"If I can suppress you for a while, I can suppress you for a lifetime!"

Emperor Qian stood with his hands behind his back, looking confident.

"Back then, with the power of Law Treasure, the power of the formation surpassed mine. How dare you suppress me for the rest of your life?"

The Immortal Transformation Demon couldn't help laughing: "When the Heavenly Demon comes out, breaks your formation, and destroys your Law Treasure, I'll see what else you can use to fight me!"

"Immortal Transformation, he is not of my kind, and his heart must be different. Do you like being a dog for others so much?"

Emperor Qian looked at the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord with a condescending tone: "Even though tens of thousands of years have passed, I don't believe you don't know the general situation. If the last Saint in this world hadn't been born, he would have been suppressed here at the cost of his life. , prepare to slowly wipe it out, you and I have no chance of being born."

His words seemed to involve an ancient history, and the Daqian masters who gathered nearby were all confused.

"I'm sorry, I think this world shouldn't be like this. It's better to connect to the Heavenly Demon world and turn this place into purgatory. Then I will be the one to change the world."

The Demon Lord of Immortal Transformation said his plan with a smile on his face, which made everyone's hair stand on end.

This person actually wants to destroy the world, is he still a human? What a complete and utter Great Demon gimmick.

"Change the world? I think you think that if you practice magic, you will go to the Heavenly Demon world sooner or later. You want to find a backer for yourself in advance. It's really hypocritical."

Emperor Qian sneered, releasing his powerful pressure, the void trembled, and the aura he exuded made him feel like the master of heaven and earth.

The mana in his body was as deep as the ocean. It surged and turned into a long dragon, soaring into the sky. His voice was like rolling thunder: "If you can't wait until the day when the world changes, come up and die!"

Soul Formation masters can already control the power of heaven and earth, and their movements are extremely destructive. Even if the imperial city is protected by formations, if they fight on the ground, the aftermath can still kill many innocent people, and even destroy the city. Naturally, he does not want to be in the city. fighting.

The Demon Lord of Immortal Transformation chuckled, "Who do you think you are? I need to listen to you?"

His eyes were cold, and he grabbed a Gold Core from the air with his backhand, squeezing it to death.

The others were extremely surprised. This man actually didn't play according to the routine. The dignified Soul Formation monk actually attacked weaklings like them, and they were all so frightened that they quickly backed away.


The Immortal Transformation Demon Lord struck out with a palm, and the demonic flames surged into the sky, covering several monks and burning them to ashes in the blink of an eye.

"Cang Long goes to sea!"

Emperor Qian fought back in anger, his magic power was like a vast ocean, with a boundless ray of light, he turned into a blue dragon, and blasted towards the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord with overwhelming murderous intent.


The Immortal Transformation Demon Lord punched out, and the demonic flames were as black as ink, turning into a black lotus and colliding with the blue dragon.

There was a loud noise and the ground shook.

The destructive waves spread, tearing apart those who were not far enough away. The nearby formations were activated, forming circles of ripples, barely protecting the building from being destroyed.

But this also dispersed the power of the formation, affecting the whole body, and the power to suppress the Heavenly Demon was further weakened.

The entire Heavenly Prison shook more violently. Song Shi was keenly aware that the formation was being torn apart by a terrifying force. He looked at Wu Xi, who had his eyebrows raised, and said, "Continue, I don't know much about this Heavenly Demon Saint."

"What you do may destroy the world, is that enough?"

Wu Xi sighed and said: "Ten thousand years ago, evil demons descended from the sky. Many monks in the Wuji Continent tried their best to fight against them, but they were no match. Fortunately, a generation of Martial Saints was born. They burned their essence and blood to seal the demon saints. After so many years, they were almost wiped out. You But he was released, and if the passage to the Opening Heaven Demon World is opened again, all lives will be destroyed, and the world will turn into a prison."

Song Shi was speechless when he heard this: "So, I have become an eternal sinner..."

He couldn't help but pay attention to it. If this Heavenly Demon Saint was just a senior of the Heavenly Demon Temple, it would be fine. Now it is obviously not the case, and the trouble in the middle would be huge.

"In other words, he is not a person from this world, but an invader?"

Song Shi frowned, Qianmian didn't say such important information. Didn't this mean that he would let a demon come out and demolish his hometown?

"It's ridiculous. You don't even know you're being taken advantage of."

Wu Xi mocked.

"Princess, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him, and then deal with the Heavenly Demon!"

A man with murderous intent on his face rushed over. The token on his body was engraved with the word "spiritual", and his strength was half a step of Soul Formation.

"Master Zhenlingwei, what's going on over there?"

Wu Xi came back to his senses.

"Old Wu was killed and control of the formation was taken away. The last level has been isolated and the brothers cannot enter for the time being."

