"Aren't you afraid of death?"

King Kong Saint doesn’t understand, he told me it’s very dangerous, why are you still going?

"Not afraid."

Song Shi didn't care: "I've even been to Demon Race, and it's not like I haven't dealt with Demon Race before."


King Kong Saint was speechless: "The people in the Demon Refining Land are all young Demon Races. How can they compare to those who have fought on the battlefield."

"Then I have to go even more. Only the powerful Demon Race can make me grow."

Song Shi spoke righteously: "Vajra Saint, there is no need to persuade me, I am not suitable for the normal way of cultivation."

"Hey, it's up to you. I found you to be quite strange. People avoid the magic cave, but you actually returned it."

King Kong Saint shook his head helplessly, "If you want to patrol the magic cave, you must prepare quickly. You will set off in three days."

He thought about it and said: "I am not responsible for leading the patrol of the magic cave for the time being. You should be careful. This is some information about the magic cave."

King Kong Saint handed over a jade slip.

Song Shi was a little touched. This man was not related to him, but he took good care of him, which made him feel embarrassed.


Song Shi took it down and felt a little emotional.

When he entered the Immortal Cultivation World, he was basically intrigued and indifferent. Even those who were nice to him were mostly trying to win him over.

He could feel that King Kong Saint really wanted to help him. As for the things that would wait for him to develop in the future, it was only a small part. Otherwise, why would he do so much?

Song Shi took the jade slips back to her residence, signed up to patrol the magic cave with her identity token, and then began to browse the information recorded in the jade slips.

After finishing the exam, Song Shi felt that the so-called magic cave was actually similar to caves and tunnels in mortal wars, places used to hide oneself and avoid enemy attacks.

Because there are so many of these things, a lot of them collapsed due to the changes in space, but Demon Race kept moving secretly, and the magic cave actually became one of Demon Race's hiding places.

The purpose of the patrol is to deter the Demon Race, and also to keep abreast of the situation in the Demon Cave.

Song Shi plans to find a magic cave to die once and return to Black Wind Valley to practice.

But if we go back, wouldn’t we have to give up here?

"If that doesn't work, set the backup resurrection point here."

Song Shi is a little confused. The backup resurrection point is in the lower realm. If he switches here, it will be troublesome to get home.

"There's no need for this. Xantian Palace must know the location of Wuji Continent. If it becomes stronger in the future, it should be able to go back at any time."

After thinking about it, Song Shi decided to change the location of the backup resurrection point.

Otherwise, leaving the backup resurrection point at home will be of little value.

After figuring it out, Song Shi directly signed up for the special task and continued to practice for three days. Then based on the information, he came to the square in front of Xantian Hall to gather.

He just arrived and found it quite interesting, humming a tune along the way.

As a result, his relaxed and freehand style was in sharp contrast to the solemn atmosphere in the square, and many eyes looked over.

Song Shi smiled awkwardly, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, all of them with solemn expressions, as if they were going to the battlefield.

He looked like he was going on a trip, and he was really incompatible with these people.

"Ahem, hello everyone."

Song Shi waved her hand and responded to everyone's gaze.

As a result, all the people who answered him were cold faces, as if someone owed money?

"Are you new here? Never seen you before."

Someone still replied to Song Shi.


Song Shi nodded.

"No wonder, after you go there once, I believe you won't be able to laugh anymore."

The latter chuckled a bit, almost mocking him.

"Maybe, you all applied for this mission on your own initiative?"

Song Shi asked casually.

"Not many people apply for it on their own initiative. They are basically guys who lack resources, and some of them are assigned. Every patrol guard in the Sky Patrol Hall must go on a special mission once a year."

The latter glanced at Song Shi: "If you can come back safely this time, you won't have to worry about this mission for a year."

Song Shi talked to this man without a word, and learned the latter's name during the conversation.

Zhang Yili, Soul Formation Late Stage monk, like him, is a patrolman with Fourth Grade treatment. He has been here for a long time and is considered a senior old man.

Knowing that the other party was a native of Xuan Spirit World, Song Shi took the opportunity to ask some questions about the internal affairs of Xuan Spirit World. However, the other party did not say much at all and seemed quite taboo about talking about himself.

Song Shi only asked if the other party's hometown was in the spiritual realm where the human race is located. Zhang Yili shook his head: "Stop talking, the Great Saint of Purgatory is here."

Song Shi turned around, and a tall man wearing a fiery red robe, exuding scorching power, walked out of the hall.

The opponent's body was filled with magma-like energy. He didn't seem to be human. There were flame lines between his eyebrows, and his aura was very violent.

