What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 277 Innate Dao Body, The Power Of Rules

The black old monster was silent for a moment and said, "Should we help?"

"Listen to the master's arrangements."

Bai Yu'er stood aside quietly. She knew Song Shi's character better and knew that he was probably playing tricks on the Nine Nether Ghost Spider at the moment, and they didn't necessarily need to intervene.

When the old monster Hei heard this, he felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Both of them were controlled by this man one after another, but Bai Yu'er took advantage of her gender to have a close relationship with this man, and she was afraid that she would be far more valued than him in the future.

You have to react yourself.

When the black monster was preparing to be a dog for Song Shi, in the center of the battle, Song Shi died again and again.

Before death, he remained enlightened at all times and fully understood the boxing techniques.

He discovered that at the time of death, the whole person's understanding will be in a sublimated state, and the potential of the whole body will be further stimulated.

Between life and death, the illusory six-path reincarnation rules were further understood, and Song Shi's boxing skills improved by leaps and bounds.

Boom boom boom!

Song Shi is not afraid of death. Apart from the necessary avoidance, he is basically facing off against the Nine Nether Ghost Spider head-on.

But every time he collided, he was at a disadvantage. The gap in cultivation was really too big. Even with a strong foundation, he still couldn't make up for the huge gap between the initial stage of Nascent Soul and the completion of Soul Formation.

This is still the case when the Nine Nether Ghost Spider itself has only brute strength and not much resourcefulness. If this is a normal Soul Formation, Song Shi will die faster.

Fortunately, the Nine Nether Ghost Spider is only left with killing and violence. Song Shi kills it every time he is resurrected, instead of not killing or simply avoiding it.

Song Shi uses his boxing techniques under pressure. Among the six realms of reincarnation, he uses the three major boxing techniques of Human, Hungry Ghost and Animal Way most frequently, among which the Evil Ghost Way improves the fastest.

In order to have more time to practice boxing, Song Shi did not deliberately commit suicide, but persisted as much as possible, forcing himself to improve in the crisis of life and death.

His combat power barely reaches the middle stage of Soul Formation. As long as he doesn't die, the Nine Nether Ghost Spider can't kill him instantly.

In the fierce attacks, the light of Song Shi's fists became more and more dazzling. The Nine Nether Ghost Spider's eight legs moved together, and the webs wrapped around it, blocking Song Shi's hiding space.

In order to survive, Song Shi had to go all out at all times, even to the point of extraordinary performance. His whole body's energy and spirit were on fire, and his mana consumption was terrifying.

He was originally practicing the Six Paths of Demon-Suppressing Fist, but while avoiding attacks and entanglements, his incomplete Divine Ability of Shrink the Earth to an Inch improved by leaps and bounds.

In the dim ghost space, spatial cracks continued to emerge, and a meteor-like flaming figure kept flashing rapidly around a huge demon spider.

Even though the Nine Nether Ghost Spider has eight legs and is blocked by webs, Song Shi can still dodge it flexibly and tangle with it for a long time by virtue of its small size and fast speed.

Only when the mana is exhausted or a mistake is made, will the Nine Nether Ghost Spider kill him.

But after he was resurrected, he was able to jump around again. There was nothing the Nine Nether Ghost Spider could do against Song Shi.

On the contrary, Song Shi can prolong the persistence by summing up experience and correcting his footwork, boxing and other means.

Unknowingly, Song Shi persisted longer and longer under the pursuit of the Nine Nether Ghost Spider.

At first, it was just a few moves, then dozens of rounds, then hundreds of rounds, and finally even half a day. Song Shi's movement skills and combat experience were improved to more than one level.

Bai Yu'er and Old Monster Hei were just watching the show, but after Song Shi used various tricks, their eyes became serious.

"Young master knows so many things, any one of them can be regarded as a unique skill in the world."

Bai Yuer was envious.

"Except for the God-Slaying Sword Technique, I have never seen anything else."

The old monster Hei became more and more curious about Song Shi's true origin.

"It's useless to think about this. Let's seize this opportunity to secretly learn some Divine Ability spells. It will be good for us."

Bai Yuer's eyes were bright and she stared at Song Shi's lower body seriously.

Song Shi's boxing skills are indeed too profound for them to understand, but the incomplete footwork Shrink the Earth to an Inch, Dragon Subduing Mahamudra, illusions, sky-reaching talismans, God-destroying swordsmanship and the swordsmanship of the ancient sword masters are forced to be used. The Divine Ability spells that came out were very subtle things for them.

In particular, the incomplete Shrink the Earth to an Inch was very attractive. Bai Yu'er couldn't help but secretly learn it, and tried to practice it by walking around in person.

The black old monster is more interested in the Dragon Subduing Mahamudra. He made some changes to the Zhiyang Zhigang Mahamudra, using the bone and rotten poison as palm power to enhance the power of the Mahamudra.

Unknowingly, Song Shi and the two beasts were practicing.

Song Shi saw his two men stealing lessons and flicked his fingers, causing two light balls to fly out.

