What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 389 Invincible Is So Lonely

She didn't expect that Song Shi had such a powerful Law Treasure and could use magic power. He was invincible in this place. Maybe the existence that created the Jueling Land didn't expect to catch such a pervert one day.

"Oh, it turns out that it is like the guys from the Heavenly Corpse Sect. They are transformed from corpses and have no souls."

Song Shi suddenly understood. After confirming that the other party was dead, he took back the immortal rope and said, "This guy's body is quite strong. He may be able to gather a few more Blood Spirits."

He has already enjoyed the benefits of the Blood Spirit Pearl. By refining this thing, he can quickly improve his physical body.

At this time, Demon Race, who came to help, appeared, cursing as he walked: "Are you two useless? You can't win two on two, do you still need help?"

When he said this, he happened to see the corpse on the ground, which felt very familiar. He looked at the shadow demon in the distance that had condensed a blood spirit bead, and his pupils shrank.

The two guys he scolded were both dead!

"Here comes another one. This is good. I like you gourd kids to come in line to save grandpa."

Song Shi said with a half-smile.

The latter rolled his eyes and smiled awkwardly: "Sorry to bother you two, I must have gone to the wrong place. Goodbye."

He knew the abilities of his two teammates. One was physically as strong as a diamond, comparable to Saint Weapon, and the other was hidden and hard to trace. Their cooperation was very powerful.

Even if such a combination was no match for them, they were all killed in a short period of time. It didn't take much to think about it, but he knew that this person was not something he could deal with alone.

"Why go? Stay with them."

Song Shi made another secret, and the fairy rope disappeared.

The latter's hair stood on end for a while, and his body suddenly disappeared.

At his location, a rope appeared, tying up a mass of air.

Song Shi was surprised, this was the first time that the Immortal Binding Rope failed to tie up the enemy.

Although this Law Treasure has a distance limit, the distance between the two parties is not far now, and the other party cannot use magic power, how can they avoid it.

"This guy is a member of the Void Demon Race. He always has a void constitution. He can use the power of his bloodline to directly merge his body into the void and avoid attacks. He is very capable of escaping."

Anyou explained.

"Having a human encyclopedia is convenient."

Song Shi muttered, waved at the rope, took it back, and stopped pursuing it.

He had to get the Blood Spirit Pearl first. What if this guy came back and stole it for him?

Seeing that Song Shi didn't move, An You was a little anxious: "We can chase after him and kill the other guys."

"Why are you panicking? I haven't picked up the loot yet."

Song Shi lowered his head to put it away and muttered: "These two guys should have inherited the Emperor's Scripture. Even if they cannot fully practice it, they can still absorb the essence and combine the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought."

An You was helpless: "You'd better hurry up, the boss's situation is not good."

"If you care so much, you can go there first."

Song Shi pouted.

An You's face changed, and she said helplessly: "I couldn't change the situation in the past, I have to rely on you."

"Then just listen to me. Why are you panicking?"

Song Shi snorted, took off the corpse demon's clothes, and kept them for later use.

These guys are all geniuses of all races, and the clothes they wear are naturally not low-grade goods. The ability to automatically repair them is a basic function, so they can definitely be used.

Seeing Song Shi's calm look, Anyou frowned, why did she feel that this man deliberately refused to help.

If the boss and the others are defeated, it will not be a good thing for them. This unique land is not suitable for fighting alone.

But the initiative lies in the opponent's hands, and it's hard for her to say too much, otherwise it will make people annoying.

"The nine blood spirit beads are indeed stronger."

Song Shi showed satisfaction when he saw the number of blood spirit beads condensed by the corpse demon.

"That guy condensed six of them."

An You pointed at the bones of Shadow Demon: "Their family has never been physically strong."

"There are fifteen in total, which is good. We are still eighty-two away from one hundred."

Song Shi said meaningfully: "Maybe we can get it together today."

An You heard some smell and took a breath: "Is it possible that you want to destroy them all?"

"People have to be bolder."

Song Shihehe: "Why hasn't one come yet? It doesn't look like it's a gourd baby."

"What is Calabash Baby?" An You couldn't help but ask after hearing this term for the second time.

"There is a kind of little goblin, the gourd spirit. There are seven of them, all growing from a vine. Their grandfather was caught by the snake spirit. At first, they tried to save them one by one, but in the end, one of them was caught by the snake spirit. It's almost like That’s it.”

Song Shi was not in a hurry and talked eloquently.

"Oh, then they should be together so that they won't give the snake spirit a chance." An You understood.

"So they realized their mistake later and suppressed the snake spirit together."

