What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 390 You Will Also End Up Like This

Song Shi feels that this female devil is too good at pretending, but he likes her very much.

"Can you transform?"

Song Shi thought about the abilities of the other party's family and asked casually.

"Yes, but if you get hit hard, you will return to your original shape. What do you like, brother? A little sister, a good girl or an innocent girl? Or is it me?"

Anyou teased.

"Ahem, I'm just asking. Just stay as you are."

Song Shi spoke righteously and added: "I like you the way you are."

"Oh, brother likes to be a bit more saucy." An You pursed her lips and chuckled.

"Stop calling me brother, it's too disgusting."

Song Shi felt goosebumps: "Call me Young Master, I like this title. After all, I have been called him since I was a child."

"It seems that the young master is also from a wealthy family in the lower realm."

Anyou smiled and said: "I don't know how many confidantes the young master has. If you miss them, you can give me the portrait so that you can meet them."

"Okay, I don't have that bad taste yet."

Song Shi glanced at An You, "Why do I feel like you are tempting me to fall?"

"How could that be? I'm just relaxing after practicing." An You denied.


There was another loud noise, and Song Shi walked over. Through the collapsed trees, he could see that only Jin Yan and Sililuan were still alive. One was transformed into a demon ape, and the other was covered in bone spurs, fighting and retreating.

The remaining three Demon Races have turned into corpses and are condensing blood spirit beads on the ground.

Wei Mingfang also injured three teammates at this moment. The most serious one was his chest, which was bloody and bloody. He was almost killed by a counterattack. He was cursing and sitting aside to recover.


Amidst the low roar of a wild beast, he noticed that the shadow of a giant ape suddenly appeared on Jin Ye's body.

This phantom contains a trace of the power of rules, allowing him to temporarily escape from the restrictions of the rules here and temporarily mobilize mana.


He waved his huge fist to repel the enemy, rushed out of the encirclement, and fled in confusion.

"I've used my life-saving measures. Let me see what you can use next time."

Wei Ming stopped sneering and did not continue the pursuit.

"Wei Ming, I will remember this grudge!"

Jin Nightmare roared, he was of the imperial lineage, his wealth was richer than the ordinary Saint Child, and he carried a treasure that could temporarily ignore the rules of the Jueling Land.

But this is a consumable item and will be gone after one use. Next time he is in danger, he will lose a way to save his life.

"Remember it and I'll send you on your way next time."

Wei Ming didn't care about Jin Night's harsh words when he escaped. He dared to attack without fear of revenge.

He turned around and killed Sililuan. Just as he was sneering, he noticed something and his expression suddenly changed.

The teammate who was seriously injured by Geba screamed in agony, and blood came out of his mouth. He said "uh-huh" and showed a sharp edge in his mouth.

That's a sword energy!

A figure appeared behind him at the same time.

"You're not dead?"

Wei Ming was surprised. He saw Jin Nightmare throwing out the dark contract. He guessed that the other party had controlled this person. If the dark contract was activated, this person would be dead.

Not only is he standing here alive at this moment, but he has also killed one of his teammates, which shows that the other party has the means to solve the sanctions of the dark contract.

The Dark Contract has the power of rules, and those who can resist the power of rules will only be equal beings. This person can also use mana for a long time, and his origin is definitely not simple.

Wei Ming looked grim, but he guessed some of Song Shi's trump cards in a flash, and immediately said: "Defend first, wait until his mana is exhausted."

He ordered a defensive position, instead of just doing it when Jin Xiang met him.

The two injured guys agreed most with this approach and hurried away from Song Shi.

The latter unexpectedly glanced at the genius of the Heavenly Demon clan. He was quite cautious, but he still couldn't stop him from killing him.

A flash of golden light appeared on Demon Race who had injured his arm. Lou Peng saw it and shouted: "He used this Law Treasure to trap and kill the enemy."

These words frightened the trapped guy's face. He defended himself and asked for help: "Help me quickly."

Two nearby teammates hurriedly approached to defend, but the other injured guy's head was suddenly severed, his eyes were blank, and he did not expect that Song Shi would attack in all directions when he died.

"The third."

Song Shi counted calmly, "There are seven left. Seeing that you are slightly stronger than Jinpao and the others, you can definitely make up for it."

When his teammates were killed, Wei Ming's eyes turned cold and he didn't look too angry. Instead, he asked: "Your Excellency is the most confident person I have ever seen in this place. I just want to ask, how long can your trump card last?" ?”

"You are a very smart demon, but unfortunately my trump card is not what you can imagine. I will give you a chance to kill other teammates and collect a hundred blood spirit beads, and I will not kill you."

Song Shi looked thoughtful, and realized that Wei Ming was very smart and must have some trump cards. He would run away like Jin Xiang, so he might as well bring him over as a helper.

