What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 381 The Secret Of The Clone

The Demon Race warriors were escaping at different speeds. Song Shi followed for a while, then suddenly accelerated and came to the front, blasting with the Demon Saint of Destruction.


The space passage was blown to pieces, and some of the Demon Race warriors were shattered to pieces on the spot, while those running slower behind them were also cut off.

They showed desperation.

The way back is blocked, and the chance of survival is slim.

Especially when they saw Song Shi appearing in front of them with a rope, all Demon Race's faces turned gray.

In the Imperial City, Emperor Qian looked at the cracks in space: "Was such a powerful Demon Race driven away like this?"

When he felt a little unreal, there was a boom, and the entire space crack collapsed, releasing a destructive flame.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

The elder next to him warned, but found that the shock wave only released some and then dissipated. Most of it remained in the space turbulence and did not come out too much.


Song Shi appeared out of thin air, took a look at the prison that was already dilapidated after a short battle, and became more and more afraid of Demon Race.

Those guys are so high level that they don't need many people to turn this place upside down.

"I have destroyed the passage. Before it is restored, it will be difficult to pass through. There is no need to worry about Demon Race coming in the short term."

Song Shi said rather helplessly, in order to avoid potential danger. He chose the stupidest and easiest way.

Directly destroy the passage between the planes and completely cut off the connection between the two worlds.

The negative impact of this is that Wuji Continent has one less upper realm to go to. Now except for the Jiuyou Realm, which is relatively easy to go, other places are quite difficult.

"That's good. We don't practice the devil's path, so we don't want to leave this path alone."

Emperor Qian didn't care. In the past, they didn't have the ability to destroy the passage between planes. What Song Shi did happened to solve the problem from the source.

Some monks who planned to go to the Heavenly Demon world after Ascension could not reach the Xuan Spirit World looked unhappy, but they did not dare to say anything.

Song Shi saw some people's reactions in his eyes and said calmly: "The Heavenly Demon world is not suitable for the creatures in our world. There is no need to think about this path. I will find a way to open up a passage to the Xuan Spirit World."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Since Song Shi can destroy the space channel, it may not be possible to open a channel. Then they will be able to go to the Xuan Spirit World more easily.

Thinking of this, they began to look forward to it.

"That's it, Yue'er, Wuxi, let's go."

Song Shi didn't say much, just greeted Yao Yue and Wu Xi and left.

"Son-in-law has been working hard for a while. Let's have a meal before leaving. Wu Xi hasn't been to her parents' home for a long time."

Emperor Qian hurriedly tried to persuade him to stay.

Song Shi thought about the clone, glanced at Wu Xi, and nodded: "Okay, let's stay for two days and then leave."

Gan Wuji quickly arranged for people to prepare things, and Wu Xi happily went to meet his mother-in-law.

Song Shi said: "My father-in-law has Spirit Partitioned now, right? Have you cultivated clones?"

"Cultivating now."

Emperor Qian knew that Song Shi also had thoughts about clones, and said: "It seems that my son-in-law is also going to start practicing clones. It's just that the materials for clones are hard to find. What are you looking for?"

"Just wood."

Song Shi told her plan.

I still have a useless piece of golden bamboo to ward off evil spirits, so I can use it to cultivate my clone.

"Wood doesn't quite match your attributes."

Qianhuang suggested: "You'd better choose one with the same attributes as your own or those that are complementary to you, otherwise the clone's ability to exert will be very limited."

"Should a puppet be suitable? Various attributes can be considered."

Song Shi is not too sure how to practice the clone.

"Yes, but actually the best thing is flesh and blood. The soul must be nurtured by the essence of flesh and blood, otherwise your Spirit Partitioning will gradually weaken."

Qianhuang said this and shook his head: "Unfortunately, flesh and blood has resistance, so it is difficult to find a suitable one."

"How about splitting a part of your own flesh and blood?"

Song Shi raised the possibility that the ideal state of the blood-transforming magic skill he practiced was to be reborn with a drop of blood.

"Okay, but there's a problem."

Emperor Qian reminded: "If the flesh and soul of the clone and the main body are the same, if you encounter an accident, such as your main body being injured, or the clone growing too fast, it is very likely that your main body will become a clone."


Song Shi was a little speechless.

"Does that mean the clone will have other ideas?"

Song Shi's eyes changed slightly. He didn't know much about the clone's situation. As the leader of a country, Emperor Qian must have a deeper background than him and know some secrets.

"If thoughts are connected, the main body and the clone are equivalent to multitasking. But if the clone and the main body are isolated, over time, they will definitely have different thoughts."

Qianhuang looked at Song Shi: "I know it is possible for you to practice blood rebirth, but if you split your own origin and cultivate a clone, try not to be isolated from the clone."


Song Shi nodded, he was actually a little worried when he heard this.

If you can survive yourself, what about your clone?

Secretly asked the system: "Can my clone survive death?"

"The host's clone does not have immortality."

Song Shi breathed a sigh of relief at the system's answer.

Since the clone will die, his original body is the only one and there will be no reversal.

I can take this path with confidence, but I haven't really reached the level of blood rebirth yet.

After all, the blood-transforming skill is not enough. His cultivation has only made his qi and blood so strong that he can devour the flesh and blood of others, but he cannot be reborn with blood.

Let's use foreign objects to cultivate the clone first, so as to have an extra backup.

He followed Emperor Qian into the palace and held a banquet while discussing his experience in cultivating clones.

Emperor Qian actually just started, so he called the two elders over to communicate.

Yaoyue also joined in, and they chatted while eating, and most of the day passed in the blink of an eye.

The last veteran concluded: "The clone can give us an extra chance to survive and more backup, but it also has a disadvantage, that is, it splits the original source and our cultivation will be affected."

Another person echoed: "More resources will be consumed. Once destroyed, the main body will be severely damaged. In addition, when there is a big bottleneck, the clone must be re-fused to break through. This is not suitable for everyone, so many monks do not Don’t cultivate clones.”

"I understand. Thank you for your guidance. I have learned a lot."

Song Shi cupped his fists and said, "I'm going to give it a try. Wu Xi can stay here for a few more days."

After that, he said goodbye to Yaoyue and left.

When only Emperor Qian and the two elders were left, Emperor Qian suddenly thought of something and said in surprise: "Isn't my son-in-law the reincarnation of an immortal? How come he doesn't even know the situation of his clone?"

The expressions of the two elders changed and they looked at each other with a little confusion.

"Perhaps he didn't follow the Gold Core Great Dao in his previous life? Like most Monster Races and Demon Races, he didn't cultivate clones?"

"It's also possible that you are a born immortal and don't need to go through this at all."

Although both of them were guessing, they both felt that what they said was not quite accurate.

Emperor Qian smiled and said: "No matter what he does, we just need to keep in touch with him. The first to get close to the water is the moon. He can become an immortal. He only needs to guide us and he will be more relaxed."

"That makes sense."

The two elders were convinced.

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