Behind him, there are ten true Saint Levels, among which there is no Vajra Saint.

"The Great Saint of Purgatory, a strong man of the Fire Spirit Tribe, one of the ten great commanders, I didn't expect him to be a Great Saint-level leader."

Song Shi also knew the information about Xantian Temple, and the information about the Great Saint popped into his mind.

"Hmph, if the Great Saint wasn't there and we met a powerful demon, we might all be annihilated."

Zhang Yili snorted, "Don't make such a fuss."

At this time, the people from the Great Saint of Purgatory glanced at the whole place and hummed: "Everyone is here. The old rules are to act according to the assigned situation. A team of 100 people. Set off now to explore the situation of the magic cave as soon as possible."

He didn't say any nonsense, raised his hand and threw out a fiery red boat, which quickly grew in size and turned into a giant flame ship. It was a large-scale flying Law Treasure that could accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Thousands of people who had gathered flew up one after another. Song Shi looked at his token, and a Geng appeared on it, which meant he was in the Geng team.

Following the token pointing, he quickly found the team, led by a chubby and kind man, wearing a yellow cassock, sitting cross-legged, holding rosary beads, and closing his eyes Nurturing Spirit.

The other teammates were waiting quietly. Song Shi looked around and felt something similar to the Unmoving Bright King's body. It should be due to the Buddhist Gate technique.

He lowered his head and looked at the token. The leader of this team is Miguang Saint, Void Refining level, the same level as King Kong Saint.

Suddenly, the fiery red treasure ship entered the void, and Song Shi could no longer feel any aura.

Saint Miguang opened his eyes and smiled: "We patrol some of the magic caves in the northern battlefield. These are the spiritual stones provided in advance. You can accept them yourself and pay attention to the consumption and recovery of your own mana."

He talked about the situation and raised his hand to sort out the bags of spiritual stones. After Song Shi got them, he found that there were three hundred, which would be enough for half a year if used normally.

Song Shi was lacking this thing, so he took it and sat down to practice without fear of the risks he was about to face.

Saint Miguang saw his situation and smiled softly: "My heart is quite open."

"Is this kid the one King Kong brought back? Why are you here?"

The people at the same level next to him looked over in surprise.

"That's him. As for why he came on a more dangerous special mission, it's not clear."

Song Shi's specialness attracted the attention of the True Saint, and was subsequently discussed by many sky patrols. A newly recruited patrolman chooses such a dangerous special mission for his first patrol. The other monks are not help but surprised and even suspicious.

When Zhang Yili learned about Song Shi's origins, he took the initiative to speak: "Brother Song, you are really supportive. Some people dragged him to the end and had to participate in special patrol missions. It would be better for you to join as soon as you join."

"If you participate, just participate. I don't believe you will encounter danger the first time."

Song Shi didn't care. No matter how dangerous the patrolled magic cave was, he would still be allowed to die. How scared was he?

"I hope so."

Zhang Yili has nothing to say, this kid is so naive, he will understand how dangerous it is when the time comes.

The fiery red ship's light became more and more obvious, gradually entering the dim void, like a light, moving forward in the dark night.

A dead, cold breath came in, and the whole ship became quiet again, seeming a little depressing.

Song Shi looked into the distance. The light emitted by the ship's hull spread hundreds of meters before being submerged in a circle of darkness.

The further forward, the dimmer the light became. Song Shi felt bored looking at it, so she closed her eyes and practiced.

In the past quarter of an hour, the voice of the Great Saint of Purgatory sounded: "We're here, start patrolling as planned, find Demon Race, capture the first one alive, if you can't capture it alive, choose to kill it."

Song Shi opened his eyes, and in the dark depths of the void, there were large purple-black holes floating in the sky, with unknown depths, more than a thousand feet wide, and hundreds of them in number.

This is not a hole. It is simply bigger than a sinkhole. The interior space must be very vast. No wonder there are so many people patrolling. Demon Race can hide in it and do evil.

"Let's go."

Saint Miguang stood up and flicked the rosary in his hand. The light shone brightly and floated under his feet, turning into a flying Law Treasure.

He clasped his hands together and stepped on the Law Treasure rosary. His whole body was solemn and solemn, and a circle of holy white Buddha light appeared on the back of his head, like a bright Buddha.

"Amitabha, let's go and explore the first magic cave as soon as possible."

Miguang Saint flew towards one of the magic caves. The hundreds of sky patrols from Song Shi's team started to move. In the colorful light of Law Treasure, everyone used their own methods to fly up, followed behind, and continued towards a purple-black magic cave. near.