Song Shi nodded: "Do you think they will come together?"

"Ah, don't talk nonsense. If you come here together, even if you have the rope Law Treasure, it will be difficult to deal with it."

An You was startled and was unknowingly diverted by Song Shi.

The other side.

The guy from Demon Race ran back in fear. It was a seven-on-five scene here. Two of them were two-on-one. The situation on the Golden Nightmare side was very bad. Two of them might be killed at any time, and the remaining status would be worse.

"Lou Peng, what's going on? It hasn't been solved yet?"

The man who fought against Jin Nightmare said dissatisfiedly. He was Wei Ming from the Heavenly Demon clan. He looked very similar to the human clan and was extremely handsome.

"Young Master Ming, both of them were killed."

Lou Peng shouted in a panic: "It's unreasonable. The human monk among them can actually use mana and Law Treasure. The Law Treasure has a confinement effect. Once trapped, it will probably be a dead end. The two of them have only been together for a while. He was killed, and I estimate that even if I go two or three more, they will be sent away."

"Can you still use magic power?"

Wei Ming was shocked. The monks who could use the magic power of Law Treasure were completely defiant here and could easily suppress those who could not use it.

"It stands to reason that when you come to the Jue Ling Land, both the mana in your body and the spirit stones in the storage ring will be devoured. How did you retain your mana for such a long time?"

He frowned and glanced at Jin Nightmare. There was also a flash of surprise on the other person's face, and he obviously wasn't very clear about it either.

But the situation was favorable to Jin Xiang. He was surprised for a moment and Jin Xiang laughed loudly: "Wei Ming, you can't believe it. You thought we lost three combatants. In fact, we might have gained three more combatants. What do you think?" Why are you fighting with me?"

Wei Ming glanced at Xiao Shulin and said with a stern face: "Ignore them, Lou Peng, before they come over, cooperate and kill several of their members immediately!"


Lou Peng disappeared in a flash, and was being suppressed by two opponents. Demon Race Gaosuo screamed in agony, and his head was cut off by a white light, and blood rose into the sky like spring water.

Lou Peng appeared and shook off the blood on the thin blade in his hand: "If I hadn't called for help over there, I would have killed you right away."

Demon Race, who was originally besieging Gosuo, freed up his hands and turned to kill Xiangshan Demon Race Ledi.

One of his companions died, and the other bone demon Sililuan, who was also besieged by two enemies, panicked and used all his blood power. His whole body was covered with bones and he looked indestructible. He was still uneasy: "Boss, I definitely can't hold on. Let's run!"

"Can you run away now? Hey, don't be afraid, I will give you a good time."

Lou Peng smiled mischievously and disappeared.

"Damn it!"

Jin Night cursed secretly, he did not expect that Wei Ming would still choose to take risks after knowing Song Shi's ability.

The other party clearly wanted to kill a few first, so that even if Song Shi came over, there would be enough manpower to deal with it.


Bone Demon Sililuan had a scratch on his neck and blood flowed out, but his neck was not cut off.

His defense was so strong that Lou Peng failed to kill him with one hit.

But in this siege situation, it was only a matter of time before his defenses were broken.

"Boss, let those two idiots come over and help!"

Sililuan is a little irritable. If he continues like this, he will be like Gauso.

"Humph, it's already screaming!"

Jin Xiang took out the dark contract with one hand and activated it. Somewhat angrily, he said: "Song Shi, come here quickly, or you will be driven out of your mind!"

His voice reached the woods, but there was no response.

"Hehe, maybe he is still injured. How is it possible to kill two of my teammates for no price?"

Wei Ming said self-righteously: "Your teammates will be wiped out soon and wait to die."


The giant Demon Race Geba suddenly screamed and one of his arms was cut off.

Lou Peng appeared next to him and said with a mean smile: "You never expected that I would turn around and attack you!"

And Ledi was beaten three times, and the rock-like shell that contained the blood around him was also exploded.

Lou Peng turned around and approached, piercing the heart with one move.

"I'll fight you!"

Ledi's eyes turned red and he didn't want to die in vain. He burned his essence and blood on the spot, directly erupting from his source and started to fight desperately.

The besieged Demon Race smiled jokingly and turned to defense, waiting for Ledi's condition to decline before attacking.

Seeing that all the teammates were about to fall, Jin Xiang activated all the dark contracts angrily and threw them away: "If you don't come back, you will be buried with them!"

The dark contract turned into a ray of light and shot towards Song Shi's location. He gritted his teeth and said, "You guys can find a way to escape!"

"I just want to run away now, it's too late!"

