What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 399 Special Mission


Song means thanks.

"This is nothing. In Xuan Spirit World, we may often fight over messy things, but here, we have only one enemy, and that is the Demon Race on the other side. I hope you will also change your mind."

King Kong Saint waved his hand.

"Okay, I understand." Song Shi nodded. He also felt that this place was different from the ordinary Immortal Cultivation World. There was not so much prejudice and they were relatively kind to each other.

King Kong Saint turned into a ray of light and fled away. Mr. Tang next to him smiled: "I just got the news that we are going to have a new member here, Xiaoyou Song, right?"

"What is your name?"

"I, Tang Mu, belong to the Baggage Hall, commonly known as the Houshi Hall. You can just call me Mr. Tang."

"The palace of funeral affairs?"

"Yes, there are quite a few monks here who have died in war. We often deal with funeral affairs, so we are ridiculed as the palace of funeral affairs."

"Interesting, what other palaces can Mr. Tang introduce to me?"

"Okay, let's talk as we walk."

Tang Mu took Song Shi to a courtyard and said: "XuanSpirit Palace has four Great Saint palaces, corresponding to the four Great Saint beasts, namely Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise, Vermilion Bird, and White Tiger. The palace owners are the members of the four Great Saint beast families. Strong men, all of them are at the level of Great Emperor, who sit in all directions of Xuan Spirit World and only come here during war."

"Oh, they are not human?"

Song is unexpected.

"Little friend, in your lower plane, the human race has an advantage, right? But here, the human race is average in strength, barely making it to the bottom of the ten Great Emperor clans. There have been three emperors and five emperors one after another. The other nine clans are all stronger than our human race."

Tang Mu looked like he had known it for a long time.

"That's it." Song Shi was not too surprised. In the lower realm, without Law Treasure, the human race would not necessarily be stronger than the Monster Race.

"Except for the Four Holy Palaces, the nine halls below are mainly responsible for the defense line. They are the Xantian Hall responsible for patrols and arrests, the Wentian Hall responsible for torture and imprisonment, the Guantian Hall responsible for intelligence information, and the War Demon Hall responsible for frontal battles. , the Demon Control Hall for defense, the Demon Purification Hall for healing and exorcism, the Heavenly Punishment Hall for punishment, the Hundred Treasures Hall for artifact refining, and the Baggage Hall for us to do chores."

Song Shi, the meaningful elder of Tang Mu, said: "You should have heard that our Nine Palaces are almost like an army. In fact, they are an army. They are fine at ordinary times. If we encounter Demon Race attack, we will be the ones to attack."

Song Shi frowned: "Is the pressure so great? Do you need so many people to stay here all the time?"

"Is this more?"

Tang Mu chuckled: "This is only one-tenth of the defenders during the war. If a war starts, hundreds of millions of monks in the entire Xuan Spirit World will be in action."

Song Shi was stunned: "That's right."

"This courtyard is yours. If you need any living supplies, you can directly use this token to exchange it through the supply warehouse established by Guantian Temple. Our members will then deliver it to you. If you need more, you will have to spend money to purchase it. .”

Tang Mu handed Song Shi a palm-sized disk: "Just refine it."


Song Shi looked at the disc, which looked like a turtle shell with the Eight Trigrams Diagram engraved on it and a serial number written on the bottom. He felt that this thing might give him a surprise.

"If nothing happens, I won't disturb you. If you want to find me, you can go directly to that courtyard."

Tang Mu pointed to a location, smiled and turned around to leave.

If Saint Vajra hadn't spoken, this person was quite special. With his status, it would have been impossible for him to receive a Soul Formation monk.

Song Shi refining disk, obtained the permission of this residence, opened it and strode into it.

The courtyard is more than ten meters long and horizontal, with a layout of five rooms and two living rooms, and a small courtyard. The building is simple, and it is not a fairyland, but it is quieter.

Once the formation is closed, it is immediately isolated from the outside world and becomes Song Shi's private space.

"I finally came to the Xuan Spirit World. The next step is to become an immortal."

Song Shi muttered and set a small goal for himself.

But before that, let’s break through the Soul Formation Stage first.

He came to the master bedroom, sat cross-legged in the center of the room, and started practicing impatiently.


Brilliant brilliance bloomed from his body, and obvious spiritual energy fluctuations spread around him, turning into a vortex, and bright spiritual energy poured into his body.

Song Shi's body is like a dry lake. He does not refuse the spiritual energy around him and absorbs it greedily. He is nourished by the spiritual energy. Every inch of his flesh and blood is glowing. He absorbs the spiritual energy crazily and continues to grow.

In Jueling Land, there is no nourishment from spiritual energy and other energy.