Song Shi didn't have any Law Treasure, so he used his mana to fly and follow him. This cost more mana. Zhang Yili next to him was surprised: "Brother Song, doesn't he have a flying Law Treasure?"

"Yes, but it's not a flying Law Treasure."

Song Shi patted the fairy rope around his waist.

"Just one piece?"

Zhang Yili was stunned: "You don't even have defense Law Treasure?"


Song Shi really doesn’t have one.

But he shook his head: "My Law Treasure is too powerful, too High Level. I'm afraid I'll scare you when I take it out."

"Haha, this guy is quite interesting."

"I don't think he has any Law Treasure. After all, Ascension has just come up. What Law Treasure can he have?"

"Wasn't he swallowed by the Demonic Land? The Law Treasure must have been destroyed."

The people around me couldn't help but joke, which relaxed the already a bit depressing atmosphere.

Song Shi retorted: "Don't talk nonsense, I just don't need to use it."

As he spoke, his Divine Body in the void bloomed with light, and his whole body moved forward like a fish in the void.

This time, with mana, his Void Divine Body exerted its power, even without Law Treasure, it was as smooth as walking on the ground.


Saint Miguang scolded him. He stared at the black hole in the distance and was sensing the internal situation.

Song Shi shut up and started drawing.

He really needs to add some Law Treasure, otherwise he looks too shabby.

Now that he is so poor, he can only obtain Law Treasure through lottery.

"Ding, congratulations on winning one hundred Supreme Grade spiritual stones."

Song Shi saw that the thing he had drawn was quite useful.

"Keep smoking, all you need is a Law Treasure."

He drew a second time and pulled out a Spirit Medicine.

"Be careful, there is a space blade in the magic cave."

Miguang Saint reminded loudly, and at the same time, the void in front of him twisted, and a layer of light emerged, blocking the gray-black things that looked like blades.

Song Shi saw it with envy. This thing is very dangerous. It is a special attack condensed with the power of the void. It should be able to kill him easily.

It’s just not good to be in front of so many people and too lazy to explain.

"Trouble, there is a space blade. This is definitely left behind by Demon Race on purpose."

Zhang Yili said melancholy: "We won the lottery, but as soon as we arrived, we encountered a magic cave haunted by Demon Race."

Song Shi didn't say anything, and watched carefully as Miguang Saint mobilized the space in his movements to resist the space blade in front of him, and felt the mystery of the Void Refining True Saint.

The Void Refining realm, as the name suggests, is the level of Soul Refining. It can use the power of space, and its strength far exceeds that of Soul Formation monks.

He raised his hand and shook it. The means in the Void Sutra only caused the void to distort, and he could not use the void to defend or attack.

"The further you get to the back, the more you need to understand the rules of heaven and earth if you want to break through. Breakthrough cannot be achieved by simply accumulating strength."

Song Shi thought to himself, carefully observing how Miguang Saint responded to attacks from all directions.

The other patrol guards could only hide behind, not daring to touch easily. At the same time, they were alert to the surroundings to avoid being attacked.


A monk suddenly screamed, and half of his body was cut off by something, completely disappearing, leaving only blood gushing out.

"It's a rift in space, please slow down."

The light from Mi Guang's body shone brightly, illuminating the surrounding area. Then everyone was shocked to find that the surrounding area was covered with spiderweb-like lines.

There were a lot of these lines, and one of them cut off half of a monk's body.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't realize that there were so many spatial cracks here.

These cracks are so thin that they can cut through their flesh like the sharpest weapons.

"Saint, is this a natural formation, or was it done intentionally by Demon Race?"

Zhang Yili said nervously.

"You can't see it, but with so many space cracks, for Demon Race who is familiar with this place, it is very safe."

Mi Guang Saint has a profound meaning.

All the monks were shocked, this is the most dangerous place, and it is also the safest place for people familiar with Demon Race.

"Be careful not to be swallowed by the crack. The space in this crack changes violently. It will be difficult to save if it is swallowed. You don't know where it will be thrown."

Just as he was reminded, a crack suddenly expanded and swallowed an unlucky guy inside.

As the space twisted, the latter disappeared as soon as it entered, as if falling into the endless void.

The other members saw sweat on their foreheads and hurried away, but Song Shi was quite envious.

It would be great if it were him, he could leave justifiably, and when he came back, he would say he was thrown not far away.

Song Shi looked at it regretfully, and quickly used the method of the Void Sutra to explore the vicinity. He noticed that the crack next to it was fluctuating. His eyes lit up and he deliberately came closer.

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