What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 289 Heavenly Demon

"I am in charge of the Supervision Department and have access to all kinds of intelligence in the world. Even if I don't meet people face to face, I can still have a certain understanding of certain people based on various information. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia you pretend to be is not a person who talks nonsense."

Wu Xi looked like she was in control of everything, "It's just that I feel that the Holy Ming is real. I saw it with my own eyes when I was a child. Can you tell me how it was disguised? This is the first time I have met someone who can make my spiritual eyes... Indistinguishable.”

Song Shi couldn't help but look at Wu Xi's eyes. Before, they only felt bright like stars and full of spirituality. Now they are even more colorful, with runes beating one after another, forming formation-like spiritual patterns.

Runes, spiritual patterns and spiritual formations correspond to the legal body, Spirit Body and Divine Body.

The spiritual patterns in this woman's eyes are faintly formed. This is something at the Spirit Body or even Divine Body level, but the opponent's power is limited to a pair of eyes.

But Song Shi knew that the more concentrated the power, the more powerful it would be. This woman's eyes were definitely comparable to Law Treasure or even Spirit Weapon.

He calmed down and said, "Your eyes are really powerful. The reason why you can't see through Venerable is very simple, that is, he is real."

Wu Xifeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and she was surprised. Could it be that Sha Kingdom also had some action against them?


It was Song Shi who turned around and broke another chain. Bai Yu'er also helped, and in the blink of an eye all the chains locking Bai Xiaoqin were destroyed.


Bai Xiaoqin rushed out and hugged Song Shi with tears in her eyes.

"You don't have to waste your energy. After all, you have to stay here today."

Wu Xi looked indifferent: "Now that the power of the formation has completely blocked this place, you can't escape with your wings. If you don't want to endure hardship, I suggest you just surrender and capture us."

"Sir, what should I do?"

Bai Yu'er was also a little panicked. She knew how powerful the Tianlao formation was today. Not to mention that it was underground now. Even without the formation, it would be difficult to break through the many barriers and get out.

"You take Xiaoqin away later, meet up with Shengming Venerable, leave the imperial city, and wait for me in your lair."

Song Shi secretly conveyed that he was not afraid of the current situation. Bai Xiaoqin and the others were afraid and had to be sent out first.

After saying this, he quickly formed a seal, and the runes quickly condensed and fell into the void nearby.

The light of the formation suddenly started to squirm. Even if someone from the main formation was secretly blocking it with the power of the formation and changing the operation of the formation, Song Shi could still affect it.

"Hurry up and block the transmission channel. We must not let them leave with the help of the formation!"

Wu Xi hurriedly ordered, probably communicating with the people in the main formation.

"It has been sealed for a long time. It was already sealed when the witch escaped. He was only weakening the sealing power of the formation. Princess, retreat quickly, they may hurt you."

An old voice came out of thin air, reminding Princess Wu Xi to stay away from Song Shi.

However, Song Shi did not launch an attack. Instead, he raised his hands and gathered his magic power crazily, quickly condensing two silver talismans.

The moment the talisman was formed, the space visibly fluctuated, and a powerful force of space movement was released, forming circles of ripples.

"Condensing talismans with bare hands, what kind of Divine Ability is this!"

Wu Xi, who had just taken a step back, was shocked. In her understanding, talismans had to be drawn on talisman paper. This was the first time she saw someone condensing in the air.

"Princess, no, this is the top Divine Ability of the Talisman Way. It can draw talismans in the air. What he drew was a moving talisman and he wanted to escape."

The people in the main formation saw Song Shi's plan and quickly mobilized their formations to stop it, but found that the formations near Song Shi were not under his control.

"Moving Talisman? Isn't this a High Level Talisman? He can actually draw it out of thin air?"

Wu Xi exclaimed and said anxiously: "Hurry up and seal the space."

"Princess, he interfered with the formation. It will take me some time to control it."

At this time, Song Shi slapped Fu Lu on Bai Yu'er and Bai Xiaoqin, and shouted: "Let's go!"

He directly activated the talisman, and a crack was torn open in the twisted space. The silver light shone brightly, catching the two of them, turning into a burst of light and shooting into the space crack, and disappeared in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, only Song Shi and the tattered war puppet were left in the cell. Song Shi took a big breath: "Damn, I'm exhausted from drawing two teleportation talismans in one go."

The moving talisman involves space. Although the level is not as high as the soul-controlling talisman, the mana required is very terrifying. After all, it needs to open up the space. If he had not reached the Nascent Soul level and his mana is comparable to Soul Formation, he would not be qualified to draw such a talisman with his bare hands. Come.

Even if he draws it, the nine Nascent Souls in his body are all dim.

