What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 312 How Do You Know I’M Up To Something?

But it seems normal when I think about this guy foolishly revealing that he went to a brothel.

"You are lucky that I happen to be here, otherwise you would really have to fight for your life."

Song Shi chuckled.

In the furnace cauldron army, the charming woman next to Old Liu muttered: "Can I still quit now?"

A white monk in the sky glanced at him: "Idiot named Liu, shut up. Do you want to die early? Now is the time to retreat?"


The large array in the distance shot out fireballs one after another. With a loud bang, a large area was directly killed and the whole earth shook.

Mei Niang was startled and her lips trembled: "It's too scary. What can we do? With our little strength, if we really go up there, we probably won't be able to hold on for a quarter of an hour and we will die."

"If you are unlucky, you may belch after just a few breaths."

Lao Liu smiled bitterly: "It doesn't matter if I die, you have to live."

He gritted his teeth and said: "Never mind, if we really do something later, you can take the opportunity to escape and I will give you the rear."

Lao Liu looked around and decided to be a deserter.

"What are you two thinking? Want to run?"

Ximen Le knew from the look in Liu Limeng's eyes that this guy wanted to escape, and sneered: "You two will get out of the team immediately and go to the front to investigate the situation."

"Damn it, Ximen Le, you are deliberately targeting us. You tricked us here just to make us cannon fodder!"

Liu Limeng was extremely angry: "You are avenging a private vendetta!"

"I didn't let you go first, I just went to investigate the situation. How could you be cannon fodder?"

Ximen Le sneered.

The expressions of the other furnaces and prisoners only changed slightly. They had no choice. Unlike Lao Liu, who was free, they had such a big reaction.

"We are not afraid of death like those monsters."

Liu Limeng gritted his teeth: "Ximen Le, you let Meiniang leave, and I will stay."

"You're looking for death, right? You can decide whether to leave or not? Do you really think that because you have something to do with Liu Ruxue, I won't dare to touch you?"

Ximen Le's eyes widened. He found an opportunity to kill and took action directly.

"If you dare to disturb the morale of the army, I will sacrifice the two of you to the flag!"

He kneaded a little, and the white belt around his waist turned into a soft sword, releasing his sharp energy and killing Mei Niang.

"That's too much bullying. I, Old Liu, will fight with you!"

Never expecting that this man would directly kill them, Lao Liu angrily took out a blood axe, True Qi turned into a roaring elephant, and struck at the soft sword with an indomitable momentum.


The blood ax hit the soft sword, but the blood on it was shattered by the sword light. A huge force came and shattered the elephant's shadow, causing him to stagger back and his face turned red.

Even though he has reached the Innate Late Stage, he is still no match for Simon Le at the Foundation Building level.

"Old Liu!"

Mei Niang next to her hurriedly supported Liu Limeng, and in a hurry, she turned around and said nonsense: "Ximen Le, aren't you afraid of Old Liu's master? I heard that Mr. Song even hurt the Heavenly Demon!"

"Haha, are you fools? How could the immortal True Monarch Mr. Song be the master of this idiot? That boy has been dead long ago."

Ximen Le felt that he had heard the funniest words in the world: "You are so stupid to still be here and indulge in obscenity even when you are about to die."

Only Da Qian and the higher-ups of the Demon Sect know about Song Shi's true identity. Ximen Le, a disciple, is not qualified to know, so he naturally doesn't know the situation.

Don't talk about him, Mei Niang also knew that she was too anxious to say such words.

That person was only in the Foundation Building when he disappeared. How could he hurt a generation of Demon Saints in just a few years?

She helped Lao Liu upright: "Even if it's not the case, why don't you take care of Miss Xue'er?"

"Haha, is she the real one? Am I not?"

Ximen Le sneered: "Besides, I act according to the rules. If you two disturb the morale of the army, you should be killed. If she knows, what can she say?"

He took back the Law Treasure and taunted: "If I don't do anything, you can still die. Others, follow my orders and use your swords to kill these two people who want to escape before the battle, to show your military morale!"

Swish, brush, brush!

Others turned their heads and picked up weapons indifferently. Most of them had experienced life worse than death, or were controlled people, so they knew they could live longer if they obeyed.

"Oh shit!"

Old Liu cursed and pushed Mei Niang: "No chance, just run away."

He discovered that Ximen Le wanted to kill them. No matter if he ran now or later, the result would be the same.

Turning around and running unexpectedly, they really broke out of the large group.

"You guys want to run away? That's ridiculous, Ji!"

While Ximen Le was sneering, he fully activated his Law Treasure, and the cold sword energy exploded. The sword energy was as long as a foot, turned into a big ice sword, and slashed at the escaping old Liu.

Seeing such a dangerous attack, Mei Niang did not leave. She hurriedly picked up a bell hair device, released the shield in front of Lao Liu, and then activated each talisman.

Old Liu sighed and could only use all his strength to make the blood ax shine with the brightest light.


The ice sword collided with the blood axe, and Lao Liu's True Qi collapsed at the touch. It was split open by the sword, fell to the ground, and sank into the soil, leaving only the ax handle.

The sword energy was still bright, falling with an edge, and cracked the bell with a click. The condensed protective shield of the Law Weapon fell on the protective shield released by the talisman, and quickly chopped down layer by layer.

The people around him looked indifferently, not surprised.

The gap between the two sides is too big, and the result is destined to be without much suspense.

Seeing his unbeatable opponent, Lao Liu could only roar and stand in front of Mei Niang, with a hint of sadness and anger.

All his defensive talismans were also activated, which only made the sword light fall slower, and death continued to approach.

"Grandma, I should stay safe and not mess with women. Now in order to give you a home, I have to pay for both of us."

The wise man sighed, he did not resist the temptation of Mei Niang and lost his virginity. In order to make money to support his family, he was tricked by Ximen Le and he deserved to end up like this.

"When will I blame you? If he wants to kill you, you will die just like hiding in the sect."

Mei Niang hummed: "Ximen Le, if you kill us, Miss Xue'er will avenge us."

"Haha, she? Her talent is about the same as mine. I'm about to hit the Gold Core. Are you still afraid of her?"

Ximen Le sneered: "Just accept your death in peace!"

He formed a seal with both hands, mobilized more true energy, and with the sword's light shining, he cut through the last obstacle and slashed horizontally towards the two people, intending to kill them both with one sword.

Lao Liu had no choice but to hold Mei Niang and wait for death.

"In my next life, I will be a monk and stay away from women."

He was thinking strangely.

As he was waiting to die, the sword that was close at hand suddenly stopped.

The two looked at Ximen Le strangely. The latter had an ugly face, and it seemed that he was not showing mercy to the other party.


Ximen Le said angrily: "Whoever is doing something secretly should come out if he can!"

"How do you know that this young master is up to something?"

Song Shi's joking voice sounded, making Lao Liu's eyes suddenly widen.

"This sound...is this sound?"

Liu Limeng felt hopeful.

However, Ximen Le misunderstood and became angry: "Your Excellency imprisoned my sword, are you doing something wrong?"

"You didn't recognize my voice, and you have the nerve to target my servants because of me?"

Song Shi appeared next to him and did not touch Ximen Le's sword. He apparently imprisoned his Law Treasure from a distance.

"It's you! Impossible!"

Ximen Le backed away in fright, looking at the man standing in the air in disbelief.

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