What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 288 Surprise Or Not?

"You don't count as cooperating with me in the first place, at most it's a transaction."

Song Shi replied coldly, tapped the ground with his hand, turned on the transmission power of the formation, and led the three people away silently, directly avoiding the eyes and ears guarding the outside.

Heavenly prison.

Wu Xi was dressed in black and had her hair tied up, looking particularly capable.

"Your Highness, please come this way."

The heavenly guard who led the way led her to a large cell with only a tattered puppet inside.

The strange thing is that this puppet is entangled in chains, as if it is afraid of running away.

At this time, the chain shook, and a delicate face appeared on the puppet's head, looking at the noble Wu Xi: "Who are you?"

"Don't be nervous, sister. I didn't come here to torture you."

Wu Xi waved his hand and asked the Tianwei to leave, leaving only a rickety old man.

She crossed her arms and talked eloquently: "I know your identity. A young lady from a rich family in Jinzhou. Unfortunately, she was perfected by hundreds of ghosts and killed her whole family, turning her into a ghost. What's strange is that you were noticed and taken in by the old ghost in blood. Down."

Bai Xiaoqin looked at Wu Xi without saying anything. She felt that this woman was very extraordinary.

"What a coincidence, you said. This old ghost in blood clothes once took away Song Shi, a rich man from Jincheng. It just so happens that this Song Shi seems to have an engagement with you, but he hasn't had time to finalize it. If he hadn't asked more people, , I didn’t know you had this relationship.”

Wu Xi looked at Bai Xiaoqin playfully, walked closer, and stared into Bai Xiaoqin's eyes: "Can you tell me, what is your relationship with the old ghost in blood clothes? Is this old ghost in blood clothes Song Shi, or is he really the murderous devil? "

"I don't know what you said."

Bai Xiaoqin subconsciously avoided her eyes.

Compared with Princess Wu Xi who grew up in the palace and experienced many difficult things, Bai Xiaoqin is still too simple.

Her reaction basically told Princess Wu Xi that there was definitely something wrong with this old ghost in blood clothes, and he was probably not the devil.

"Sure enough, you know some of his secrets. If you are willing to tell some, I can guarantee that you won't lose your mind. How about that?"

Princess Wuxi said with some threats.

"I really don't know what you are talking about. I am the maid of the old ghost in blood."

Bai Xiaoqin retreated into the war puppets, not wanting to face Wu Xi.

"Haha, for a maid, the blood-clothed old ghost is willing to give up to such a High Level puppet? I heard that you seemed to have used a teleportation charm when you escaped. If there is no special relationship, why would you spend so much money?"

Wu Xi smiled sarcastically: "Back then, you were just a brat equivalent to Qi Refining. Why did I care about you so much?"

Wu Xi's words made Bai Xiaoqin extremely nervous. She said nothing and was even prepared to kill him without revealing anything.

"You don't need to say much. For your sake, I investigated some clues and basically confirmed that the old ghost in blood was actually your fiancé, not the original old ghost in blood, nor the Ye Wenzhong who took the initiative to seize the body. "

Wu Xi chuckled, looking determined.

"No, I'm not Song Shi. Don't make random guesses."

Bai Xiaoqin said anxiously, she actually didn't know the specific situation, but she could guess it, and after Wu Xi's inference, she was completely sure.

But she knew that this was not a good thing for Song Shi, so she chose to deny it.

"This man is indeed full of mystery. I just don't know if he will take the risk to save you."

Wu Xi sighed: "I guess not. This is a heavenly prison, comparable to a forbidden place. No matter how capable he is, he will never come here."

She was quite curious about how this Song Shi could avoid being taken away by two strong men and how he had such great ability.

Ever since she heard that her eldest brother had suffered at the hands of this person, she had been secretly investigating. Now, although she hadn't met him, she still had a sneak peek and got some information.

The feeling this person gave her was that the more she investigated, the more mysterious he became, and the more she speculated, the more incredible she felt. She let go of her hand and said, "I really want to meet this Song Shi in person."

When Bai Xiaoqin heard this, she felt mixed. She was happy that Song Shi didn't have to take risks, but also sad that she would die here.

After Wu Xi got the information she wanted to know, she said to the old man next to her: "Master Gong, look at this puppet. Can it be copied? If it can be copied, it can create many powerful helpers."

"It's difficult to completely replicate it in a short time, so it should be okay to spend more time."

The rickety old man has been studying the puppet and directly gave his own judgment.

"What we are short of is time. Now the states seem calm, but in fact they are gradually losing control. Too many people want to be princes. Heavenly Demon Temple has created a bunch of demons again. I don't know if it's too late."

Wu Xi said this and turned around: "You can continue your research, Bai Xiaoqin. You are more familiar with puppets. I hope you can cooperate with me so that I can save you a little pain."

Walking towards the door, her nostrils suddenly twitched, and then she left calmly.

The rickety old man knelt down and began to study the war puppet. Just after looking at it for a moment, a cold temperament descended from the top of his head, sending chills down his spine.

Before he could react, Bai Yu'er was frozen. She looked at the puppet and said with a smile: "So this is the young master's wife. Yu'er is being polite."

Bai Xiaoqin raised his head in astonishment, looked at Song Shi who slowly appeared next to Bai Yu'er, and cried with joy: "Master."

"I'm late."

Song Shi felt guilty. If he hadn't wasted too much time with the Nine Nether Ghost Spider in the Ghost Land, Bai Xiaoqin wouldn't have been caught here.

"Master, Xiaoqin is too stupid." Bai Xiaoqin blamed herself.

"Don't cry, I'll get you out."

Song Shi walked towards the chain, and after grabbing it, the newly cultivated Sun True Fire merged with the sword energy and began to cut the chain. With the powerful physical force, one of the chains broke with a click.

When he wanted to break the second chain, a terrifying pressure emerged out of thin air, and the entire cell lit up and was immediately blocked.

Bai Yu'er became nervous: "Master, something seems wrong."

Song Shi was surprised: "How did you find out? I didn't disturb the formation!"

He turned his head in confusion, and Wu Xi and others just appeared and stopped at the door.

"Should I call you Senior Brother Chen, the old ghost in blood, or Young Master Song?"

Wu Xi looked at Song Shi, looking like he had a chance to win with his clothes.

"You have some skills."

Song Shi took this woman seriously for the first time. Apart from her top-notch appearance and temperament, her methods were also not simple.

Wu Xi looked at Song Shi with a smile: "Master Song, are you surprised or surprised that I can detect your arrival?"

"It's a bit surprising. I thought I had cracked and controlled some of the formations, but I didn't expect you to notice it."

Song Shi admired: "Let me think about it, the way you discovered me should be the taste, right?"

He quickly checked all his conditions, and found that the formation had not changed much, and the invisibility talisman was not something that the other party could easily do?

He raised his hand and smelled the clothes, and there was still a faint fragrance. This was not from him, but from the princess.

"Young Master Song reacts so quickly. Yes, it's the fragrance. The spices I've been using recently are very special and they don't fade away for a hundred days."

Wu Xi smiled.

Song Shi suddenly said, "Have you suspected me for a long time?"

"If something goes wrong, no matter who it is, it's worthy of suspicion, especially someone like you who is already special."

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