What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 283 True And False

Bai Yu'er looked Song Shi's appearance up and down and expressed her opinion: "Master, you are not cultivated enough. It is best to change into that little monk, otherwise you will be easily recognized."

"That's right. It would be bad if I provoke Emperor Qian directly like this."

Song Shi agrees with this. His Thousand Transformations Technique is perfect, but it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be seen through.

He formed another seal and transformed into Monk Chenkong, the descendant of Sha Kingdom. He teased: "You should become a nun."


Bai Yu'er turned and turned into a female nun in white.

She looks spotless, pure and peaceful, with elegant eyebrows and jade-like skin. There is no Monster Qi anywhere.

"Sir, how are you doing?"

Bai Yuer's eyes are pure, and they don't look like they are dirty at all.

"I feel like you've become better than me."

Song Shi smiled and looked at the bottom of the boat: "The disguise must be true and false. We are fake monks and nuns, so we still need to find a real monk to make up the numbers."

As he said that, he walked to the cabin, took out a spirit-controlling talisman, and muttered: "I didn't say this thing must be used to control beasts. As long as it has a spirit, it should be fine."

"Young Master, is it possible that you want it?"

Seeing Song Shi take out something that impressed her deeply, her face couldn't help but become wonderful.

It seems that this person not only wants to control their Monster Race, but he also wants to spare no one.

Soon there was a wave of fluctuations in the cabin, and then Song Shi's satisfied voice sounded: "It's really good, it's interesting. Anyone who messes with me in the future will directly become a Yuling!"

Bai Yu'er was stunned. If she really did this, all the strong men in the world would be like her and be controlled by Song Shi. Thinking about it, she felt a little crazy.

When she walked in, she saw Shengming Zhenzun standing beside Song Shi a little unwillingly, with an expression similar to that of the old monster Hei.

The demon slayer True Monarch and others who were frozen on the side had a look of horror on their faces, obviously witnessing the process of a Soul Formation being controlled with their own eyes.

"Don't be afraid, you are too weak, I won't waste the Spirit Taming Talisman on you."

Song Shi looked disgusted, turned to Bai Yu'er and said, "I'll prepare some materials later when I have time. I found this thing is really easy to use. I want to make a few more."

Bai Yu'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Yes, young master."

"Now that our combination is true and false, it will not be easy to expose."

Song Shi looked outside: "Let's go and deal with the guys outside. They are all here."

Outside the big ship where the Buddha's light shines, since Song Shi and the others have not responded, Daqian's imperial guards are approaching cautiously, preparing to investigate.

"Why does this boat look like it belongs to Buddhist Gate?"

"It's from Buddhist Gate, but it's not a big one."

"Looking at this style, it looks like it's from the Kingdom of Sand. Who could be inside and what are you doing here?"

While the imperial guards were communicating secretly, Song Shi appeared with Bai Yu'er in a flash.

"Amitabha, all donors don't need to be nervous. The poor monk is passing by Qian Kingdom with his master. If you have something to do, come to the imperial capital."

Song Shi pretended to be a monk and used the Unmoving Bright King to look like a monk.

"Prince Chen?"

Someone followed Emperor Qian to the Immortal Fate Conference and met the descendants of Sha Kingdom. When they saw Song Shi's disguised monk, they recognized him and showed surprise.

"Please call me Master."

Song Shi said lightly.

"Master Chenkong, we didn't expect you to come. We're sorry."

The commander of the Imperial Guard hurriedly came out to salute and took a peek inside the ship. He was blocked by a circle of light, but he could detect a powerful aura.

He asked respectfully: "Master Shengming, the master of the mage, is here too?"


Song Shi stepped aside, revealing Shengming Zhenzun who was sitting cross-legged at the cabin door but had not come over.

It's not that the latter is cold, but that he doesn't want to show up more and is worried that someone will know that he is controlled by Song Shi.

"I've seen the Holy Buddha!"

The commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guards saluted hurriedly.

Song Shi looked at the city gate and glanced at the whole scene: "I wonder if your Dagan welcomes us?"

"You are certainly welcome. I will inform His Highness and the others immediately. Please come with me."

The commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard lowered his posture. A powerful Soul Formation man who played an important role in the Kingdom of Sand had arrived. Even Emperor Qian personally came to greet him.

"Let the formation hub specifically leave the right to fly to the distinguished guests of Sand Kingdom. The Imperial Guards immediately retreated and quickly notified the palace to pick up the guests."

He made secret arrangements to ensure that Song Shi and the Buddha ship he was on were not restricted by the formation at all. On the contrary, they were invited in in a big way.

"So he's from Sand Country? No wonder he looks so holy and bright."

"I think these monks are pretty good at pretending. Were they deliberately showing off the Dharma of the Great Brightness Temple just now?"

"Keep your voice down. The commander of the Imperial Guard is so polite. The people in the ship are definitely not simple."

The monks in the imperial city were discussing secretly, not knowing the specific situation.

They didn't expect that Song Shi had suffered a huge loss for the royal family of the Qian Kingdom on the ship. If they knew about it, all the forces that had damaged the genius would probably rush out and want to hack Song Shi to death.

Song Shi also considered that there were too many enemies for him to save Bai Xiaoqin, so he chose to outwit them.

He was worried that someone would become angry after seeing him and beat Bai Xiaoqin to ashes even if he knew he would retaliate. That would be troublesome.

He is not afraid of death, but if the people around him die, he still has to worry about it and not be too arrogant.

Song Shi, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard, took a boat to welcome him to the palace.

The environment here is quiet, and rows of artificial flowers and plants grow within the tall palace walls. All of them are extraordinary and full of vitality. The faint fragrance of flowers wafts in the wind, refreshing the heart and mind.

The scattered petals are flying and falling on the boat, which has a unique flavor.

"Holy Buddha, Master Chenkong, and His Royal Highness will be here soon. Please wait a moment."

After the commander of the Imperial Guard finished speaking, he stepped aside and watched quietly.

Song Shi walked out of the boat, looked at the exquisite and glorious palace, her eyes fell among the lush flowers and plants, and took a deep breath, feeling extremely relaxed.

At this time, a group of people walked out of the palace gate in the distance. The leader was majestic, wearing golden armor, with light all over his body, and wisps of dragon-shaped air currents swirling around, making him look divine and extraordinary.

This person is Qian Wuji, the crown prince of the Qian Kingdom. He has not been seen for more than a year. This person is already showing signs of turning into an infant. I am afraid that he will be able to break through in a short time.

Qian Wuji glanced at Song Shi and hurriedly saluted inside the ship: "Junior Wuji has met Senior Shengming. My father is busy with important matters at the moment and cannot get away for a while. Please order me to entertain you all."

"I know, if anything happens, you can talk about it."

Sheng Ming spoke reluctantly, not wanting to say more.

"Yes, senior."

Qian Wuji only thought that his cultivation level was too low, and Shengming felt that he was not qualified to communicate on an equal footing.

This is normal. If he has perfect Gold Core, even if he has a distinguished status, it will be nothing compared to the powerful ones in the Soul Formation Realm.

He then looked at Song Shi and Bai Yu'er, feeling that the former was a little different from the one at the Immortal Fate Conference, but he couldn't tell anything.

"Brother Chen, I didn't expect you to come to our capital, and we didn't inform you in advance, which makes us a little rude."

Gan Wuji smiled.

"Monks don't pay attention to these things. Brother Qian should help us arrange a place to live first. This time we will stay in Daqian for two days."

Song Shi smiled, he was going to live there first and go to Tianlao at night.

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