What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 382 Going To Xuan Spirit World

After returning home, Song Shi took out a golden bamboo, with the power of thunder flashing on it, containing the power of Yang Zhiyang.

He took out other materials, using bamboo as the main body, and began to refine a puppet, and the excess bamboo was refined into a long sword.

More than half a year later, a High Level puppet was refined. It was much more powerful than the war puppet he had drawn, and its upper limit was also higher.

Be prepared, Song Shi thoughts come to the sea of ​​consciousness, and the Primordial Spirit seal in it begins to split into a part, forming Spirit Partitioning.

This part was only one-tenth of his original Primordial Spirit, but it still brought a burst of pain. Song Shi gritted his teeth and bit the puppet.

call out!

Spirit Partitioning turned into a ray of light and injected it into the puppet. The lines on it suddenly lit up like the Law Treasure. The surrounding aura of heaven and earth quickly gathered towards it. After being injected into it, the entire puppet levitated out of thin air.


The puppet's eyes lit up, it turned flexibly in a circle, twisted its hands and feet, and began to move its body. At the same time, a circle of energy spread like water, and the entire puppet seemed to be alive.

Spirit Partitioning is also Primordial Spirit. It has no physical body and has a special container as the body. It can still mobilize the power of heaven and earth, but the quantity and quality mobilized will be inferior to the original body, so the strength will naturally be inferior.

However, the puppet has an energy core, and can also absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Combined with Spirit Partitioning, it can exert quite powerful combat effectiveness.

Powerful fluctuations brewed in the puppet, and it quickly reached the level of Soul Formation for the first time, far more powerful than the clones trained in other incarnations.

In addition to the certain strength of the puppet itself, Song Shi's Primordial Spirit is more powerful than ordinary Soul Formation, and Spirit Partitioning will naturally be more powerful.

After getting familiar with the puppet's body, Spirit Partitioning changed his mind and controlled the power to change his skin and clothes, becoming the same as a normal person in an instant.

"It's not bad. It's no problem to stay in my hometown for a while."

Song Shi nodded with satisfaction. He refined the clone. More importantly, he wanted to keep a back-up at home so that he would know if there was any accident.

After all, when the clone is destroyed, he can still sense it even in the upper world, which is more convenient.

With the clone training completed, Song Shi sorted out his current resources.

The Heavenly Demon World cannot go to the Heavenly Demon World for the time being. He wants to go to the Xuan Spirit World to practice and improve his cultivation level as soon as possible.

The destruction of the space passage to the Heavenly Demon world is only temporary. After all, he still has to be strong enough to ensure the safety of his hometown.

He took out many things and placed them in front of him. For a moment, the treasure light flickered and the atmosphere was extraordinary.

"Spirit Pill? It's of no use to me. You can keep it at home."

"The same goes for Jue Ling Jia."

"I've already read the Sword Refining Record, there's no need to bring it with me."

Song Shi eliminated all the things that were not suitable for her, leaving only three items.

A golden rope.

This is the Immortal Binding Rope, an imitation of the Immortal Weapon, a special secret treasure that has no weapon spirit and can trap existence below the level of an Immortal.

A jade slip was the first chapter of the Void Sutra given to him by the weapon spirit of Langya Secret Realm, and he kept it as a token.

The rest is the Soul Stone, reserved for practicing Primordial Spirit, and other various techniques, talismans, Law Treasures, etc., were all left behind by him.

He didn't even keep the hard currency like spirit stones in Xuan Spirit World. His family needed these more and he could earn them after he went to Xuan Spirit World.

After finishing the arrangement, Song Shi divided the resources according to everyone's situation after Wu Xi came back.

The girls were happy to get the things, but they also guessed that Song Shi was leaving again.

After staying at home for half a year and still not getting pregnant with several women, Song Shi left angrily and came to Langya Secret Realm.

Coming here, in addition to responding to the spirit of Langya Secret Realm, I also want to go to the mysterious Spirit World through the passage left by the Langya Saint Lord.

Otherwise, in the endless void, with his current strength, he would not be able to easily reach the Xuan Spirit World.

"Old man, I came as promised!"

Song Shi shouted from the place where Langya Secret Realm was originally born. At this moment, he could roughly sense that there was a huge thing deep in the void here.

Not long after he shouted his words, the void fluctuated, and bright silver light fell from a void. The space was like a squirming water, and an old man in white walked out.

"My little friend, I didn't expect to meet you so soon."

The spirit of the secret realm still looked very energetic, with surprise in his eyes because Song Shi improved so quickly.

It has only been a few years, and the original Gold Core Perfected Being has become the current Soul Formation True Master. It is really incredibly fast.

"I'm here to keep an appointment. Give me the rest of the Void Sutra, and then open the passage to the upper world."

Song Shi is welcome. The two parties have a cooperative relationship.

"The rest of the Void Sutra can only be obtained by finding the Holy Lord. There is indeed only the first chapter in this world. As for the space passage between planes, it can be opened for you now."

The secret spiritual path.

"Okay, after I go to the upper world, if I have a chance, I will save Saint Lord Langya."

Song Shi didn't bother with the Void Sutra. For him, the first chapter was enough for the time being.


The spirit of Langya Secret Realm smiled. It must be true that this person is the reincarnation of an immortal, otherwise he would not have improved so quickly.

He didn't do anything, but the space around him rolled up into a whirlpool. After rapidly expanding, a space passage appeared, which was deep and bottomless.

"Be careful, little friend. This passage has not been maintained for tens of thousands of years. My body is very strong, so my life should not be in danger. You should be careful about getting lost in the void storm."

The spirit of the secret realm reminds you.

"I know."

Song Shi nodded. It was not like he had never walked through the space passage before, so the general situation was still clear.

"I'll go over first, see you next time."

Waving his hand, Song Shi strode through the whirlpool, went deep into the passage, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The spirit of the secret realm looked at the passage and sighed: "I hope there will be results this time. Many geniuses have been arranged over the years, but none of them have succeeded."

He turned around and left, the space vortex quickly disappeared, and the surroundings became quiet again.

Song Shi walked in a silver-white passage, with silver runes circulating around it from time to time, forming a barrier to block the storm outside.

This is different from the passage in Demon World, which is much more confusing.

"One is naturally formed and the other is artificial."

Song Shi saw the difference. The passage to the Heavenly Demon world seemed to be formed after the planes were close together and the space was broken. It looked like a man-made plank road.

The former can accommodate more people, but here it can basically accommodate one or two people, and it also has space pressure.


His arrival made the passage unstable, and it cracked before going very far. The space storm blew in, and the force that was enough to tear the Nascent Soul monk into pieces only made the holy light on Song Shi's body shine a little brighter.

The further forward, the more shabby the passage appears, and eventually most of it is exposed to the space storm. If there were no traces, Song Shi would have easily lost his way.

After walking for a long time without seeing Xuan Spirit World, Song Shi sighed: "Sure enough, Xuan Spirit World is farther from Wuji Continent, and it is more difficult to get there."

Some time passed, and Song Shi looked at the broken road ahead, messy in the space storm.

"Your uncle's property has not been maintained for many years and the road is gone?"

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