His physical body can be improved. Now that he has it, he can continue to improve based on the previous ones, and he has actually exceeded the original limit!

"Good guy, the effect is very obvious. Basically, those who pass the first level will be ten times stronger than the original!"

Song Shi was surprised. This was only the first level. There were more to come. Although they were no longer aimed at the physical body, they could be combined one by one. Not to mention clearing the level, they could walk most of the level, and they would definitely become strong when they came out.

"It's not unreasonable for Heavenly Demon World to suppress Xuan Spirit World..."

A strange idea came to his mind, and he became even more interested in this place.

"I must make full use of the path of demonic refining so that I can fully train myself!"

Whispering in his heart, he operated the technique, and all the spiritual energy in the entire courtyard was swallowed up, part of it was absorbed by the physical body, and part of it was converted into mana.

The entire courtyard began to tremble, and all the spiritual energy was sucked away by Song Shi. It was no different from the void outside, both in a state of no spiritual energy.

Even after he finished smoking, Song Shi felt that it was far from enough, so he took out the elixir given to him by King Kong Saint to replenish it, which was just enough to consume.

In the past, Song Shi had a lot of strange phenomena when he was practicing, but this time it was like a black hole, the spiritual energy was swallowed up, and it looked particularly scary.

Those who were resting nearby were alarmed and came out to look at Song Shi's courtyard in surprise.

"Who is this, making so much noise?"

"No one has lived here before, are you new here?"

"How did I see the deacon personally bring him here?"

Many people started discussing it, and the origin of Song Shi gradually spread in Xantian Hall, and for a while it became a topic of conversation after dinner.

Two days later, King Kong Saint came over and saw many people watching Song Shi's practice. He frowned and said, "What are you doing if you two have nothing to do? Do you want me to add some tasks to you?"

As soon as these words came out, those nearby who were watching the show and talking and laughing immediately retreated.

King Kong Saint landed in front of Song Shi's door: "Little friend, it's me."

The formation disk around Song Shi shook, and he stopped from practicing. When he saw it was Vajra Saint, he stood up and walked out, opening the formation.

"Your identity token is here. I helped you get the first month's offerings in advance, which are all in here."

King Kong Saint threw a baggage, which contained a blue token and a storage bag.

"Thank you!"

Song Shi solemnly said that the other party could ask his subordinates to do this, and there was no need to give him a month's offering in advance. This was done to take care of him.

"Practice hard. There has been some movement in the Demon Race recently. There may be another war in the future."

King Kong Saint reminded: "Only with sufficient strength can you protect yourself. You are extremely talented and have a high upper limit. Maybe I will have to rely on you in the future." "Haha, no problem, just because you take care of me like this, we must arrange it."

Song Shi laughed.

"That's it, I still have to go on patrol, so I'll leave first."

King Kong Saint left without any hesitation.

Song Shi didn't say anything and wrote it down secretly.

"Start retreating and improve rapidly!"

He took out all the offerings for this month. A thousand High Grade spiritual stones shone with crystal brilliance. He threw them all under him and sat directly on the spiritual stones to start practicing.

With the help of abundant spiritual stones, Song Shi's mana was fully restored in the past half day, and then he easily broke through the small bottleneck and continued to improve.

More than half a month later, Song Shi reached the Soul Formation Late Stage in one breath, and then stopped the rapid increase in cultivation. It only took a period of polishing to reach Soul Formation perfection.

By this time, all the spiritual stones and elixirs had been basically consumed, including those lent by King Kong Saint to Song Shi.

"Got to make some money."

Song Shi stopped practicing.

For him, it was only because of the special circumstances this time that he practiced in seclusion for so long.

Otherwise, at normal speed, it would not be so closed.

Getting up and walking out of the courtyard, Song Shi walked around the Xantian Hall and began to understand the situation here.

Every time he took a step, he felt the formation changing, and power swept through his body from time to time.

There should be an identity token and no obstacles encountered.

After walking for a long time, he had a feeling that this place was like a big city, but it was just a city prepared for war.

The entire Black Tortoise Holy Palace is a terrifying war machine with complex and mysterious formations, and he cannot see through the formations here at all.

Song Shi felt a bit like going to the city from the countryside. Many things were shocking to me, and I was not bored even after walking for a long time.

"Every place contains formations that far exceed those of Sixth Grade. They are so impregnable that it is very difficult to get out or in casually."

Song Shi, who was walking around, stopped, looked up into the void, and suddenly understood why King Kong Saint wanted to get him the identity token immediately.

Here, if you don't have the authority and dare to move around randomly, the power of the formation will have already crushed you.

