What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 388 He Actually Hid His Back Plan

Song Shi took out the second blood spirit bead and continued to practice, and at the same time began to ponder the second emperor's scripture.

Earth Demon's heavy defense is more powerful than the Unmoving Bright King itself, and can completely replace it as his new defense method.

However, this scripture requires the assistance of the power of blood and the power of the earth, neither of which are available now, so we can only practice the defensive methods.

The Tianyi Sutra is not suitable for him to practice. This magic sutra was originally prepared for winged demons, and it can only absorb some essence from it to improve itself.

While pondering the Three Great Emperor Sutras, a week passed and Song Shi swallowed and refined all the blood spirit beads on his body, and his aura became much stronger.

The changes this time are all at the physical level. The energy and blood in the body have been strengthened by nearly 30%, and the vitality of flesh and blood has reached a new level.

To put it simply, his physical body has become stronger, especially his recovery ability has improved a lot.

There are three days of day and three days of night in Jueling Land. At this moment, it happens to be a state similar to early morning. There are a lot of dewdrops hanging on the surrounding vegetation. It is difficult to tell that this is a special space.

"It's your turn to be alert!"

An You said impatiently: "Don't think that you can be lazy just because you are new here."

"Let me do it."

Song Shi stood up and said with a smile: "Beauty, how about we go and have an in-depth communication?"

At this moment, he had the leisure to carefully examine Anyou's situation. He was tall, with a slim waist and round hips, slender legs, and a particularly plump chest. He was wearing a tight-fitting, low-cut tunic, which made his figure particularly graceful, and exposed his sexy collarbones and snow-white ravines. It makes people’s eyes unable to stop.

As for the face, the overall appearance is sexy, the eyebrows are quite long and slender, curving straight to the temples, the bridge of the nose is high, with an alien style, and the hair is purple-black, adding a bit of charm.

"What are you looking at? You haven't seen a succubus?"

An You snorted coldly, but still walked towards the woods in the distance so as not to disturb the practice of other teammates during the communication.

Song Shi watched An You twisting her hips while walking from behind, and always felt that there was a special magic that made him feel a little itchy.

He chuckled: "You succubus are really charming. I think there is usually no shortage of suitors. Why did you choose that ugly birdman?"

"There's nothing ugly about it. As long as you're strong, you're a good male devil."

Anyou curled her lips, suddenly stopped and turned around, the bulge of her body was directly pressed against Song Shi's chest, she squeezed Song Shi's arm with her hand, and said with satisfaction: "It's not bad for someone like you."

The charming look made Song Shi a little unbearable, and curled his lips: "You are so quick to change your mind when you see something strange. You seemed to want to avenge that Xiang Fei before."

"Death is like a lamp going out, and I can't hang myself from a tree."

Anyou pursed her red lips, her purple-black eyes with blurry luster, deliberately approached Song Shi's ear, and said seductively: "You are quite generous, and your body is strong, so you are not that annoying to me."

"Then we should have an in-depth communication to resolve the misunderstanding."

Song Shi unceremoniously hugged An You's extra slender waist. The latter's figure was curved forward and backward. The upper body was leaning against Song Shi, and part of it was far away from Song Shi. It was raised up high, which was particularly sexy and made people's hearts beat faster.

His hand touched something on the back of his waist, which looked like a whip. He touched it subconsciously, and it turned out to be a tail.

"It's not fully evolved."

Song Shi muttered.

An You smiled and rubbed Song Shi: "Whatever you want to ask, we can sit over there and talk."

She took Song Shi deep into the woods, took out something and threw it out, and it turned into a tent with a burst of clicks.

Song Shi saw that this was something similar to a machine beast, which could be used without mana. It seemed that the other party knew that he would come to this magical place and was well prepared.

He did not hesitate and went in to have an in-depth communication with him. After half a day, he asked everything he could and got a lot of information.

For example, the real situation of the Demonic Refining Road is that it turns out that there are seven levels in it, and the Jueling Road is only the first of them. The others include Ghost Wind Valley, Flame Mountain, Tianleiyuan, Ancient Battlefield, Demon Soul Tomb, and Yuanshi Lake.

When he learned that this Jue Ling Road was only the first level, he was quite surprised.

This first level is so difficult, which shows how scary it is later.

An You also told him about the situation of the major levels in the future. Among them, Guifeng Valley, Flame Mountain, and Tianleiyuan were equivalent to the tempering of the three elements of wind, thunder, and fire.

You need to go through hundreds of battles on the ancient battlefield, and the strength of the soul is tested in the Demonic Soul Tomb. After passing six levels, you can enter Yuanshi Lake, which is the last level of the demonic refining road. If you pass it, you can get the original demonic fetus.