"Whatever you want to learn secretly, I will teach you directly if you want to learn."

He was not stingy: "Learn the incomplete version of Shrink the Earth to an Inch first. If you can't win in the future, you can run away."

Both Bai Yu'er and the old monster Hei were shocked. This level of High Level Divine Ability, even if it is incomplete, is hard to come by. Should you just give it to them? Isn't it too casual and generous?

"Thank you, sir!" Bai Yu'er was the first to react and thanked her hurriedly.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to spend a long time with this guy this time. If you have nothing to do, just practice and I will give you Divine Ability to pass the time. In addition, take care of the guys who are still alive in the Tiangui Sect. They only have these few seedlings. Don't let them be wiped out. ”

Song Shi ordered.

"Young Master, you can practice with peace of mind. We will take good care of Gui Sha and their safety."

The old monster Hei has also changed his name. Now hanging out with Song Shi is beneficial, but face is useless.


Song Shi nodded and continued fighting the Nine Nether Ghost Spider.

Time passed, and more than half a year passed in a flash. After dying hundreds of times, Song Shi's "Shrink the Earth to an Inch" has been completed. One step is ten thousand feet away, and a few steps away can reach a hundred miles away.

The swordsmanship of the ancient sword master is also mastered in battle.

This sword master's swordsmanship does not pursue any powerful Divine Ability. It just practices ordinary sword moves, and practices ordinary sword moves such as stabbing and slashing to the point of perfection.

In this way, when he uses other Divine Abilities, he will naturally explode with terrifying power.

With the improvement of basic swordsmanship, Song Shi can explode with fierce swordsmanship with every movement of his hands and feet, leaving sword marks on the body of the Nine Nether Ghost Spider, but they are not fatal because the monster's body is also very strong.

As for illusion, it really has little effect on the Nine Nether Ghost Spider, which has no emotions, and it does not improve much in the end.

As for the Six Paths Demon Suppressing Fist that he most wanted to improve, it was similar to illusion, and the improvement was limited.

It's not that he doesn't want to improve, or that he spends too little time, but that the power of the rules involved in Six Paths of Reincarnation is too illusory. Even though Song Shi's apparent boxing power has improved very quickly, he still hasn't even scratched the surface.

"It's so difficult. If you don't have enough strength and experience, is it really impossible to fully understand this boxing technique?"

Song Shi felt a little frustrated. He felt like he was stuck. There was a terrifying bottleneck further up. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't break through it and couldn't see through it.

This makes his boxing skills still not enough to fight against the Nine Nether Ghost Spider.

He clearly felt that as long as he got started with boxing, he would be able to explode with powerful power, surpassing the Dragon Subduing Mahamudra. The swordsmanship of the Ancient Sword Master could not only unleash all the power, but also use the power of the rules of the Six Paths of Reincarnation to confront the Nine Nether Ghost Spider head-on. The problem is that I can't get in, and it's useless to know.

"Damn, it is indeed Ninth Grade Divine Ability. You have to be at least Void Refining level to get started. The level is still far behind."

Song Shi is helpless, he is only Nascent Soul, and there is a Soul Formation Realm world above it, which is equivalent to a primary school student learning the knowledge of a high school student. Even if he is talented and intelligent, but does not have enough accumulation, it is difficult to touch the threshold.

"Suppress ghosts and gods!"

Song Shi shouted in a low voice, and the power of the Six Paths Suppressing Demon Fist suddenly increased to a higher level. Thousands of ghosts roared behind him, overwhelming the sky and the earth, with a sense of madness, and collided head-on with the Nine Nether Ghost Spider.


In the deafening loud noise, all ghosts were wiped out, Song Shi was knocked away, and the Nine Nether Ghost Spider trembled, failing to gain an absolute advantage for the first time.

Song Shi stepped back more than ten feet in a row, looking unhappy: "Grandma, it's still a little bit worse."

He felt that he had reached his limit. According to the previous method, no matter how much he improved, it would be useless.

"Sir, do you still want to defeat it?"

Bai Yu'er was speechless: "That's it, sir. Don't force it. Take a rest first and let us take care of it."

"Sir, if we work together now, we are absolutely sure to kill it."

The black old monster is eager to try it. He has just learned Shrink the Earth to an Inch and Dragon Subduing Mahamudra, and he really wants to use them.

"Kill whatever you want, just stay still."

Song Shi said coldly, if the Jiuyou Ghost Spider is really killed, Lu Jiu and the others will die.

Besides, it’s not like he can’t be killed.

He can return to his full strength after death. Although the Nine Nether Ghost Spider can absorb the power of the ghost land and recover, it is far from his state. If he really wants to kill him, it will definitely consume his energy.

"It's up to you, Master. We just want to help."

Bai Yu'er smiled helplessly, shut up and became quiet.

Song Shi frowned and looked at the tired Jiuyou Ghost Spider. After fighting for more than half a year, this guy was still tired no matter how fierce he was.

Even though he was tired, he still couldn't suppress it head on.

"I can only add one wave of attributes. I hope it will be useful."