The Zhenling Guard stared at Song Shi with a sullen face: "This person is the one who caused the trouble. He secretly cracked some of the formations and gave Qianmian a chance. Otherwise, how could he be so passive!"

Song Shi said: "I can help you get down."

"Humph, you still want to plot against us? Mr. Wu sealed this place before he died, so you just have to die!"

The Zhenling Guard sneered again and again.

"Master Zhenlingwei, he probably doesn't know the situation."

Wu Xi shook his head: "Not many people know the origin of the last level of suppression. Give him a chance."

"Princess, he may be trying to trick us into opening the blockade and escaping."

Zhenlingwei was unwilling to believe Song Shi.

"Forget it, I am a sinner. You don't need to take action. I will die to apologize."

Song Shi's words were shocking. After he finished speaking, he slapped himself on the head. With a click, his head was broken, and then he was dismembered and fell to the ground.

The Zhenling Guard looked a little confused. Did this guy really commit suicide?

"He's not dead. The intelligence says he's difficult to kill and is good at the golden cicada's method of escaping!"

Wu Xi stared at Song Shi's body with a solemn expression. The next moment, the body disappeared.

Song Shi appeared behind them and grabbed Wu Xi's neck with one hand: "Beauty, did you feel a little angry when you saw me die once?"

Wu Xi was frightened and wanted to resist, but found that the opponent's power was unfathomable and he couldn't move at all. He could only ask in confusion: "How did you get out?"

"Are these important? I'm just asking you if you still want to redeem yourself?"

Song Shi controlled Wu Xi and wanted to take a look at the last floor.

If possible, it would be best to keep that thing sealed below. He can also seize the opportunity to die a few times and reap the benefits.

"Let go of the princess, or I won't be polite!"

The Zhenling Guard shouted.


The entire prison trembled violently, cracks appeared on the walls around them, gravel and dust fell, and they began to collapse.

"Haha, I can finally leave this hellish place!"

The shriveled and ugly laughter filled the Heavenly Prison and the void, and then with a click, a blood-red light broke through the Opening Heavenly Prison and shot straight into the sky.

The space near them cracked open, and the sky prison seemed to be cut in half with a knife. You could see directly the bottom floor downwards, and you could see the sky upwards.

Such an earth-shattering blow directly shattered the confidence of all the jailers in the sky prison.

"Awesome, I don't even need to take you down."

Song Shi was stunned. This move was so terrifying. It even penetrated the prison. Soul Formation couldn't do this at all. Hasn't this guy been suppressed for many years? He still has such terrifying power, which is far beyond what Soul Formation can match.

"On the path of cultivation, refining Qi, Qi Refining Soul Formation, Soul Refining, he is already in the third step of existence. Every move he makes can explode with power that exceeds the limits of today's world!"

Wu Xi's spiritual eyes were shining, but there was sadness in them: "You are obviously about to die, but you can still survive. Is this life? We all underestimated how terrible Void Refining is before. Now this Who can make up for the gap?"

"Yes, this level is very interesting, I must go and see it."

Song Shi looked into the depths with interest. The aura clearly frightened him, but he couldn't help but be excited.

What a generous reward it would be to be killed by such a High Level being!

Wu Xi was desperate at this moment, thinking that Song Shi was also talking nonsense, she said to the Zhenling Guard: "It's too late, everyone should run away."

The latter was shocked and doubtful, with fear deep in his pupils, and gritted his teeth and said: "If the eight major town spirit guards take action together, there may be a chance to suppress him."

"Ah! Save me!"

A scream came from the dusty bottom space, followed by the sound of chewing, which was particularly scary.


Two blood-stained figures rushed out backwards, their eyes filled with fear.

"Come on, this devil is too strong!"

"Even Soul Formation Dzogchen may not be his opponent. If you don't leave, you will be eaten by him and become food for him to restore his strength."

The two of them were pretty good, and they reminded Wu Xi and the others when they escaped.

As for Song Shi, they are in no mood to worry about it now.

"You guys go, I still want to go down and have a look."

Song Shi let go of Wu Xi, walked in the opposite direction, and jumped directly into the huge crack.

Wu Xi stared blankly, and was pulled away by the Spirit Guard next to him: "Princess, this guy is in the same group as them. He makes it sound high-sounding, but in fact it's okay to go down there."

"That's right, let's go out and join Father and the others first. Now Father and the others are the only ones who have any other options."

With a sigh, Wu Xi quickly left with the Zhenling Guard.

The last floor is not a simple earth and stone structure, but has an independent space.

The space was fragmented, filled with the smell of blood, mixed with the aura of evil spirits.


Song Shi fell down and looked up. The crack on the top of his head led to the outside world, which looked even more shocking.

