What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 293 Confusion Of Black And White

"Haha, old ghost in blood, you did a good job."

Emperor Qian laughed. On the spear in his hand, the terrifying and killing power continued to gather, causing the sun and moon to change color, the power of heaven and earth to boil, and the void to twist.

"Heavenly Demon, it doesn't matter if you escape, today is your day of death."

Amidst the laughter, Emperor Qian was filled with murderous intent and was ready to get rid of this devil with his own hands. When the time comes, he will leave his name in history.

The heaven and earth shook, and the morale of Daqian's army rose sharply, preparing to kill the evil spirits.

No one on the Heavenly Demon Temple side could laugh anymore, and their expressions were frozen.

Who would have thought that the situation would change so quickly, and it would lead to a retreat even after it had not been prosperous for a long time.

"Demon Saint, the situation is not good, we have to leave!"

Immortal Transformation Demon Lord said in a deep voice, Heavenly Demon Sheng just escaped from the trap and was in poor condition. Originally, he was not planning to stay for a long time. Now that he has suffered a big loss, he can no longer stay.

"Blood-clothed old ghost, right? I remember you!"

Heavenly Demon covered the wound and stared at Song Shi with hatred: "I will destroy your entire clan, eat your flesh, and eat your soul!"

"Oh, I'm so scared."

Song Shi patted her chest and said cowardly: "You'd better use your other hand to cover the blood hole on your right side, so it's symmetrical."

Heavenly Demon's hair instantly stood on end. He had never been so angry before. If his condition was not so bad, he would have crushed this hateful human race immediately.


In the sky, a blood-colored spear was condensed, making a rumbling sound, and headed towards him.

Heavenly Demon's face changed slightly. He was able to break the combined attack just now, but now he is helpless in the face of this more powerful attack.

"Let's go."

With a stroke of the Shattering Void, he didn't care about anyone and just left through the void.

The Demon Lord of Immortal Transformation followed closely behind, and as for the others, they had to rely on their own abilities.


The blood-colored spear was huge, and it hit the two's original positions, blasting the space apart. The ground was like paper. After being stabbed, the mud spread in all directions like a tsunami.

Song Shi retreated thousands of feet in one step, avoiding the aftermath, and frowned at the blow.

"It is stronger than the black dragon that was condensed just now, and it still has some trump cards."

The chaotic storm continued to spread, and some of the shattered buildings in the distance were directly turned into powder. The shock wave was pushed out horizontally, and was razed to the ground in a radius of thousands of feet!

It can be seen from high altitude that the original city wall next to the Tianlao has disappeared, and a considerable part of the imperial city has been destroyed.

In the center of the energy storm, the cracked space appeared more broken after being hit, but in the depths of the dark void, the two demons were no longer around.

He didn't pursue him. Not to mention the powerful Heavenly Demon Temple, he just used Ragnarok to escape. If he chased after him, he wouldn't be able to kill the Heavenly Demon. Instead, he would be trapped.

After the 100,000 troops around them launched this round of attacks, many people collapsed and collapsed on the ground, gasping for air.

Obviously, it would be difficult for them to launch a third attack in a short period of time.


"The situation is over, we have to wait for the Demon Saint to recover."

The people in Heavenly Demon Temple were panicked, using various means to escape, and dispersed like birds and beasts.

They are all doing their own thing, without any rules and regulations, and it looks quite chaotic.

In fact, most of the people in the Demon Cult are cold-hearted and will not help escape. Instead, they will run faster than anyone else.

The slow runner will naturally be in charge of the rear, and no one will sympathize with him even if he dies.

Fortunately, the army of monks in Daqian didn't have much energy to hunt down the monks from Heavenly Demon Temple, so it was difficult to effectively prevent these people from leaving.


A ray of light passed through, and Emperor Qian fell into the center of the storm with a bad look on his face.

He stared at the crack in space: "Run away, damn it!"

"People can easily tear open space and leave. How can you, a fool like you, attack and kill people?"

Song Shi curled his lips. If his Shrink the Earth to an Inch only borrowed the power of space, Heavenly Demon directly used the power of space. Unless he had similar means, he would not be able to catch up.

At least, the powerful but inflexible attack just now was useless and only destroyed more buildings.

He glanced at the broken ground and said, "You should be responsible for washing the ground."

Emperor Qian looked at Song Shi coldly: "Why are you here?"

Before he had time to understand the situation, he didn't know that Song Shi was related to the Demon Saint's escape.

"If you arrest my maid, wouldn't I be sorry for your arrangement if I don't come over?"

Song Shi sneered. He really didn't feel much guilt about accidentally releasing the Heavenly Demon this time. If it wasn't for Da Gan's calculation, this wouldn't have happened.

At least, I won't feel guilty towards the royal family of Qian Kingdom, and at most, I won't feel sorry for affecting innocent people.

Emperor Qian frowned and stared at Song Shi fearfully.

Thinking that this man just received the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord's move without any damage, and could sneak attack the Heavenly Demon Saint, he could no longer be as domineering as before.

This person is probably no longer weaker than him, and he is still unkillable. If he has a choice, he doesn't want to be hostile to him.

Just when he wanted to change his story, a Spirit Guard flew over and reported: "Your Majesty, he was the one who helped Heavenly Demon Temple rescue the Demon Saint."


Qianhuang looked ugly: "So you are the culprit?"

"It wasn't me. If I had saved him, would I still have fought with him? Seriously injured him? Almost given you a chance to hit him?"

Song Shi directly denied it. He didn't want to take the blame, so it would be better to just throw it away.

"You're talking nonsense. In Tianzi Prison, you said you would help Qian Mian sneak into the last floor of Tianzi Prison."

Zhenlingwei retorted.

"I never said that I was just here to save my maid this time. You are not strict in your internal management and allowed the Heavenly Demon Temple to infiltrate. Do you blame me?"

Song Shi sneered and refused to admit it at all. He asked the others: "Let me ask you, if you really helped Heavenly Demon out of trouble, would you almost kill him?"

The people around him nodded and shook their heads. They were originally going to be angry that the old ghost in blood was actually an accomplice of the Heavenly Demon Temple, but now they felt that it was not the case.

After all, they had just seen each other and the Heavenly Demon fight to the death with their own eyes.

In particular, the person who was saved by Song Shi from the Heavenly Demon's mouth helped to speak.

"Senior Bloody Clothes can't possibly save the devil and want to kill the devil at the same time. Isn't that crazy?"

"In this matter, the old ghost in blood must be a good person."

"Yes, if it hadn't been for him, many of us would have been eaten by the Demon Saint."

The Zhenling Guard was very angry after hearing this. Why did this guy turn black into white?

"That's enough, this is a misunderstanding. He came to save the maid, but he just happened to bump into the Heavenly Demon Temple to rescue the demon saint."

Princess Wuxi came over: "Not only that, he also helped us. If he hadn't seriously injured Heavenly Demon, the demon would probably still be running wild here at this moment."

"Princess, you?" Zhenlingwei's expression changed. He didn't expect Princess Wuxi to help him speak.

Emperor Qian waved his hand and took a deep look at Song Shi: "You go down first, and this matter ends here. Since you took action at a critical moment, I, Dagan, declare that I will no longer be an enemy of you."

Song Shi looked satisfied and praised: "You are worthy of being the leader of a country. You still have some courage. Wu Xi, you are even better."

He Song Shi can fight against Qian Guo, but he doesn't want to be a traitor who betrays the entire human race. This matter must be reversed, and he is qualified to do so.

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