He is not in a hurry to escape. In addition to the fact that he cannot die, the reason is that he can draw at most two teleportation talismans. After drawing, most of his mana has been consumed, and he has no strength to condense new teleportation talismans.

When Song Shi was panting from exhaustion, the power of the chaotic formation around him began to recover. The people in the main formation secretly regained control of the area and sealed the space again.

"Princess, the space has been sealed. Fortunately, he did not escape."

The person in the main formation in the dark breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Xi also broke out in cold sweat on her forehead. If Song Shi was allowed to escape under such circumstances, it would be a big loss and she would not be able to handle business.

"Mr. Song, you really keep surprising me. In comparison, the surprise I just gave you is nothing."

Wu Xi looked deeply at Song Shi, his eyes shining, wishing he could see through this person completely.

"There is still a surprise behind, don't make a fuss."

Song Shi's breathing gradually calmed down, and he looked at Princess Wu Xi who had not left: "Your Highness, you can't contain me, so don't waste your time on me, so as not to lose the big for the small."

Hearing that there was something wrong in Song Shi's words, Princess Wuxi frowned: "What do you mean?"

"With all your attention on me and all the power of the formation directed towards me, the blockade and suppression power in other places will be weakened. He probably won't need my help. He should have found his target."

Song Shi crossed his arms and said with interest: "I am very curious, who is suppressing the people at the bottom of the Heavenly Demon Temple? Is it worthy that the Heavenly Demon Temple has been trying to save it for generations, even at the risk of causing rebellion?"


Princess Wuxi's face changed drastically and she stared at Song Shi: "You don't think it's a target, could it be that you helped others go to the bottom of the prison?"

Song Shi can bring people in silently, and naturally he can also help others. If he really helps the people from Heavenly Demon Temple go to the bottom...


Suddenly there was a scream in his ears, and the people in the main formation were shocked and angry: "Nie Zhan, you unexpectedly attacked your master!"

"Old guy, who thinks you are the master? If it wasn't to save the Heavenly Demon, how could I have been your apprentice for three hundred years?"

Another voice with a ferocious smile came out, quite proudly: "Haha, I finally got a chance, old ghost in blood, thank you so much, just continue to stay there and help us attract and share the power of the formation. "

"Who are you!"

Princess Wuxi broke out in cold sweat on her forehead: "You know what you have done. If you release this evil demon, all life will be destroyed, and even this world will be unstable!"

"Haha, I am the clone of Qian Mian. Remember, it was your grandfather and I who broke your heavenly prison, haha."

Song Shi frowned when he heard this: "Qianmian, the one you rescued is called Heavenly Demon? This honorific does not sound like a Soul Formation monk. Could it be that he is a Saint who only existed in ancient times?" The last time he had contact with Saint Lord Langya, Only then did Song Shi know that this world was in ancient times, because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was still relatively strong, and there were also powerful people at the Void Refining level. Such beings were the Saints of this world, and were mostly called saints.

In other words, what Thousand Faces saved now was not the Soul Formation monk he thought, but also the Void Refining True Saint and the Shattering Void Martial Saint who transcended Soul Formation and should no longer exist in this world.

"That's right, old ghost in blood, thanks to you, otherwise we really wouldn't have a chance."

Qianmian said in an excited tone: "Bring the Demon Saint out of trouble. He is the only Saint in this era. The whole world will belong to our Heavenly Demon Temple."

Song Shi was astonished: "You're not too petty, but you actually want to unify the whole world."

Princess Wuxi's body trembled: "If the devil escapes from trouble, it is really possible. Come here, get this Thousand Faces for me quickly to prevent him from destroying the formation."

She did not expect that Qian Mian had penetrated so deeply and had already blended into the main formation, which would cause huge damage to the suppressive power of Tianlao.


The entire Tianlao shook violently, a terrifying aura surged below, and the formations were trembling.

"No, that demon has awakened. Please inform father immediately!"

Wu Xi's face turned pale. No matter how many tricks she tried at this moment, it would not work at this moment.

She hurriedly crushed a jade pendant and informed the powerful men of Qian Kingdom.

Song Shi felt the breath at the bottom of Tianlao, and her whole body couldn't help but tighten.

He looked around in shock. The space had become unstable. It was exactly the force at the bottom of the prison.

"It actually affects space. Is this the strength of a Void Refining-level powerhouse? After being suppressed for so many years, he is still so powerful?"

Song Shi couldn't calm down. He heard that after Soul Formation, monks have two ways.

Breaking the void with the physical body, or refining a void, are powerful people who can affect the space. Now he has experienced it a little bit.

"Song Shi, you are actually helping them, do you know what you are doing?"