These words made the other six demons become so angry that they had never seen anyone so arrogant.

"If I do this, how will I convince the public in the future? And you are so confident that you can defeat us alone?"

Wei Ming laughed out loud, his voice was cold, a bit like a night owl.

"I don't usually talk big."

Song Shi walked towards the trapped guy.

When Wei Ming saw it, he gestured with his eyes and gathered around Song Shi.

He said coldly: "Stop him and don't hurt anyone else!"

Seeing that the seven demons were about to form a defensive formation, Song Shi shrugged: "You can't use magic, can you defend it!"

He clenched his fist and waved it out, and the massive mana condensed into a sun. The six paths of reincarnation emerged and quickly turned into a fist mark that was over a hundred meters tall. The power was quite spectacular.

This is still affected by the rules of Jueling. The Divine Ability he released is being rapidly weakened, otherwise it would be even bigger.

The power of the fist fell, and due to the constant devouring of power on the way, the size quickly shrunk. He did not attack anyone, but fell between the seven demons.

The final punch was still as powerful as a small house, and then exploded, forming a powerful shock wave.

"not good!"

Wei Ming saw that Song Shi's intention was to disperse them, so he knew something was wrong, but it was too late to respond.

The Seven Demons groaned and were pushed back by the explosion. Not to mention the unified defense, they were still forced to separate quickly in the explosion.

Song Shi took a step and appeared next to a demon in an instant. With a swipe of his hand, he easily cut off a head, which happened to be trapped by the fairy rope.

Then the Immortal Binding Rope appeared on another demon who had just stabilized his body. Then he felt a pain in his neck and was killed in panic.

Two teammates died in the blink of an eye, and the remaining demons were all depressed, and some even couldn't control their fear.

Song Shi made another seal, let go of the dead man's rope, and ran to the next one, but his speed dropped significantly.

The light of mana on his body became dim, and the punch just now had almost exhausted his mana.

"Hey, this is really not the place for a mage to fight. It has only been so long, and my powerful magic power has been exhausted." He sighed, not afraid at all of letting Wei Ming and other demons know that his magic power was exhausted.

But he said this deliberately, but it made the suspicious Wei Ming not dare to take the opportunity to counterattack, and continued to retreat a little.


Song Shi has no magic power left in his body. If these guys swarm in, he will definitely not be able to stop them for long with his physical strength alone.

His thighs exerted force, the air flow twisted, and he was ejected from the place with a bang, rushing towards the nearest horned demon. .

It seems to be very fast, but in fact it has no power to support it.

"Be careful, he might be pretending."

Wei Ming saw the situation and gave a reminder.

The horned demon man blew out two jets of air from his nostrils, sank down, crossed his arms, and chose a defensive move to hit Song Shi, with the momentum of a bull.


He was knocked back by Song Shi's palm, but the other demons' eyes lit up.

Song Shi's attack basically used physical power without any magic power, so the threat to them was greatly reduced.


Wei Ming was the first to rush out without any hesitation, and a faint light flew out from the palm of his hand.

Song Shi dodged sideways, and Youmang turned around and stabbed his neck, revealing a black poisonous insect that bit through his skin and burrowed crazily into his flesh.

His flesh squirmed and cracked into pieces, but traces of poison spread along the wound, and the terrifying poison easily made him dizzy.

"So yin."

While his body was shaking, Song Shi hurriedly resisted the latter's attack, and a soft force hit him, making his body start to tingle.

Song Shi couldn't tell whether it was the poison or this guy's attack. The origin of the Desolate Ancient Saint Body exploded and restored some of its status. Before it could suppress the poison, other demons came around.

Bang bang bang!

He fell into a one-on-six situation, using his hands and feet together, colliding with the claws and palms of various weapons, and a series of afterimages appeared.

Song Shi's fists were hard to beat with twelve hands, and various scars quickly appeared on his body, and he was dripping with blood in the blink of an eye.

"If you keep it for a long time, you will lose. If you change one, you won't lose. If you change two, you will make a profit."

The severe pain made Song Shi feel hard, he gave up resistance, stared at the attacks of the five demons, and pounced on the weakest one.

Click, click, click!

The weapon hit Song Shi and blood splattered everywhere.

But the Desolate Ancient Saint Body's physical body was very powerful, but the flesh and blood was pierced and not torn apart on the spot.

"You...don't come over!"

Seeing Song Shi rushing towards him with the attack, the latter was extremely frightened and tried to retreat a little, but was already caught by Song Shi.


Song Shi was already prepared, and instead of attacking, he just exploded on the spot.

Demon Race, who was trying to tear Song Shi into pieces, didn't expect this at all, and was so shocked that he only had time to take a few steps back.


