What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 276 Six Paths Of Reincarnation

Song Shi was stunned: "Hey, you haven't lost your mind? It makes what I just said seem a bit stupid."

A scene that made him even more confused appeared. Another face appeared in his other eye, and it turned out to be Guitu.

Not only the Ghost Slayer, but also the Nightmare Old Man.

He was dumbfounded: "Are you Calabash Kids? How many souls can a Nine Nether Spider hold?"

Lu Jiu, who had just regained some sense, was intrigued by Song Shi's words: "What kind of monster is Calabash Baby? Is it very powerful? I've never heard of it."

"It's just seven gourd babies on a vine. It has a high output but not much strength. It can only breathe fire and water and is very powerful."

Song Shi explained in a serious manner, "What on earth is going on? The Calabash Baby was born on a vine and belongs to brothers. Doesn't that count to you?"

"There is no way. The Nine Nether Demon Spider is even a vicious evil creature. I know that one person cannot stop the vicious control of the Nine Nether Demon Spider, so I asked them to help. I wanted to control it with the thoughts of many people, but the result was still the same. Failed."

Lu Jiu told the reason with a helpless expression: "I didn't have any previous experience. I originally wanted to cooperate, but it turned out to be even more confusing."

"Where's Lu Youyou?"

Song Shi asked again.


Lu Jiu showed a look of pain: "She's dead. When we lost control and the three ghost kings here took action, she was swept away by the cracks in the space, and her body was gone."

Song means silence.

Lu Youyou actually disappeared like this. Although she was mentally prepared and heard it with her own ears, Song Shi couldn't help but think of a space storm.

"Sect Master, have you forgotten, it was us who ate Youyou."

The old man in nightmare sighed.

Song Shi was horrified when she heard it, "What the hell, why is it like a ghost story? Which of you is true and who is false?"

Lu Jiu's face trembled and suddenly became distorted. He said, "Why did I forget? Wasn't she swallowed by the crack?"

"It was indeed swallowed, but you let us control the Nine Nether Ghost Spider, rushed over like crazy, and ate her at the last moment, and her soul became a part of the Nine Nether Ghost Spider."

The old man in Nightmare sighed with a sigh on his face: "Sect Master, you have consumed too much and your consciousness has fallen into a deep sleep. We will all fall asleep later."

Lu was silent for a long time, he vaguely remembered something.

Guitu looked at the remaining fourth eye, "We tried our best to save her soul and stored it in the fourth eye, but Youyou was too weak, but now she can't wake up."

Song Shi stared blankly at his fourth eye with a vicious light, and faintly saw Lu Youyou's figure.

"You are one body with multiple souls?"

Song Shi opened her eyes: "You are so awesome, maybe it has something to do with this?"

"It's almost the same. The more souls we have, the more power we can swallow. Therefore, the power of this ghost spider is also more terrifying."

Guitu nodded, "But there are too many consciousnesses, which also prevents us from fully controlling it."

Lu Jiu on the side looked painful: "I know, even Youyou is like this. The Tiangui Sect basically exists in name only. What's the point of revenge?"

"Not only Youyou, but many of the elders of our sect have had their souls swallowed by the Nine Nether Ghost Spider. Rebuilding the Tiangui Sect is as difficult as ascending to heaven."

Ghost Tu looked lonely, and as their moods fell, the Nine Nether Ghost Spider's ferocious aura suddenly surged, its eyes turned blood red, and its evil and violent will surged out to engulf them.

The three consciousnesses immediately showed signs of pain, trying to resist and finding it difficult to gain the upper hand.

"Sect Master, I'm so happy, I can't control myself, I want to kill someone."

Ghost Slaughter Soul's eyes turned blood red and he was in a state of rage.

"You should leave quickly. Before you control this ghost, it will be irrational and hunt the nearby creatures crazily."

Lu Jiu hurriedly said to Song Shi: "Take the other people who are still alive and leave here. Tell them to give up revenge for us. If you can maintain the inheritance, just maintain it. If you can't maintain it, forget it."

"I disagree."

Song Shi shook his head: "I actually promised Lu Youyou to save you, saying that it's okay that you are all gone, but you are not completely dead, and I have to recover you."

He looked at the trembling Nine Nether Ghost Spider, which was about to regain its instincts and go on a killing spree: "At least let you be like gourds on a vine, with your own consciousness, so that you will not be controlled by this beast."

"Confused! You are no match for us if you stay here. Even if you are difficult to kill, it is impossible for you to become an opponent of the Nine Nether Ghost Spiders of Great Perfection."

