What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 287 Princess Wuxi

When Song Shi learned about the situation through Qianmian, the entire imperial city became tense.

A large number of troops were mobilized to help track down the ghost. Half an hour later, someone came to the guest reception hall.

The leader was afraid of Shengming Venerable and did not dare to enter and search. He asked the palace maids and eunuchs. After learning that the guests were quiet, they went back to resume their duties.

Half a day later, a group of people came to the door. The leader had bright eyes and white teeth, a noble temperament, and slightly opened red lips: "Shengming Venerable, Senior Brother Chen, and Princess Wuxi are here to pay their respects."

In the palace, Song Shi opened his eyes: "Here he comes again. Did he find any clues or was it a routine inspection?"

"Wuxi is Emperor Qian's favorite and most outstanding daughter. She is very good at reading people's minds. It is best for the young master to speak less."

After Qianmian reminded him, he hurriedly retreated. Bai Yuer thought for a moment and didn't stay.

Song Shi stood up and walked out of the palace, her eyes brightening.

One was tall, wearing a close-fitting silver silk dress, with a graceful figure.

She was a peerless beauty who looked like she was glowing. She was standing gracefully, her muscles and bones were crystal clear, her face was delicate and flawless, and her appearance was so beautiful that it could make the sun and moon eclipse her.

"No wonder it's called Wu Xi. The princess standing here really makes the sun look dim."

Song Shi praised, if Bai Xiaoqin is Xiaojiabiyu, giving people a sense of intimacy, Liu Ruxue is cold and like a snow lotus, Bai Yuer is charming and fairy-like, Lu Youyou is a bit weird, and Chen Yi is full of spirit and heroic spirit, then this girl It is extremely sunny and noble, making people admire it.

"I didn't expect that Senior Brother Chen has such a sweet mouth. I thought that Senior Brother has been practicing Buddhism all year round and is a solemn and solemn person."

Wu Xi's pretty face was smiling, her steps were moving lightly, the golden beads on the emerald green hairpins on her hair were swaying, and she walked over with a faint fragrance.

Song Shi knew that sooner or later his secret would be exposed, so he followed his true intention: "Practice Buddhism is not a matter of studying dead books. Besides, I am a Buddha who pays attention to fate. When I meet someone who is destined, my tongue will shine like a lotus flower."

"Senior Brother Chen is so interesting."

Wu Xi pursed her lips and smiled. Her bright eyes were gleaming and she scanned the surrounding area without leaving a trace. She smiled and said, "Senior brother and Sheng Ming Venerable, are you used to living here?"

"I haven't befriended anyone I'm destined to be with in a few days, so I'm not used to it."

Song Shi was complaining.

Wu Xi felt weird. Why did she feel that this guy was so unruly? Is this the only descendant of Sha Kingdom?

She glanced at Song Shi a few more times: "Senior Brother Chen doesn't feel like a monk at all to Wu Xi."

"This is what I call returning to nature."

Song Shi clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, is this the way to become a monk?"

Wu Xi felt more and more that this person was not serious, and her beautiful eyes flashed: "Everyone can say this. The key is whether the Buddha Dharma is profound. Wu Xi also studies the Dharma at ordinary times. I will discuss it with Senior Brother Chen later."

Song Shi was speechless in secret. He had a piece of bullshit Buddhism. If we really discussed it, it would definitely reveal the truth.

But he couldn't refuse, so he could only nod: "No problem, I've been studying the Six Paths of Reincarnation recently, and I'd like to discuss it with others."

"Six Paths of Reincarnation? Senior Brother Chen has studied it very deeply."

Wu Xi praised: "Before this, I wonder if I can pay homage to the Holy Ming Venerable? To avoid being rude."

"Okay, Master is here."

Song Shi led Wu Xi to another room to prevent him from noticing Qian Mian was inside.

Wu Xi took a deep look at the room and did not force his way in. He would naturally have plenty of time to discuss Buddhism later.

She followed Song Shi and turned around to visit Shengming Venerable.

"I still don't know why, Senior Brother Chen, you have come to Qianguo? Father and the others are currently in seclusion to break through, and I'm afraid they won't be able to receive you for a while."

Wu Xi started to inquire.

Song Shi casually made nonsense: ""We came here this time to marry you Qianguo. I think you are good. When I see Qianhuang, I will choose you, Princess Wuxi. "


Wu Xi was silent, why did the wind blow through his mouth?

"Princess Wuxi, do you mind if I am a monk? Don't worry, I, the descendant of the Kingdom of Sha, will get married and have children."

Song Shi teased.

Wu Xi smiled awkwardly: "No, everything must be arranged by the father. The little girl cannot make the decision."

She was a little flustered. A Venerable came to propose marriage in person. There was a high probability that she would be sent away by her father for marriage.

How could she, a woman, be calm about this kind of relationship for the rest of her life? She was unknowingly disrupted and disturbed by Song Shi.

"Master, Princess Wuxi wants to meet you."

Song Shi arrived in the room.

"come in."

Shengming Venerable had to cooperate with Song Shi in acting, pretending to sit on the futon and accept Princess Wuxi's visit.

After contacting the latter, he confirmed that this person was really the host of the Great Brightness Temple in Sarawak, so he became even more panicked.

After the visit, Song Shi invited: "Since Princess Wuxi is interested in Buddhism, can you come to my room to discuss it in depth?"

"This...Wu Xi remembered that there are still some things. How about coming to see senior brother after finishing them?"

Wu Xi was no longer in the mood to discuss Buddhism and wanted to take some quiet time.

"Then come back when you have time."

Song Shi watched Princess Wuxi leave, and some of the masters who came secretly also withdrew their gaze and retreated one after another.

"Nothing has been discovered yet, but it certainly won't be covered up for long, so we have to act as soon as possible."

Song Shi walked back to the room, made some secrets to explore the formation, and then his face changed: "The formation changes a lot, and it takes time to decipher it."

Qian Mian took the prisoner away from the prison, alarming the top management of Qian Country, who were rearranging everything inside and outside.

Song Shi became more cautious this time. He estimated that the person who presided over the formation was quite capable, but he could not capsize in the gutter.

On the other side, Wu Xi took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

She frowned and thought: "It's strange that our country has no tradition of marriage with the country of Sarawak. Why are they unilaterally proposing this matter without any sign?"

Her face changed, and she looked somewhere: "Father and the others are busy refining Spiritual Treasure, and there is another problem in the sky prison, so we should not consider it for the time being."

She regained her composure and said, "I've been paying more attention to them recently. Although I haven't found anything yet, as soon as they come, something will happen in the prison, so I have to be careful."

"Yes, princess."

There was a voice answering in the dark, but no one could be seen.

In the room, Bai Yu'er walked out: "Sir, there are a lot of spies outside, will you be noticed if you use the formation now?"

"It's okay. I have already prepared some methods to break the formation before. Even if the formation changes, it will not be difficult to break it. As long as they don't come in, it will be difficult to find them."

"It's Yu'er who is worrying too much." Seeing that Song Shi was confident, Bai Yu'er chuckled and quietly observed the formation.

Two days later, Song Shi's eyes lit up: "It's done. By this time, the Tianlao side should have calmed down a bit. Let's go there again and bring Qianmian with us."

In the corner, the frozen Qianmian was being thawed. He said bitterly: "Can you please don't do this next time? It makes me look like a criminal instead of cooperating with you."

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