The physical explosion without mana was still relatively powerful. The guy caught by Song Shi was blown to pieces, and those who retreated slowly were disabled. Others were also more or less injured.

"what happened……"

Wei Ming's ghostly figure retreated a hundred meters away, a little dazed.

Why did this person explode? Wasn't he trying to kill them? There were no suicides. Is there something weird?

"Although this person is arrogant, his self-confidence is definitely not fake, and he cannot be really desperate. The person who blew himself up just now was a fake!"

When Wei Ming deduced this conclusion, Demon Race, whose leg was blown off next to him, was split into two halves. Song Shi walked out of it, his body bursting with bright light again, and his powerful mana was like a volcano that was continuously erupting.

If Wei Ming and other demons who were bombed just now were just confused, now they are shocked.

They can guess that this person is alive, because it is impossible for a normal person to self-destruct like just now.

What shocked them was where Song Shi's magic power came from.

"Five more."

Song Shi talked about the quantity, and his whole body looked masculine and hot, but it made the enemy fall into the ice valley, as if he was encountering the god of death.

With the magic power in his body, the only Law Treasure Immortal Binding Rope was activated. This thing is really a sharp weapon. It has been tried many times and it can easily trap a disabled person. The sword energy is released and kills him directly.


Song Shi's words were like a curse, causing the remaining four demons to collapse.


Wei Ming didn't want to get entangled with this weird guy anymore, so he moved unsteadily and quickly distanced himself from Song Shi.

Song Shi didn't pursue him either. Wei Ming had the highest status and had the means to save his life. Not to mention it was difficult to kill, but even if he killed him, he wouldn't necessarily have more blood spirit beads than other Demon Races. He might as well kill a few more ordinary ones. Mako is a better deal.

His movements were erratic and his speed was very fast, running towards the slowest.

"I'll fight you!"

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Demon Race, who was being targeted, had a hard expression on his face, his blood was burning all over his body, and he began to fight with all his strength.

He never would have thought that it would be his turn so soon after forcing other Demon Races to fight hard not long ago.

"You're not even close."

Song Shi moved his fingers, and the Immortal Binding Rope directly restrained it. He passed by and picked up a head that was burning with blood.


Muttering, Song Shi urged the Immortal Binding Rope to continue trapping the enemy, but quickly killed him.


Lou Peng, who was fleeing in front, was suddenly pierced through the heart and fell down in disbelief.

He never imagined that Wei Ming would kill him, couldn't they run away together?

"Now there's not a single one left."

In a cold voice, Wei Ming stopped and stepped on Lou Peng's body: "You said that if I help you kill them, you won't do anything to me."

Song Shi, who was about to chase after him, was surprised. He didn't expect Wei Ming to attack one of his people.

"Aren't you going to do it?" Song Shi joked.

"The situation has changed and they are all dead. Naturally, it won't spread that I did these things. I don't think you are interested in saying such things."

Wei Ming's face was cold and he seemed to have no emotion.

"It makes sense. I have enough blood spirit beads. You can leave."

Song Shi fulfilled her promise and did not kill again.

"Thank you for your mercy. I have a question. Which Great Emperor in the Xuan Spirit World are you the biological son of? The Yan Emperor? Or the Golden Crow Great Emperor? You have so many life-saving means in your body, and I can't even compare to you."

Wei Ming asked unwillingly.

"I'm not interested in answering that question."

Song Shi couldn't answer at all.

"No matter which Great Emperor's son you are, there will be real emperor's sons and daughters behind you. If you continue to move forward, it will be very interesting to think about."

Wei Ming smiled meaningfully.

He just has imperial blood, so he is definitely not as good as the sons and daughters of God. Those guys are the real perverts, and they may be able to defeat this person.

"Oh, there are more powerful ones, that's great, I'll go."

Song Shi nodded, not caring about the different meanings in Wei Ming's words.

Wei Ming took a deep look at Song Shi, quite suspicious that this guy was here to cause trouble on the path of demon refining.


He turned around and left in a hurry, not daring to stay.

If he could use life-saving means, he would definitely be unwilling to use them.

Song Shi withdrew his magic power to slow down the attack, and said to the distance: "Anyou, come out and help collect the loot."

Anyou walked out sluggishly, and first went to pick up the blood spirit beads and relics of his former teammates, unable to calm down in his heart.

This man really wiped out almost all of the Heavenly Demon team, which is incredible.

Not to mention him, Wei Ming couldn't accept the departure for a while. He walked holding his breath for a while and suddenly stopped.

The disheveled Jin Xiang sat on a big rock and looked down at him.

"Wei Ming, you also ended up like this, it's really ridiculous!"

The sarcastic words made Wei Ming's face turn green: "Jin Yan, that's enough. I admit defeat this time. He is not here for a trial at all, but to break the rules. He is just causing trouble."

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