What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 294 Immortal Reincarnation, Immortal True Monarch

He basically gave in and didn't want to fight Song Shi anymore. They didn't have much intention to fight now. The biggest threat was the Heavenly Demon.

Once they are allowed to regain their strength and make a comeback, they still have no way to deal with it in the short term.

It would do no one any good to fight with the old ghost in blood at this time.

Moreover, the blood-clothed old ghost has strange abilities. If he can cooperate, he might be able to have an effective helper next time he deals with it.

Based on these considerations, he acquiesced to the fact that the other party was confusing right and wrong, and did not want to push this person to the opposite side.

"The emperor is wise."

Song Shi is very satisfied and has a sense of accomplishment.

In his opinion, successfully getting rid of the pot with actions and words was more interesting than leaving two bloody holes for the Heavenly Demon.

Perhaps this is the meaning of cultivation. As long as he is willing, he can change everything that is not good for him.

What's the point of throwing the blame?

Zhenlingwei's expression changed. He was not stupid. After realizing these problems, he immediately retreated honestly.

Song Shi did not pursue this person, and smiled: "From now on, as long as you don't mess with me, everything will be easy, even if you ask me to kill the demon saint, there will be no problem."

"If Mr. Song can really get rid of the Demon Saint, I, Wu Xi, will marry you."

Princess Wuxi took a step forward and once again made a shocking statement.

She saw that this man was quite capable of restraining the Heavenly Demon, and he was willing to sacrifice himself to win the other party's cooperation.

Song Shi glanced sideways and looked at the woman again, feeling a little more admired.

How many women are willing to sacrifice the rest of their lives in exchange for this?

The fact that the other party dares to speak shows how courageous and powerful he is.

He smiled slightly: "I will never refuse a beautiful woman to throw herself into my arms. You can prepare to get married first."

"That's a deal. If the young master can kill the Heavenly Demon Saint, then he will be a new Saint-like existence in this world. It is my honor, Wu Xi, to marry you."

Wu Xi smiled brightly, his eyes were clear and quiet, with sincerity, not like hypocritical words.

Emperor Qian didn't say anything. At this time, someone was needed to ease the relationship between the two parties, and marriage was the usual method.

And his daughter didn't just want to marry this old ghost out of stupidity, but she set a very high condition.

Kill the Heavenly Demon Saint!

This is extremely difficult and even impossible for him. Even if the Spiritual Treasure is refined, there is not much hope.

He didn't think that the old ghost in blood could do it. Even if the other party injured Heavenly Demon today, it was because Heavenly Demon was already exhausted and had no strength at all.

If the opponent returns to his prime, no one in the world will be able to kill him, so it would be nice to be able to protect himself.

Based on these, he acquiesced to this agreement.

Others also thought it was a joke. The Heavenly Demon was an ancient Saint-level existence, so it was so easy to kill.

"Wu Xi, I like you to call me Young Master. Others should also remember that from now on, please call me Young Master. Don't call me the old ghost in blood. This Young Master is the reincarnation of an immortal, not some bullshit old ghost in blood. He has been killed by me. ”

Song Shi's words were shocking, and he directly denied the vest that he had been using for a long time.

"The reincarnation of an immortal?"

Emperor Qian narrowed his eyes. If this sentence was true, then this man's incredible abilities would be much more reasonable.

Everyone's eyes changed, and their feelings towards Song Shi couldn't help but change.

In their previous impression, this was a devil who did all kinds of evil, never resorted to any means, and whom everyone shouted to beat.

Now that he has the identity of a reincarnated immortal, he suddenly feels brighter and majestic, and it seems that all the previous rumors have become more positive.

"It turns out that the old ghost in blood clothes died in his hands, not that the old ghost in blood clothes took away his body."

"That's probably the case. I've seen the old ghost in blood clothes, but he definitely doesn't have such courage."

"If it were really the blood-clothed old ghost, he would never have taken action in the situation just now. Instead, he would have surrendered to the Heavenly Demon."

Hearing everyone's discussion, Song Shi was keenly aware of the changing opinions of everyone, and secretly praised himself for being really good at deceiving.

He felt that by seizing the opportunity today, he could change the negative impact of the bloody old ghost's vest, so he struck while the iron was hot: "If you really want to be honored, please call me True Monarch."

Emperor Qian narrowed his eyes: "Is this your true identity?"

"Whatever you guys think, from now on, the old ghost in blood has completely disappeared. Only Mr. Song, Mr. Song, and the True Monarch are immortal."

Song Shi turned around and walked away with his hands behind his back. The crowd behind him was whispering and gradually getting excited.

"What do you mean, why isn't he called the old ghost in blood?"

"Didn't you hear him say that he was the reincarnation of an immortal, not an old ghost in blood, so he took a new title called the Immortal True Monarch?"

"This title is indeed much more upright and domineering than the old ghost in blood. I also choose this title."

On the ruins, many monks watched Song Shi leave, some with admiration, some with complicated expressions, and so on.

They know that from today on, the names of Young Master Song and the Immortal True Monarch will be resounding across the continent, and the old ghost in blood will become a thing of the past.

Song Shi left the imperial city in a few steps, turned around, took a look, and said to himself: "Don't worry, the trouble caused by this young master will be solved sooner or later. Heavenly Demon Saint, if you know better, just go back. If you want to wreak havoc in my hometown, , I don’t mind killing you.”

After saying that, Song Shi took out the flying boat and prepared to rush to join Bai Xiaoqin and the others.

On the way, he spotted a group of monks rushing to the imperial city. He caught a glimpse of the figure among them and stopped hurriedly.

He Shrink the Earth to an Inch in one step, and in an instant he was at the front of the team.


Tianluo Sword King, who was really rushing forward, sensed the danger, shouted low, and stopped vigilantly.

Seeing that it was Song Shi, some information echoed in his mind, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Once upon a time, this person was not much of a threat in his eyes, but now he couldn't help but tremble in his soul when facing him.

"Don't be nervous, I mean no harm."

Song Shi shook his head and was a little emotional when he saw Tianluo Sword King. Back in the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains, this man cut through the sky with his sword and felt particularly domineering and powerful.

Now in a short period of time, the other party is not even qualified to be his opponent.

He looked at a woman in the team who was full of heroic spirit and extraordinary temperament: "I'm here to return your sword today."

With that said, he took out the spirit sword and threw it to Chen Yiling, who was in a daze.

"You're going to pay me back?"

Chen Yiling was a little unreal. When her sword was taken away by this guy, she thought she would never get it back.

"Your sword has helped me several times and is very useful. This is a little reward for using it."

Song Shi threw out a storage ring with some cultivation resources in it: "See you later."

After saying that, his figure disappeared suddenly. If it weren't for the sound echoing, he would have thought he had never appeared.

Chen Yiling held the storage ring and the spirit sword blankly, feeling the temperature on them, feeling a little sad for some reason.


The spirit sword murmured softly. I don't know whether it was to let go of Song Shi, the temporary user, or to comfort its real master.

After confirming that Song Shi had left, Tianluo Sword King breathed a sigh of relief and sighed: "I don't know how the imperial city is. It's probably too late for us to rush back."

Suddenly, the token on his waist lit up, and a message came from him. After he received it, he looked up in shock: "He is temporarily safe, and this person turns out to be Mr. Song, the immortal True Monarch, and not the old ghost in blood?"

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