Lu Jiu was anxious: "Please, please leave quickly. Leave at least a few people alive and a little bit of hope."

Song Shi curled her lips: "Don't worry, I have already asked my men to take these troublesome people out. Now I am just trying to stay."

As soon as he finished speaking, several people were completely swallowed up by the bloody light, whirlpools appeared one by one, and the souls of the four people were swallowed up.

Nine Nether Ghost Spider. The color of all the eyes changed to blood red and became consistent again.

It raised its head and let out a sharp cry, stared hard at Song Shi, and launched another ferocious offensive.

"Try the Six Paths Demon Suppressing Fist you just acquired."

Song Shi shook hands vigorously, forming fists with both hands, and a circle of domineering power spread.

The strong punch force formed a circle of flames, which continued to shrink and expand, as if it were alive.

During this contraction and expansion, a large amount of mana continued to condense and compress, forming a solid golden ring.

As the mana moves according to specific lines, simple and mysterious patterns appear on the golden ring. These patterns are exactly the scenes of six reincarnations.

As the magic power circulates, these patterns seem to come alive, rapidly expanding, projecting around, covering all directions, and turning into a giant halo of reincarnation a thousand feet in size.

In the light, there are gods, humans, Shura, hell, hungry ghosts, animals...

In the way of gods, all the gods are manifested. They are high and bright, and they look like they don't have any worries.

As for the human world, it is a scene in the world of mortals, with birth, old age, sickness and death, joy, anger, sorrow and joy. All the ups and downs of the world are revealed at this moment.

The Asura Path is about ugly men and beautiful women, the Hell Path is about three thousand karma fires, the Hungry Ghost Path is about all kinds of evil ghosts with their teeth and claws, and the Animal Path is about gathering all kinds of animals.

The reincarnation of life and death of all living beings appears near this circle, like a projection of the rules of heaven and earth, containing mysterious power.

Song Shi glanced at the images he had condensed, thoughtfully.

Among the six realms of reincarnation, the human realm reveals the clearest and most vivid things, and has the largest number of living beings.

Even in these pictures, people or scenes he is familiar with can be seen, as if they are his own world.

In other scenes, it looks illusory and blurry, without even a hint of agility, just a bunch of patterns.

However, there are also differences, such as the way of animals, because he has seen many animals himself, so it shows a certain sense of reality.

There is also the path of evil ghosts. Perhaps his first death was caused by a female ghost. Later he encountered many kinds of demons and ghosts. After staying in the Tiangui Sect for a long time, he saw all kinds of evil ghosts. This is in the evil ghost world. The evil spirits he had experienced were revealed in the Tao. Female ghosts in red, big-headed ghosts, bull-headed and horse-faced ghosts... The Night Walk of Hundreds of Ghosts looks quite rich.

As for the God Way, the Shura Way, and the Hell Way, he has never seen them before. He can only rely on his imagination, so what is revealed is just a group of imaginary scenes.

"Only those who have experienced it can understand its mystery. Doesn't it mean that if you want to fully control this set of methods, you have to go through the six paths of reincarnation?"

Song Shi gradually realized the secret of this boxing technique, and his face twitched.

It's okay to hang out in the human world, and it's okay to come into contact with all kinds of demons and monsters. It's okay to go to heaven to meet gods, and to travel to hell. But of course it's okay to be reincarnated.

After all, if there are six true reincarnations, wouldn't it mean that he has to be a beast? The key is that there is a system in place. If he can't die, how can he be reincarnated?

When Song Shi revealed his new Divine Ability, the Nine Nether Ghost Spider, who was about to attack, trembled and looked at Hungry Ghost Road with fear.

It actually felt a huge threat.

This kind of threat is not that the other party is stronger, but that the slightest trace of rules contained in that power makes it feel restrained and originally felt scared.

Song Shi was surprised by this subtle reaction. With a twist of his fist, the Divine Ability secret suddenly turned to the evil ghost chapter.

The scene of a hundred ghosts walking at night suddenly became clearer. Numerous evil ghosts made various strange noises and stared fiercely at the Nine Nether Ghost Spider.

These evil ghosts are not real evil ghosts, nor do they have any evil intentions. They are all transformed by his pure Yang magic power, and they seem to suppress all evil ghosts in the world.

"Interesting, my boxing skills can actually restrain this thing. If this is true, then all living beings in the Six Paths of Reincarnation will be restrained?"

Song Shi's face became excited. When he encountered the gods, humans, Shura, hell, hungry ghosts and animals involved in reincarnation, they basically included all the existences in the world, right?

Whether it is the gods and immortals in the sky, the devils in hell, or the practitioners in the human world, or the demons and monsters running rampant in the dark night... everything should be suppressed by this boxing technique.