It was the first time that Wu Xi felt so powerless, and catching Song Shi was a big deal.

"I just asked Qianmian to give me Bai Xiaoqin's location, and I just gave him an invisibility charm to make it difficult for the formation to detect him."

Song Shi shrugged: "As for releasing this demon saint, I haven't even done it yet, and he's impatient to do it. He really doesn't believe me."

"No matter what, you have made a big mistake. You have no idea how terrifying this Demon Saint is!"

Princess Wuxi gritted her teeth.

"Yeah, I really don't know."

Song Shi nodded, very sincerely, "Can you explain it to me in more detail?"

Princess Wuxi's eyes widened. This guy was so shameless. She was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood.

When Song Shi was blocked by Qian Mian using the power of the transfer formation, at the bottom of them was the last moment of the Tianlao.

There is a huge Eight Trigrams Diagram here. On top of the pattern are eight Law Treasure arrays with corresponding attributes. In the center of the pattern, chains are wrapped around a withered body.

This body was engraved with dense magic patterns. It looked like a human being, but it had a pair of red horns on its head. The hair was disheveled and it was hard to see clearly.

At this moment, he was opening his mouth to wildly swallow a stream of black air, which was mixed with blood and liveliness. With every mouthful he swallowed, the magic marks on his body became darker and the breath became more terrifying.


The chains that blocked him were trembling violently, and suddenly one of them broke, causing a wave that shook the entire prison.

Outside the Eight Trigrams Diagram, the Thousand-faced Soul Formation looked fanatical: "Master Demon Saint, please forgive me for my incompetence. I can only provide you with these low-level evil spirits and soul essence and blood, but I have interfered with the formation. He broke the eight-door spirit-suppressing formation and destroyed a main formation Law Treasure. With the strength of the Demon Saint, he will definitely be able to escape."

"very good!"

When the Demon Saint spoke, his voice was hoarse and unpleasant, like two rusty patches rubbing against each other. It was horrifying to hear.

He slowly raised his head, his blood-colored eyes absorbing light like black holes, and he opened his mouth and sucked hard.

In the hand of the Thousand Faces Incarnation, a black bottle trembles, releasing more evil spirit, blood essence and soul, which can just make up for the Demon Saint's energy and spirit.

Deep in the imperial city, in another forbidden area, flames were beating at this moment, and there was a faint dragon's roar.

Above the flames, a black dragon kept rolling and swimming, exuding a powerful aura.

In the center of the black dragon, a black spear is transforming, and the dense combination of runes is unraveling, as if it is gestating some kind of life.

Emperor Qian and the other two old men with white beards and hair all formed seals to release their magic power, stimulating the flames under the black dragon to continuously refine this Law Treasure.

Suddenly, a ray of light flew out of Emperor Qian's body, and then shattered, sending out a message,

Emperor Qian's body trembled, and he opened his eyes suddenly, "Damn it, how did it happen? The guys from Heavenly Demon Temple actually destroyed the prison and were trying to save Saint Heavenly Demon."

The other two old men blew their beards and opened their eyes in surprise.

"The prison is airtight, how could it be destroyed?"

"This is troublesome. We are at the last moment of refining the Spiritual Treasure. If we escape to suppress the demon, all our efforts will be wasted."

Emperor Qian and the other two old men with white beards and hair all formed seals to release their magic power, stimulating the flames under the black dragon to continuously refine this Law Treasure.

Suddenly, a ray of light flew out of Emperor Qian's body, and then shattered, sending out a message,

Emperor Qian's body trembled, and he opened his eyes suddenly, "Damn it, how did it happen? The guys from Heavenly Demon Temple actually destroyed the prison and were trying to save Saint Heavenly Demon."

The other two old men blew their beards and opened their eyes in surprise.

"The prison is airtight, how could it be destroyed?"

"This is troublesome. We are at the last moment of refining the Spiritual Treasure. If we escape to suppress the demon, all our efforts will be wasted."

Emperor Qian and the other two old men with white beards and hair all formed seals to release their magic power, stimulating the flames under the black dragon to continuously refine this Law Treasure.

Suddenly, a ray of light flew out of Emperor Qian's body, and then shattered, sending out a message,

Emperor Qian's body trembled, and he opened his eyes suddenly, "Damn it, how did it happen? The guys from Heavenly Demon Temple actually destroyed the prison and were trying to save Saint Heavenly Demon."

The other two old men blew their beards and opened their eyes in surprise.

"The prison is airtight, how could it be destroyed?"

"This is troublesome. We are at the last moment of refining the Spiritual Treasure. If we escape to suppress the demon, all our efforts will be wasted."

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