Song Shi was helpless. She originally wanted to rely on herself, but in the end she had to add some.

Fortunately, the system is also his skill, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Song Shi's eyes flashed, and he added all the thousands of free attribute points accumulated during this period to his comprehension.


His spirit was shaken, and he felt a sense of enlightenment. His whole person suddenly became enlightened, and his thinking was directly sublimated.

"Ding, congratulations on awakening the Innate Dao Body!"

A circle of brilliance appears on Song Shi's body, her long hair is flying, and there is a special charm flowing around her body. The whole person seems to blend into the nature of heaven and earth, and is in harmony with the Great Dao.

His whole body entered a deep state of transparency, close to the Great Dao of heaven and earth. His consciousness easily broke through the bottleneck that had always been difficult to break through, and he could feel the rules of heaven and earth on his own.

Under normal circumstances, monks must go through Qi Refining Soul Formation and reach the state of Soul Refining before they can sense the rules of heaven and earth.

But there are always some special situations in this world that can allow people to sense the rules in advance, and Innate Dao Body is one of them.

This physique is naturally integrated into nature and close to the Great Dao of heaven and earth. It can sense the rules of heaven and earth in advance when the strength is weak, and get twice the result with half the effort on the road of cultivation.

Although the Innate Dao Body does not bring a powerful physical body, it is not as good as the Golden Divine Body, which improves combat effectiveness and strengthens the physical body. It also does not have any attribute bonuses, and is not as good as the Jiuyang Divine Body.

It has one function.


People with Innate Dao Body have very terrifying understanding. They can understand ordinary spells with Divine Ability at a glance. They can also understand the rules of heaven and earth in advance. The secrets of cultivation in various realms are not difficult.

Song Shi's awakening of this talent will not only make it easier to practice the Six Paths Suppressing Demon Fist, but also make it easy to practice other Divine Ability spells. Even the breakthrough between realms will be much easier than before.

He feels that even if he is not taken over by a strong person, with Innate Dao Body here, it will not be difficult to break through to his current state.

After re-operating the Six Paths Demon Suppressing Fist, the six paths of reincarnation became much clearer, especially the hungry ghost path. Thousands of evil ghosts seemed to have come to life and had some kind of life.

This is the effect achieved by Song Shi breaking through the bottleneck, understanding the secrets of the rules, and becoming a complete master of boxing.

He stands in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, like the Innate God and Demon who controls the reincarnation, walking towards the Nine Nether Ghost Spider with the mighty power of heaven and earth.


All the ghosts roared and stared at the Nine Nether Ghost Spider, as if they had descended from another world and wanted to drag the Nine Nether Ghost Spider into hell, where they would never be reincarnated.

The latter screamed uneasily, wondering why this person made it feel dangerous in a short period of time.

Bai Yu'er and Old Monster Hei noticed the change in Song Shi's temperament and looked sideways.

"No way, under such circumstances, can you still have an epiphany and touch the so-called rules?"

The old black man was dumbfounded. This was something he didn't even dare to think about. The man in front of him actually did it, which made him look like rubbish.

Bai Yu'er's eyes showed enthusiasm, and she thought to herself: "It's so amazing. I must give him a child and keep the seed with the unparalleled talent. The mother is more valuable than the child!"

When they each had their own thoughts, Song Shi launched the Six Paths Suppressing Demon Fist again.

This boxing technique has six styles, corresponding to the six paths. The boxing technique is also named after the six paths. To deal with this kind of Nine Nether ghosts, the Heavenly God Fist, which represents the light and sanctity, the Hell Fist of the Hell Path, and the Evil Ghost Fist of the Evil Ghost Path are all powerful suppressors. Power.

The first two are out of touch, and there is no way to get started with boxing. Song Shi has already figured out the secrets of evil ghosts. Before punching, thousands of transformed evil ghosts also clenched their fists. A power that can affect the rules was used by Song Shi. After priming, concentrate on Song Shi's punch and release.

The Nine Nether Ghost Spider roared, raised its body, and raised its six legs at the same time. Each spider leg erupted with green light, like small suns, converging into one, stabbing Song Shi with destructive power.

The most yin and evil power of the Nine Nethers, the most yang and the most strong power of suppressing demons. In an instant, the ghost space was divided into two worlds.

One side flashes with green light, and the other side is as bright as the sun.


The void twisted and shattered, large areas collapsed, and destructive storms raged crazily.

"Quickly retreat!"

Bai Yu'er and the old monster Hei fled one after another, retreated to the exit in one breath, and looked at the ghost space that began to collapse in horror.

"It actually shattered this space!"

The black old monster swallowed his saliva. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that the Nascent Soul level could unleash such an attack.

"It's the power of rules. The young master has triggered a trace of the power of rules. This power surpasses ordinary mana, demon power and even the power of Jiuyou!"

Bai Yuer's face flushed with excitement.

Gui Sha and others were practicing in the underground cave. They came out after hearing the noise and looked at the broken entrance blankly, not knowing what happened.

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