"As expected of the top Divine Ability, if you practice this boxing skill well, you can suppress everything in this world with one punch."

Song Shi looked proud: "If one punch doesn't work, use two punches, or six punches. One punch will hit the gods, one punch will kill the demons, and one punch will suppress the world!"


When Song Shi's self-confidence was at its peak, the angry Jiuyou Ghost Spider was immediately heartbroken.

I was still too proud, and for a while I fantasized about being directly attacked by the Tao itself.

"It's too early to be happy now. I haven't fully learned the boxing skills yet."

Song Shi said awkwardly. The visions around him were shattered one by one. It was obvious that what he showed at the moment was just a look-alike, and the power was not as powerful as imagined.

After his death, he was resurrected on the same spot.

The vision of six reincarnations emerged again.

At this moment, I was in the middle of exploring the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and I didn't pay attention to the Nine Nether Ghost Spider at all. I just couldn't spare some of my strength to deal with it.

Song means to use your powerful understanding to enter a state of clarity.

The difference in how he reacts to you is the difference in the vision of reincarnation.

Different visions vary in clarity and complexity, as well as in their power.

For example, the power contained in the human path and the hungry ghost path is far more powerful than other paths. Some say that the vision he condensed through this boxing technique is even more powerful.

The object of power should be the so-called rules of heaven and earth.

This kind of thing is really illusory. He only knows that by running this boxing method, he can borrow mysterious power, but he doesn't know how the power comes from.

Maybe it's a bit like the so-called invitation to God.

Song Shi thoughtfully said: "The power of the rules is so unfathomable that just a part of it can make this guy instinctively afraid."

He is full of expectations and is not qualified to contact him at all now, but sooner or later he will be able to contact him.

"Come on, little insect, practice this boxing technique with me."

Song Shi clenched his fist, and the power of the Hungry Ghost Dao was strengthened. With a fist, a large number of evil ghosts roared, and rushed over to tear the Nine Nether Ghost Spider into pieces.

Puff puff!

The latter swung its spider legs and easily shattered the flaming demons, and then with a roar, Song Shi flew out.

The power of this punch seems to be inferior to Song Shi's full force attack before.

Song Shi didn't care. The sixth-level Demon Suppressing Fist was the top Divine Ability. In theory, it was practiced by those Mahayana monks. It was too early for him to practice at the moment. It would be good to be able to master a little bit of it.

After a few fights, Song Shi was no match for the Nine Nether Ghost Spider due to his unskilled boxing skills and was killed again.

Jiuyou Ghost Spider watched Song Shi appear again. Even though he only knew about killing, his eyes became fluctuating, and he was a little suspicious of the spider.

This wavering of consciousness gave Lu Jiu and the others a chance.

Song Shi said: "You are now aware of three people dealing with a spider. Don't waste too much time on me."

The three eyes fluctuated for a moment, and they were all responded by Lu Jiu and others, but this time they didn't even show off, and it was obvious that they didn't have much energy anymore.

Song Shi was not in a hurry and put on his posture again: "Come, practice the Six Paths Demon Suppressing Fist with me."

Boom boom boom!

The Nine Nether Ghost Spider angrily destroyed Song Shi's six-path reincarnation vision, but once it was destroyed and Song Shi was restored, it was impossible to make this damn thing disappear completely.


Two shadows, one black and one white, reappeared in the ghost space. They both looked surprised when they saw the huge golden wheel in the distance and the six samsara projections emerging on the wheel.

The old black monster was puzzled: "What is this? It's a bit like a bunch of patterns with special powers."

"It should be Young Master's new Divine Ability. It's much more powerful than the one that can fight a dragon."

After a few fights, Song Shi was no match for the Nine Nether Ghost Spider due to his unskilled boxing skills and was killed again.

Jiuyou Ghost Spider watched Song Shi appear again. Even though he only knew about killing, his eyes became fluctuating, and he was a little suspicious of the spider.

This wavering of consciousness gave Lu Jiu and the others a chance.

Song Shi said: "You are now aware of three people dealing with a spider. Don't waste too much time on me."

The three eyes fluctuated for a moment, and they were all responded by Lu Jiu and others, but this time they didn't even show off, and it was obvious that they didn't have much energy anymore.

Song Shi was not in a hurry and put on his posture again: "Come, practice the Six Paths Demon Suppressing Fist with me."

Boom boom boom!

The Nine Nether Ghost Spider angrily destroyed Song Shi's six-path reincarnation vision, but it was impossible to destroy it once and restore Song Shi once.

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