"Shattering the Void, this is the ability of the Demon Saint. It shouldn't be difficult to kill me."

Song Shi thought to herself and rushed towards the broken Eight Trigrams Diagram in the center.

Now that this space has been torn apart, it is precisely the space where Heavenly Demon has broken to suppress itself that will spread to the outside and tear the entire heavenly prison apart.

After this attack, Heavenly Demon's holy power was exhausted again, and he had to eat people to replenish his consumption.

Footsteps appeared, and Song Shi walked towards him step by step amid the violently flying dust. The bloody light made his back sway and twist, making him look like a demon.


Heavenly Demon, who was replenishing his consumption, glanced at Song Shi, his eyes looked like they could eat people, and contained terrifying pressure.

"Where did this boy come from? He's not very strong, but his meat is firm and delicious."

As soon as he arrived, he was treated as food by the Heavenly Demon. Song Shi didn't look flustered at all. He bowed to one side and said with a flattering Qianmian face: "You really dumped a huge pot on me, this guy." If I run out, people will curse me."

Song Shi was quite unhappy. He didn't care how powerful the devil was, but he didn't want to be taken advantage of.

After all, this Heavenly Demon is not a cat or a dog, or even a Soul Formation, but an existence that can threaten the peace of this world.

The more terrifying the opponent is and the more creatures he kills, the bigger the blame he will bear, and it is easy to be infamy for eternity.

Qian Mian responded with indifference: "You think too highly of yourself. If I hadn't arranged it here for hundreds of years, your little means wouldn't be enough to help Senior Demon Saint get out of trouble."

At this time, Heavenly Demon Sheng swallowed all the blood food in front of him, and he was still hungry: "I'm still very hungry, Xiao Qianmian, according to your wishes, this is not one of my own."

"No, Senior Demon Saint, please enjoy it as you like."

Qian Mian's eyes were indifferent. Now that he had helped the Demon Saint get out of trouble, there was no need to keep this person.

"Then I'm not welcome."

Heavenly Demon grinned, with a bloody mouth on his ugly face, and grabbed Song Shi.

The terrifying force of space squeezing came, Song Shi's face changed drastically, and all his body's protective aura, talent sword energy, true sun fire and other powers exploded.

"Firefly light!"

The Heavenly Demon didn't care at all and just used a little force.


The space shattered, and then collapsed directly toward the center. Song Shi's protective power was almost like paper, and it fell apart in a breath.

"Is this the power that surpasses Soul Formation? It is indeed incomparable."

Song Shi was amazed, and was killed by the force of space collapse. He died very simply, even faster than when encountering a space storm.

"Ding, congratulations on being killed by the Heavenly Demon. Your physique is +30000!"

"You gain strength from death and are rewarded with 10,000 free attribute points!"

The system prompts made Song Shi feel happy. With this death, his strength can be directly improved, which is equivalent to his usual hard training for a long time.

"Hey, this guy's body is stronger than the ones I just ate. Yes, it's chewier this way."

Heavenly Demon was slightly surprised. He took back his hand and was about to enjoy this high-quality food, but Song Shi disappeared in a burst of light.

He squeezed a handful of air and came back, his face immediately gloomy: "Very good, even I dare to play it!"

"Senior Demon Saint, this man is very cunning and has many clones. It is difficult to kill him. We should not waste time on him. We should go out first and wait until the senior recovers a little before we can cause trouble for him."

Qianmian reminds that this operation is not without some threats. At least if the three major Soul Formations on Qianhuang's side are dispatched to assist the Spiritual Treasure, they will not get any benefits.

"Hmph, this kid must die."

Heavenly Demon took a step forward and swung his palm fiercely.

outside world.

Song Shi just emerged from the resurrection point set in advance, and happened to see the location of Tianlao trembling.

Then the void opened, and an evil and cold blood-red light rushed out.

Then the earth cracked open again, the ground and buildings were split in half, and in the huge ravine exposed, the entire sky prison completely fell apart.

Bloody rays of light flooded out from the sky, and suddenly there was a gloomy wind, and dark clouds gathered in the sky, making it look like a Transcending Tribulation.

In fact, at this time, the peerless demon was born, triggering a large number of strange phenomena caused by changes in the power of heaven and earth.

Emperor Qian and Demon Lord Immortal Transformation, who were still fighting in the distance, changed their expressions and quickly separated, staring at the Heavenly Demon's holy place.

"It's finally out. I, Heavenly Demon Temple, have been teaching for so many years, just to welcome you!"

The Immortal Transformation Demon Lord muttered to himself, looking crazy. He was about to greet him, but found that the Heavenly Demon Saint did not look at him at all, but rushed towards another person in a flash.

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