He looked back at the interface on the other side and frowned: "In that case, it would be more difficult to enter the Spirit World than to enter the Heavenly Demon World. Even if I was not swallowed by the Demonic Land before, if I wanted to enter, maybe There’s no way around this.”

He vaguely felt that the entire Xuan Spirit World had a line of defense, and it was not something that could be entered casually.

"This is Fellow Daoist. I see you have been around for a long time, you must be new here, right?"

Someone came up from behind and said hello.

Song Shi turned around, and the person who spoke was a Daoist. He was short and stocky, with a beard, and he looked honest and honest.

He calmly replied: "Absolutely."

"Then it will take you several days to get familiar with the entire Black Tortoise Palace, but I don't recommend you do this, as it can easily lead to suspicion."

Daoist said meaningfully: "You'd better be familiar with the temple you're in. If it's not necessary, don't go to other areas."

Song Shi realized that he had walked into the opponent's territory and was suspected of having bad intentions.

He nodded: "Thank you for reminding me, which palace do you belong to?"

"Heavenly Punishment Palace."

Daoist smiled.


Song Shi was a little speechless, she just came out to take a look, what about it?

"Fellow Daoist, there is no need to panic. Our temple generally works impartially and will not arrest people without evidence."

Daoist means something.

"So many spies?"

Song Shi asked rhetorically.

"That's for sure. The Demon World covets my Mysterious Spirit World. There are all kinds of spies sneaking in all the time. Some are seizing the body, some are pretending, and some are deliberately reincarnating in the Mysterious Spirit World. They all want to start from the inside. Break through our defenses..."

Daoist takes it for granted: "I hope you are none of these."

"Of course I'm different."

Song Shi shrugged: "You can do whatever you want, I'll keep going."

Seeing that Song Shi didn't feel guilty at all, Daoist said nothing, clasped his fists and turned around to walk away.

Song Shi didn't continue to watch for long before King Kong Saint came over and said, "Song Shi, you have been targeted by the guys from the Heavenly Punishment Hall. Don't hang out if you have nothing to do. Those guys are very sensitive and are afraid that we are enemies."

"There are so many Demon Races out there, why haven't I encountered one?"

Song Shi didn't care much, but after seeing King Kong Saint, he changed his mind: "I just don't wander around when I have nothing to do."

"Just be sensible."

King Kong Saint did not say much about this matter, so as not to annoy others, and changed the subject: "I see that you are in good condition, but I didn't expect that you are a Soul Formation Late Stage monk, so the treatment you will receive will match your strength."

"Speaking of benefits, are there any ways to make extra money?"

Song Shi asked casually.

"Of course. If I want to earn more resources in the Tianxian Palace, I will naturally patrol dangerous places. The more dangerous the place, the higher the reward."

King Kong Saint said: "Your identity token can take on some special tasks and complete special tasks. You don't have to do regular tasks, but I don't recommend that you do these things as soon as you come. You are not familiar with the situation nearby, especially The mission is still too dangerous.”

"I want to try and earn some resources as soon as possible."

Song Shi became interested instead.

Now that he has improved his cultivation level, he will continue to train in the magic training ground after almost dying once.

Otherwise, staying here and being an ordinary patrol guard would be too boring.

"Hey, young people are just bold. Just like my great-great-grandson, he took on special tasks with high spirits, but ended up paying for himself."

King Kong Saint sighed.

Song Shi always felt that this sentence was taking advantage of him.

He continued on to the topic: "How to take on special tasks?"

"Through your identity token, you can directly check the current mission list and accept special missions."

King Kong Saint frowned: "You have to think about it before you decide. I don't think you'll take on special missions when you haven't even done ordinary patrol missions. If you don't have enough experience, there's a high chance you'll fall after you go there."

Song Shi, however, hurriedly took out his clone token and put his thoughts into it. Apart from some conventional things, he really saw a special message.

Inside was the special mission. He entered with thoughts and looked at the one at the top of the list.

"Inspection of the Demon Cave will reward you with three thousand High Grade Spiritual Stones each time, and you can pay 10% of the reward in advance."

Seeing the first mission, Song Shi asked: "What is the magic cave? Is it near here?"

"The Demon Cave is a special space that was specially opened nearby when Demon Race was attacking to form a special space similar to the Cave Mansion. It is connected to the Heavenly Demon world. There is magic energy and various traps in it, which is equivalent to a fortress."

King Kong Saint explained: "There are still many remnants of these magic caves. If there are Demon Races, they will basically hide in the magic caves to replenish their strength. In other words, if you patrol near the magic caves, you will easily encounter Demon Races. very dangerous."

"Then I'll go here."

Song Shi said without hesitation, leaving King Kong Saint stunned.

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