What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 311 Furnace Cannon Fodder

"Isn't it nice to be outside? You can fight whenever you want and leave whenever you want."

Song Shi doesn't think so, "We are outside and can mobilize local forces to support the imperial city at any time. It is much better than being surrounded inside and unable to move."

He chuckled: "They are besieging the Imperial City from the front, and we can stab them in the butt from behind."

Princess Wuxi frowned: "Brother, be more elegant."

Ma Deyao liked such vulgar words very much and laughed loudly: "Your Highness the Crown Prince is wise. Now the Demon Cult is under siege. As long as we seize the opportunity, we can break their offensive."

Princess Wuxi pulled Song Shi aside and whispered: "Are you still pretending to be my elder brother? You will be found out soon."

"Then why should I pretend to be your husband?"

Song Shi looked at Princess Wu Xi unscrupulously.

"You haven't killed the Heavenly Demon yet, so you can't become my husband."

Princess Wu Xi replied in one sentence, "Although this man is very good, she is also a princess of a country. She is arrogant and cannot be too casual."

"Then let me go."

Song Shi shrugged: "I have a beautiful woman sleeping with me when I go back. It's too boring here."

Princess Wu Xi's face darkened: "If you want a woman, I can arrange it for you."

"Do you think I want any woman?"

Song Shi was disdainful: "You also think of me, Song, too casually. I will reluctantly accept a woman I don't like unless she backs her up."


When Princess Wuxi wanted to hit someone after hearing this, Ma Deyao exclaimed: "Your Highness, Princess Wuxi, it's bad, the Demon Cult has colluded with Monster Race this time!"


Princess Wuxi hurriedly walked over and said that Ma Deyao was looking in the direction and found a group of black wolves in the distance, mixed in with the demons and attacking.

Her eyes narrowed: "Monster Race is also involved, it's troublesome!"

At this time, there was a sound of killing in the imperial city. The demons and aliens have come into contact with the monks in your imperial city. The army of monks, blessed by the power of the formation, bent their bows and shot arrows. The demon army at the front fell like wheat.

"Your Highnesses, the Great Demon sects are also dormant in the dark. This Heavenly Demon Temple has been planning for a long time."

Ma Deyao's heart gradually became heavy when he saw the situations he was investigating one after another.

"No, we may have been discovered!"

Princess Wuxi noticed that a demon cult team was flying towards them.

"It's Yueyue Palace, brothers, be careful, these girls are very good at confusing men."

Ma Deyao is like facing a formidable enemy. They are not afraid of the hard ones, but the soft ones.

The women who invite the Moon Palace are even softer.

But Song Shi was touched. He still had two old friends in Yaoyue Palace, but he never found a chance to go back and see them.

I didn't expect to meet here.

He looked at the distance with a slightly complicated look. The colorful palace-like War Law Treasure was quickly flying towards their hidden location.

"Invite Yue Gong to join in?"

Princess Wuxi noticed something was wrong in Song Shi's eyes, and said sourly: "Eldest brother is involved with the woman from Yao Yue Palace, are you reluctant to take action?"

"That's not true, but there is indeed a woman of mine and a subordinate in Yaoyue Palace. I haven't seen her for a long time."

Song Shi is not secretive, there is no need.

"It seems you are quite busy."

Princess Wuxi teased.

"You are a woman who talks too much. Believe it or not, I will sleep with you right away and let you be her sister?"

Song Shi's words made Princess Wuxi not sure how to answer.

She chose to return to the topic: "Maybe they didn't notice it, but they just happened to attack from this direction."

"It's possible, I'll go out for a walk. If I find you, I can help attract their attention."

After he flew up, his original position looked like a pile of weeds, and there seemed to be no one around.

This is a necessary concealment method for monks to march and fight. Unless the senses are sharp enough or the distance is close enough, they can't be discovered.

At this moment, the War Law Treasure flying high in the sky is far away, and it is difficult to find the tens of thousands of monks hidden in the weeds on the ground. That's why Princess Wuxi judged that it was just a coincidence.

As Song Shi flew out, he drew an invisibility charm and disappeared in the air in a blink of an eye, constantly approaching the War Law Treasure in Yaoyue Palace.

In the sky, next to the colorful palace in the center, there are palaces of seven other colors. Song Shi couldn't help but think of the scene he saw when he was at Yaoyue Palace.

"Isn't this the palace of the inner sect? Yao Yue Palace actually mobilized its teachers and spent a lot of money."

Song Shi's eyes fell on the purple palace outside the colorful palace. Through the palaces, he could see the fierce fighting in front of the imperial city.

This direction corresponds to Limen, and the power of the formation turns into fire, releasing the flame field.

The demons that approached were burned one after another, but they didn't have much wisdom, so they continued to rush over and consume the power of the formation.

At this time, the Law Treasure of Yaoyue Palace stopped only ten miles away from the Kuanglong Army, between the demon army and him.

Figures flew out of the palace and landed outside the seven monochromatic palaces. Then a large number of monks walked out. Song Shi was surprised that most of these people were men.

There were thousands of people in each single-color palace, forming a flow of people. They were led by the monks who followed the demon army and slowly moved towards the imperial city.

Obviously, when the attack of the demon army fails, these people will be the ones to attack.

"cannon fodder?"

Song Shi didn't show up in a hurry, his thoughts swept over him secretly, then he smiled and chased after the cannon fodder instead of going to the palace.

He found that most of these cannon fodders were haggard, with dark circles under their eyes, and looked like they were out of their minds.

"This is... kidney deficiency! I'm afraid these guys are all furnace cauldrons!"

He could see the identities of these people. Just like he was initially trained by Liu Ruxue as a furnace, most of them were also the furnaces that invited the disciples and elders of the Moon Palace.

He even noticed the same aura on hundreds of people, and couldn't help but be speechless: "This is the real King of the Sea. He can raise hundreds of cauldrons by himself, awesome, really awesome."

Song Shi wanted to say "f*ck".

For the first time, he learned about the demonic nature of Yaoyue Palace. If Heavenly Demon Temple produces alien demon species, Heavenly Corpse Sect raises corpses, Heavenly Ghost Sect raises ghosts, and Heavenly Poison Sect plays poison, then Yaoyue Palace is a special furnace-raising cauldron.

No wonder it is classified as a demonic cult.

He scanned around the cauldrons brought down by the disciples and elders of Yue Yue Palace. There were tens of thousands of them. He wondered if these were all the cauldrons of the disciples of Yue Yue Palace.

These furnaces and cauldrons are all monks, and their source is severely lacking. Only a little source is left, which is perfect for use as cannon fodder.

However, among the furnace cannon fodder, there are also some normal monks, some of whom are wearing chains and shackles, most of whom are prisoners.

There are also some who are not and are normal people.

He frowned and looked at a tall man with a sunken brow holding a long knife. The latter's face turned dark, as if he had been fooled.

Old Liu was looking at the tragedy in the distance, his face changed drastically, and he couldn't help cursing: "Grandma, Ximen Bailian asked me, Old Liu, to come here and say he wanted to make a lot of money. Isn't this just sending me to death? I don't make any money. ”

When Song Shi heard this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch: "This guy still has a bad brain, and he was actually tricked into being cannon fodder?"

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