If Song Shi wants to leave, he can choose to give up after passing the Jueling Road, so that he can return to the outside world safely.

If he doesn't leave, even if it's not Demon Race, he can still move forward, and his foundation will improve every time he passes a trial.

Such precious information was exactly what Song Shi wanted to know. As a price, he paid some of his own resources, which gave An You a lot of benefits.

But for some reason, after half a day of communication, he actually didn't want to leave Anyou. This strange feeling made him quite uncomfortable.

Instinct on one side and reason on the other side, Song Shi fought in his heart for a long time, thinking about what happened to Liu Ruxue, he bit his head and stood up.

After walking out of the tent, Song Shi let out a breath, looked back at the charming An You, and said with lingering fear: "This should be your Demon Race ability, right? I almost fell in love and became your accessory?"

He understood that this witch was not as simple as she appeared. Maybe the birdman was the opponent's cauldron, and he was very angry because he destroyed the cauldron.

Judging from the exchange just now, he also knew the depth of this female devil.

The opponent's strength is probably enough to rank among the top three in the team, and it's far from being as simple as it seems.

Now that he has swallowed his origin, his aura is much stronger, which is equivalent to refining two blood spirit beads.

An You was lying on the blanket, her long legs crossed, her appearance was charming, and her eyes were as charming as silk: "Don't you like me? Why resist your instinct? Just enjoy it with me."

"I'm a principled person."

Song Shi hummed, the Sword Intent between his eyebrows fluctuated, and he quickly came to his senses: "Since you told me so much information about the path of magic refining, I won't pursue it with you."

With that said, he supported his waist and turned to leave, feeling weak and surprised in his heart: "The devil is the devil, he is so powerful, he swallowed up a lot of my essence in half a day, I have to die as soon as possible, otherwise I will suffer from kidney deficiency. "

Just when he was panting, a sharp blade suddenly stabbed out of his back, piercing his heart with a pop, and the cold destructive power instantly destroyed his heart.

Song Shi's eyes widened. He didn't notice the enemy approaching. He turned around and saw a faint shadow retreating with a blood-stained dagger.

An You's expression changed, and her clothes squirmed, covering part of her body. She suddenly rushed out and struck the shadow with a palm.


Both regressed at the same time.

"Are you okay? Don't die."

An You said with concern.

"Haha, bitch, you are so hungry that you even attack human monks."

The shadow opposite sneered.

"Hmph, Demon Race's stinky rat, he is stronger than you. If it weren't for the sneak attack, you would still be no match for him!"

An You's thin eyebrows stood up, and she was very angry. She had just gotten a cauldron and was probably going to be ruined by this guy again. How could she not be angry? Song Shi's chest was bleeding, but he didn't bother to cover it, as if he didn't care at all. In fact, it would make him die faster.

"Shadow Demon!?"

He looked at the shadow curiously: "Demon Race is known as the most powerful in concealment. It is normal for you to sneak attack you. I don't know which team you are from, how dare you attack us?"

"They are from Wei Ming's team of the Heavenly Demon clan. Now that he is out..."

Anyou told the origin of the other party with a sullen face. Before he could finish the second half of the sentence, a roar came from outside the grove.

"Wei Ming, you are looking for death!"

Golden Nightmare's voice shook the void, and then a fierce collision occurred.

"Anyou, join us and sleep with me. As long as you don't swallow my essence, you will be a good witch."

Shadow Demon chuckled.


Anyou cursed and pulled Song Shi: "Let's go over and meet the boss first."

"There is no need to join together. It will be difficult to take down all of you without defeating each of you."

On the way there walked an expressionless Demon Race, his body lifeless, as if he was not a living thing.

His voice was dry and he seemed to be walking slowly, but he was in front of him in the blink of an eye and attacked Song Shihe at the same time.

Song Shi was not afraid of head-to-head confrontation, and when he took a move, it felt like he had hit a piece of cold black iron.

"What a hard body."

He was quite surprised. He felt that the opponent's body was harder than his. Of course, his strength was no advantage compared to his, so even though his heart was gone, he still did not retreat.

But the witch Anyu was pushed back. Her greatest skill was charm, and she didn't have much physical advantage.

The shadow demon next to him also disappeared at the same time. Instead of attacking An You who was repelled, he appeared behind Song Shi in an instant and inserted the dagger along the soft temple.

Song Shi couldn't hold it any longer and fell to the ground with a thud, making Anyou scream inwardly.

Demon Race, who was knocked back by Song Shi, looked coldly at the witch An You who took three steps back: "We have already solved one of them. Do you want to surrender or continue to fight?"