Wei Ming looked sarcastic: "You ape has no brains, you deserve to be killed by me."

"you wanna die!"

Jin Nightmare was also completely enraged. His beard and hair grew, his size increased dramatically, and he exploded with a bang, suppressing Wei Ming for a while.

In the grove, the female demon secretly heard Jin Nightmare's voice, her face changed, and she stepped forward to help.


A rope instantly entangled her, causing her chest to bulge out.


An You was shocked, how could she not understand that Song Shi was deliberately not helping.

"If you want to die, you can go there. I don't mind killing you now."

Song Shi looked cold.

"You...you are so heartless."

An You's face turned pale: "You just slept with me."

"So what? You treat me like a cauldron to gain strength, and I'm just using you to relax. Do you really think I treat you as one of my own?"

Song Shi sneered: "Be honest, if I hadn't kept you useful, I would have killed you just now!"

Anyou could only hold back her breath and hummed: "You want to wait until they both lose?"

"It depends on the situation, it's a bit difficult, just help me use up some."

Song Shi no longer cared about the loss of mental power. He stared at the cost of his thoughts being swallowed up by the power here and explored the situation outside. He knew that Jin Xiang and the others would definitely lose.

"Is it possible that you still want to take action against the Heavenly Demon team?"

An You was shocked, this man was too arrogant!

"Kill them, and I think I can collect a hundred blood spirit beads no matter what."

Song Shi calmly talked about his plan. He not only wanted to kill Jin Nightmare and other demons, but also wanted to destroy the so-called Heavenly Demon team.

An You opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

call out!

A ray of light came, which contained the scroll of the dark contract, and Jin Xiang's voice came out: "Song Shi, I will give you one last chance. Come over immediately to help us defeat the enemy, otherwise we will kill you without mercy!"

Anyou's eyes lit up, with this contract, Song Shi should be obedient.

However, Song Shi shook his head: "I refuse."


Anyou's eyes widened. This was the first time she had encountered someone who dared to directly resist the dark contract. Wasn't she afraid that her soul would be destroyed and she would never be reincarnated?

The next moment, the dark contract burst out with a special power, not magic power, but the power of rules, which instantly fell on Song Shi.

His soul was easily destroyed, the light in his eyes dissipated, and he fell straight to the ground.

Anyou looked at Song Shi's body with complicated eyes and sighed: "Why bother?"

The Immortal Binding Rope on her body did not have the mana provided by the master. Under the rules of Jue Ling, it began to lose power rapidly. She should be able to be freed in a short time.

At this time, there was a loud bang outside the woods, and the aftermath spread, and many surrounding trees were blown down.

"Oops, I was forced to self-destruct. I have to get out as soon as possible."

An You was so frightened that her face turned pale. She didn't dare to help now. She wanted to escape first.

She twisted hard, trying to get rid of the fairy rope as soon as possible.

"It's not bad. This Geba self-destructed and injured a few people. It's much more useful than Gauso who was directly killed."

Song Shi appeared strangely, sounding quite satisfied, but frightened Anyou, who was twisting, and screamed: "Ah, why are you not dead yet!"

"I can't help it, it's too strong."

Song Shi shrugged and appeared in front of An You full of energy, his magic power returned to its peak, and said helplessly: "It's so lonely to be invincible."


An You really wanted to say that you are not invincible at all, but that you have some means to constantly avoid murderous intentions, but seeing that the opponent is full of mana, and Law Treasure regains its power after gaining power, he has nothing to say.

In this place, even if it is difficult to kill, it can still use magic power. It is indeed an invincible existence.

She changed her tone: "Let me go, I won't help them anymore."

"But you can run."

Song Shi still doesn't want to let go of this encyclopedia and relaxation tool man of the magic path.

"I won't run. If you are so powerful, I will definitely be willing to follow you. Besides, no one in this place dares to walk alone except you."

Anyou tried to be as emotional as possible, and Xiaozhi said rationally: "And if you tie me up, how can you use this Law Treasure to deal with the enemies of the Heavenly Demon team?"

"You convinced me."

Song Shi raised his hand, and the fairy binding rope automatically loosened and returned to his waist, turning into a belt.

Anyou got up, glanced at Song Shi complexly, and then immediately changed his expression, walked over with a smile and hugged Song Shi's arm: "Brother Song, you are so powerful, please let me follow you all the time."

"Stop being so whiny, okay?"

Song Shi was speechless: "As long as you are obedient, I will naturally not hurt you for no reason, and you will still have a chance to benefit."

"Okay, as ordered." An You immediately became a good girl.

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