What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 284 As Long As You Are Brave, Monsters Will Take Maternity Leave

There is a side hall dedicated to entertaining guests. It is surrounded by pavilions, pavilions, gardens and pavilions. The environment is elegant and beautiful. There are also beautiful maids waiting beside it, enjoying the luxury and wealth.

It was Song Shi's first time to come to the palace in this world. He couldn't help but look at it a few more times, secretly thinking that it was extravagant.

The ground here is paved with fine jade, and the building materials are precious and famous trees. Compared with this, the Song family was almost like a pauper.

"Holy Ming Buddha, Brother Chen, please tell the maid at any time if you have anything to do. I still have to preside over the affairs of the court, so take the first step."

Seeing Gan Wuji leaving in a hurry, Song Shi was suspicious: "Are these guys so busy? You, Soul Formation, didn't even entertain you when he came?"

Shengming Venerable said calmly: "It's normal to be busy when dealing with domestic and foreign troubles. But what do you want to do by pretending to be Kong'er?"

"You don't need to worry about it anymore. You just need to listen to my words and act."

Song Shi was too lazy to say more. He was not going to take Sheng Ming to explore the prison, but would leave him here to sit in charge.

He chose a room and walked in, returned to his original appearance, and threw out a few formation flags to avoid prying eyes.

After doing this, he started to manipulate the palace's formation.

As the home of the Daqian royal family, the formations in this palace are very complex, reaching Sixth Grade, which is beyond the normal level of formations in this world.

Song Shi couldn't help but feel lucky: "Fortunately, I don't look too similar. This formation can even kill Soul Formation. It's not easy to save Xiaoqin."

It's true that he couldn't be killed, but if he really went on a rampage, he probably wouldn't even be able to enter the prison, and would be killed countless times outside. At that time, he had offended the royal family, and there was nothing he could do to kill Bai Xiaoqin directly.

Bai Yu'er, who was standing aside, also returned to his original appearance, echoed: "These dynasties have been established for thousands of years, and each generation will strengthen the formations here, so I say that this place is dangerous, comparable to those Apex Level forbidden areas, this Not counting Spiritual Treasure.”

"The foundation is indeed profound, and those sects still can't compare."

Song Shi nodded, "But give me some time, I can secretly control this formation."

In the forbidden area of ​​the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains, he was killed many times by the same level of formations. Song Shi's formation skills were enough to deal with it, but it took some time.

A little while later, when it was getting dark, Song Shi put down his hand, took back his magic power, and smiled confidently: "I have almost broken the formation here, and I can go in and out without anyone noticing."

Bai Yu'er stood nearby and said in admiration: "Young master is really an almighty person, there is nothing you can't do."

"Who said that I can't give birth to a child?"

Song Shi denied it.

"I can help you."

Bai Yuer's face was red, and her shy look was particularly attractive.

Song Shi saw that there was no need to be polite, and hehe said: "Okay, I just don't know if this species can be born differently."

He was curious about how monsters could have children with humans. Bai Yu'er was quite experienced, so he didn't mind giving it a try.

Although this woman was considered a second marriage, he had heard of a lot of takeovers in his previous life, which was quite good. He really didn't care about her and just treated her as a sleeping companion.

The only concern is that he killed this woman's baby, but the woman was still willing to give him a baby. I can't understand this kind of thinking.

Based on this mentality, he still doesn't want the other party to actually give him a child.

Bai Yu'er shook her head: "It's very difficult, far more difficult than it is for you strong humans to have children."


Song Shi was even more curious about how Bai Yuer and Lu Bingxuan had a child.

In the middle of the night, Song Shi finally couldn't help it and said to Bai Yuer, who was letting him do what he wanted. "I have a question. Even if I control you, I will kill your son. Why don't you hate me at all and still want to have a baby with me?" "

"I'm not a human being. I'm forcing myself on anyone. Why do I hate Young Master?"

Bai Yu'er was surprised and expressed her thoughts: "Besides, that child was just a child that Lu Bingxuan deceived me into using essence to give birth to a human woman. He said that he wanted to cultivate some descendants with Monster Race blood. Our Snake Clan would breed offspring." Originally, I wouldn’t care about it once the egg was laid, but I was deceived by him again, so I didn’t care, and it turned out to be true.”

Song Shi yelled: "Isn't this just in vitro fertilization?"

"What's the matter?"

Bai Yu'er didn't understand.

"It's a kind of container, similar to a furnace, right? Didn't you and Lu Bingxuan's child use a woman's belly to give birth to offspring that transcended species?"

"Oh, that's what it means."

Bai Yu'er suddenly realized, "No wonder Lu Bingxuan said that it would be easier to give birth to an outstanding demon, but I don't think it was successful. The child had a perverse and extreme personality, and I didn't even save a trace of Spirit Partitioning."

Song Shi heard this and said, "Are there many such things?"

"I don't know. I only know that someone in Heavenly Demon Temple did this. After I realized that Lu Bingxuan was just using his concubine, I stopped interacting with them."

Bai Yu'er shook his head.

"It seems that your son is probably not the only experimental subject."

Song Shi frowned. Those guys at Heavenly Demon Temple were engaging in demon-human hybridization, and it always felt bad.

"Master, Yu'er really doesn't have any other thoughts. She just admires the master's ability and wants to give you a child so that you can have descendants in the future."

Bai Yu'er thought Song Shi was suspecting her of having ulterior motives, so she explained uneasily.

"You're overthinking it. I'm just curious and asking. As for the child, just let it happen."

Song Shi didn't care, he was already immortal, and he actually doubted whether he could have a child.

If possible, that would be interesting. In the future, I would have to provide for my children until they die?

I'm a little speechless thinking about it.

"Then please be more relaxed, Young Master. It is difficult for demons and humans to produce offspring, especially the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it will be for all living beings to conceive offspring. The combination of the two situations will make it exponentially more difficult for us to conceive offspring. You can only try your luck by increasing the number of times.”

Bai Yuer said seriously.

"This... okay."

Song Shi is also going to try it.

Now among his women, Bai Xiaoqin is a ghost, and it is impossible for him to have a child now.

As for Liu Ruxue, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, her cultivation level was too low compared to him at the moment. After much deliberation, this enchantress by his side was the right one.

Bai Yu'er was overjoyed and promised: "Master, if I can really give birth to offspring, I will take care of them easily and won't be as careless as before."


Song Shi felt more and more dreamy, she was so brave, even monsters wanted to make her pregnant.

"Sure enough, as long as you are brave, monsters will take maternity leave..."

Only after he muttered this did he remember the business. He still had to save Bai Xiaoqin.

Letting go of Bai Yu'er, Song Shi said: "It's late at night, hurry up and explore the prison."

He pinched his hand slightly towards the ground, the power of the formation fluctuated, and he jumped off the bed, as if he had entered a stream of water and melted directly into it.

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