"Are you sure you killed him?"

An You looked at Song Shi's body with some uncertainty. When he found that the latter turned into a light, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that he was not killed."

The eyes of the two enemies changed, and they looked at the disappearing Song Shi in confusion.

"This is how a golden cicada escapes from its shell!"

The shadow demon's figure faded, preparing to hide and remain unchanged in the face of changes.

However, Song Shi appeared strangely behind him, threw out a golden rope, and under the influence of magic power, it was instantly tied to his body, causing his fading process to stop and he was directly imprisoned.

"Assassin characters are really hard to guard against and their destructive power is quite high, so I can only ask you to be more honest."

Song Shi said calmly and glanced at An You: "The match-up of your team is not very good. Forget about mages. After all, mages are banned here, but you are all a group of warriors. There are no assassins or nannies. The lineup is not well matched."


An You didn't quite understand what the wet nurse meant, but he knew the assassins and warriors. He shook his head helplessly: "Didn't the assassin be killed by you?"

"Oh, that birdman is fast, he can be considered an assassin."

Song Shi reacted, "So, your actions have something to do with me killing those three guys?"

"You killed Xiang Fei, Aotian and Xue Liting!"

Shadow Demon exclaimed: "And how can you still use magic!"

"How can you kill three people in a row without using mana?"

Song Shi asked back: "Those of you who are participating in the Demon Race are the top geniuses of the major Demon Races. You have a profound foundation. If you don't use magic power, I have no advantage."

This is not because he is humble, but it is true. After all, his physique is still a Sacred Body. Many guys here have imperial veins. If his Sacred Body is not in a perfect state from the beginning, he may not have an advantage.

"You can use magic power, which is a defiant existence here."

Demon Race spoke coldly: "I'm curious about how many mana-restoring things you have on you."

"There are a lot of them. If you want, you can grab them."

Song Shi raised his hand and said, "Send your name, you idiot."

"Demon Race, Saki!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Saqi rushed out. Although he didn't use any magic power, the power of his blood still made his physical body powerful like a rainbow, and he punched him fiercely.

"You don't have any magic power, are you worthy of fighting me?"

Song Shi raised his hand, caught the fist easily, pressed it back, and knocked it back, looking relaxed and free.

"Don't waste time with them, kill them quickly and go over to support the boss and the others."

An You urged, and when he saw that Shadow Demon couldn't move, he took the initiative and took out a short sword to stab him.

Song Shi did not stop him. Killing the Shadow Demon was originally part of his plan, but supporting the Demon Ape Jin Xiang was not within his scope of consideration.

Shadow Demon squirmed as much as possible to avoid his vitals, but was still severely injured by An You, with blood flowing out.

He cursed: "Damn Law Treasure, I still can't move, please come help me!"

He roared loudly, not to ask the corpse demon to help him, but to call out to other teammates.

This time, if they dared to attack Jin Xiang, they would naturally have an advantage in numbers, and they could free up their teammates to help.


A sword light suddenly flew out of Song Shi's hand, cutting off his body and killing him instantly.

"Too noisy!"

Song Shi took matters into his own hands. He had magic power in his body and could activate the sword energy, sun spirit fire and Law Treasure to bind the immortal rope at any time.

Shadow Demon's cry for help came to an abrupt end, and he was simply killed by Song Shi.

An You looked a little scared. When this man fought with them before, he never used these two methods and hid his backhand!

If they had used this rope-like Law Treasure, they would probably have died a few more.

The Shadow Demon was killed, and a moment later, the corpse began to condense the Blood Spirit Orbs under the influence of the Absolute Spiritual Land. When the Corpse Demon saw this, he turned around and left without hesitation.

This human race has a secret treasure that can imprison opponents, is very strong, and can attack with extremely sharp force. He doesn't think he can survive if he stays.

Once trapped, it will inevitably end in a similar way.

"Can you run away?"

Song Shi sneered and made a secret gesture, and let go of the shadow demon with the fairy rope, and disappeared in a flash.

The corpse demon, which had already escaped for some distance, tensed up and couldn't control its body and fell directly to the ground, rolled forward a few times and stopped.

He immediately looked terrified and shouted out of the woods: "Help me!"


A flaming sword light shot from behind, slashing down in a blink of an eye, piercing the back of his head, going deep with scorching heat and sharpness, destroying everything.

Song Shi fell next to him and didn't find that the other party had a soul. He was quite surprised and said: "This guy doesn't have a Primordial Spirit."

"The Demon Race have no souls. They are corpse spirits. You can think of them as a special kind of creature."

Anyou followed behind and opened his mouth to explain. His eyes towards Song Shi changed slightly, with some admiration and more fear.

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