woman had a bad mouth and was arrogant with diamonds in her mouth. She never expected such an end.

There was another scream, and the Nine Nether Ghost Spider seemed a little angry, or it was just a normal scream.

This time, the shock wave containing a mental attack was released only to Song Shi. His head felt like being stabbed by a needle, the pain was excruciating, and he was about to bleed from all his orifices, and his spirit was damaged.

He hurriedly visualized the Taiyuan's divine power condensing into one body, and the brilliant moonlight bloomed between his eyebrows, blocking the mental attacks and continuing to cause chaos.


While Song Shi was on guard due to the mental attack, the web of the Nine Nether Ghost Spider actually took the opportunity to entangle Song Shi. The cold evil power collided with the pure Yang mana, making a corrosive sound.

This Law Treasure not only locks the physical body, Song Shi feels that her soul is also affected, making it even more difficult to escape.

Then, a black edge flashed, and a piercing spear came towards Song Shi's head.

Puff puff!

The circles of flame defense released by Song Shi were pierced, and the sun-like fireballs exploded continuously. The sword energy was shattered, and the sharp spider legs were inserted in front of Song Shi, and were blocked by his horizontal sword.

"Are you angry, or are you arrogant that you ate your daughter, or is it something else?"

He still had time to tease.

But soon his expression changed, and at the same time three spider legs came at him, but he was locked in place and unable to escape.

"You bully me because I only have two hands!"

Song Shi was speechless and struggled to resist the second spider leg. The third one broke through his remaining defense, and then the fourth one penetrated his body.

"The gap is still a bit big and we need to continue to work hard."

Song Shi sighed, he could barely fight against the black old monster in the middle of Soul Formation, but he would be invincible if he blocked this kind.

In particular, the Nine Nether Ghost Spider's methods are terrifying. Not only does it have eight legs that can be used as weapons to attack, but it also has webs to bind the enemy, making it even more difficult to deal with in combat.

The killed Song Shi received a reward, quickly resurrected, and fell far away.

He thought for a while and said: "If you really can't regain your senses, in order to save you some trouble, I can only kill you. As for the promise, I have no choice. After all, you are like this and I can't think of a way to save you for the time being."

Jiuyou Ghost Spider looked at the resurrected Song Shi, and his eyes fluctuated for a moment.

For any living being, it would be a surprise to see something that had been killed by itself come alive again.

It is no exception.

With this fluctuation, something that was suppressed loosened. One of the eyes twisted for a moment, and a human face appeared faintly. A hoarse voice came out: "Old ghost in blood, it's incredible that I can't kill you even with this."

Song Shi was stunned: "Hey, you haven't lost your mind? It makes what I just said seem a bit stupid."

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